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Retail and Growth, Marketing & Sales Practices

How retailers in Europe

can navigate rising
With inflation at record highs throughout Europe, retailers are under
more pressure than ever. Those that act quickly and follow a holistic
playbook can be well positioned to thrive.
This article is a collaborative effort by Kevin Bright, Gokmen Ciger, Franck Laizet, Karin Lauer, and
Andres Monge, representing views from McKinsey’s Retail Practice.

© Tom Werner/Getty Images

December 2022
Inflation in Europe reached record heights changing consumer behavior and sentiment, and
this fall, with more than half of the 19 eurozone draw lessons from previous periods of economic
countries seeing double-digit growth in consumer volatility. Finally, we describe a holistic approach
prices. Inflation rates in both Germany and the that can help retailers think about how to
United Kingdom soared over 10 percent, while in simultaneously tackle inflationary challenges and
Italy it approached 13 percent, its highest level in build long-term resilience.
four decades.
Across the continent, double-digit inflation has Economic winds of change
disrupted people’s lives and livelihoods. Street With the cost of food going up more than
demonstrations and strikes in several countries are 15 percent, gas prices skyrocketing, and wages
just some of the ways that people are protesting increasing by more than 5 percent in the past year,
cost-of-living increases. And, of course, there’s pain Europe is seeing prices soar at rates not seen
for consumers at the cash register. since the 1970s. The underlying drivers of current
inflation are well documented. The continent is
Unfortunately, there are no indications that things
still feeling the effects of the pandemic; the war in
will improve anytime soon. Although the European
Ukraine has exacerbated supply disruptions and
Central Bank has raised interest rates to curb
resulted in steep price increases in food, fertilizers,
inflation, it also predicts that consumer prices will
and natural gas; labor is hard to find and costs
continue to rise. Moreover, devaluation of the euro
continue to rise.
and the pound against the US dollar has put further
pressure on manufacturers and retailers that need The outlook does not seem promising. For
to pay their suppliers in US dollars, and several starters, inflation may not yet have reached its
countries are now facing a potential recession. peak. Economists at the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) predict that global inflation will remain
What’s a retailer to do amid this growing economic
above 6 percent for at least another year. And
pressure? Although many have opted to delay major
39 percent of economists surveyed by Reuters
moves, it’s now clear that companies need to act
in August 2022 said they expected inflation to
quickly to adjust for elevated inflation levels while
stay high beyond 2023. Economists from central
preparing themselves for long-term resiliency.
banks, the IMF, and the OECD predict that it will
In this article, we examine the current state of be another year or two before prices stabilize
inflation in Europe, take a quick dive into rapidly (Exhibit 1).

Companies need to act quickly

to adjust for elevated inflation
levels while preparing themselves
for long-term resiliency.

2 How retailers in Europe can navigate rising inflation

Web <2022>
Exhibit 1
Exhibit <1> of <5>

Inflation throughout Europe will continue to rise in the near future.

Eurozone and UK inflation rate, 2019–25, %
14 14
UK forecast (A)
12 12

UK (B)
10 10

8 8

6 6

EU (B)
4 4
UK inflation
2 2
EU forecast (A)
EU inflation
0 0

–2 –2

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Source: Bank of England; European Central Bank; International Monetary Fund; OECD; UK Office for Budget Responsibility

McKinsey & Company

Also, central banks have raised interest rates, which has even fallen below 92 percent in some eurozone
will further tighten consumers’ ability to spend countries. Our latest Europe Consumer Pulse
and retailers’ ability to manage costs. In October Survey shows that consumers are pessimistic, with
2022, the European Central Bank raised rates 43 percent expressing doubts about economic
by 0.75 percentage points, its third consecutive recovery. Fifty-eight percent of respondents cite
interest rate hike. These rate hikes lead to less inflation as their top worry, overwhelmingly ahead
disposable income for households with variable- of other concerns such as the war in Ukraine,
rate mortgages, car loans, and revolving credit card climate change, or unemployment.
debt. They also raise the cost of capital, energy, and
As a result, people are reducing or drawing down
labor for businesses, putting retailers with higher
on savings. Fifty-five percent of consumers in
debt-leverage ratios at particular risk and making
Europe say they’ve reduced their savings in recent
capital improvements more costly to finance.
months, and one-third say they’ve dipped into
Additionally, consumer confidence in Europe has savings to cover living expenses; 80 percent of our
plummeted, falling to levels even lower than those Europe Consumer Pulse Survey respondents say
in the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic they have changed their shopping behavior—for
(Exhibit 2). In recent months, consumer confidence example, by trying private-label brands, switching

