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Antony C. Bakke, PhD

Clinical Applications
of Flow Cytometry

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During the last 20 years, flow cytometry has ABSTRACT Flow cytometry is an important analytical tool
become a routine clinical method in many labora- that has moved from research to the clinical laboratory in the
tories.1 This article discusses current clinical uses past 20 years. Although still important in research, many
of flow cytometry, emphasizing immunopheno-
applications have become routine clinical tests required for
typing, reticulocyte and reticulated platelet enu-
meration, multiple drug resistance assays, cell diagnosis, estimation of prognosis, and monitoring of
function assays, and apoptosis. A partial list of the treatment. In addition, new applications, such as minimal
standard clinical instruments and additional residual disease detection and multiple-drug resistance
instruments with features of automated cytome- monitoring, are being evaluated for clinical testing.
try is given in the Table. Recent advances are
This is the final article in a 4-part continuing education series on immunology. On
briefly discussed; advanced research uses are not. completion of this article, the reader will be able to describe current clinical uses of flow
All of the assays described are used by clinical lab- cytometry, identify some of the monoclonal antibodies used in immunophenotyping,
oratories for patient care. and identify areas for future clinical applications of this technology.

DNA Analysis

Scientific Communications
Laser-equipped flow cytometers were originally flow cytometry. Immunophenotyping, or charac-
developed to provide a rapid screening method forterization of cell subpopulations based on differen-
From the Department
cervical specimens using a method to measure tiation antigens, is probably the most well of Pathology, and
altered DNA content. The instrument needed to recognized area in flow cytometry. These marker Immunology and
antigens are detected with antibodies and either
precisely analyze both intrinsic and extrinsic cellu- Flow Cytometry
flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy, or
lar features on a cell by cell basis. Intrinsic features Laboratory, Oregon
Health Sciences
included size, granularity, and autofluorescence.immunohistochemistry. Immunophenotyping is
Extrinsic measurements required the addition of aused clinically for diagnosis and subclassification Portland, OR.
of leukemia and lymphoma, diagnosis of primary
fluorescent probe to detect the feature of interest. Reprint requests to
For DNA content, this probe was a stoichiometric immunodeficiency disorders, enumeration of stem Dr Bakke, Oregon

stain for DNA. Both determination of ploidy and cells in peripheral blood, diagnosis of paroxysmal Health Sciences

nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), monitoring of
analysis of cell division kinetics (eg, S-phase frac- University,
tion, doubling time, mitotic index) have impor- immune status in patients with HIV infection, Department of
tant implications in areas such as clinical tumormonitoring of immunosuppressive therapy with 3181 SW Sam
prognosis.2 Although the goal of detecting cells OKT3 and other monoclonal antibodies, T-cell Jackson Park Rd,
with abnormal DNA content was reached, the fact cross-matching for transplantation, monitoring Portland, OR 97201.
for posttransplantation rejection episodes, detec-
that many cancers, especially in early stages of dis-
tion of minimal residual disease in cancer, and tis-
ease, do not have significant, quantitative changes
in DNA content has limited use of flow cytometry sue typing for HLA-B27. All of these procedures
for this purpose.3 require the use of 1 or more antibodies (usually
monoclonal) to detect the antigens.
Immunophenotyping Antibodies are carefully standardized by a
Developments in immunology and other areas of series of international leukocyte differentiation
cancer research have greatly expanded the use of workshops and are given CD (cluster of differenti-
ation) designations to unify terminology. The CD

F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 0 VO L U M E 3 1 , N U M B E R 2 L A B O R ATO RY M E D I C I N E 97
Instruments Used for Flow Cytometry
Instrument Manufacturer Uses
FACS Calibur Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA Immunophenotyping, DNA, reticulocytes,
platelets, multiple drug resistance, apoptosis,
cell function
XL Beckman-Coulter, Miami, FL Same as above
PAS Partec, Munster, Germany Same as above
BRYTE HS BioRad, Hercules, CA DNA, bacterial drug sensitivity, reticulocytes,
platelets, some immunophenotyping
IMAGN 2000 Biometric Imaging & CD4, CD8, CD34, residual WBCs, platelet

