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Volume 79, Number 2


Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer Health,
Inc. All rights reserved. CME REVIEW ARTICLE
CHIEF EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is part of a series of continuing education activities in this Journal through which up to
36 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ can be earned in 2024. Instructions for how CME credits can be earned appear on the last page
of the Table of Contents.

Postnatal Care: A Comparative Review

of Guidelines
Sonia Giouleka, MSc,* Ioannis Tsakiridis, PhD,† Nikolaos Kostakis, MD,*
Eirini Boureka, MSc,* Apostolos Mamopoulos, PhD,‡ Ioannis Kalogiannidis, PhD,§
Apostolos Athanasiadis, PhD,‡ and Themistoklis Dagklis, PhD†
*Resident, †Assistant Professor, ‡Professor, and §Associate Professor, Third Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, School
of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

Importance: Postnatal care refers to the ongoing health care provision of both the mother and her offspring
and contributes to the timely identification and effective management of complications in the postpartum period,
to secure maternal and infant short- and long-term well-being.
Objective: The aim of this study was to review and compare the most recently published influential guidelines
on postnatal care practices.
Evidence Acquisition: A comparative review of guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gy-
necologists, the World Health Organization, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, and the Public
Health Agency of Canada regarding postnatal care was conducted.
Results: There is a consensus among the reviewed guidelines regarding the importance of health care provi-
sion in the postpartum period, including home visits and midwifery services, the use of telemedicine for the facil-
itation of communication with the patient, and the appropriate preparation for discharge, as well as the discharge
criteria. All medical societies also agree on the clinical aspects that should be evaluated at each postnatal visit,
although discrepancies exist with regard to the contact schedule. In addition, there is consistency regarding
the management of postpartum infections, perineal pain, fecal and urinary incontinence, and physical activity
guidance. Mental health issues should be addressed at each postnatal visit, according to all guidelines, but there
is disagreement regarding routine screening for depression. As for the optimal interpregnancy interval, the
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends avoiding pregnancy for at least 6 months
postpartum, whereas the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommends a 12-month interval.
There is no common pathway regarding the recommended contraceptive methods, the nutrition guidance, and
the postpartum management of pregnancy complications. Of note, the World Health Organization alone provides
recommendations concerning the prevention of specific infections during the postnatal period.
Conclusions: Postnatal care remains a relatively underserved aspect of maternity care, although the puerpe-
rium is a critical period for the establishment of motherhood and the transition to primary care. Thus, the devel-
opment of consistent international protocols for the optimal care and support of women during the postnatal pe-
riod seems of insurmountable importance to safely guide clinical practice and subsequently reduce maternal and
neonatal morbidity.
Target Audience: Obstetricians and gynecologists, family physicians
Learning Objectives: After participating in this activity, the learner should be better able to describe all the as-
pects of postnatal care; explain the appropriate clinical evaluation plan during the postnatal period; and assess
the available postpartum care promotion techniques.

The postpartum period, also known as the puerpe-

rium or the “fourth trimester,” refers to the time after
All authors, faculty, and staff have no relevant financial relationships
with any ineligible organizations regarding this educational activity.
birth when the physiologic pregnancy-related changes
Correspondence requests to: Ioannis Tsakiridis, PhD, Konstantinoupoleos return to the nonpregnant state; the duration lacks uni-
49, 54642 Thessaloniki, Greece. E-mail: formity among medical societies and varies from 6 to | 105

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106 Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey

12 weeks, as the effects of pregnancy on organ systems POSTPARTUM MATERNAL CARE

have largely returned to baseline by this time.1,2 Despite
Clinical Evaluation
the efforts made in the past few decades by national and
international organizations to raise awareness and pro- All guidelines, except ACOG, which makes no rele-
mote postnatal care, the burden of maternal and neona- vant reference, point out the importance of maternal
tal mortality and morbidity during this period remains clinical evaluation within the first 24 hours following
unacceptably high.3 delivery. This evaluation should include a general as-
Although the focus is often on pregnancy and child- sessment of the woman's physical and physiological
birth, the weeks and months following delivery are well-being (NICE, PHAC), along with assessment of blad-
equally important; it is a period with considerable chal- der function (WHO, NICE, PHAC); vital signs, vaginal
lenges and great physical, emotional, functional, and bleeding, fundal height, and uterine tone (WHO, PHAC);
social changes for the mother.4,5 Becoming a mother is and bowel function and breast condition (PHAC).13 WHO
one of the most transformative experiences in a woman's emphasizes the need for a urine void evaluation within
life because the woman has to recover from childbirth, the first 6 hours, and NICE recommends the measure-
adapt to hormonal changes, and learn to feed and care ment of the volume of the first urine void. Notably, ac-
for her neonate, as well as navigate preexisting health and cording to WHO, the blood pressure should be mea-
social issues.6 Notably, inadequate postpartum care is asso- sured shortly after delivery and remeasured in 6 hours
ciated with higher rates of depression, breastfeeding dif- if it is within normal levels.
ficulties, and infant mortality.4,7 In case of delivery in health care settings, discharge
Postpartum care is usually fragmented to maternal should be allowed when maternal and neonatal well-being
and neonatal care, with the first unfortunately remaining a is ensured, and no signs of postnatal complications ex-
neglected aspect of the health care provision and therefore ist (WHO, NICE, PHAC). NICE points out that besides
leaving many new mothers unsupported, overwhelmed, maternal health and bladder function evaluation, it is
and isolated.8 This neglect reflects to the fact that more crucial to assess the neonate's health, appropriately in-
than half of the pregnancy-related deaths occur after form the parents regarding meconium passing, and ob-
delivery.9 The postnatal period should be focused on serve at least 1 effective feeding before transition from
fulfilling the adaptation to changes and enhancing the the maternity unit to community care. Timing of dis-
capacity to thrive in the new integrated identity of charge should be discussed with the parents and be in-
“woman and mother.”10 Toward this goal, the develop- dividualized based on women's preferences. Detailed
ment of consistent international evidence-based algo- information regarding the available support should
rithms for the optimization of health care provision in also be provided (NICE). On the other hand, WHO men-
the postpartum period seems of pivotal importance and tions that the duration of hospital stay following de-
will hopefully lead to a reduction in the maternal and livery varies worldwide,14 but inpatient postnatal care
neonatal morbidity rates. Hence, the aim of this descrip- should be provided for at least 24 hours. Similarly, in
tive review was to synthesize and compare recommen- case of home birth, the first postnatal contact should
dations from influential guidelines on the management be made in the first 24 hours. A Cochrane review failed
of postnatal care. to precisely define “early discharge” but concluded that
a short hospital stay, although slightly increasing the
number of infants readmitted within 28 days for neona-
tal morbidity (RR, 1.59; 95% confidence interval [CI],
The most recently published guidelines on postnatal 1.27–1.98), it has little to no difference in women readmitted
care were retrieved, and a comparative review was con- within 6 weeks postpartum for complications related to
ducted. More specifically, 4 guidelines were identified childbirth (relative risk [RR], 1.12; 95% CI, 0.82–1.54),
from the American College of Obstetricians and Gyne- in the risk of depression within 6 months postpartum
cologists (ACOG 2018),2 the World Health Organization (RR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.46–1.42), and in women breast-
(WHO 2022),3 the National Institute for Health and Care feeding at 6 weeks postpartum (RR, 1.04; 95% CI,
Excellence (NICE 2021),11 and the Public Health Agency 0.96–1.13).15 According to WHO, the ability of the
of Canada (PHAC 2020).12 parents or the caregivers to provide appropriate care
An overview of the recommendations is presented in to the mother and the neonate should also be assessed
Table 1 (postpartum maternal care), Table 2 (postpartum along with social factors that could affect the postna-
infection control), Table 3 (postpartum management of tal care and the care-seeking behavior.16,17 PHAC
pregnancy complications), and Table 4 (interventions suggests that health care providers should discuss
for postnatal care promotion). the advantages and disadvantages of a shorter