How retailers in Europe can navigate rising inflation 3

Web <2022>
Exhibit 2
Exhibit <2> of <5>

Consumer confidence in Europe has fallen to levels below those seen in the
early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Eurozone and UK consumer confidence, 2019–221 Italy Germany Spain
France All eurozone UK

104 104

102 102

100 100

98 98

96 96

94 94

92 92

90 90

2019 2020 2021 2022

Eurozone and UK Dec 2019–Dec 2020 Dec 2020–Dec 2021 Dec 2021–Oct 2022
consumer confidence,
% change 2.3
Italy 1.6 1.1 1.7

Germany –0.8
–1.7 –1.7
All eurozone –2.2 –2.9
Spain –4.0 –3.6
–5.2 –4.6 –5.1
UK –5.7
Indicator >100 indicates a boost in consumer confidence toward future economic outlook; indicator <100 indicates a pessimistic attitude toward future

economic outlook.
Source: OECD

McKinsey & Company

stores, or shifting from brick-and-mortar to online History shows that resilient retailers—those that
shopping (Exhibit 3). adopt a through-cycle mindset, as opposed to those
that batten down the hatches and dramatically
Retail resiliency during reduce spending—are much more likely to come out
the last downturn stronger from a crisis.
Amid such economic instability, how can retailers We analyzed aggregate company data of
preserve margins and offset for currency volatility? the 80 largest European retailers by market

4 How retailers in Europe can navigate rising inflation

Web <2022>
Exhibit 3of <5>
Exhibit <3>

More than 80 percent of consumers in Europe have changed or are planning to

change their shopping behavior.

Eurozone and UK consumer change in shopping for groceries and other essentials,1 % of respondents
Have done in past 3 months Plan to do in next 3 months

Try a private-label brand 50 15

Switch to a different brand from normal 35 13

Shop at a different retailer/store from normal 27 21

Switch from a brick-and-mortar store to online 14 9

Try a new digital shopping method2 11 9

Shop on a different website from normal 11 12

Switch from online to a brick-and-mortar store 10 18

Use a new shopping method3 9 7

Any new shopping behavior,4 % of respondents

Sept 2022 80 9

June 2022 74 10
Apr 2022 68 12

Questions: “In the past 3 months, which of the following have you done when purchasing groceries and other essentials (eg, toiletries, cleaning products)? How
likely are you to change your shopping behavior in the next 3 months when purchasing groceries and other essentials (eg, toiletries, cleaning products)?” Rated
from 1, “not likely at all,” to 6, “extremely likely.” “Extremely likely” and “likely” answers are shown in an aggregated view. 2For example, ordered groceries via
app. 3For example, pickup and food delivery subscription. 4Applies if a respondent has chosen ≥1 of other categories.
Source: McKinsey Europe Consumer Pulse Survey, Sept 23–Oct 2, 2022, n = 5,156 (from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and UK), sampled to match European
general population aged ≥18

McKinsey & Company

capitalization to see how they performed during the Specifically, they moved faster and pushed
2008 financial crisis and its aftermath. When we harder on productivity, which lowered costs while
segmented this group into resilient and nonresilient preserving capacity for growth. Second, they
companies—separating out those in the top quartile made strategic divestments during the downturn
of TSR—we saw that the companies willing to invest that freed up capital for acquisition of distressed
in longer-term growth and market share reaped and undervalued assets that were core to driving
a longer-term payoff by the time the economy growth. Finally, they saw opportunities to win
recovered (Exhibit 4). By 2017, the TSR performance market share over the medium to long term and
gap between resilient and nonresilient retailers was continued to invest in transformation and growth. As
277 basis points (Exhibit 5). a result, they outperformed peers through the 2008
downturn and saw significant sales growth during
Resilient retailers built operational and
the recovery.
financial optionality during the downturn cycle.

How retailers in Europe can navigate rising inflation 5

Web <2022>
Exhibit 4of <5>
Exhibit <4>

Resilient European retailers saw greater revenue and earnings growth than
their peers did in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis.

European retailer revenue,1 2007–11, European retailer EBITDA,1 2007–11,

index (100 = 2007 financial year) index (100 = 2007 financial year)

135 135
130 130

125 125
120 120

115 115
110 110
105 105

100 135

95 95

90 90

85 85
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

In 80 largest European retailers by revenue.