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Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA activation
LaserScanning Cytometer CompuCyte, Cambridge, MA Immunophenotyping, DNA, reticulocytes,
platelets, multiple drug resistance, apoptosis
CellDyn 4000 Abbott, North Chicago, IL Immunophenotyping for CD3, CD4, CD8,
CD34, CD61

number can refer to both the antibody and the gives additional prognostic information indepen-
antigen. Therefore, FITC-CD3 indicates a mono- dent of viral load by polymerase chain reaction
clonal antibody against the CD3 antigen, which is (PCR) or CD4 T-cell count.7,8
conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) to Immunophenotyping is required for accurate
make it fluoresce green when excited with blue diagnosis of primary immune deficiency disorders.
light. On the other hand, CD3+ T lymphocytes are Many have characteristic defects that are easily
the subpopulation of lymphocytes bearing the detected.9 For example, X-linked (Bruton’s) agam-
CD3 antigen, which is positive when stained with maglobulinemia is due to a mutation in a specific
FITC-CD3. tyrosine kinase gene required for B-lymphocyte
The latest advances in flow cytometry involve maturation. Patients completely lack B lympho-
multiple-color analysis, enabling evaluation of cytes in the peripheral blood, which can be shown
coexpression of several markers while reducing by lack of staining with CD19 antibodies. Another
the total amounts of antibody and specimen example, hyperimmunoglobulinemia M syn-
required for analysis. With the availability of mul- drome, is due to a mutation in the CD40 ligand. It
tiple-color analysis, strategies have evolved that is required for immunoglobulin isotype switching,
enable more refined gating of populations, such as but is lacking on stimulated T lymphocytes.
CD45 gating for all WBCs or CD19 gating for B In the area of hematologic neoplasia, immuno-
lymphocytes. This type of gating has enhanced or phenotyping is considered the standard of med-
replaced the traditional scatter gating (Fig 1), with ical care. Hematopoietic malignancies represent
applications in immunodeficiency disorders, such specific stages of differentiation and may be lym-
as HIV infection,4 and hematologic neoplasia.5 In phoid, myeloid, or biphenotypic. Routine mor-
HIV infection, enumeration of CD4+ T cells has phology and cytochemistry are absolutely
become a standard surrogate for estimating stage necessary for diagnosis but cannot differentiate
of disease. Of importance, a CD4 count <200 many subtypes of these diseases, such as pre-B-cell
cells/mL together with a positive antibody test for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Each subtype
HIV is diagnostic of AIDS, enabling proper diag- expresses different biologic behavior, as reflected
nosis and treatment in many patients.6 An addi- in different prognoses and effective treatments.
tional method of assessing stage of disease for HIV Recent advances have added intracellular
and response to therapy has been developed using staining for antigens such as CD3, CD19, CD79a,
quantitative expression of CD38 on CD8+ T cells. and myeloperoxidase, enabling identification of
This evaluation is not yet used widely in clinical the earliest stages of lymphoid and myeloid dif-
laboratories, but may be in the future because it ferentiation.10 Exact classification cannot be
done without immunophenotyping, either with

98 L A B O R ATO RY M E D I C I N E VO L U M E 3 1 , N U M B E R 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 0
Fig 1. Multicolor
A B staining of a lymph
104 104 node fine-needle
aspirate with anti-
R4 (CD 19+)
103 103 (FITC), anti-lambda-
phycoerythrin (PE),
and CD19-peridinin
CD 19-PerCP

chlorophyll protein
102 (PerCP). Cells are
stained, washed, and
analyzed. FITC
fluoresces green, PE
101 is yellow, and PerCP