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Postnatal Care • CME Review Article 107

Summary of Recommendations on Postpartum Maternal Care
Country United States International United Kingdom Canada
Issued 2018 2022 2021 2020
Title Optimizing Postpartum Care WHO Recommendations on Postnatal Care Family-Centered Maternity
Maternal and Newborn and Newborn Care:
Care for a Positive National Guidelines
Postnatal Experience Chapter 5: Postpartum
Pages 10 240 64 85
References 133 284 0 334
Clinical evaluation Not discussed Vaginal bleeding, fundal Bladder function with Assess physical and
at the first 24 h height, uterine tonus, measurement of first void psychological well-being.
temperature, heart rate. BP after birth. Woman's health Vital signs, uterine tone
measurement shortly after assessment and condition of perineum,
birth and repeat after 6 h. lochia, bladder and bowel
Urine void evaluation within function, breasts and
6h nipples. Promote effective
feeding. Hydration and
Discharge criteria Not discussed 24 h after vaginal delivery: (1) (1) Woman's health and Review test results and
maternal and newborn bladder function, (2) possible signs of pp
well-being, (2) parental and baby's health and complications.
caregivers' skills and meconium passing, (3)
confidence for individual feeding plan and
and newborn care, (3) observation of 1
home environment and successful feed. Inform
other factors affecting pp about postnatal period
care and care-seeking available support. Discuss
behavior the timing
Postnatal contact Individualize. Provide Minimum 4 postnatal First midwife visit at 36 h after Provide postnatal care plan
schedule postnatal care plan with contacts. First within 24 h transfer of care or after with contact information
contact information and for home delivery. At least 3 home birth. First health and instructions for the
instructions about the additional postnatal care provided at 7–14 d postnatal contacts.
timing of postnatal contacts between 48 and after midwifery care. Follow-up visit at 24–72 h
contacts. First contact at 72 h, between 7 and 14 d Comprehensive evaluation after discharge
first 3 wk, following and during week 6. by GP at 6–8 wk
ongoing care until the Individualize
comprehensive visit
<12 wk
Clinical evaluation Physical, social and General well-being, General mental and physical Physical and emotional
at postnatal psychological well-being. micturition and urinary well-being, fatigue, pelvic well-being, vital signs,
contacts Sleep and fatigue. incontinence, bowel floor exercises, nutrition, uterine tone and condition
Perineal or cesarean function, perineal wound physical activity, smoking, of perineum, lochia,
incision. Urinary and fecal healing, headache, fatigue, alcohol consumption, drug bladder and bowel
continence. Infant care back pain, perineal pain use, sexual intercourse, function, breasts and
and feeding. Sexuality, and hygiene, breast pain, contraception and nipples, rest, pain or
contraception and birth uterine tenderness and domestic abuse. Assess discomfort and a physical
spacing. Chronic disease lochia signs and symptoms of examination. Clear and
management. Pelvic infection, pain, vaginal consistent information
examination and discharge and bleeding, from health care provider
Papanicolaou test bowel function, nipple and with individualized
breast discomfort, VTE, approach
anemia, preeclampsia,
perineal healing for vaginal
birth, wound healing or
infection for cesarean
delivery. Referral for further
evaluation if indicated.
Continued next page

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108 Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey

TABLE 1. (Continued)


Mental health Anticipatory guidance for Screen for pp depression and Assess at each postnatal visit Screening for pp depression
prevention. Screen for pp anxiety with validated and refer if concerns. not routinely
depression and anxiety instrument (EPDS or PHQ- Whooley Questions for recommended. Increased
with validated instrument, 9) and follow up with Depression Screening vigilance and consistent
for tobacco or substance diagnostic and treatment and, if positive, EDPS or ongoing care are required.
use with referral as interventions as indicated. PHQ-9. Discuss smoking, Identify risk factors. Refer
indicated. Follow up Psychosocial and/or alcohol consumption and to specialist if required.
preexisting mental psychological interventions recreational drug use and Provide support. In case of
diseases, monitor mental recommended as provide appropriate care severe mental disorder,
health appointment preventive methods. professional support and
attendance, and titrate Mentoring and support treatment are needed
medications guidance recommended
regarding local resources
Postpartum vaginal Not discussed Regular assessment Provide discharge Provide discharge
bleeding information about information about
expected changes and expected changes and
amount of blood, the amount of blood pp, the
indications for concern, causes of concern and the
and further evaluation. need for further evaluation.
Consider readmission,
oxytocin, blood
transfusion, and surgical
intervention if needed
Endometritis Not discussed Routine antibiotic prophylaxis Inform about normal lochia Inform about normal lochia
not recommended. Careful and vaginal discharge as and vaginal discharge.
monitoring for signs of well as signs and Consider treatment with
endometritis symptoms of infection. antibiotics, rest, high fluid
Advise to seek medical intake, analgesia, and
care immediately. oxytocin
Breast Not discussed Responsive breastfeeding, Assess at each postnatal visit Encourage breastfeeding
engorgement— good positioning and continuation. Frequent
mastitis attachment to the breast, feeding, good positioning,
breast milk expression, and and latching. Antibiotics
either warm or cold may be needed
Pharmacological agents
not routinely
recommended for
Perineal care and Assessment of pain Ice packs or cold pads for Assessment of perineal Evaluate perineal or vaginal
pain control presence with proper acute perineal pain relief wound healing, pain tears and examine for
guidance considering individual resolving and need for pain OASIS if more than
preferences. Intermittent reliefs, any unpleasant superficial. If OASIS,
application of crushed ice smell, swelling, or wound provide antibiotic
between layers of a pad or breakdown. Consider a prophylaxis, laxatives, and
a gel pack for 10–20 min in validated pain scale for referral to a
the first 48 h monitoring perineal pain. physiotherapist. Assess
Consider risk factors. any stinging, odor,
Refer for further evaluation incontinence, or
if any concerns or wound dyspareunia. Ice packs,
breakdown is presented self-inspection, warm
water sitz baths, and Kegel
exercises are
Continued next page

