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At initially, I planned to launch a firm that would cater to students pursuing academic
degrees at a university. However, I saw a promising potential to launch a firm that would
appeal to a large number of students. That is one of the reasons why I decided to start a
company selling flavoured water. In today's world, Heaven and Earth is a flavoured water
that is no longer considered exotic; for this reason, I have selected heaven and earth water
as a selling item for my company.

As a result of the early start, I only intend to operate my firm for another two weeks. I
began on April 15 and will continue through April 30 in order to gauge the progress of
this company. began by purchasing large quantities of things in bulk and selling them
over the Whatsapp application . I am able to publicise it more widely since I am not the
only one who is doing it, however I do get aid from other people who are willing to help
me. It took me two days to complete all of the preparations, and I didn't have to hurry.
During that time period, I meticulously recorded all of my buying and selling activities,
as well as the results of those transactions.

Each bottle of Heaven and Earth used in this project was bought by the students
themselves. Despite the fact that I provide my customers with additional discounts and
promotions throughout the project. I invested RM250 to purchase the Apollo stock, and I
was able to make a profit of RM336 from it. Most of my customers are male classmates
and close friends, with the exception of one woman. To make me even more pleased, I
also gained a new client via Instagram, who informed me that he learned about my
company through his buddy, who happens to be a friend of mine. Thanks to a very kind
customer, I had the chance to mail a package to their residence for the very first time. I
appreciate it very much.

Throughout the course of the project, I was able to get an understanding of what it's
like to be a business owner and entrepreneur. It is said that I encountered a broad range of
challenges along the way, but that, thankfully, I was able to address all of them on my
own by not giving up and trusting myself to find a solution. As a consequence of this
initiative, I was introduced to and experienced things that I had never before encountered
or experienced. Despite the fact that I had some reservations and doubts about my
abilities at the outset, the conclusion of this project has pushed me to explore business
opportunities even further since the experience was so rewarding.
Project Description (Before Activity) :-
I have a compelling motive for wanting to sell this Heaven and Earth. This is due to
the fact that I made this deal during the month of Ramadan, and the majority of the
students here need water to break their fast at this time. That is why I decided to take
advantage of this chance to start this company.

To purchase the stock of Heaven and Earth, I went to a hypermarket in the area that
goes by the name PANTAI TIMUR. PANTAI TIMUR is a supermarket that provides
customers with access to a comprehensive selection of goods, including flavoured. It's a
good thing for me because PANTAI TIMUR moves a lot of Heaven and Earth since I
love that album. Therefore, I purchased a total of four cartons of Heaven and Earth from
PANTAI TIMUR for the price of RM250. I came to the conclusion that the resale price
should be stated. As a point of sale pricing, I decided to set it at RM7 for a single 1.5-liter

When it comes to selling my wares, I have decided to utilise only one website.
Whatsapp was the sole channel I utilised to market the products that I had available. I
update my Whatsapp status with new deals often, and a lot of my friends always respond
to say that they are interested in purchasing the things. A couple of my close friends have
said to me that they always keep an eye out for updates to my Whatsapp status because
they are considering making purchases related to the content of the status updates.
Because I already have a following, I'm going to keep my Whatsapp status updated and
publicise the event there. I also made the decision to promote it to my male co-workers
via a Whatsapp group, despite the fact that I have no previous expertise or understanding
in the business world. Despite the fact that I already have a Whatsapp community, I
wanted to meet new customers in order to have a better feel for the experience. In case
there were any orders that were beyond of my price range, I also did some research on the
postal rates that the courier offered.

After a catchphrase or phrase that is intended to become viral has been developed, it is
now time for me to market this product to customers. I decided to start distributing the
viral phrase among the male students at my institution since they are the ones who know
me best and because it makes the transaction simpler for all parties involved. After that,
the viral message will be sent around the Whatsapp groups for both my class and my
club. Additionally, several of my friends provided additional suggestions on the ways in
which they may promote the product within the WhatsApp communities associated with
their respective classes and organisations. After that, I make an announcement about it on
my Whatsapp status so that others from other places may purchase it as well. Because I
don't impose any restrictions on customers, this item will be available for purchase by
absolutely everyone. I shall continue to do business with the consumers so long as they
have an interest in making purchases.

I deliver the order to the customer, which is the very last step in the process. My work
with the male students was made easier since I needed to go just a short distance to
deliver the product to them, and they gave me their addresses and room numbers so that I
could bring the merchandise to the appropriate location. My friends have asked that I
hold it in advance so that they may pick it up personally since my room is a spot where
we spend time together. Although I would want to send it to them through the same
means, they have requested that I keep it instead. As a consequence of this, they will take
it upon themselves to do it on that particular occasion. When I have customers who reside
a significant distance away from me, I will drive to the parcel delivery facility to have
their items picked up and delivered to the address they provide.