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(alternately, PE-Cy5)
is orange. A, Dot plot
of side, or 90-degree,
100 light scatter on the
100 100 101 102 103 104
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 X-axis vs CD19-
SSC Height PerCP staining on
the Y-axis. CD19-
positive, low side
scatter cells (SSC)
flow cytometry or immunohistochemistry, which cytometry. Lack of CD55 and CD59 confers sensi- are gated in region
are complementary techniques. With either tivity to activated complement on the cells. This R4. B, Kappa and
method, fewer than 50,000 cells from difficult defect begins in a hematopoietic clone of cells in lambda staining of
the CD19-gated cells
specimens, such as fine-needle aspirate, cere- the bone marrow. In any patient, the percentage of in A. Monoclonal,
brospinal fluid, or vitreous fluid, can be stained PNH cells may vary from 1% to 100%. Of impor- kappa-positive,
and analyzed for B-lymphocyte monoclonality. A tance, patients with PNH may have near normal presumptive
typical example of flow cytometry is shown in expression on RBCs, due to the shortened life span neoplastic, B-cell
Figure 1. Flow cytometry has the advantage of of PNH RBCs or to transfusions. In addition, population is
speed and simpler methods, but lacks the ability PNH cells may be either completely negative (type
to visualize malignant cells. III) or bear decreased amounts of these GPI-
Many solid tumors are currently being treated anchored proteins (type II). Inasmuch as the

Scientific Communications
with marrow ablative chemotherapy followed by abnormal PNH clone usually increases over time,
either autologous or allogeneic stem cell trans- repeated testing may be necessary.
plantation. Colony-stimulating factors induce Other flow cytometry assays involving
production and release of more stem cells into the immunophenotyping include monitoring of
blood, where they are collected along with other OKT3 antibody immunosuppression and tissue
WBCs. However, the timing of release of these typing for HLA-B27, which is important in diag-
cells from the bone marrow varies among nosing spondylarthritides. OKT3 monoclonal
patients. Since the peripheral WBC is an unreli- antibody is directed against the CD3 antigen on T
able surrogate, stem cells in the blood must be lymphocytes. After binding to CD3, the antibody
enumerated with CD34 staining.11 Hematopoi- induces T-lymphocyte activation and removal of

etic stem cell evaluation requires detection of CD3 plus the T-lymphocyte antigen receptor from
small numbers of cells (1 in 1,000) and often the cell surface. As a result, the T lymphocyte is
needs to be done in real time to avert unnecessary effectively “blind” and cannot identify and attack
and expensive additional collections. any target (ie, transplanted tissues), resulting in
Defects in the production of normal immunosuppression. Monitoring effective
hematopoietic cells by the bone marrow can also removal of CD3 from the T lymphocyte is used to
be detected with flow cytometry. For example, determine effective treatment.13
patients with PNH lack specific glycosylphos-
phatidylinositol (GPI)–anchored proteins on RBCs and Platelets
hematopoietic cells, because of a defect in the RBCs and platelets can be evaluated with flow
PIGA (phosphatidylinositol glycan A gene).12 cytometry. Reticulocytes can easily be measured
Many GPI-anchored proteins (eg, CD14, CD16, using a stain for the residual RNA in these cells.
CD55, CD59, CD66b) are easily detected with flow

F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 0 VO L U M E 3 1 , N U M B E R 2 L A B O R ATO RY M E D I C I N E 99
Similar to the methylene blue staining method, a Future Clinical Uses
percentage of reticulocytes is measured and used Often patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic
to calculate the absolute number. In addition, flow purpura have antiplatelet antibodies that can be
cytometry provides a measure of reticulocyte measured with flow cytometry. Previous studies
maturity, the immature reticulocyte fraction (pre- showed that platelet-associated IgG could be of
viously termed the reticulocyte maturity index).14 some use clinically, but specificity has been low,
An analogous measurement for platelets pro- primarily because of nonspecific binding of IgG to
vides an estimate of young, “reticulated” platelets Fc and complement receptors on platelets. Gating
by counting platelets that stain with an RNA dye of platelets with flow cytometry and determination
(eg, thiazole orange, coriphosphine-O). The of the specific site of antibody binding with fluo-

