SLED Investigation Into Voter Fraud

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SOUTH CAROLINA LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION INVESTIGATIVE FILE ALAN Wasson ATTORNEY GevERAL June 4, 2013 Chief Mark Keel S.C. Law Enforcement Division P.O. Box 21398 Columbia, South Carolina 29221 RE: Sled File # 32-12-0008 Dear Chief Keel: This Office has completed its review of the above-referenced report. Based upon this review, this Office is does not believe any further action is warranted. The report is being returned to your Agency under separate cover. With kindest regards and best wishes, Sincerely, MA W. Allen Sr. Asst. Deputy Attorney General Rewoanr C. Ds Buitoina + Post Omce Box 11549 + Couumsts, $C 20211-1549 + TELEPHONE 803-734-3970 + Facsumns 803-253-4121 SOUTH CAROLINA LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION NIKKI R. HALEY MARK A. KEEL Governor Chief INVESTIGATIVE REPORT To: Case File # 32-12-0008 From: SIA Stephen L. Howell Date: May 11, 2012 Subject: Preliminary Inquiry — Alleged Dead Voter Fraud - 2010 SC General Election On January 13, 2012, South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) Chief Mark Keel received correspondence from South Carolina Attomey General Alan Wilson. In his letter (Attachment 1) dated January 11, 2012, Attorney General Wilson requested that SLED conduct a preliminary inquiry into allegations that votes were cast in the names of deceased individuals in the state election process. In response to this request, Chief Keel sanctioned the formation of a multi-regional task group within SLED, coordinated by Lt. William Littlejohn and staffed by Agents Elizabeth Corley, James Flowers, Stephen Howell, and David Williams, each representing one of the four SLED Investigative Services Regions. ‘On January 31, 2012, the SLED task group met with South Carolina Election Commission (SEC) Executive Director Marci Andino and SC Attomey General’s Office Special Investigator Pete Logan at the SEC Office in Cohimbia. It was noted that information provided by the SC Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV) indicated that a total of 953 votes had been cast in the P.O. Box 21398 / Columbia, South Carolina 29221-1398 / (803) 737-9000 / Fax (803) 896-7588 SLED Case No: 32120008 Page 2 of 7 names of deceased individuals. Special Investigator Logan stated that he had previously interviewed SCDMV Senior Applications Analyst Darl Neiswonger prior to this meeting in reference to the origin of the 953 listed votes (Attachment 2). Director Andino clarified that the 953 votes called into question by the SCDMV analysis were not the result of a single election, but rather the sum of questioned votes spanning seventy-four clections over approximately seven years (April 2005 to present). Director Andino further advised that, in an effort to provide substantive and timely answers to questions regarding alleged dead voting, she had directed her staff to begin the process of collecting information on the SC General Election held on November 2, 2010, in which 1,365,480 votes were cast. She noted that this election encompassed 207 of the 953 questioned votes and was considered by the SEC to be a representative sampling of any voting irregularities. Copies of the documentation collected, as well as a copy of Special Investigator Logan's interview of Director Andino (Attachment 3) and her written response (Attachment 4) to Attomey General Wilson referencing the SEC's intemal findings and conclusions were later provided to the SLED task group. The SEC concluded that 91 cases of the 207 questioned votes could be attributed to “name recognition errors” on the part of the respective poll managers. This clerical error would occur on the voter registration list for example when a father who was deceased but whose name still appeared on the list would be marked as having voted when his son of the same name had, in fact, cast the vote. Another example of this type of error would be a poll manager incorrectly marking the name of the person who voted. In these cases, the correct name typically appears on the poll list where the voter signs to indicate that they voted, The SLED task group reviewed the SEC documentation and identified an additional vote which appeared to belong in this category, bringing the total in this grouping up to 92 (Attachment 5). ‘The SEC discovered six cases (Attachment 6) of the 207 questioned votes which were the product of another form of clerical error. This ertor was produced when a poll manager began to mark the wrong individual as having voted, corrected themselves, but failed to completely remove the marks they had begun to make in the wrong location. ‘These marks would later be picked up in the scanning process and give a false indication that the individual associated with SLED Case No: 32120008 Page 3 of 7 that line had voted. The SLED task group reviewed the documentation provided by the SEC on these votes and noted the markings indicated by the SEC. ‘The SEC concluded that 56 cases (Attachment 7) of the 207 questioned votes were a product of what they termed “bad data matching”. It appeared to the SEC that the SCDMV ran only the social security number of the voter against the death file. The vote was considered to have been cast in the