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Postnatal Care • CME Review Article 109

TABLE 1. (Continued)


Analgesics Not discussed Oral paracetamol as first-line Consider pain relief options Paracetamol and NSAIDs as
for perineal pain. If with respect to first-line for OASIS
paracetamol and cooling breastfeeding
agents are ineffective,
consider other agents. Oral
NSAIDs for uterine
DRA Not discussed Not discussed Not discussed Exercise, pelvic floor
neuromuscular stimulation
and/or abdominoplasty.
Corsets/binders for
separations of at least 4
finger widths
Urinary/fecal Assess any incontinence Routine pelvic floor muscle Assess symptoms of pelvic Focus on prevention. Kegel
incontinence and refer to physiotherapy training not recommended floor dysfunction at exercises and follow-up
or urogynecologist for prevention. Inform postnatal care routine for effectiveness
about the benefits of assessment. Combine
unsupervised PFMT at with lifestyle changes and
home settings in urinary bladder training. Refer to
incontinence physiotherapy for fecal
Constipation Not discussed Dietary advice and Not discussed Not discussed
information of constipation
related factors
recommended. Routine
use of laxatives not
Venous thromboembolism Not discussed Not discussed Risk assessment to define
the need for pp LMWH
and the duration of pp
prophylaxis (10 d to 6 wk).
Start 4 h after regional
anesthesia. Consider
antiembolism stockings if
traveling >4 h, if LMWH is
combined with LMWH
after cesarean section or
at increased VTE risk
Not discussed
Nutrition Not discussed Oral iron supplementation Discuss at each postnatal Multivitamin containing
combined with folic acid or visit 400 μg folic acid
alone recommended for recommended for
6–12 wk pp for lowering breastfeeding women.
anemia risk in areas with Regular intake of
≥20% prevalence of vegetables, fruit, whole
gestational anemia. Vitamin grains, and protein foods
A not recommended pp recommended. Special
care of women with
Continued next page

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110 Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey

TABLE 1. (Continued)


Physical activity Provide guidance for proper Regular physical activity Discuss at each postnatal Exercise during pregnancy
physical activity and ≥150 min/wk visit. Inform about the and pp reduces the risk for
healthy weight attainment recommended. Gradually importance of pelvic floor DRA. Kegel exercise to
increase of activity exercises. improve perineal tone
frequency, intensity, and
duration. Inform women
about signs for immediate
activity halt and special
considerations based on
individual's history
Family planning Discuss individual plans and Detailed, evidence-based Discuss contraceptive Discuss contraceptive
desires for future contraceptive information, methods at the postnatal methods at the postnatal
pregnancies. Avoid IPIs education, and counseling visits. Initiate visits. Assess sexual
<6 mo. Discuss risks and recommended contraceptive from health
benefits of repeat 21 d pp. Avoid IPIs <12 mo
pregnancy <18 mo.
Inform about
contraceptive methods
Contraceptive Not discussed LAM combined with other LAM recommended for the LAM recommended for the
methods contraceptive methods first 6 mo if amenorrhoeic first 6 mo if amenorrhoeic
recommended for the first and the baby is exclusively and the baby is exclusively
6 mo. Copper-IUD and breastfed. POP, IMP, and breastfed on demand. IUD
LNG-IUDs <48 h or >4 wk. POI immediately after inserted immediately after
POP, LNG, and ETG IMPs. birth. IUD <48 h or >4 wk. birth. Condoms. POPs
PVR if ≥4 wk and POIs if Additional contraceptives and COCPs from 3–4 w pp
>6 wk pp. CHCs if >3 wk if hormonal contraception
without risk factors for VTE starts ≥21 d pp. POPs
or >6 wk, but if safe. CHCs if >3 wk
breastfeeding not without risk factors for VTE
recommended up to 6 mo. or >6 wk pp if
COCPs, ulipristal acetate, breastfeeding or not. Oral
or LNG recommended as EC LNG and ulipristal
emergency contraception >21 d, copper-IUD
methods >28 d pp as emergency
contraception methods
BP, blood pressure; COCPs, combined oral contraceptive pills; ETG, etonogestrel; GP, general practitioner; IMP, implant; IV, intravenous;
LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; LNG, levonorgestrel; pp, postpartum; PVR, progesterone vaginal ring.

hospital stay with the mother before discharge along that 4 home visits resulted in lower infant referral to a
with reviewing test results. pediatrician and higher exclusive breastfeeding rates
There is no common pathway regarding the recom- for up to 6 weeks compared with only 1 home visit; this
mended time frame of the postnatal contacts; ACOG review also concluded that an increased number of
recommends a first contact within the first 3 weeks postnatal visits and a more individualized care may im-
followed by ongoing care until the comprehensive visit prove maternal satisfaction and outcomes.19 Providing
at 12 weeks postpartum, whereas PHAC recommends women with postnatal care plan and contact informa-
a postnatal contact between 24 and 72 hours after tion is advised by ACOG and PHAC and should be tai-
discharge.18 According to NICE, the first midwife visit lored to the individual needs of each woman (ACOG
should take place 36 hours after community transfer, and WHO).4
followed by a health care provider contact at 7 to 14 days With regard to the clinical evaluation during the post-
and a comprehensive evaluation from a general practi- natal contacts, there is overall agreement that it should
tioner at 6 to 8 weeks postpartum. Similarly, WHO rec- include the assessment of physical, psychological, and
ommends postnatal contacts between 48 and 72 hours, social well-being of the mother. More specifically, signs
at 7 to 14 days, and during week 6. This recommenda- and symptoms of infection, perineal and back pain, uter-
tion is based on a recent Cochrane review, which showed ine tone, vaginal discharge and lochia, bowel function,

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Postnatal Care • CME Review Article 111