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platelets in whole blood are also labeled with phy- rescence resonance energy transfer has increased
coerythrin-conjugated CD41 antibody to differ- the specificity of the assay by eliminating the con-
entiate them from other small particles. The RBCs tribution of non-specifically–bound IgG.17
in the specimen are used as an internal negative Platelet hyperactivity and circulating activated
control for staining intensity, and the CD41-posi- platelets are associated with unstable angina, acute
tive platelets are evaluated for RNA content (Fig myocardial infarction, cardiovascular accident,
2).15 An increase in the number of reticulated cardiopulmonary bypass, diabetes mellitus, emo-
platelets indicates increased bone marrow produc- tional stress, and blood bank storage of platelets,
tion of platelets and is consistent with a diagnosis among other conditions.18 Several assays have
of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. been developed to measure either activated
platelets or platelet microparticles using anti-
Cell Function CD62 and anti-CD41, and reagents that detect
Cell function assays are performed by only a few externalized phosphatidylserine on platelets. In
reference laboratories, but can be helpful in cer- addition, non–flow cytometric assays are avail-
tain patients. Perhaps the most clinically relevant able. Because of the importance of platelet activity
assays of cell function are those for oxidative burst in many clinical conditions, some assay of platelet
and phagocytosis by neutrophils. Defects are char- activation will eventually be widely utilized.
acteristic of chronic granulomatous disease. Flow The role of flow cytometry as an aid in deter-
cytometric assays are simpler and easier to per- mining prognosis in patients with cancer has
form than complex bactericidal assays. In the case become increasingly important with the advent of
of oxidative burst assays, the neutrophils are assays for detection of minimal residual disease
loaded with a nonfluorescent dye that becomes and assessment of multiple drug resistance.
fluorescent when it is oxidized by stimulated Although not so sensitive as PCR methods,
cells.16 This is analogous to the nitroblue tetra- observing phenotypic markers is often the only
zolium test. For phagocytosis, fluorescence-tagged method for determining the presence of minimal
bacteria can be incubated with viable neutrophils, residual disease without known or consistent
and internalization measured. genetic aberrations. Although the methods are dif-
Other functional assays for lymphocytes include ficult to establish, a number of laboratories have
proliferation and stimulation by mitogens and the reported that it is possible to routinely identify 1
natural killer cytotoxicity assay. Proliferation is malignant cell among 10,000 normal cells with
measured using fluorescent antibodies that detect flow cytometry.19 In some studies, this level of
bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, analogous to detection was clinically relevant, whereas the more
tritiated thymidine incorporation. Cytotoxicity sensitive PCR did not predict clinical response.20
assays use target cells, which are viably labeled with Drug resistance is a principal reason for failure
a fluorescent marker. Once they are killed, the tar- of cancer response to chemotherapy. Multiple drug
get cells lose their fluorescence and are no longer resistance is mediated by several mechanisms in
counted in the assay. Percent cytotoxicity is calcu- cancer cells, including the p-glycoprotein (MDR1)
lated by comparing the remaining viable targets and other pumps (eg, lung resistance protein
with a control lacking natural killer cells. [LRP], multiple drug resistance–related protein
[MRP]), the glutathione transferase antioxidant
system, increased resistance to apoptosis due to

100 L A B O R ATO RY M E D I C I N E VO L U M E 3 1 , N U M B E R 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 0
104 400


RBC-G2 240


Marker at inflection



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100 101 102 103 104
100 101 102 103 104