name of a deceased voter because the social security number of the individual voting matched that of a deceased individual. ‘The SEC stated in their conclusions; however, that the ‘names and dates of birth in the death file did not maich the names and dates of birth for the voter in question. Therefore, the SEC records for the living person who voted were inaccurate, because the social security number associated with a deceased person was erroneously entered as belonging to the living voter. The SEC election records, in these cases, showed that 2 living voter, with a name and date of birth not matching that of the deceased individual, did vote in the 2010 SC General Election. ‘The SEC identified five cases (Attachment 8) of the 207 questioned votes that resulted from a clerical error involving the poll manager marking the wrong individual as voting absentee. ‘The SLED task group reviewed the provided documentation and found that in three of the cases, Fequests for absentee ballots were made by individuals appearing next to the deceased person on the voting list who, in tum, was given credit for the vote. The two remaining cases involved deceased individuals given credit for voting absentee on the registration lists when no records could be located that absentee ballots were ever actually requested in their names. ‘The SEC discovered three cases (Attachment 9) of the 207 questioned votes where it appeared that absentee ballots had been issued in the wrong name. The SLED task group reviewed the documentation provided and found that in two cases, the voters signed their own names to absentee ballot requests that were issued in the names of other individuals. The remaining case involved an absentee ballot being issued in the name of a deceased person to a living voter of the same name. SLED Case No: 32120008 Page 4 of 7 The SEC investigation revealed that 32 cases (Attachment 10) of the 207 questioned votes were a result of “scanning errors". ‘The SEC stated that when the voter registration lists are scanned, voters are sometimes given credit for voting in error due to the sensitivity of the scanners used. In the cases involving votes attributed to “scanning errors”, there is no record in the SEC databases that the voter actually voted. ‘The SEC investigation revealed that three cases (Attachment 11) of the 207 questioned votes were the result of voters who requested absentee ballots, but died prior to the election. ‘The SLED task group looked at the supporting documentation and noted that, in two of these situations, the absentee ballots were never returned. In the remaining case, the voter died the day prior to the election, and their absentee ballot was retumed and counted. The SEC investigation identified ten cases (Attachment 12) of the 207 questioned votes as being “inconclusive”. Agents from the SLED task group investigated these votes further with the following results: Arthur E. Gose, Jr. (Attachment 13) ~ This vote was further investigated by S/A Howell who found that the deceased father was given credit for voting when his son of the same name, who was not registered to vote, actually cast the vote. Ed Johnson (Attachment 14) - This vote was further investigated by S/A Howell who. exhausted available leads and was unable to provide any additional information regarding this vote. Zeb Thomas (Attachment 15) - This vote was further investigated by S/A Howell who found that the deceased father was given credit for voting when his son, of the same name, actually cast the vote. SLED Case No: 32120008 Page 5 of 7 Joe B. Dove, Jr. (Attachment 16) — This vote was further investigated by S/A Corley ‘who found that the deceased father was given credit for voting when his son, of the same name, actually cast the vote Elbert Thompson (Attachment 17) - This vote was further investigated by S/A Corley who exhausted available leads and was unable to provide any additional information regarding this vote. Rebecca Middleton (Attachment 18) - This vote was further investigated by S/A Williams who exhausted available leads and was unable to provide any additional information regarding this vote. James Herbert Green, Jr. (Attachment 19) ~ This vote was further investigated by S/A Williams who found that the deceased father was given credit for voting when his son, of the same name, actually cast the vote. Doris M. Lee (Attachment 20) - This vote was further investigated by S/A Flowers who found that the vote in question was cast in the wrong precinct and credit was given toa deceased voter with the same first and last name. Jacob A. Holmes (Attachment 21) ~ This vote was further investigated by S/A Flowers who found that the deceased father was given credit for voting when his son, of the same name, actually cast the vote. James R. Davis, Jr. (Attachment 22) ~ This vote was further investigated by S/A Flowers who found that the deceased son was given credit for voting when his father, of the same name, actually cast the vote. The SLED task group identified three additional votes requiring further investigation. Agents investigated these votes with the following results SLED Case No: 32120008 Page 6 of 7 Thomas Williams (Attachment 23) - This vote was further investigated by S/A Howell who exhausted available leads and was unable to provide any additional information regarding this vote. Paul Smith (Attachment 24) — This vote was further investigated by S/A Flowers who found that the deceased father was given credit for voting when his son, of the same ‘name, actually cast the vote. James L. Warnock (Attachment 25) - This vote was further investigated by Lt. Littlejohn. who exhausted available leads and was unable to provide any additional information regarding this vote. ‘A copy of this report will be provided to the proper reviewing authority. SLH SLED Case No: 32120008 Page 7 of 7 yayway 10. UL. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17, 18. 19, 20. an. 22. 23. 24, 25. Attachments Copy of Correspondence from SC Attomey General Alan Wilson Copy of Memorandum of Interview for SCDMV Senior Applications Analyst Darl Neiswonger Copy of Memorandum of Interview for SEC Executive Director Marci Andino ‘Copy of Correspondence from SEC Executive Director Marci Andino Copy of SEC Documentation — 92, Cases ~ “Name Recognition Errors” Copy of SEC Documentation — Six Cases — “Failure to Erase Marks Made in Error” Copy of CD Containing SEC Documentation - $6 Cases ~ “Bad Data Matching” (cases highlighted on spreadsheet) Copy of SEC Documentation — Five Cases ~ “Wrong Name Marked as Voting Absentee” Copy of SEC Documentation — Three Cases ~ “Absentee Ballot Issued in Wrong Name” Copy of SEC Documentation ~ 32 Cases ~ “Scanning Errors” Copy of SEC Documentation ~ Three Cases — “Voter Requested Absentee and Died Prior to Blection” Copy of Correspondence from SEC Director of Public Information and Training Chris Whitmire — “inconclusive” Votes Copy of Memorandum — Vote of Arthur E. Gose, Jr. Copy of Memorandum — Vote of Ed Johnson Copy of Memorandum — Vote of Zeb Thomas Copy of Memorandum — Vote of Joe B. Dove, Jr Copy of Memorandum ~ Vote of Elbert Thompson Copy of Memorandum — Vote of Rebeca Middleton Copy of Memorandum ~ Vote of James Herbert Green, Jr. Copy of Memorandum — Vote of Doris M. Lee Copy of Memorandum — Vote of Jacob A. Holmes Copy of Memorandum ~ Vote of James R. Davis, Jr. Copy of Memorandum — Vote of Thomas Williams Copy of Memorandum — Vote of Paul Smith Copy of Memorandum - Vote of James L. Warnock ATTACHMENT 1 WAN 13 2012 CHIEF'S OFFICE Referred To Date Reterred Aetion, Atan Witsox ArTowey GEER. January 11,2012 Chief Mark Keel State Law Enforcement Division P.O. Box 21398 Columbia, SC 29221-1398 Dear Chief Keel: Tam following up as a result of our meeting this morning with you and the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles, Kevin Shwedo. At that meeting, we were fully briefed by the Director to the effect that DMV"s analysis of data reveals that there are numerous discrepancies concerning people who have voted in recent elections who may not have been entitled to vote. Most troubling is the fact that over 900 persons, who were deceased at the time of the elections, appear to have “voted” in those elections. In addition, I have asked Director Shwedo to review his data for other potential voting irregularities. No right is more precious than the right to vote and no process is more important in terms of integrity than the election process. Voter fraud cannot be tolerated. Therefore, I respectfully request that SLED conduct a preliminary inquiry into these voting irregularities. Sincerely, Qand W) Las Alan Wilson AW/im ce: Director Kevin Shwedo, South Carolina DMV Reser C.Detoas Buna + Post Omace Box 11549 + Couuata,SC 29211-1549 + TexerHone 803-734-3970 * Facsnaue 803-253-6283 ATTACHMENT 2 MEMORANDUM To: The file FROM: nsing “Pete” Logan, Special Investigator RE: Interview of Darl Neiswonger On January 25, 2012 and April 5, 2012, Darl Neiswonger, Senior Applications Analyst, SC Dept. of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV), 10311 Wilson Bivd., Blythewood, SC 29016, telephone (803) 896-0570 and (803) 530-6459, was interviewed at which time he was advised of the identity of the interviewing investigator and the nature of the interview. Neiswonger thereafter furnished the following information: Every Sept. the DMV is required to furnish a list of individuals, who have active South Carolina driver's licenses and other credentials to the SC Election Commission. This past year the Uist containing over 3,000,000 names was fumished to the Election Commission on Sept. 18, 2011. Neiswonger stated that the SC Election Commission processed the list of individuals fumished to them and determined that there were 239,333 individuals listed in the Election Commission files that were not on the DMV driver's license files. As a result, the Election Commission furnished DMV witha file containing the 239,333 individuals. The identification data, that was listed for these individuals, consisted of the name, date of birth, social security number, current address and date last voted. Neiswonger advised that his department used the list of names to compare with other files in their system, which contains social security information and Bureau of Vital Statistics, ‘They created a table in the Production Phoenix Data Base and imported the 239,333 individuals’ names. From 05/01, 2 10:16 #973 P.002/003 ‘Neiswonger advised that a computerized comparison identified '37,295 deceased individuals ‘om thelist 239,333 that was furnished to them by the Election Commission, After identifying ‘the deceased individuals, that left a total number of 202,038 names that, according to Neiswonger’s records, made up the following: 1 58,241 individuals, whose license expired. 