TABLE 2 Mental Health

Summary of Recommendations on Postpartum Infection Control
Depression and anxiety constitute major causes of dis-
ability among women in the postpartum period, having a
HIV follow-up testing Recommended in high HIV prevalence
settings if HIV-negative or of
prevalence of 13% and 20% in high- and low-income
unknown status and missed early countries, respectively.20 Therefore, ACOG and WHO
antenatal testing or third-trimester recommend universal screening for postpartum depres-
retesting. Consider in low HIV sion and anxiety using validated instruments, such as
prevalence settings for the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) or
HIV-negative or of unknown status
women with missed early antenatal
Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9), based on a
testing or third trimester retesting meta-analysis that showed this strategy, when com-
who have a non–virally suppressed pared with usual care, reduces the rate of postpartum
partner on ART or other ongoing depression (odds ratio, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.45–0.62) and
HIV risks at third trimester. anxiety (median, 0.28 fewer; 95% CI, 0.44–0.11) and im-
Oral pre-exposure Start or continue oral TDF for
prophylaxis for HIV postpartum and/or lactating women
proves the quality of life.21 Following a positive screening
prevention at substantial risk as part of result, appropriate guidance, support, and diagnostic ser-
combination HIV prevention vices are required. WHO also recommends the use of psy-
approaches. chological and psychosocial interventions as preventive
Screening for tuberculosis Consider if TB prevalence is ≥0.1% measures for women considered at high risk for mental
and in cases of household or other
close contact with TB-infected
health disorders. This recommendation is based on a ran-
individuals. domized controlled trial that found these interventions are
Helminth infection prevention Annual/biannual dose of 400 mg effective in reducing the proportion of at-risk women with
albendazole or 500 mg a 6-month EPDS score ≥12.22 Moreover, ACOG refers
mebendazole in postpartum and/or to preexisting mental illness and recommends adequate
lactating women in areas with
≥20% prevalence of
monitoring with attendance to mental health–related ap-
soil-transmitted helminth infection. pointments along with titration of the medication in the
Schistosomiasis prevention Single annual dose of praziquantel for postpartum period. Moreover, ACOG, along with NICE,
postpartum and/or lactating women highlights the importance of screening for tobacco use,
in areas with ≥10% prevalence. If alcohol consumption, and substance use disorders, as the
prevalence <10%, either test and
treat or continue preventive
relapse risk increases in the puerperium.23
chemotherapy. A slightly different approach in mental health screen-
ART, antiretroviral therapy; TB, tuberculosis; TDF, tenofovir
ing is proposed by NICE. More specifically, according
disoproxil fumarate. to NICE, screening with Whooley Questions for Depres-
sion should be considered, and if positive, a full assess-
ment using EDPS or PHQ-9 may be performed. Similarly,
urine and fecal incontinence, nipple and breast dis- screening with the 2-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder
comfort, breastfeeding, perineal healing for vaginal (GAD-2) scale for anxiety should be considered, and if
birth, wound healing or infection for cesarean section, positive, the GAD-7 scale for a more detailed evaluation
fatigue, and sleep deprivation should be evaluated, ac- may be used. A positive screening result justifies the re-
cording to the reviewed guidelines. Furthermore, NICE ferral to the woman's general practitioner or a mental
states that the mother should also be assessed for ane- health specialist.
mia and preeclampsia. Other issues including nutri- On the contrary, the PHAC does not support routine
tion, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, postpartum depression screening, but instead, it recom-
drug use, sexual intercourse, and domestic abuse should mends increased vigilance and consistent ongoing care,
be addressed as well, and a referral for further evalu- to timely identify any potential risk factors or symptoms
ation should be made if indicated (NICE). Further- of mental disorders, exclude other medical conditions
more, NICE, along with ACOG, highlights the im- that may cause or contribute to the symptoms, provide
portance of contraception and interpregnancy interval appropriate psychological support, and refer to special-
(IPI) counseling during the postnatal contacts. Of note, ist, if required.24 As for anxiety, PHAC, although rec-
ACOG mentions that the appropriate management of ognizing that GAD-2 questionnaire is a useful tool for
chronic diseases and the performance of a Papanicolaou identifying generalized anxiety disorder and that anxi-
test and pelvic examination are integral parts of the ety is prevalent in the postpartum period, makes no spe-
postnatal care. cific recommendation.

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112 Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey

Summary of Recommendations on Postpartum Management of Pregnancy Complications
Hypertensive disorders: Inform about higher risk of Inform about overall risk of recurrence, higher risk Important pp monitoring
advice and follow up ASCVD of ASCVD and the interventions to reduce it
Preeclampsia: (Α) Blood Recommended at 7–10 d pp Women without antihypertensive treatment: 4 per Recommended at 3–6 d pp
pressure measurement (or in 72 h for severe day at hospital, once at 3–5 d. On alternate days
hypertension) and in if abnormal BP at 3–5 d. Start treatment if BP
1–3 wk if high risk ≥150/100 mm Hg. Ask for severe headache and
epigastric pain at postnatal contacts. Women
with treatment: 4 per day at hospital, every
1–2 d up to 2 wk until treatment and
hypertension cease. Reduce dose if BP <130/
80 mm Hg and consider if BP <140/90 mm Hg.
Change methyldopa within 2 d pp. Transfer to
community care if no symptoms of
preeclampsia, BP ≤150/100 mm Hg, and blood
tests stable/improved. Review by GP at 2 and
at 6–8 wk
(B) Laboratory tests Not discussed Platelets, transaminases and serum creatinine Not discussed
recommended at 48–72 h after birth/step-down
from critical care and repeat until normal.
Urinary-reagent strip at 6–8 wk. If proteinuria
≥1+, GP review and assessment of kidney
function at 3 mo. Consider referral to kidney
specialist if abnormal kidney function
Gestational hypertension Recommended at 7–10 d pp BP measurement daily for 2 d, once at 3–5 d and BP measurement
(or in 72 h for severe as indicated after treatment change. recommended at 3–6 d pp
hypertension) and in Antihypertensive treatment: start if BP
1–3 wk if high risk 150/100 mm Hg, lower if BP <130/80 mm Hg,
same duration as antenatally. Change
methyldopa within 2 d postpartum. Review
treatment in 2 wk
Chronic hypertension Timely follow-up BP measurement daily for 2 d, once at 3–5 d and BP measurement
recommended as indicated after treatment change. recommended at 3–6 d pp
Antihypertensive treatment: continue as
indicated with BP goal <140/90 mm Hg.
Change methyldopa within 2 d postpartum.
Review treatment in 2 wk
Antihypertensive treatment Not discussed Individualize. Avoid diuretics and angiotensin Not discussed
receptor blockers if breastfeeding. Enalapril
recommended while monitoring renal function
and serum potassium. Nifedipine/amlodipine
considered for Black African or Caribbean
women. Consider combination if BP not
normalized. Swap/add atenolol/labetalol if
combination not tolerated/effective. Prefer
agents taken once daily
Gestational diabetes mellitus FPG test or 75 g 2-h OGTT Stop treatment immediately pp. Test persisting 75 g OGTT recommended at
recommended. Inform hyperglycemia before community care transfer. 6 wk and 6 mo pp
about higher risk of Inform about hyperglycemia symptoms and
ASCVD recurrence risk. Lifestyle advice. FPG test at
6–13 wk if normal glucose after birth. FPG or
HbA1c after 13 wk if missed. Annual HbA1c if
tested negative. OGTT not routinely
recommended. Early glucose self-monitoring or
OGTT recommended at future pregnancies.
Subsequent OGTT recommended if the first
is normal
Continued next page

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Postnatal Care • CME Review Article 113

TABLE 3. (Continued)


Pregestational diabetes Timely follow-up Type I: (1) titrate insulin according to glucose Type I: Screen for
mellitus recommended levels, (2) inform about increased risk of pp postpartum thyroiditis with
hypoglycemia. Advise meal/snack during/ TSH test at 6–8 wk. Type
before feeds. Type ΙΙ: resume metformin after 2: (1) breastfeeding, (2)
birth. Avoid other blood glycose-lowering careful monitoring due to
agents and agents for diabetes complications. increased risk of
Need for contraception and preconception care hypoglycemia, (3) safety of
metformin and glyburide
while breastfeeding, (4)
assessment of
triglycerides late pp
Pregnancy loss Proper follow-up and Not discussed Not discussed
emotional support.
Counseling and review of
laboratory and pathology
studies related to the loss.
Counseling regarding
ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; BP, blood pressure; GP, general practitioner; pp, postpartum; TSH, thyroid-stimulating

