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STT Từ viết tắt Viết đầy đủ

1 ARPA Advanced Research Project Agency

2 AES Advanced Encryption Standard
3 CA Ceritificate Authority
4 CNSS Committee on National Security System
5 CPU Central Processing Unit
6 CRL Certificate Revocation List
7 DDoS Distributed Denial-of-service
8 DEC Digital Equipment Corporation
9 DES Data Encryption Standard
10 DMZ Demilitarized Zone
11 DSS Digital Signature Standard
12 FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
13 HIDS Host-based Intrusion Detection System
14 IDPS Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
15 IPS Intrusion Prevention System
16 LAN Local Area Network
17 MAC Media Access Control
18 MACs Message Authentication Codes
19 MIT Massachusets Institute of Technology
20 MiTM Man-in-The-Middle
21 MULTICS Multiplexed Information and Computing Service
22 NAT Network Address Translation
23 NIC Network Interface Card
24 NIDS Network Intrusion Detection System
25 PC Personal Computer
26 PKI Public-key Infrastructure
27 RA Registration Authority
28 RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adleman
29 SAM Security Account Manager
30 SIEM Security Information and Event Management
31 SOHO Small Office/Home Office
32 SPA Stateful Protocol Analysis
33 TCP Transmission Control Protocol
34 UDP User Datagram Protocol
35 WAF Web Application Firewall

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