2. 96,017 individuals, whose licenses were canceled and, out of this number, 91,466 had moved to another state. 27,272 individuals had no driver’s license, 4 20,508 individuals were active but no specific reason as to why they were not matched by the Election Commission. Neiswonger further advised ‘that, out of the 37,295 deceased voters, there were 953 individuals, who voted and were listed as deceased. Some of these individuals, who reportedly voted, could have died the day that ‘they voted, could have voted absentee or it could have been an administrative error, Neiswonger advised that the 37,295 individuals voter, who were listed as deceased, were matched only by social security number in the ‘system. The data system also matched the deceased voters with the date last voted ‘and this came up with the number 953 that, ‘appeared to have voted but were deceased. Neiswonger advised that, the matching of the names in his system, utilized social security numbers, date of birt, last name and sometimes a portion of the first name. ‘The Bureau of Vital Statistics information is not always received on a timely basis asi the information from the Social Security Administration. Neiswonger advised that, in response to a specific request from Investigator Pete Logan, he Prepared a memorandum describing the process used to derive the list of voter information that may have been used to cast a vote on or after the person died (copy attached). Neiswonger made available a two (2) page document explaining the breakdown of the 239,333 individuals not listed in DMV files, along with the vital statistics. Memorandum Pele Logan - SC Attomey Genera ofce Kevin A. Shwedo - Executive Director, SC DMV Bon Thomas - Assisian! Chief, SC SLED Dart Neiswonge Sr. Aplcatons Analyst, SC DMV 92 Email request rom Pete Logan to deserbe the process used to deve the list of votor information that may hhave been used to cast a vote on/afterthe person died. The Election Commission processed the file created by DMV. They found 239,333 individuals on their voter files that did not have a corresponding record from DMV. Election Commission gave DMV a file containing the 239,333 records. DMV used that fle: 1. Created a table in our Production Phoenix database and imported the 239,333 records. DMV attempted to 2 3 reserve the majority of fields included on the data, Identifed Deceased individuals (37.285). ‘a. Matched Election Commission individuals by SSN and later by Date of Birth, Last Name and a portion ofthe First Name to racords DMV has ftom Vitel Stats (see note 1) b. Electronically verified Social Security Numbers, Name and Date of Birth with Social Security ‘Administration (see note 2). SSA retums several possible statuses. These statuses include a verification of the customer demographic information, Possible errors with the name or date of birth. ‘SSA also sends a notification if their records indicate a customer is deceased. ‘The Election Commission file included a column “DATE_LAST_VOTED_CCYYMMDD". We compared this value to the DOD (Date OF Death) rom the Vital Stats data captured in the Phoenix Database, ‘This _Gomparison was only performed when both data sets had exactly the same Social Security Number, ifthe DOD was on or before DATE_LAST_VOTED_CCYYMMDD the individual details were included on the report. Note 1: SC Vital Stats provides DMV with a periodic file containing a st of individuals reported deceased since the last fle was provided. SC DMV stores these records in the Phoenix Database. DMV also uses this information te update our customer records, Note 2: DMV only validated records found in the Phoenix database, bypassing those previously validated by SSA. The Election Commission reported 239,333 individuals as not having an ID or DL compared to the file provided by DMV. The file we provide to the SEC must meet certain criteria: US citizen, over the age of 18, active credentials (we do not send cancelled or expired records). Out of the 239,333 customers provided from the Election Commission, the DMV determined that 22,928 individuals are deceased based on the vital statistics’ “death file”. This file includes deaths from 2005 to January, 2011. These customers were compared by matching a social security number. If we additionally compared these files using date of birth, last name and a complete or partial first name without a SSN match, we could add another 2,038 customers. Out of the 239,333 individuals, DMV sent 177,841 records to the Social Security Administration for SSN validation. These 177,841 records had a matching SSN on the DMV file, but the SSN had not been validated with the SSA. Of those records, SSA reported a “deceased” indicator for an additional 12,329 customers. As it stands, it appears approximately 37,295 individuals are deceased based on files from either Vital Statistics, Social Security Administration or both. Eliminating all deceased from the 239,333, there are 202,038 individual records remaining. 