Summary of the Recommendations on the Interventions for Postpartum Care Promotion
Discharge Recruit peer counselors, Provide information, Include partners according Identify primary HCP.
preparation support staff, discharge counseling, and to woman's wishes. Written or verbal
planners, and schedule educational interventions Inform about seeking information about
postnatal contacts. Identify to parents and caregivers. care for any concerns. symptoms and signs that
primary HCP. Anticipatory Educational materials Ensure communication will raise concern, steps,
counseling during pregnancy should be available. between HCP and precautions to take.
Include partners Discuss risks and benefits
according to woman's of shorter stay. Parenting
wishes courses. Peer support
Home visits Recommended Recommended for the first Recommended 3 home visits from midwives
week pp. If not feasible or recommended at first
preferred, outpatient week
postnatal care
Midwifery services Recommended. Provide routine Midwife-led continuity-of- Recommended for 3 home visits from midwives
ongoing care. “First call” for care models information about recommended at first
acute concerns recommended in settings postnatal period and week
with well-functioning home visits
midwifery programs
Digital Recommended for reminding Recommended for behavior Digital information should Secured electronic
communication women to schedule postnatal change concerning be provided for communication.
follow-up. Phone support, sexual, reproductive, breastfeeding and Telephone support
text messages, remote blood maternal, newborn, and formula feeding support
pressure monitoring, and child health only if
application-based support concerns about sensitive
recommended for assessing content and data privacy
woman's health issues are adequately addressed
HCP, health care provider.

Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

114 Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey

Postpartum Vaginal Bleeding and proteolytic enzymes, for the treatment of breast en-
gorgement during lactation, are discouraged by WHO,
Postpartum hemorrhage is the leading cause of mater-
as a Cochrane review found insufficient evidence to
nal mortality, accounting for approximately 30% of all
support this strategy.30
maternal deaths and a significant contributor of mater-
nal morbidity.25 Consequently, to ensure early detection
and prompt management of this obstetric complication, Perineal Care and Pain Control
NICE and PHAC recommend providing women detailed
ACOG and NICE agree that the assessment and mon-
discharge information about the expected changes in
itoring of the perineal pain should be integral parts of
lochia, the normal amount of bleeding, the warning signs,
the postnatal care, with NICE recommending the use
and the indications for seeking further medical attention.
of a validated pain scale to help identify any persistent
Treatment may include oxytocin administration, blood
or deteriorating pain and the evaluation of risk factors
transfusion, and/or surgical intervention, and readmis-
that could increase the pain. The perineal and vaginal
sion in case of late postpartum hemorrhage may be re-
tears should also be inspected, according to PHAC, and
quired (PHAC).25,26
those found to be more than superficial should be further
investigated for the presence of obstetric anal sphincter
Infections—Endometritis, Mastitis
injury (OASIS). In case of OASIS, the woman should
There is a consensus among the reviewed guidelines be prescribed analgesics (paracetamol and nonsteroidal
(except ACOG, which makes no relevant reference) anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]), laxatives, and a sin-
that the provision of adequate information during the gle dose of intravenous antibiotics to prevent wound in-
postnatal contacts concerning the normal lochia and fection and promote uncomplicated healing.31 In addition,
vaginal discharge is crucial for women to timely recog- the process of wound healing, along with the presence of
nize any deviation and identify any warning symptoms, any unpleasant smell, stinging, dyspareunia, swelling, or
such as persistent or increasing vaginal bleeding, fever, wound breakdown, should be carefully evaluated at each
perineal, abdominal or pelvic pain, and unpleasant vag- postnatal contact (NICE and PHAC). Moreover, the NICE
inal odor, which should prompt immediate medical ad- guideline mentions that health care professionals should
vice. Routine antibiotic prophylaxis for the prevention stress the need for good perineal hygiene to the women
of endometritis in case of uncomplicated vaginal delivery and refer to specialist maternity services if any concerns
is not recommended, according to WHO, as a Cochrane arise regarding the wound healing.
review failed to provide strong evidence that this strat- Nonpharmacological interventions, such as self-
egy reduces the risk of endometritis in all health care inspection, warm water sitz baths, Kegel exercises (PHAC),
settings.27 However, endometritis treatment should in- and ice packs (WHO and PHAC), are recommended for
clude antibiotic administration,28 as well as rest, high perineal pain management. According to WHO, crushed
fluid intake, appropriate analgesia, and use of oxytocin ice can be applied intermittently for 10 to 20 minutes for
to keep the uterus contracted (PHAC). the first 24 to 48 hours by placing it between layers of a
With regard to mastitis prevention, WHO recommends pad or a gel pack, as a Cochrane review found local cooling
against routine oral or topical antibiotic administration, to be effective in reducing moderate to severe pain in the
as a Cochrane review showed that the risk of mastitis is first 24 to 48 hours postpartum when compared with no
similar between antibiotics and usual care or placebo intervention (RR, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.57–0.94).32 The same
groups (RR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.10–1.34).29 In contrast, prac- review also concluded that cold gel pads with compres-
tices including responsive and frequent breastfeeding, sion were more effective than uncooled gel pads with
good positioning and attachment of the baby to the nip- compression in reducing pain within 24 to 48 hours
ple, manual expression of breast milk, and the use of (median, 0.43 lower; 95% CI, −0.73 to −0.13).32 Oral
warm or cold compresses should be encouraged as ef- paracetamol should be the first-line oral analgesic for
fective preventive measures, especially in case of breast perineal pain, according to WHO, with alternative options
engorgement (WHO, PHAC). It is essential to advise suggested if it is not effective. Several meta-analyses were
women not to cease breastfeeding even in case of antibiotic undertaken to assess the efficacy of pain relief choices
treatment, as emptying the breast is beneficial, and the milk such as paracetamol,33 aspirin,34 and NSAIDs.35 These
is safe for the baby (PHAC). NICE points out that breast reviews proved that, compared with placebo, single doses
reddening and swelling getting worse or persisting more of paracetamol (RR, 2.14; 95% CI, 1.59–2.89), aspirin
than 24 hours despite conservative self-management may (RR, 2.03; 95% CI, 1.69–2.42), and NSAIDs (RR, 1.92;
indicate infection, and medical advice should be sought. 95% CI; 1.69–2.17) were more effective in achieving ad-
Moreover, pharmacological interventions such as oxytocin equate pain relief.33–35 The discussion of the available