Fig 2. Whole blood is stained with thiazole orange (RNA 50
stain) and CD41-phycoerythrin (PE) antibody. The blood
is diluted and analyzed, without washing, on the flow
cytometer. A, Dot plot of log forward scatter (FSC) on 40

the Y-axis vs PE-CD41 (FL2) staining. Medium forward

scatter, CD41-positive platelets (G1), and high forward 30

scatter, CD41-negative RBCs (G2) are gated. B, Thiazole

orange staining (FL1) of gated RBCs. Reticulocytes and
WBCs appear positive. A marker is set at the inflection 20

point on the curve and is used to calculate a platelet

setting. C, Thiazole orange staining (FL1) of gated 10
platelets. Based on biochemical studies of RNA content
in reticulocytes and reticulated platelets, the marker is
set at 3 times the value from the reticulocytes in B. This 0
100 101 102 103 104

Scientific Communications
is a normal individual with <1% reticulated platelets. D,
Thiazole orange staining (FL1) of gated platelets from a
patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Fifty
percent of the platelets contain sufficient RNA to be
considered young platelets.

bcl-2 overexpression, p53 mutations, and other
factors. Since MDR1 inhibitors are available for
clinical use, they have been a natural candidate for 40

study. Accumulation or efflux of several fluores-

cent dyes or antibody staining for MDR1 (p-glyco- 30

protein) has been used to measure the level of
MDR1. Both measurements correlate with clinical 20

outcome in acute myeloid leukemia.21

Analysis of apoptosis, or programmed cell 10
death, is a major research application of flow
cytometry and may become a new clinical applica- 0
100 101 102 103 104
tion for determining the efficacy of chemotherapy
in patients with leukemia and other types of malig-
nancies.22 During this important biologic process,
there are changes in the plasma membrane and the
mitochondria, a cascade of intracellular proteases

F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 0 VO L U M E 3 1 , N U M B E R 2 L A B O R ATO RY M E D I C I N E 101


Consensus Documents, Laboratory

103 Standards, and Regulations
Propidium lodide

The complexity of multiparameter flow cytome-

try and its use in clinical medicine necessitate
standards and regulation for flow cytometry to
achieve interlaboratory reproducibility and
ensure quality patient care. Several groups
around the world have met to establish consen-
101 Apoptotic sus protocols and guidelines for current methods

Downloaded from by guest on 12 December 2021

in flow cytometry, including proficiency testing,
accreditation, and training.23
100 0
10 101 102 103 104 Conclusion
Flow cytometry is a powerful tool with many appli-
cations in pathology. Although it is currently used
Fig 3. T-cell line (Jurkat) is cultured with camptothecin for 2 hours to
for many standard tests, new applications are con-
induce apoptosis. Cells are then stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate tinually being developed, including assays for min-
(FITC)–annexin-V and propidium iodide. Viable cells are negative for both imal residual disease detection and multiple drug
stains, cells that have recently entered the apoptosis cascade are positive resistance assessment. As a tool, flow cytometry
for annexin only (apoptotic), and cells that are late in apoptosis and have
does not stand alone but enhances other methods,
permeable membranes are positive for both annexin and propidium
iodide (necrotic).
from morphologic to molecular analysis.l