22,928 deceased matching SSN with Vital Statistics 2,038 complete or partial first name, complete last name and date of birth 412,329 SSA has deceased indicator 37,295 239,333 SEC reported - 37,295 deceased 202,038 remaining Out of the 202,038, we determined 174,766 people have held a South Carolina ID or DLat some point. This includes some active credentials; however, the vast majority is cancelled or expired credentials. This total is based on a primary match of SSN with the remainder matching by date of birth, complete last name and a complete or partial first name. Below is a breakdown of active, expired and cancelled credentials: Active--20,508 (e.g. DL/ID expiration date in future) Expired--58,241 (e.g. past DL/ID expiration; forgot to renew; moved and did not surrender DL/ID to new state; incarcerated) Cancelled--96,017 (e.g. moved out of state and license returned; DL/ID returned due to suspension; DI/ID voluntarily surrendered) Total of active, expired and cancelled: 174,766 We have found 21,040 customers on the Election Commission file that cannot be located in Phoenix or on the "death file” accumulated by DMV and another 6,232 customer that have a DMV record, but a credential or ID could not be located. With that said, there could be approximately 27,272 (page 7 of handout) customers in SC who are registered to vote but may not have a South Carolina DL/ID. Below is the age range for these customers: Age Total Age Total 00-19 462 60-69 2,453 20-29 7,619 + 70-79 2,018 30-39 4,100 80-89 2,422 40-49 3,355 90-99 1547 50-59 3,057 100+ 239 Out of the 27,272 individuals, approximately 57% are under age 50. 4/13/2012 TAL TAL SENOING SECreport{DMVP)_20111128wk 20-33 yess [40-49 years 50-59 years 60-69 year 70-79 years 0-89 years 90-99 years frooand older frovat [orien ya7ji9ss ‘STATS SECTION (begin) via stat atch by S50 bos «ast, lvame + Entre First Name abo] Sa SEConly sent Fist Name ina and it a) .sao |matched Phoenix L 5 Char of rst names match oes 4 char of fist, [names match eee 3 char oft Jachar ofa 3a asay 2 char of fist power 23) Lara STATS ___ SECTION (end) TN eso) ERROR DOBDIO hoes /NAMEIS VAUD 93] asso ron 4] oa26x IPossroLe S50 ERROR NAME Jano 008 010 Nor oe ease ERnOn NAME ear cond Jano 008 marc 893041 ican Jor NoicaroR f ron THAT SSN ERROR WANE Di he vay oes VAD aaa] 06s] ERROR SSH DID | QUESTIONABLE 0.001 lnorveney ___acrvrry 4 “| 4/13/2012 DECEASED, "USTOMER {USTOMER PHOENIX CUSTOMERS VITAL CUSTOMERS _VITAL REMAINING AFTER REMAINING AFTER SECreport(DMVP)_20111128wk aE aio proeenao pasrooe So = Be fe om ERROR Nae |OUTSSAMAS feet, ome | sadly perce no ue | ncaa JOR INDICATOR 7 IY anos SSN (ond) STATORSSA Tesin) 00 19 years 7 20-29 years il 30-39 years 226] 40-49 years 7309] 3. 2925] 7.84: 50-59 years | (60-6B years | __4.84a) 12: 70 73-years 7,569 20.298 80-89 years 1,566) 31.012%) 90-99 years STATORSSA VITAL STAT STAT ‘AND SSA DECEASED (00-19 years 0.708 20-29 years 40.328) 19.9618 30-39 earl ais aye 33,418) 16.5405 5059 years 26999] 13.36% (6068 years 1.04 9.619%] 70-78 years 14996) 7.422 80-89 years 15,313] 90-99 years 6524] 100 and oider 483 froraL, VIALSTATSTAT peavey (eno) ANO SSA DECEASED. [Match by 55n a 4/13/2012 ‘SECreport(OMVP)_20111128wk 3) posse ame + e "Etre Fest Name mas SEC sent Ist Name init and it matched enetee 5 Char of istname eae an 23 4 Char of ist name gies sag] 242 [3 cher ofastname | eee sex] a 2 char of istrame aie aa) .73 ist SEC sent 1st [Meme Init and it O02 Hist Ente First Tis] 672 HS Char of ist Iname match el ane ‘ HA Char of 18 rome ech ane 13 Char of Is Jname match eles ¥2 char of I= Jrame match sel aeentt cen = ver T2587] ‘cuzen = Unknown a7 Grisen=No 733] PROENK CUSTOMERS RAVING — Match by SEN [expired [Match by $50 [Active [Match by SSN [Cancelled [poor Iiame + __[exbired rota! bos + tat Name+ [Ate Doe + tast Names cancelled Percentage of Entire First Name 1402 Entire First Name Entre First Name SEC sent ist Name Init and it matched ‘SEC sent 1st Name nit and it matched 4/13/2012 ‘SECreport(OMVP)_20111128wk [SEC sent Ist Name nit and it matches [Pe 5 Char of trame lactive 5 Char of ist name leach Jcancetted ' Char of st name match inant Ee Et [4 Char of istrame match on 4 Char of istname oe mead | 4 Ghar ofitnaime eo match ae [3 Char ofistrame fae Jactive 3 Cher of istname Bes canceted 3 Char of itrame fice lexpired 2 Char of istname Ee Jactive 2 Char of ist name em canceied 2 Charof st name | bias lexires ist SEC sent 1st me init and it_ [A Hit EC sent At name init and Hist frie Ft [active ist Entire Fest [Canceled Hist Entire Fiest [Expired WS Ghar of ist Jname match fer + HS Char of ist amemarcn [canceled Wa char of it Jname match [ASM Ha Cher of red name match ee + 4) 4/13/2012 [PHOEND ‘CUSTOMERS HAVING ‘SECreport{DMVP}_20111128wk woo [BOR Tene a] om a = ata [ecieo The vox ‘aden reco lente {co [cero Nei x 3 ‘OR HAD LICENSE (begin) ae ote Ae a a aaa [338 Semper] as so-esyest | pan a mayer | — a us hones Lav NY aM LOM OBOT “ Joxzotr |“ 7 ‘WOJONSTAVd Wave coarse] SUNENYLIVES WT SGOOK aNTONTS 922 7 AVSUNTT wav Sunanvivis 49 AONMAS ete swwte uaive swoow ua WIONBAVT 920 8 arora arya 998004] a unwwrievas—@y TTIW MBQOIN GOT 200801 § tusaou satrve save rh bv ed YVAUY SIL MLALIA LON 00. ‘ay |g [ua risa ssauaay ‘awn raga ‘SERISIO NOUS on oa oo OO AS ROR ra NOUD: SuNANYLYaS ‘ALND NOILO313 IW3Na9 SOIMaLvIS enget “USB0NN HONLDS = LST NOLWHI SID: AH HALOA — WNFIOHWO HLNOS Voters Oath - Please read: | do solemnly swear or affirm that | am qualified to vote at this election according to the Constitution of this St2‘s and that I have not vcted during this election, NAMES OF VOTERS we Deve Gilat aN 8 Gretenbon? 