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Postnatal Care • CME Review Article 115

pain relief options should always take into consideration low impact physical activity, and the education on healthy
the safety for breastfeeding (NICE). Aspirin is contrain- toilet habits. This medical society recommends against
dicated in case of breastfeeding because of the harmful the routine use of laxatives, unless the dietary modifica-
effects of its metabolites, which are excreted in breast tions fail to relieve the symptoms.
milk (WHO).
Of note, WHO recommends the use of oral NSAIDs Venous Thromboembolism
for the management of uterine involution pain. This rec- According to NICE, a risk assessment should be car-
ommendation is based on a Cochrane review, which ried out to all women following delivery to define the
proved that NSAIDs are more effective than placebo, need for venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis,
paracetamol, and opioids in relieving pain from uterine as well as the adequate duration, which may vary from
cramping.36 10 days to 6 weeks postpartum. In case of regional anes-
thesia during labor, thromboprophylaxis, that is, low-
Diastasis Recti Abdominis molecular-weight heparin, should commence 4 hours af-
PHAC is the only medical society that provides rec- ter the spinal anesthesia or the epidural catheter removal.
ommendations on the management of diastasis recti Antiembolism stockings should be considered in case of
abdominis (DRA) and mentions that exercise, pelvic contraindications to low-molecular-weight heparin use
floor physiotherapy, and neuromuscular stimulation should and traveling longer than 4 hours. They should also be
be offered to patients suffering from this condition.37 A used in combination to low-molecular-weight heparin
systematic review showed that exercise during the ante- post–cesarean delivery to women at particularly high risk
natal period reduced the occurrence of DRA by 35% of VTE.40 Of note, no recommendations on VTE preven-
(RR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.46–0.92) and that DRA width may tion in the puerperium are provided by ACOG, WHO,
be reduced by exercising during both the antenatal and and PHAC.
postnatal periods.38 In cases with at least 4-finger-width
separations, PHAC supports the use of corsets or binders. Diet and Exercise
For symptomatic patients not responding to conservative Minor discrepancies were identified regarding nutri-
treatment, abdominoplasty may be a suitable option. tional recommendations. PHAC recommends the in-
take of multivitamins with 400 μg of folic acid for all
Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction breastfeeding women, whereas WHO suggests oral iron
All the reviewed guidelines recommend the assessment supplementation combined with or without folic acid
for urinary and fecal incontinence during the postnatal for a duration of 6 to 12 weeks to reduce the risk of anemia
visits, as a referral to a physiotherapist or a urogynecolo- in areas with higher than 20% prevalence of gestational
gist may be required (ACOG, PHAC). However, whereas anemia.41 In addition, WHO discourages the postpartum
PHAC highlights the importance of focusing on preven- administration of vitamin A.42 WHO, along with PHAC,
tion by implementing muscle toning techniques, WHO underline the need for a healthy, balanced diet with reg-
does not endorse routine pelvic floor muscle training ular intake of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and protein
(PFMT) as a preventive measure for incontinence, based foods in the postnatal period.
on a Cochrane review that failed to prove that antenatal Furthermore, postnatal care should include advice on
and postnatal PFMT can reduce urinary and fecal inconti- the appropriate physical activity and weight management
nence in the late postnatal period, compared with no inter- (ACOG, NICE), as well as on the importance of pelvic
vention or usual care.39 Regarding treatment of urinary floor exercises (NICE).43 WHO recommends at least
incontinence, PHAC recommends the use of Kegel exer- 150 minutes of physical activity per week, incorporat-
cises along with lifestyle changes and bladder training. A ing muscle-strengthening and stretching exercises and
follow-up for the assessment of their effectiveness is also gradually increasing the frequency, intensity, and duration
justified. On the other hand, WHO, although making no of workouts.44 In case of cesarean delivery, a cautious and
clear recommendation, states that women with involun- gradual return to physical activity in consultation with a
tary loss of small volumes of urine after delivery should health care provider is recommended. Individual con-
be informed about the potential benefits of the unsuper- siderations and warning signs that may require exercise
vised PFMT at home for the improvement of urinary in- cessation should be explained to the women.45
continence and sexual function.
With regard to prevention of constipation, WHO sup-
ports the provision of dietary advice, such as the ade- There is an overall agreement that appropriate counsel-
quate intake of water and fibers, the encouragement of ing regarding the individual reproductive plans and

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116 Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey

desires, the sexual health, and the available contraceptive WHO discouraging their use for the first 6 months and
methods should be provided in the context of postnatal NICE allowing their use from 6 weeks postpartum. Of
care.46 However, the optimal IPI is a matter of debate. note, PHAC points out that the current CHCs do not al-
More specifically, the NICE guideline recommends an ter the quality and quantity of breast milk as long as lac-
interval of 12 months between successive pregnancies, tation is established. This statement is endorsed by a
as a review on live births and 3 studies on stillbirth from Cochrane review that concluded there is no statistically
low- and high-income countries found that an IPI of less significant difference among CHCs and other contracep-
than 12 months is consistently associated with preterm tive methods on breastfeeding duration and infant growth,
delivery, premature rupture of membranes, and small- although currently no consistent evidence exists.53
for-gestational-age neonates.47 In contrast, ACOG sup- Concerning barrier methods, condoms can be used at
ports that a subsequent pregnancy should be deferred any time for both breastfeeding and nonbreastfeeding
for at least 6 months; it also states that for IPI less than women and have the additional benefit of sexually trans-
18 months, a thorough discussion on the risks and ben- mitted disease protection (PHAC), whereas diaphragm
efits should be made with the woman and her partner. should be inserted at least 6 weeks following childbirth
There is no common pathway regarding the recom- to allow the adequate size selection after the uterus invo-
mended contraceptive methods in the postpartum period. lution (NICE). Barrier methods are also required when
According to NICE and PHAC, lactational amenorrhea hormonal contraceptive methods are started after the first
method is recommended for the first 6 months after de- 21 days (NICE).
livery, if the period has not returned and the baby is ex- With regard to emergency contraception, lactating
clusively breastfed on demand during the day and night women can use CHCs (WHO) and ulipristal acetate and
without prolonged intervals between breastfeeding.48 levonorgestrel (WHO, NICE) ideally after 21 days
On the other hand, WHO supports the use of lactational postpartum or copper-IUD (NICE).54 NICE also sug-
amenorrhea method only in combination with other con- gests that women who breastfeed should be advised to
traceptive methods.49 express and discard the milk for a week after they have
Intrauterine devices (IUDs), either of copper or levonor- taken ulipristal, as this medication is excreted in breast
gestrel, can be safely inserted immediately after birth, dur- milk and its effect on infants has not been studied yet.
ing the first 48 hours (WHO, NICE, PHAC) or after the
first 4 weeks postpartum (WHO, NICE). A systematic INFECTION CONTROL
review showed that IUDs do not affect breastfeeding;
WHO is the only medical society that provides rec-
however, as they are associated with increased perfora-
ommendations regarding the management of several in-
tion rate, they should be inserted with caution.50 In ad-
fectious diseases during the postpartum period.
dition, a decision-analysis model that used data from
the United States showed that immediate postpartum HIV
IUD placement prevented 88 unintended pregnancies
per 1000 women over 2 years.51 In high HIV prevalence settings, WHO recommends
As for hormonal contraceptives, WHO and NICE postpartum HIV testing for all negative or of unknown
recommend the use of progesterone-only pills (POPs), status women who had missed the routine antenatal test-
etonogestrel, and levonorgestrel implants immediately ing in the early pregnancy or the retesting in the third
after birth.52 PHAC mentions that all hormonal contra- trimester. On the other hand, in settings with low HIV
ceptives including POP should start 3 to 4 weeks post- burden, testing for HIV is not recommended as part of
partum for nonbreastfeeding women. According to WHO, the routine postnatal care, but it could be considered if
the progesterone vaginal ring may be used without re- the antenatal screening was missed, if ongoing risk fac-
striction even in case of breastfeeding 4 weeks following tors in late pregnancy exist or if there is a serodiscordant
delivery, and the progesterone-only injectable contracep- relationship with a non–virally suppressed partner on an-
tives should be commenced from 6 weeks postpartum.49 tiretroviral therapy.55 Postpartum women considered to
Moreover, there is a consensus that the combined hor- be at substantial risk of HIV infection should initiate or
monal contraceptives (CHCs) should be universally continue taking oral pre-exposure prophylaxis, which
avoided for the first 3 weeks. However, after this period, contains tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, regardless of
women with no risk factors for VTE should be allowed their breastfeeding status.56
to start on this contraceptive method, whereas those with
additional risk factors should defer their use until 6 weeks
postpartum.52 For breastfeeding women, WHO and NICE According to WHO, postpartum screening for tuber-
disagree on the optimal time of CHCs initiation, with culosis should be considered for women living in areas

