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Course Outline & Quality

Assured Handouts paired with
MELC- Based Learner’s
in Reading and Writing Skills

MELC: Identify the unique features of and requirements in composing professional correspondence:
a. Resume
b. Application for College Admission
c. Application for Employment
d. Various forms of Office Correspondence
Semester: Second Week No. 6-7 Day: 1-5
It is a dream of every learner to have a perfect future for their family. Others are already day-dreaming of their
salary from their dream job. In order for that dream to be realized and before getting into the real world where one’s
patience and perseverance will be tested; one should go through a long process. Others must/have to study in some
prestigious schools. One must prepare and produce impressive requirements in applying for a specific spot in the field.
This handout provides information that will help learners to get ready in preparing and creating outputs that can be used
in their future. This shows not only the definition of each professional correspondence but also its features to help every
learner to be guided in producing one.

Resume comes from the French word re'sume' which means "summary" or "summarized". Resume is a marketing
document that captures your skills and capability. It is submitted together with an application letter. Resume aims to
highlight your skills and strengths that will convince your future employer of your fitness for the job.
The following are the types of resumes:

Types Description Advantages Disadvantages Best Use Don't use if

Chronolo gical Lists your work Easy to write. Calls Emphasizes There are gaps
Resume history in Emphasizes steady attention to past career in your work
reverse order, employment employment growth and history, when
starting with record. Employers gaps. Skills development calling
your current or like to see job can be in the same attention to
most recent job titles, level of difficult to career. Or your age could
and working responsibility, and spot unless when the be a problem,
backwards. dates of your work they are name of a you have
history. listed in the former changed jobs
most recent employer often, or you
job. may be are entering
significant to the job market
prospective for first time
employer. or after a long
Functional Focuses on No detailed work De-emphasizes Emphasizes You want to
Resume skills and history. Content a spotty work transferable emphasize
strengths may appear to history. Allows skills you have growth or
important to lack depth. you to highlight used in development
employers. Disliked by many specific volunteer work, or if your
Omits employers. It strengths and paid work, or duties and
specific makes them think transferable coursework. Use responsibilities
dates, you may be trying skills that might this or a in recent jobs
names, and _to hide your age, not be obvious combination were limited.
places. De- employment gaps, when outlined resume if you
emphasizes lack of relevant in purely are a new
a spotty experience, lack graduate.
work of career
history. progression, or
Combination Blends the Blends the flexibility Work history is To show off Your
Resume flexibility and and strength of the often on the your skills experience is
strength of the other two types of second page, developed limited, or
other two types resumes. and employer throughout your there are wide
of resumes. may not read work history gaps in your
that far. instead of the work history.
positions you
have held. Use
when you are
making a career
change and
names of former
employers may
not be obvious
to prospective.

Here are examples of the different types of resumes:

There is no perfect resume but there are guidelines in writing an effective one.
1. Mention specific accomplishments not general statements.
For a resume to be effective, you need to highlight your accomplishments not a generic description of what you
have been doing.
Consider the following examples:
a) Worked in a publishing company.
b) Recruited, hired, trained and supervised more than 20 employees in a publishing with 2 million in annual
Statements A and B describe the work experience of the person, but statement B will likely get the employer's
2. Use action verbs.
Use "assisted" instead of "responsible for assisting"; “trained” instead of "make the training possible".
3. Include important information.
Don't forget to include the important information that might shed light on who you are. For example, you can
mention your part time job in Jollibee. This might not have any bearing on the present job you are applying for
but the skills (handling people, managing time) you learned from that job could be important to your future
4. Make your resume visually attractive.
Make sure that the lay-out/format of your resume is clean and friendly to the eye. Having a wall text with six
different fonts in your resume might cause headache on the employer. Resume should be appealing to the eye
that allows a second glance by the employer.
5. Adopt your resume for specific industry.
A creative resume might do well for the arts but not for engineering or accountancy.
6. Include complete and correct contact information.
There are others who might wonder why they have not been called for interview only to know that the contact
number written in the resume is not correct.
An application letter is a composition that serves as your introduction of yourself to your potential employer. It
expresses an applicant’s intent to apply for a specific job in an organization, business or company.
Before you write an application letter, you have to know the company you are applying in. Do not write a one-fits-all
letter of application. You need to fit your skills with the company’s needs. Specify your skills that the company needs
to become the best person for the job.
When sending your information be sure that it is free from grammatical errors. Remember, your letter is your first
contact with your future employer. Any mistake will have a negative impression on you.
Here is an example of an application letter:

a) Do not be too modest
Never begin with an expression like you have never had any experience in your type of work.
b) Do not be boastful.
“I have always outranked every student in my class” may be perfectly true. However, it is likely to antagonize.
Such information should leave for other to supply when they write recommendation letters for the applicant.
c) Do not sound superior to the work you are applying for.
“I am willing to work for you until I can find a place that suits better.” No employer was ever was ever won by
remark like this so never include it in an application.
d) State honestly the achievement that may fit you for the job.
Irrelevant items from the applicant’s past should never be included.
e) Think first of the viewpoint of your prospective employer.
Employers are more interested in what applicants can do for them, not in what they can do for the applicants.
f) Try to make your letter stand out favorably from other.
A dozen or even hndreds of letters from qualified persons may be received by prospective employers. The
applicants must try their letter noticeable. (Rorabacher, 1992)


The letter that helps determine whether or not you will accept into the college of your choice is a big feat. The
admission process has increasingly become more competitive. No specific letter — writing approach can promise that
you will get admission.


a. Research the College
Study and read everything there is about the college. The main objective is to convey how much you adore this
college and that it is perfect for you. Think about it as if you are trying to convince someone to come with you.
Your goal is to let the admission counselor know all about you and give them enough that they think you might
be a good fit for what they have to offer.
b. Convey Why You Want to Attend
The main thing that the letter needs to convey is why you want to attend this specific college. It is important not
to embellish too much and end up sounding unrealistic. Try to lay honestly out all the reasons why you think
this college is perfect for you.
c. Market Yourself
Every college has a type of student that they specifically look. Market yourself as that student. Clearly, you
must mention your academic qualifications you have, especially of you are on the honor roll. While the
application does look at academics, admittance is not all based on a person's academic standing. If college is
known for having an outstanding drama club or sports team, and those areas are something you excel in; then
be sure to mention this. Take a look at the brochures for the college; does it talk about community or civil
events? If you are involved in different things around the community, mention that. Reading all documentation
on the school can give you an advantage.
d. Clarify That You Have Something Unique to Offer
Clarify that you have something unique to offer. After talking about why you are perfect for the college, start
focusing on what the college can offer that is good for you. You can focus on anything from the local art club
to the desire to be a part of the football team. Keep in mind that there are thousands of other individuals who
are intelligent and applying as well. It is important to showcase why you will be a great addition to the college.

e. Double — Check the Letter

The worst thing that you can do is submit a letter with grammatical or spelling errors. While it may be a pain,
one of the first reasons that and choose one application over another is a badly spelled letter.
Here is the sample application essay for college admission:

Julia Ang
98 Bulusan St.
La Loma Quezon City

May 7, 2015
Adamson University, San Marcelino St.
Ermita, Manila
Attn: Admission Department

Dear Admission Department:

After doing much research about colleges in the area that have Psychology program, I am applying to
Adamson University because of the outstanding reputation and the exceptional reviews that I have read from
other recent graduates. Additionally, I am enthusiastic about Psychology program at the Adamson University
because of the Psychology graduate program that is offered.

Currently, I am just beginning my journey and ready to dive into undergraduate studies program. My ultimate
goal is to finish the Psychology program at Adamson University. Once I have completed my undergraduate in
Psychology, my desire is to continue study and enter the graduate program in Psychology where I maybe a
counselor dealing with children. I am sure this the correct career path, as I grew up in a family where my
father was a counselor, and my mother is a social worker. My father is a graduate of this university and my
mother a graduate of the University of Santo Tomas. Considering both of my parents have similar career
paths, I feel like I would be honoring them and their dedication to helping others by entering this field of

Pursuing a Psychology major is my long — term goal, and I would like to start by earning my bachelor’s
degree in Psychology in your university. I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to
hearing from you soon.