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Signatures of Voters Lk 7 LE ghee Wey ne 118 ws (ae Ee SOUTH CAROLINA nun =e Ease as aT jocttto|* say] ‘¢ vavauva wannog] AA) Lo — ut rife cee jesorze |2*! ese ste o vaacacny svaae sovaze| ‘| sa] srozasuam ot 41 anv satan ooo | eseaze |*99%05 ‘NATONYO dIHSNaXY 14 | eovege | 2USLO ‘HK ONNY OF ATHanaa] CO a —— CTT coe ASS TTT a fee eel HAA HMC fe a KA va T6100 ey, | aimmsiavn ay srs so] | HAIN) fh =. Se Hl sf mes FOr ar weer nin NOLI913 N39 3arHaivis HITT INORd EAA iva Voters Oath - Please read: | do solemnly swear or affirm that | am qualified to vote in this election at iccording to the Constitution of this State and that I have not voted during this election. Signatures of Voters SOUTH CAROLINA ELECTION COMMISSION SST a eta saa ea OLY Ne 96004) ccs SuDOrd ani va aTaTssH00H 2005] | sore *4059) 6 arn s0909 S000] SNOT ani sak aTaTaaM0R 2956] WNDU) eet ose arta soe su 960280). oe6 supora ay sonra t3euines x04 651}, | eeerco P08} BE LWW sino | WHE 60230) nanac8 venoto £49985 tes060 suayore senaro "9859 105060) SMDOTL a nOSMHEAW LAOH eae j sczcto 90775 4 Asuuanas 78 testt0 sors ay avira S06], zsorca T2154] 2.83604 Aan test) SNpoTd im auvatite 05! tezoge P2215 ose sword na ccs ps6 N iH oesoor| SOK As uIVineaw 455¥79 91], I raze "mio haar 800 sora 0s: orang sto e6s200| 8 eoree T9EEOC yovzne suors cose 822959] es0220f cas svayors | zvoerr eos 1 0 aTmHA8 YovI4 seo0er| cos sv@x916 ay Aviano eit i 299ze0 Bevzr17 Ov78 save Poe aeraseecreee VAUY SIH NII LON Oa au | 3am ssauinay ‘anv 7300 smnon ALND SIT NOLLWHLST9: SOE RTT ore aaron a OG ii Pou List GENERAL ELECTION o_Mov. 2 Qe Precinct Name Pickens JT Precinct code | 2! couny_ Pickens Voters Oath - Please read: | do solemnly swear or affirm that | am qualified to vote at this election according to the Constitution of this State and that | have not voted during this election, Names OF Voters 26 | Lehre Bpresir Dy . ay ett Kesh ly beet) Coeusy CO. be ceet rai ' wizaul 3 wf neat ww ue Defoe ° mars ei TTT ce ° ee ethan ° fees ote ee st sn ° oS rae ete ° cea ON) sh 0 rane 5 on HN = ° wm eeu tp 0 a seve eae a NVWIIVE SAS NoSnoUaa Gee sre hes ° To ° [shan ° Mm HN) |e se ° en ui HNN) | 2c ° ee YaUY SHLNT LR Low 09 “oan [gay ee i ssavaoy nv 50 on oer AD MOTTE a ““F5—S000 ANT rae "OW WHITE “ONS WW T—“S1VG NOT Tiana yi NOTL93973 wana: adIMaivis ower WON NOWOI13 a= isn NOLLWHLSIDSH HALOA TAL LIE es Voters Oath - Please re according to the Constitution : | do solemnly swear or affirm that ! am qualified to vote at this election of this Stete and that | have not voted during this election. Names OF Voters Page No, eee sooure q sneaoKeio ay TTEJONVT 699) 20240 |°0529>>| f | 2 YLINTG ayisayad ovorso| ‘se amas wrx} | | eens] 94 rs 1 yawn serene ecezze ouneaonveo 4a otnaos err | HOTA MUN fee = 2 anwais anova ALU wun zesose 45 ao amos orr],| josszar|tee7eet baad 3 798039 AaTavag vesoor sunmsonvao Gu 3uL3M THE | | nese M over venom s3orue user] un va Axemae over} | v9zren [620% | aSSTaVHD AgOWNG jeez con eunesowedo aw aTTRaT l. | ewaete oe Napors coutse oenasowvue Gy aTHEASTTIE see fersee ls | senrso|*858>9] @ NViLLYNOr GaYzod| a SUNEIONVHO Gy aTIKATITIG oser Fi A reasea 107 omcuse wvzoe rn eot20 sce | bunesowrae on arrtaa rie os, ascesa 2 annae gee zo snerse ownwsonvae ay wren 07, Ib enon 240 our core | A sven jovenrn|e9779"9| cozoor sanwonuo ever |f99%9 esetze SMMAMONWHO Gu oNTUASSLVA 941 Jpeosse E ll | eeu Ose ono won| roe ae eovaze SunmzonvHo wT avatmaaio9 sti] | lotezoo9 HMMMOYOME] sees mor ae AMY SiH NI aut On [espns eeance sane aeeee| 1 ILM ON 0a om ! 1 aH = ‘mca | 938" SiowigO NOTH es SS ay aes as a hos See We Nad AE aN uneasy A e NOtL9373 qWaaN39 agrMatvis oor UAGMINNOLOS13 = ASI NOM WH cinal STAR rath Voters Oath - Piszse read: | do solemnly swear or affirm that | am qualified to vote in this election according to the Constitution of this State and that i have not voted during this election. Signatures of Voters r = Tals 7 SOUTH CAROLINA Te 49 sworn sw t02), © AMowoa wmowe! vows 4s Hass soz| 4 AML0H0G NHO¥sa| SOF A a 479 Sion svWoHL Toe] HE COA WR {NO vomas As wim 3 zoe 7 vega neous YOINIS ez Luv 1S aVO vOsT WearAVG Nous] AO AE vomas ay oo Ha 6 AU v aINMava NADNa| 4S -SHYTTTIN 916 3 31Nva NnouG| {0 AAU 1 aahgoistens noua OR A ee AUT a ; AG a Youngs as quvwaus org] AS MLS HunDS H 9s ATITG snsunto> Nnous: 48-419 HuNOS 3.209 SoS | { ! { i AVA MaTATIBS 992 1 Aasvo nxawe| MF waa nous WouaS 1g wo w Zor 2 VOW wows VaUY SIL NII LON 00. @y SwawrrigH £05 iF man sow ssauaay “aiWWN a one 1 | / | sweet or affirm that | am qualified to vote in this electior according to the Constitution of this Stete and that | have not voted during this election. Signatures of Voters 6 het DoW? Bae, = ) DM ver ' ee : 2 ae ran ° “mm ral : 7 pocage tosozo4 ° a lovczeey 2 “ww wr = sana ener ° eos al ° oe pocrea e252 ie HL so soa we reef ° a 20t00ssse ° 9 tte roe ree ca : © Tarnva NoLoNrssna| |psoos cy) was svararo tar} W swunava naxoNTsana| lsovcer [rcvs00u] AH au aonasir19 696 AM xa aoonsit19 196 ar a o1ywag aanxana| fposzer zona oat ‘Siowisia NOWOAa ASV