(caspases) are activated, and, finally, cellular DNA References

becomes fragmented. Apoptosis is different from 1. McCoy JP Jr, Keren DF. Current practices in clinical flow
cytometry. Am J Clin Pathol. 1999;111:161–168.
necrosis. Morphologically, apoptosis is character- 2. Hedley DW, Clark GM, Cornelisse CJ, et al. Consensus
ized by cell shrinkage, chromatin condensation, review of the clinical utility of DNA cytometry in carcinoma of
and formation of apoptotic bodies, which are the breast. Cytometry. 1993;14:482–485.
3. Koss LG, Czerniak B, Herz F, et al. Flow cytometric mea-
phagocytized, inducing little inflammation. Con- surements of DNA and other cell components in human
versely, necrosis is characterized by cellular tumors: a critical appraisal. Human Pathol. 1989;20:528–548.
swelling, is induced by hypoxia and toxins, and 4. Mandy FF, Bergeron M, Minkus T. Evolution of leukocyte
immunophenotyping as influenced by the HIV/AIDS pan-
results in extensive inflammation. demic: a short history of the development of gating strategies
Cellular changes characteristic of apoptosis or for CD4+ T-cell enumeration. Cytometry. 1997;30:157–165.
necrosis can be measured with flow cytometric 5. Lacombe F, Durrieu F, Dumain P, et al. Flow cytometry
CD45 gating for immunophenotyping of acute myeloid
techniques such as annexin-V binding to phos- leukemia. Leukemia. 1997;11:1878–1886.
phatidylserine on the cell surface, DNA nick label- 6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1993
ing, permeability dyes, and antibody-based or Expanded Surveillance Case Definition for AIDS. No. RR-17.
MMWR. 1992;41:119.
enzyme-based assays of the active caspases. Newly 7. Giorgi JV, Hultin LE, McKeating JA, et al. Shorter survival
apoptotic cells are positive for annexin-V but not in advanced human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection is
propidium iodide (Fig 3). In cells that are farther more closely associated with T lymphocyte activation than
with plasma virus burden or virus chemokine coreceptor
in apoptosis or have died by necrosis, holes usage. J Infect Dis. 1999;179:859–870.
develop in the plasma membrane and become 8. Burgisser P, Hammann C, Kaufman D, et al. Expression of
positive for propidium iodide, which enters and CD28 and CD38 by CD8+ T lymphocytes in HIV-1 infection
correlates with markers of disease severity and changes towards
stains DNA. Similar results can be obtained with normalization under treatment: the Swiss HIV cohort study.
patient specimens, although apoptotic cells exist Clin Exp Immunol. 1999;115:458–463.
for only a short time in the body before being 9. Ten RM. Primary immunodeficiencies. Mayo Clin Proc.
removed by mononuclear phagocytes. This 10. Knapp W, Strobl H, Majdic O. Flow cytometric analysis of
important phenomenon has implications for cell-surface and intracellular antigens in leukemia diagnosis.
many areas of biology, including cell regulation Cytometry. 1994;18:187–198.
11. Chin-Lee I, Anderson L, Keeney M, et al. Quality assur-
and tumor proliferation. ance of stem cell enumeration by flow cytometry. Cytometry.
12. Rosse WF. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria as a
molecular disease. Medicine. 1997;76:63–93.

102 L A B O R ATO RY M E D I C I N E VO L U M E 3 1 , N U M B E R 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 0
Here are some Internet sites that 13. Henell KR, Bakke A, Kenny TA, et al. Degree of modula-
offer more information on topics tion of cell-surface CD3 by anti-lymphocyte therapies. Trans-
plant Proc. 1991;23:1070–1071.
discussed in this issue of Laboratory Medicine. 14. Davis BH, Bigelow NC. Reticulocyte analysis and reticu-
locyte maturity index. Methods Cell Biol. 1994;42:263–273.
Coagulation 15. Bonan JL, Rinder HM, Smith BR. Determination of the
“Coagulation Diseases” is available on the percentage of thiazole orange (TO)–positive, “reticulated”
Community Outreach Health Information System platelets using autologus erythrocyte TO fluorescence as an
(COHIS) Web site. COHIS was developed by Boston internal standard. Cytometry. 1993;14:690–694.
University to provide information that is easy to read 16. O’Gorman MRG, Corrochano V. Rapid whole-blood flow
and understand to students, children, and educators. cytometry assay for diagnosis of chronic granulomatous dis- ease. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 1995;2:227–232.
17. Koksch M, Rothe G, Kiefel V, et al. Fluorescence reso-