Retail companies in top quartile of TSR by sector.


Retail companies in bottom quartile of TSR by sector.


Source: MSCI; Corporate Performance Analytics by McKinsey; McKinsey analysis

McKinsey & Company

A holistic inflation playbook communicating pricing, promotions, and product

Building on these lessons, retailers can adopt a assortment decisions.
holistic approach to manage the current period
— Resilience in supply chain and sourcing. Quick
of economic uncertainty. To do this, companies
fixes aren’t sufficient. Instead, retailers will need
can set up a centralized “inflation management
to completely overhaul their relationships and
office,” bringing in leaders from different functions
network of suppliers.
such as finance, supply chain, HR, commercial,
and operations to work in an agile way and unify — Productivity in G&A functions. Retailers can
efforts. By fostering rigorous transparency, this improve efficiency in G&A by running a leaner
control tower can function as a facilitator for fast organization.
and decisive actions—and position retailers for
Commercial effectiveness
outsize growth following a downturn—by focusing
Commercial effectiveness requires an orchestrated
on the following:
response that blends a deep understanding of how
— Commercial effectiveness. Retailers can focus the market and customers interact; actions to fine-
on value to consumers by resetting and clearly tune pricing, promotions, assortment strategy, and

6 How retailers in Europe can navigate rising inflation

Web <2022>
Exhibit 5of <5>
Exhibit <5>

Resilient European retailers gave far better returns to shareholders than their
peers did in the years following the 2008 global financial crisis.

European retailer TSR,1 2007–17, index (100 = 2007 financial year)

550 550
500 500

450 450
400 400

350 350
300 300

250 250
S&P 500
200 200
+10 basis points
150 150
100 100

50 50
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

In 80 largest European retailers by revenue; TSR defined as combination of share price appreciation and dividends paid.
²Retail companies in top quartile of TSR by sector.
Retail companies in bottom quartile of TSR by sector.
Source: MSCI; Corporate Performance Analytics by McKinsey; McKinsey analysis

McKinsey & Company

communications; and an operating model that uses and price increases across categories to keep
data to make forward-looking decisions. When prices lower and more competitive. They should
commercial levers are managed well, companies are regularly track price perception and make the
more likely to preserve and protect their consumer real-time changes required to protect it, since
base while minimizing negative impact on the customers’ willingness to pay has been distorted
bottom line. Retailers should consider focusing on by the rapidly changing economy. Currently, only
the following: 15 to 20 percent of retailers have some form of
dynamic pricing capabilities.
— Pricing. Retailers could decide where to invest
to create more affordable options and greater — Promotions. Companies could review their
price coverage for consumers (for example, price-to-promotion mix by category to ensure
through key-value-item pricing, everyday-value that investments for specific products and
pricing, and entry-price-point assortment) categories are yielding adequate volume and
and where to gain margins to cater to higher- margin. To do this, companies might consider
end customers, such as by developing super- jettisoning complicated multilever promotions
premium and sustainable products. Retailers and instead streamlining and simplifying them
can also strategically balance investments into initiatives that more directly influence