NOLLWHLSIO: 112373 awagN39 aagTHaLvis YBLOA YNMOHVS HLNos TaN Voters Oath - Please read: | do solemnly swear or affirm that | am qualified to vote at this election according to the Constitution of this State and that | have not voted during this election. Nawes O VoTers ban ez VA fp 7 7) Keren Rs we 90000KL,osrosd soo ° “Ansa aa umienDone 902) | osteo s0 e INS exaoean meowsp | etna ee Se cise 6 eee eter ° Teste eereat 2s ° | Se iifensefon 0 eel 5200 sos 8 sett osceee ° etre ° nen , esvose [O68STS9} 500 °o _ Amey sin ane tee 00 ° 8 vr comer see teem ° os eanare aa peer fae ° a a nyo sszouna] spusgoirs ——f"en ee ES an lyon NOTE STN THOME ara aE NOTTS aden NOLS é Poli List county | Fe kenss Date | Never a hs, ROE __! Election | Election Number y Precinct | Me Kjesie [[Precinct Code | 14 “i Voters Oath « Plesse read: | do solemnly swear or affirm that | am qualified to vole in fis election according to the Constitution of this State and that | have not voted during this election. Signatures of Voters ep Ga To < ‘ ea “U, Coren 5 Bs LCase <2 CS I awivsl ce SL/ Be sad ies VC ics (gpa eos ? Ya, Hee eee a ; Tn ts ac 1s 51020] — vinrie ag awist asaus 2027], | are rea 30¥9 owen vinta ex samen w 20d, oezz0 saao0 su3a¥9 resce0 vino. —oa-awaet aaa¥s 2025 | svunze Se SIMA e030¥9 seeret vine —_anv va coz | esrane 3 row Thea soctee vari anv wave c02| | owt a nama Tae teceve woiwios ov asuia 1 wv ov = i aramis TaneTv9 voseeo vanrio a ave sonon cae] oecose 1 aNowAs a3 ng oo vinrie ev averaaon «oe, evaca way ung 4 kia eeas0 ‘nie a9 oon = 80), roveze 4 350 stononing {| ioeeve vino as coon 5 evo), iota 3 30w030 aaxang evtee 1, 226060) 4 Vivianrs’ ss35ung] oeeeo vores vanvro gone | z0etce «srt coszeo vow owns voc], runt co 0 war ssa0ine 968050) * NOANVHOS: gy GAOTS N 52d © Nora ssaeuna scsox0 inv 4 Ava saoon zt04| “fc aoNaUAYT 'SSaDNNa| af vinvia SIVONOIDS sani NOLS tay ee ware. we Las SHE WMA TIME aL WU) [EP faoend vino Wd suaaw 3255 v98}, eetoar|*927" Ss Nvar aaLavo| rote oa vinrio a sabia 395 a8 | suet 1 sain aaun| serze0|, vino as wim 3 ais|,| os caro ores 8 avon aauava| evateo v an sanor s 509[ | octva | 420964 V via Avie eveieo veo a sar 5 509), | zxsere PPe5EeY a ntAN3 Avani] eorasel por ay satin avo ee acoso fT5e4 ALYSSrIBM s¥38v9 zecose vinrio 4s visnonv sz], toezt0 | S01 ‘A VONIT S¥ad¥o) yseoc0| vinrio ea Wainio vozt|, eszez0|** 037 S¥ad¥9) eoczea| viMrioan a@wisr «amis cove esvoce O7t60"4 eczore) vweio ow Wwuanso eezozo|/?707*5| T ITLWy Su: zecese vine 15 visnonw esto9o *St0 Tt} A NHOr SuadY9. soca ‘untae anv wana 918 etzsans 4 evsese ar a tor su34v9 soceat benean eres /ezezn0| 065: | ee nsze0 P68 sma s4adv9| Save feisiaptisra, as Se eee ree on [ago | senugoy'anww | soa | 34 ‘SIOWLSIG NOHO ISUT NOLLVULSIDAY HALOA Nao sarNaivi5 VNFIOUVS HOS Nari931a (OI SHOSEd “EAT SIE ROTIOT TS on eae 3ENONNOLST Voters Oath - Please ~sad: | do solemnly swear or affirm that | am qualified to vote at this election according to the Constitution of this State and that | have not voted during this election. Names OF VOTERS 104 ede, Candia Mak Waste ~ Sey V3 Micke t 119 my : fei Pye 420) Gut 124 Taal PUEKS 122| Fea fo ti Yi la Kena, 4 123 | Avnet con Pre 124 125 eu este 008 Neier vort9e 008 AS TIVHANOLS § 64 7 | asetnn [OPTeP4| ‘NauEYA NIHLAVS| 00a90| 008 As TMHBNOLS 6 7 +. zetzeo|"952214 TLV aITMAHS NBHLAVD | 2060c0 you AS vivmaNos § t2s[,| ‘tsarg0 |"9Et9T4 W ASTHS NIMOY) tosace 3 oor as aonaas sos] | tenace | TORT 2 A773" anova} ce ay xo any auvaaaaino> s 220] | exorxe a vio aacrav9 o6szs0) oe yoo 1s sna #9), esnsse 974004 4 m43qv27 1, avant] cose ood as ATTAIN os] | ssortr| F024 ALYY LaWoHLV9| vezaee 50H 4a GOON 130H 24), sevecal*t0m 16 ayzaeu saTisva zexzv0 roo 4 aoonyom 92¢ | estce0|9976°%*| A viiAN SaTLS¥9| fee eee ee eso0e0| ov oor aoomISON 924 oscar feoroe 908 hs ‘ra9290 [8219244 ¥ sIuog 11395Sv9] sorter oy yay SaNOC EH ‘4 Toszeo OSE sarsan WaLwva| pevzco is 00 wa Hou 50 | zanzva|“té teed ‘Wo vNieyzns 43LHVD] il ea wor as amd art st, corres We vaaynbirt Hata) avo vis sth coe ‘Val SIH NI ALIA LON 00 ‘ome (¥3eqnw us ssauaay ‘Wyn ‘00 ‘SiDwISIa NOTLSATE lsri70a) vom TSE ag sno os eS = Sra TT DROSS TOTES wos re NOTLI973 ~ N39 3qIMaLY: 092" ‘sawnN WoILo3TS a ISTUNOILYHISIOTE HALOA —WNFIOHWD. Poll List [Fcounty [Date | t | Election [Election Number [Precinct 1 Precinct Code Voters Oath - Please read: | do solemnly swear or affirm that | am qualified to vote in this election according to the Constitution of this State and that | have not voted during this election. 2. Signatures of Voters ko iC howAran ee idan m a Dyce . I Sa | aba 10 “een! | acral ah sorzso| escort] LL. sere acct viauaiea” 0k noconrev eo 4, : ent se esezor| He Fa ort set vous owen see 2028 congas wrawmi0o any Naaau3ev 291 | eect) ar STA) LnwasaH9 | Suwa LanusaH9) | ~ a anuo3e Ln isau3 | eiaee|t9ce0s9 vrounie) any waaouaev ss, se v atowaa ims e210 baecert YE@HNT02, anv waaguady set) l. 