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Postnatal Care • CME Review Article 117

with a prevalence of 0.1% or higher, as well as for those day while in hospital and every 1 to 2 days up to 2 weeks,
who have close contact with infected individuals.57 until the treatment stops and the blood pressure normal-
izes. A gradual dosage reduction is recommended if the
Parasitic Diseases blood pressure falls less than 130/80 mm Hg and should
WHO states that preventive anthelminthic treatment be considered at values less than 140/90 mm Hg. If
should be provided to postpartum and/or lactating women methyldopa was used during pregnancy, it should be
living in areas with a 20% minimum prevalence of any changed within 2 days following delivery. The trans-
soil-transmitted helminth infection. This prophylactic fer to community care should be allowed when no
therapy should include a single dose of 400 mg of symptoms of preeclampsia exist, the blood pressure
albendazole or 500 mg of mebendazole annually or levels are at or below 150/100 mm Hg, and the blood
biannually.58 Moreover, in areas with at least 10% tests are stable or improved. In addition, a medical re-
prevalence of schistosomiasis, preventive chemother- view with a general practitioner should be arranged at
apy containing a single annual dose of praziquantel is 2 weeks and at 6 to 8 weeks postpartum. Except for
recommended, whereas in endemic communities with blood pressure measurement, NICE recommends the
a prevalence of less than 10%, both test-and-treat and performance of laboratory tests including platelet count,
preventive treatment are acceptable options.59 transaminases, and serum creatinine within 48 to
72 hours from delivery. The tests should be repeated
until normal values are achieved. In addition, a urinary
POSTPARTUM MANAGEMENT OF reagent strip test should be conducted at 6 to 8 weeks
PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS postpartum, and the kidney function should be assessed
at 3 months if proteinuria of at least +1 is present, with
Hypertensive Disorders
referral to a nephrologist, if deemed necessary.63 As for
There is an agreement between ACOG and NICE that the postnatal monitoring of women with gestational hy-
women who developed hypertensive disorders during pertension, NICE states that their blood pressure should
pregnancy (HDPs) should be thoroughly informed be measured daily for the first 2 days, once at 3 to
about their increased risk of future atherosclerotic car- 5 days, and as indicated following any treatment modi-
diovascular disease60 and the available interventions fications. The antihypertensive medication should start
that can be implemented to reduce this risk.61 Accord- when blood pressure levels surpass 150/100 mm Hg
ing to NICE, the high recurrence rate of HDP in subse- and should be reduced when the blood pressure drops
quent pregnancies, which is approximately 20%, should less than 130/80 mm Hg. NICE points out that the post-
be also highlighted to the women in the context of the partum treatment duration is usually equal to the ante-
postnatal care. natal one and that women with gestational hypertension
However, there is no common pathway regarding post- should have a medical review with their general practi-
partum monitoring of women with HDP. More specifically, tioner 2 weeks after delivery, similarly to those with
ACOG recommends blood pressure evaluation within 7 preeclampsia.63 For patients with chronic hypertension,
to 10 days from delivery or within the first 72 hours in NICE recommends a monitoring schedule identical to
case of severe hypertension and a follow-up at 1 to 3 weeks that of patients with gestational hypertension, with a blood
for high-risk patients, while PHAC recommends the mea- pressure treatment target of 140/90 mm Hg.63 Moreover,
surement of blood pressure 3 to 6 days after birth.62 On ACOG underlines the need for timely follow-up and
the other hand, the NICE guideline provides different ongoing provision of care for all mothers with a history
recommendations for women treated with antihyperten- of chronic hypertension.64
sive agents and those without treatment. In particular, it For women with hypertension in the postnatal pe-
suggests that the blood pressure of women with preeclamp- riod, enalapril is recommended with appropriate mon-
sia who did not receive antihypertensive treatment during itoring of maternal renal function and serum potassium
pregnancy should be monitored 4 times daily during hos- levels, whereas diuretics and angiotensin receptor
pitalization, followed by 1 measurement at 3 to 5 days and blockers should be avoided during lactation (NICE).
alternate-day measurements if this value is abnormal. If If blood pressure fails to be controlled with a single
the blood pressure exceeds 150/100 mm Hg, antihyper- medication, a combination of agents should be con-
tensive treatment should be initiated, and the women sidered. Labetalol or atenolol can be added or replace
should be monitored for severe headache and epigastric other agents if the combination therapy is not effective or
pain during the postnatal visits. Furthermore, women who well tolerated.63 In case of Black African or Caribbean
required antihypertensive treatment during pregnancy women, nifedipine or amlodipine are the preferred treat-
should have their blood pressure monitored 4 times a ment options.