Julia Ang


Correspondence includes memorandum, email and letters. It is an efficient, fast and reliable way of requesting
something or informing the employees regarding matters related to the company.
Letter of Inquiry and Response to an Inquiry These are the most common business letter. If a letter of
inquiry is properly written, it may bring valuable
information. If a reply is correctly written, on the other
hand, may build goodwill, and later, sales.
Letter of Complaint and Adjustment Even in the best-managed organization, sometimes
things go wrong between a business and its customer.
When a product does not meet the customers’
expectation, they usually complain.
Order and Acknowledgment Letter Orders are one of the simplest types of message to send
since the reader knows about the product or services. The
occasion for writing these letters varies from simple as
planning orders for merchandise or service to issues that
must be carefully handled such as complaints about
salespeople or products. This letter is also known as
purchase order or P.O which is to provide the seller with
detailed instruction for fulfilling an order.
Resignation Letter A letter of resignation is written when an employee
decides to leave a company.
The letter states the reasons for resigning and the
effectively of the resignation. The writer also usually
includes kind words of appreciation for the company and
express gratitude for the kindness he/she received.
Collection Letter Collection letter is sent out when credit customers fail to
pay their account on time. These letters are the least
welcome among letters, so they require a good tone.
Writers need to use temperate language even if their
appeals have repeatedly been ignored. A company's
collection system uses a variety of follow- up forms and
methods, such as printed notices, form letter, personal
letter and telegrams, telephone calls and personal visits
Letter of Recommendation This letter is written by a person who has been asked by
a job applicant to serve as a personal reference. The letter
should give an honest appraisal of the applicant.
The recommendation means an act of showing, making
and favoring a person, an idea or a course of an action to
another person or a group of persons.
This letter can function in the following manner.
1. Recommendation of another professional who can
help the client.
2. Recommendation for the discontinuance of the use of
particular equipment.
3. Recommendation to add more weight to an
Recommendation letter endorses someone's ability as
well as his like a.) Statement of purpose b.) The
recommended qualification and c.) Actual
recommendation to the reader.
Letter of Commendation Letter of commendation is an inter — office
correspondence. It is written to comment a person for an
exceptional tasks or act done. It is one way of uplifting
the quality or characteristics of a particular person to
inspire more accomplishing tasks designated to him/her.

Memorandum Memorandums, memos for short, are a form of letter

typically used for communication inside the business of
the organization. They are written messages exchanged
by employees in the conduct of their work. Memos are
usually brief, lacking a salutation and emphasizing the
needs of readers who have time to skim messages only.
Memos are considered public letters because of their
open construction and method ofdelivery. Memos are
often used to designate responsivity, communicate the
same material to many people, inform people of policy,
procedure, confirm oral agreements or decisions, and
place specific information on recOrd. Originally, they
were used only in hard copy, but with the increasing use
of computers. They are now processed electronically as
E-mails or faxes.

Here is an example of a memo.:

To: All Employees

FROM: The HR Director
DATE: December 1 1, 2009
SUBJECT: Employees Dress Code

This is a reminder to all employees concerning our dress code policies.

As our firm handless so many client appointments in our office area, it is important that we maintain a
professional appearance. ACME Network considers the following to be appropriate work attire.

• For Men: Three-piece suit or dress pants with tie and jacket. Dress pants with suspenders and
tie are also acceptable. No short sleeve dress shirt, please.

• For Women: Business/ formal dresses, skirt and jacket combinations, dress pans with either
skirt or jacket or cardigan combinations. Appropriate jewelry (i.e., nothing overly large or for
shock effect). No mini skirt, please.

On Fridays, this dress code is relaxed due to in fact, that we schedule no appointments at that time.
However, we do ask that you refrain from wearing jeans with holes or rips in them, t shirts with saying
or graphics on them, and shorts and miniskirts.
Thank you for your compliance with the dress code. Please contact Stephanie in the Personnel if you
have any further questions concerning what is appropriate

Luzviminda D. Sandagan, Reading and Writing Skills (JFS Publishing Services, Manila, Philippines) p.193-195

Filomena T. Dayagbil, Ed.D., Critical Reading and Writing for the Senior High School (Lorimar PublishinG
Inc., Cubao, Quezon City) p. 151-153

Prepared by:

T-II, Calbayog City National High School

T-II, Malaga National High School


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