2024 Oet19

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Ms Carol Smith

Community Nurse

Glencoe Surgery



17 April 2024

Dear Ms Smith,

Re:Jo Coldy, DOB: 5/5/2014

I am writing to refer Jo Coldy,who was diagnosed with chickenpox. She is being discharged today and
requires your monitoring and health advice on vaccinations.

Jo contracted chickenpox from her friend. During hospitalization, she was prescribed ibuprofen 250mg
three times a day, piritone 5mg twice daily and calamine lotion to the rashes. She was adviced to
continue the medications for 10 days following discharge and contact near-by health center in an
emergency situation. She will be reviwed in 14 days.

Subsquently, the nature of chickenpox was explained to Jo and her parents. She was educated to isolate
from social activities until the blisters are healed and dried to prevent the spread of the disease. During
the conversations, it was found that she did not receive any kind of vaccination. Stress on impotance of
vaccinations was given to the family and they were asked them to contact their GP regarding the
vaccinations as soon as possible.

Given the above, it would be appreciated if you could continue to monitor the condition of Jo. In
addition, please provide education to the family on vaccinations programme regarding to diseases such
as measles and mumps. Please advise Jo to get the MMR vaccine and follow the necessary vaccinations
programme. The family should be reinforced on prevention of spread of chickenpox.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if any further information is required.

Yours sincerely,


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