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118 Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey

Diabetes thyroiditis with a thyroid-stimulating hormone test at 6

to 8 weeks postpartum for women with type 1 diabetes
Gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with high
mellitus and triglyceride assessment in the late postpartum
risk of developing metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular
period for all women with pregestational diabetes.
disease, and type 2 diabetes mellitus later in life, as proved
by a meta-analysis (RR, 7.43; 95% CI, 4.79–11.51).65 Pregnancy Loss
The increased awareness of this risk highlights the need
for appropriate glucose screening as part of the postna- ACOG refers to the postpartum management of women
tal care.66 However, the reviewed guidelines provide who experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal death.
inconsistent recommendations on this field. More pre- More specifically, ACOG underlines the importance of a
cisely, PHAC is in favor of the performance of a 75-g proper follow-up and emotional support. Moreover, any labo-
2-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) between 6 weeks ratory and pathology reports related to the loss should be re-
and 6 months after birth,67 ACOG mentions that either viewed to provide appropriate counseling regarding the risk
an OGTT or a fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test can be of recurrence and the management of future pregnancies.72
chosen,68 whereas NICE discourages the routine use of
OGTT, as a postpartum screening method.69 According POSTPARTUM CARE PROMOTION
to NICE, treatment for gestational diabetes should stop
Discharge Preparation
immediately after birth, and the glucose levels should be
measured before transfer to community care to exclude There is an overall agreement that adequate parental
the possibility of persistent hyperglycemia. Lifestyle ad- preparation for the postpartum period is the cornerstone
vice, including weight control, diet, and exercise, should for the optimization of both maternal and neonatal health
be given along with appropriate counseling regarding the outcomes. Therefore, ACOG, NICE, and PHAC recom-
symptoms of hyperglycemia and the recurrence risk. mend the identification of a primary health care pro-
Subsequently, an FPG test should be performed at 6 to vider responsible to organize the postnatal care before
13 weeks postpartum. After 13 weeks, an FPG test should discharge. Peer counselors, support staff, and discharge
be offered, in case the previous test was missed, or a hemo- planners may help to effectively schedule the postnatal
globin A1c (HbA1c) test if the FPG is not possible. NICE visits and subsequently increase the engagement with
also suggests the performance of annual HbA1c testing appropriate follow-up (ACOG, PHAC). In addition, par-
if the mother tested negative for diabetes postnatally.69 ents and caregivers should be provided with adequate
As for the management of future pregnancies, NICE information and counseling for the postnatal period. To-
recommends early self-monitoring of blood glucose levels ward this goal, educational interventions, including job
or an early OGTT. A second OGTT should be performed aids, pictorials for semiliterate people, and written or dig-
later in pregnancy if the first was normal.69 ital education booklets, are suggested by WHO, as a
Of note, PHAC states that the immediate initiation of study concluded that written education booklets increase
breastfeeding should be supported for women with ges- the postpartum visits to a health care provider and the
tational and pregestational diabetes, as it prevents the maternal satisfaction, compared with control leaflets.17
development of neonatal hypoglycemia.70 ACOG recommends that the anticipatory guidance re-
As for the postnatal management of pregestational di- garding infant feeding, emotional and physical chal-
abetes mellitus, NICE recommends insulin reduction and lenges, and transition to parenthood should commence
titration based on the monitoring of blood glucose levels.71 during pregnancy, based on data that showed this strat-
The increased risk of postpartum hypoglycemia, especially egy results in a reduction of depressive symptoms and
when breastfeeding, should be explained to women, and an increase of breastfeeding duration through the first
they should be encouraged to have a meal or snack be- 6 months postpartum.73,74 WHO and NICE state that
fore or during feeds. As for women with preexisting type it is crucial for partners to be included in the postpartum
2 diabetes mellitus treated with metformin, NICE men- care of both the mother and the neonate, according to
tions that they should be allowed to continue or resume the mothers' wishes. Finally, NICE and PHAC point out
their treatment after birth, even if they are breastfeeding. that before discharge the women should be advised not
According to NICE, the use of other oral hypoglycemic only of the signs and symptoms that should raise concern,
agents, as well as medication for diabetes complications, but also of the optimal seeking care pathway.
should be avoided during lactation.69 On the other hand,
PHAC mentions that except from metformin, glyburide is Home Visits—Midwifery Services
a safe treatment option for breastfeeding women with diabe- Home visits represent an integral part of the postpar-
tes. Notably, PHAC recommends screening for postpartum tum care promotion, according to all the reviewed

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Postnatal Care • CME Review Article 119

medical societies, although, as previously mentioned, CONCLUSIONS

there is disagreement on their frequency and timing.
To summarize, the importance of postpartum care provi-
Home visits may be performed by either skilled health
sion for the optimization of maternal and neonatal health
care workers or midwives and should empower the in-
outcomes is clearly outlined by all the reviewed guide-
dividualized care that meets the specific needs of both
lines. There is an agreement that home visits, incorpora-
the mother and the newborn. A randomized controlled
tion of midwifery services, appropriate parental discharge
trial of 4777 deliveries showed that a brief universal
preparation, and use of telemedicine are useful tools for
home-visiting program implemented with high penetra-
the promotion of postnatal care. There is also consensus
tion and fidelity resulted in lower costly emergency med-
concerning the clinical aspects that should be assessed at
ical care and improved family outcomes.75 Moreover, a
each postnatal visit, the management of postpartum com-
meta-analysis concluded that home visits by community
plications, the increased vigilance for mental health is-
health workers is cost-effective in improving neonate
sues, and the guidance for physical activity.
health outcomes for low- and middle-income countries
On the other hand, several discrepancies were identi-
and is also associated with reduced neonatal mortality
fied with regard to the optimal postnatal contact sched-
and increased practice of exclusive breastfeeding.76
ule, the recommended contraceptive methods, the nutri-
However, if this strategy is not feasible or preferred by
tional supplements, the routine postpartum screening
the family, outpatient postnatal care should be provided
for depression, and the ideal IPI. The postpartum man-
instead (WHO). The crucial role of the midwives during
agement of HDP and diabetes is also a matter of keen
the postnatal period is highlighted by all the reviewed
debate. Notably, screening for HIV, tuberculosis, and
guidelines, not only regarding the scheduled home visits,
parasitic infections in the postnatal period is addressed
but also for the anticipatory parental education and the
only by WHO.
provision of care in case of acute concerns. In settings
Childbirth is a major life event that requires consider-
with well-functioning midwifery programs, WHO sug-
able physical, emotional, and social adjustment. How-
gests the implementation of the midwife-led continuity-
ever, postnatal care has for long been known as “the
of-care model, in which a known group of midwives
Cinderella service,” highlighting how neglected and in-
provides support throughout the antenatal, intrapartum,
adequate it was. This is also reflected by the fact that
and postnatal periods.77
most maternal and infant deaths still occur in the first
month after delivery. Therefore, there is a pressing need
Digital Targeted Communication for ongoing research and collaboration to develop con-
sistent, evidence-based, culturally competent, interna-
There is a consensus that digital communication, in-
tional and local guidelines for the postpartum manage-
cluding phone support, text messages, remote blood
ment of women to ensure they all receive the optimum
pressure monitoring, and app-based support, should be
level of health care and support. Toward this goal, a
used to support in-person assessment for the optimization
sustained coordination among health care providers,
of postnatal care. This approach may be helpful for
policymakers, and researchers, to identify and imple-
supporting breastfeeding and formula feeding (NICE)
ment best practices in postnatal care, is required.
and reminding mothers to schedule postnatal follow-up
(ACOG). A Cochrane review reported that although, to
date, there is insufficient evidence to warrant investment REFERENCES
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