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Nex PEL aw war ‘VAY SIHL NI BLUM LON 00 tenn oat 1H auany_NONWD| SIOHESIO NOD! a aE NoswaONY = "SOT SUT TRS 9973 1v¥aNa9 aaIMaLY ssavagy “aWWN szaor Nosuseny any riwusavn 982], sstex0 © auaqoy S275H0 Nosusany —auvaginog § 222), v sauve 507K eevtea) Nosusony —guvagn0d § 222\,, estter|“9%40"%) a twang SO7IH | cots wossany 15 HIYON ZOT), aves fieosenr vay Ata 960820 Wosuseny dav agonors s00],, £1299 fF w aoawer ua" 3090201 asa wasusony 1s HL4ON Zot, eczana) 86 1 orwaao_xaHo| 209090] eon NoswsGNY ow 1s araangoh N $2 perose 28 © Aasy SAEAOHRHD 26028 5 NosUaONY any ‘TwwHSa¥H otS|, excrae|** ur 9 aoKauyTo s¥am zeszco woseagny any THyHsdl . oxezco 29602 a anny susenvns votsat Noswaony 1s aa Tz¥a 60T|, exon (O62 2 vont’) wa1tv9 zoosso aw ava 60t lscozee fsinone D8 haave SAH), a¥90s0 aust ana 00050), oe wossny 1s swagcny OTH], esttse ew rota waANaaeva 2650001 seal Nosuaany 4s i1ass09 MLOze|, setzze Ywuaayz1 12 360 scez0 5 99134 $00 Gas Nosuaony 1g 091 le szzzze 2 stwoo 1138169 wv Ses 1av 1g wIve! N ZOD wl Tl Leseze| NOSHONY S05 Lay 15 RIVH Voters Oath - Please rz: according to the Constitution of this State and that | have not voted during this election. Narrzs OF VOTERS | do solemnly swear or affirm that | am qualified to vote at this election a7 i) ship wet La [UP : mn LSom ad 4 es #. 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Signatures of Voters 7 Eeereeereee Eee —— ~ 154 | Yeni LD 176 | Ve, uuen, Yee t= Tiere 18 ype PUR. |i Ln . 153 | bobo SA wah ind Sen 7 | 154 ]iA Q sy dh, WR 179 | 155 so aX yh 157} yx Ss 158 [= 159 |, da fhe sor f/ a. He, 162 Kaa FF ZU 183 [ =~ fe 164 |i Abdi oT 105) i ay 186 LH rd § 167 (ERIE NIN ce Sb oie 168 JW Ue 199 Joe gi 160 AF eee 194 RO Invkve | Aand Lon “ : LE fie 175) Kath Att ‘SEC FRM 1005-20910 SOUTH CAROLINA 1am noWhow under a 5 in aie et South Cac, Cou the voting precinct at which | wil vole i @ Registration Certieate this application. FEB-08-2212 19:29 From:GQ3576151' State of South Carolina Sey owtialtnds cc Ba thy AQ eda © hk dt Qay her elector | Uy unbteath et eee aa correct Sox ile — Hair Bones yon Meee C1 am a naturalized chizon, ‘My naturalization number is. ‘was naturalized in____ gy, ‘Pikes of ranean) [Bag Wee vacisasaay ————" ‘reside at ‘Sweet or AFD intro Ciy or town ot_Colambre, 29240 sb Oy nts 0 Yn Township or Parish It order dectaringy me ‘mentally incompetent or confined in any pubic prison, ‘and to ‘is issued to me i APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION Tei? “3366 Pase:era soereicn teroer © CLSLYP For Registration Board Use Only faeces a5. @ Oo oe of mets Bey ot Chbber 992 CL Aces | have never been convicted of afolany or offense ‘against the election laws. | have boon convicted ofa felony of offente against the olection iawe. Date of Conviction the criminal offense convicted of was ee ‘The total fongin of my sentence was te {have served my entire sentence, including al pro- bation and parole time, or have been legally oned for such conviction, ee ft | was last registerd in a _—_—_ a = (My maling address is LO4L Gmacast kr ee My tolophone number ie Heme 23/50 2/ kK. WHOEVER SHALL, WILFULLY AND KNOWING. LY, SWEAR FALSELY IN TAKING ANY OATH RE- QUIRED BY LAW, ADMINISTERED BY ANY ‘SON DIRECTED 'OR PERMITTED BY LAW TO ADMINISTER SUCH OATH, SHALL BE GUILTY OF PERJURY AND, ON CONVICTION, INCUR ‘THE PAINS AND PENALTIES OF THE OFFENSE. 4 Aeon _. 2002901 ve aunenviaves anv Wanoiz wo cvs eec2zo| “Wert ayvax0%0| eszxe aun@nviuvas anv musnanos 60%| a ope Lm eeeTe TL cartes ‘gungny tivas 4S. GNVTAWA ser! jecerte é yaa S504 HNN roster sad aunoweiavss anv soomas vet spent T5900 a NATYSON Agsou9 econ ainewriaves Sav wwii ne oa] UNH —_[Sseex >= a ses cu Po aunawviuvas 0 coownaT9 Z| ‘test90|*#95 1 SINN3G Agsou| mm corte auneviaves id aaLlisin sou] tasz6o "5894 a HYavs Hooud} 209160], ore aunewviavas tw aSELAZHN sou) oxerer «31330303 o0u bebee ecie) SUNENYLEVES: 1S swan soz] sore vuowrsevo: 10039 sco, roe aunanvinvas 15 ouvrw oss] eva tan |*2°T26 ‘¥ AITUINS NOLdHOUS| aces cca SuoMWLHas 1s ow os] Jezorto {16 “1. wosu3443¢ NoLaHoED| cl cuoawviavas, va eaowarie Ses) ssots0 fh stworave 3049 $02 T60| OWEN LES: ¥q Gocumars ¢e5| . wors0 [OP2Ae69} es 30r 14049] soieeo vanwnavas wd seanows 929 | perteo OY 4 sins 150005 seco] shewins wo snow ota] err *0e0e9 pit 130 sive ar eof V3UY SIHLNI ALUM LON Oo cay |¥3anON) et 531 ‘ 1goa_| 238 SM Td] wows teste feudal Se ae oat "S000 RINT Teriave ToWaad TouSTT ST Singivnivas AS NNT “WYATT SIVO NOS NOTL9313 TWHANSA anrMaiwie Voters Oath - Please read: {do solemnly swear or affirm that | am qualified to vote in this election according to the Constitution of this State and that | have not voted during this election. Signatures of Voters | te ope Kool TiAl 178 pes ae 11541 Shu 2. WOT AL 179 FF eel Tn Thora) weep eel 156 | Liod, Ackley) tat | Lb PL ates whe J ope wa} domac Lae Eo 1887 AO 13] Lie Maliraycdiy Le 18K AS 184 WL WR isn (L [ase bk Por zit mle LL Ee hidins Lak “4 Sein. “Cpeay 196 Noi Jon Cope” TUE Cs £ 2 198 poe ba. oF) tal eed. + heuer FORMIT-1005 VIO SOUTH CAROLINA fc sooett av 19. ave suoL mW er a ° aL TIO SE svoze0 °7094! 7 “9: dane wuva| oseet WT ote Lav 19 Ave SNOLTINNH ot ° b soteto O04 ae ue 3 4irHa0 wave! se0060| WT. vOT Lay ante HOTANARNS ¥2| ° a | on ran0 [AF i © S AWVH ONT TAG) ssoor BWI 8@t dav gave WoIMAN Te a ° | jestato [ose*?* itd 4 aT0uvH ONTaVa) osteo Sw STE tay cate Wormanua Ze ° Bh ro0z90|7666eT4 _ ‘F YOHSOP HOTAONVG | verte SWI 226 Lav 49 Ave SMOLIN OF . ° 4 ezeago |S?" - ue w quOsTaH NawRYG) za099 3971 Gat Lav 19 TMAH 9 sesoso |e: bas 7 ae Y AJHLIVH 3UORVC) oorzze wanaT2 9 Lav Ani ausoTaWia ost] 9s9zb0 [POET] 7 . 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