How retailers in Europe can navigate rising inflation 7

prices. For example, retailers can use data supply chains and sourcing could enable retailers
science to identify the promotions—typically to achieve 5 to 10 percent cost savings. Retailers
half of them—that truly create value. Another can focus on the following:
approach might be to use customer data to
— Sourcing strategy. Retailers can diversify
offer personalized promotions for loyalty
sources of supply to become more resilient.
program members.
For example, they can consider resetting
— Assortment. Retailers could drive more value by the countries of origin for their products,
ensuring availability of the right mix of products, increasing nearshoring, or becoming more
simplifying choices for consumers, accelerating climate resilient. Some retailers have joined
product rotation at point of sale, and protecting sourcing alliances to partner for growth.
margins by offering more premium offerings. A recent study from INSEAD found that
They can invest where the customer is headed, buying alliances in the retail sector can help
with optimal entry price points for lower-ticket meaningfully lower consumer prices.
items and higher-margin offerings, all while
— Supply chain automation. By exploring digital
reducing assortment and duplication in the
solutions and automation in warehouses and
middle. This will have a strong impact on end-to-
stores, retailers can alleviate labor challenges,
end cost efficiency.
redeploy employees to higher-value activities,
— Communication. Retailers could benefit from and avoid unnecessary product touches to
a strong focus on value in their customer optimize for greater speed and efficiency.
communications. Simple, straightforward For example, earlier this year, UK grocer
marketing campaigns that articulate product Ocado Retail deployed 2,000 robots able to
benefits in relation to price are critical to pick two million food items a day in a London
earning shoppers’ trust. Companies that fulfillment center. Enhanced analytics can
ensure their messages are consistent across enable companies to make better and faster
both online and offline channels and that inventory decisions and create a leaner
launch well-integrated campaigns all the way to operating model.
the point of sale will be more likely to earn trust.
— Fact-based negotiation. Retailers can be more
For example, grocery chain Lidl Switzerland
methodical in negotiating with vendors. By
launched its “Typical Lidl” media campaign this
understanding the impact of price increases
year with a series of humorous ads to educate
for raw materials on actual cost, companies
and update customers on price comparisons
can have more fact-based discussions with
and value versus competition.
suppliers. Retailers can also use advanced
Resilience in supply chains and sourcing analytics to understand the financial trade-offs
Nearly three years into the pandemic, supply of commercial decisions across assortment,
chain disruptions and distribution network price, promotions, and assets in a more granular
bottlenecks are still affecting product availability. way, and deploy sophisticated databases to
Additionally, the latest round of price increases better track supplier capacity. For example,
has created tensions between retailers and Ocado launched Crunch Grocery Insights, a
consumer-packaged-goods suppliers—in some service that enables a single, shared, real-
cases, stopping supply altogether. In July 2022, time view of retail performance between
for example, one company temporarily stopped Ocado and more than four hundred suppliers,
supplying certain products to Tesco after the offering primary sales data, product availability,
two companies could not come to an agreement promotions, and web analytics. This platform
over pricing. But properly managed and derisked enables far richer and data-driven negotiations.

8 How retailers in Europe can navigate rising inflation

Find more content like this on the Productivity in G&A functions — Process automation. Instead of leaning
McKinsey Insights App With targeted efforts to increase productivity into distributed functions and separate
in G&A areas such as procurement and finance, teams managing digital and physical retail,
retailers can better navigate inflation. Our analysis companies could consider options like shared
shows that companies that activate the following services, offshoring, or nearshoring. Retailers
productivity improvement initiatives could achieve a could tighten up their processes by viewing
4 to 5 percent cost reduction: customers through an integrated, omnichannel
lens, with teams managing commercial
— Zero-based organization. Many organizations
processes across channels in tandem. For
have room for overhead improvements
Scan • Download • Personalize example, consumer electronics retailer
through elimination, outsourcing, reduction,
CECONOMY is syncing logistics through new
or simplification of both core and noncore
IT systems to improve omnichannel service
operations. Taking a true zero-based
levels, optimize stock, and improve last-mile
organizational approach—starting from first
costs. This way, the company can quickly
principles—can yield a shift in mindset to
redirect capacity and resources to better
prioritize strategic optimums and survival
serve physical and e-commerce consumers
minimums. Companies can create a model to
simultaneously at optimal service levels based
move quickly between these two structures,
on their individual needs.
based on their needs, with the support of
technology. To do this, retail leaders can
adopt a zero-based budgeting mindset,
With inflation likely to persist for some time,
rethinking budgets based on incentives to
retailers need to prepare a longer-term action plan
keep costs contained.
to offset the negative effects of rising prices while
— Indirect procurement. Procurement should proactively preserving their balance sheets. As in
be viewed more expansively, extending far the past, companies that prepare adequately are
beyond driving down costs and becoming more likely to come out stronger from the economic
instead a true strategic partner to enhance a downturn. Although responding to inflation won’t be
company’s operations. Ambitious companies easy, taking a structured and holistic approach can
might consider elevating the role of the chief maximize the likelihood of resiliency, growth, and
procurement officer to provide more visibility long-term success.
and tighter collaboration with a retailer’s
management team.

Kevin Bright is a partner in McKinsey’s London office, Gokmen Ciger is an associate partner in the Istanbul office, Franck
Laizet is a senior partner in the Paris office, Karin Lauer is a consultant in the Frankfurt office, and Andres Monge is a
capabilities and insights specialist in the Lisbon office.
The authors wish to thank Claus Heintzeler, Steve Hoffman, Richard Mayfield, Maria Miralles, and Alessandro Turco for their
contributions to this article.

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Copyright © 2022 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

How retailers in Europe can navigate rising inflation 9

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