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nance energy transfer as a new method for the epitope-specific
“Urbana Atlas of Pathology,” available on the
characterization of anti-platelet antibodies. J Immunol Meth-
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana- ods. 1995;187:53–67.
Champaign Web site, contains pathologic images 18. Michelson AD. Flow cytometry: a clinical test of platelet
due to disseminated intravascular coagulation. function. Blood. 1996;12:4925–4936. 19. Coustan-Smith E, Behm FG, Sanchez J, et al. Immuno- logical detection of minimal residual disease in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Lancet. 1998;351:550–554. Test Time!
20. Campana D, Pui C. Detection of minimal residual disease Look for the CE
Diabetes in acute leukemia: methodological advances and clinical signif- Update exam on
“Conquering Diabetes: A Strategic Plan for the 21st icance. Blood. 1995;85:1416–1434. Immunology (001) in
Century (1999; NIH Publication No. 99-4398),” a report 21. Willman CL. Immunophenotyping and cytogenetics in
this issue of
older adults with acute myeloid leukemia: significance of
of the Congressionally-established Diabetes Research Laboratory Medicine.
expression of the multidrug resistance gene-1 (MDR1).
Working Group, National Institutes of Health (NIH), is Leukemia. 1996;10:S33–S35. Participants will earn
available on the National Institute of Diabetes and 22. Au JL, Panchal N, Li D, et al. Apoptosis: a new pharmaco- 4 CMLE credit hours.
Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH Web site dynamic endpoint. Pharm Res. 1997;14:1659–1671. 23. Stelzer GT, Marti G, Hurley A, et al. U.S.-Canadian con-
sensus recommendations on the immunophenotypic analysis
“Diabetes Info” is available on the American of hematologic neoplasia by flow cytometry: standardization
Diabetes Association Web site and validation of laboratory procedures. Cytometry. 1997;30:214–230.

Flow Cytometry

Scientific Communications
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Answers: : Please Multiple-Choice Questions 6. What is the most common use of flow cytometry in
select the one best clinical medicine?
answer for each 1. Which of the following thyroid profiles is A. Enzyme immunoassays for autoantibodies
item by placing an recommended by the American Thyroid Association? B. Immunophenotyping of cell populations
A. Thyroid uptake followed by thyroid stimulating hormone C. Multiple drug resistance analysis
X in the box. D. Bacteria detection
B. TSH plus thyroid uptake
A B C D E 7. Detection of IgM antibodies specific for a
C. TSH followed by free thyroxine index (FT4)
1 D. Thyroid binding globulin plus T4 particular pathogen in serum from a neonate
2. Which of the following investigators was the first A. exposure of the neonate to the pathogen.
2 to use a proteolytic enzyme to digest tissue for B. maternal-fetal transfer of antibody in utero.
immunochemical staining? C. production of maternal IgM.
A. Huang D. an anamnestic response due to secondary exposure.
3 B. Sternberger
C. Guesdon 8. Programmed cell death is a normal process
D. Coons occurring in the body both naturally and after
4 chemotherapy for malignancies. What is another
3. The phrase “analyte specific antigen” was term for programmed cell death?
designated by which of the following regulatory A. Lysis
5 B. Necrosis
groups to replace the earlier designation “research
use only”? C. Apoptosis
A. Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment Committee D. Inflammation
B. College of American Pathologists
C. US Food and Drug Administration 9. Which cells are required for transplantation to
D. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards reconstitute bone marrow after intensive
7 chemotherapy?
4. Which cardiac marker appears first following an A. Lymphocytes
acute myocardial infarction? B. RBCs
8 C. Monocytes
A. Creatine kinase (CK)
B. CK-MB D. CD34-positive stem cells
9 C. Homocysteine
D. Myoglobin 10. What common feature of reticulocytes and
reticulated platelets can be measured with flow
10 5. Which of the following microbial antigens can be cytometry using a single stain?
detected with direct microbial methods? A. DNA content
A. Capsular proteins B. Cell surface markers
B. Viral cell wall C. RNA content
C. Cell wall components D. Hemoglobin content
D. Inert polysaccharide

104 L A B O R ATO RY M E D I C I N E VO L U M E 3 1 , N U M B E R 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 0

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