Project Outcome (After Activity) :-

After a week of supervising the project, it was determined that the ending was
acceptable all around. Because of this, I feel it is because I sell it throughout the month of
Ramadan, and some of them purchase it to eat after "Solat Tarawih" at midnight. In
addition, throughout the month of Ramadan, in order to fulfil a religious obligation, all
Muslims are required to abstain from eating from sunrise to sunset. This means that we
are unable to consume food during this time. As a consequence of this, after a customer
has broken their fast, they are compelled to either consume some food or drink a glass of
water it. Even though they are unable to consume anything from morning till evening due
to their religious practise of fasting, I am really pleased that my clients like the goods that
Heaven and Earth has to offer. At the same time, it was satisfying to know that I could
sell all four cartons of Heaven and Earth and still turn a profit on the transaction.

At first, I thought that the project should be prolonged since it was only for 7 days,
which concerned me because I still had a few stocks to sell. The reason for my belief was
that the project was only for 7 days. Nevertheless, it turned out that my worries were
unwarranted since, according to the results of my rudimentary bookkeeping, I earned a
profit of RM336. The Heaven and Earth may be had for a price of RM5 per bottle and is
available for purchase. Because I am able to resell each bottle for RM7, I was able to
make a profit of RM5 for every bottle that I sold. During the course of the endeavour,
however, I became disheartened during the last two days of the project since I only had a
portion of the goods left to sell.

Even though I sold all four cartons of Heaven and Earth, the total number of clients in
this store is just 15. My pals, classmates, and other male students make up the vast
majority of my clientele. I also made a sale to a complete stranger who ordered three
bottles of my snack since his buddy had told him about it and recommended it to him. I
had anticipated that my buddies would buy the things, but instead, a male student ended
up buying more from me than they had originally planned. They surprised me by
purchasing such large amounts in order to prepare for their night time beverage,
something I had not anticipated. When I send their meals, I always utilise Cash On
Delivery (COD), although some of them self-pickup at my home or at the food court.

Because of this endeavour, I've gained a significant amount of self-assurance and

improved a number of my skills, including my capacity for communication. This
endeavour made it possible for me to establish my own brand, which was something I had
never done in the past. I should also mention that despite investing some money before to
the project's launch, I was still able to turn a profit on it. During the course of the project
phase, I found myself in a bind at one point, and that's when I realised how hard it is to
run your own business. I was on the edge of giving up, in spite of the fact that the scope
of my project was quite small. Having some financial success, on the other hand, was a
really satisfying experience. Overall, I couldn't be happier with how everything turned
out, both the products and the way the job was handled overall.

Business Model Canvas :-

Experiential Learning :-
After the project term had ended, there were no liabilities or surplus extender stocks,
therefore the conclusion was satisfying throughout the process of managing the project. On
the other hand, there are certain challenges that I have a hard time overcoming, and there are
other things that I ignore because I am not well prepared. This is due to the fact that I
incorrectly estimated the difficulty of several aspects of the project. We are already aware
that in the realm of business, there are a number of components that need proper attention in
order to guarantee that our company functions without any hiccups.

The very first difficulty I ran into was not one that I had expected at all. There was no
response to the promotional materials that I put on my WhatsApp Status and in the group
conversations that followed. Even though it was probably weird for the kids to see me pitch a
product that I was selling for the very first time, the pupils' reactions broke my heart to see.
This is how it is defined since they always reply to my other Whatsapp statuses, but they
never respond to updates on this project. It was a growing source of disappointment for me
given that all of them reside in the same college as me, and despite the fact that I offered to
mail the product to their rooms and houses, they showed no interest in purchasing it. It's
probable that the price has anything to do with their response. As a result of this, I made the
decision to post the promotional materials on the group chat that I have with my pals. The
buddy group chat generated a greater number of positive responses and results, particularly
due to the fact that a number of participants shared the promotional material with their
Whatsapp status as well as their friends. I was successful in acquiring consumers owing in
large part to my friends, some of whom are now among my most loyal clients.

Conclusion :-
I am satisfied with the results in general, as well as the fact that I was successful
in selling each and every product offered by Heaven and Earth. Having said that,
since the experience I got throughout the time I spent working on the project was
fragmented, I was not happy with it. I wasn't quite as well prepared as I should have
been, so as a result, I took a lot of things for granted. Because I wanted to complete
the job as quickly as possible, I allotted a limited amount of time to it. This makes the
possibility of its completion more likely.

However, I was wrong in my assumption that twenty dollars was a trivial amount
of money. Despite this, I am pleased with myself for not giving up and instead
coming up with solutions to the problem. In a nutshell, it was a tremendous learning
experience since it compelled me to see and think on my potential as an entrepreneur
as well as a person. In other words, it made me a better person. Through the course of
working on this project, I was able to gain insight into a number of important business
principles, including the need of perseverance, self-confidence, and patience. A
second one of my beliefs is that God is the owner of the food and that it will be
parcelled out fairly to all of the people on earth. Whoever puts in more effort will
ultimately be rewarded with greater success since the end product never lies about the
amount of work put in. Because there is no such thing as instant success, having a
great deal of patience is the single most critical quality for an entrepreneur to possess.
If you want proof of this, just consider the number of successful businesspeople who
started out as failures.

Failure does not indicate that you will continue to fail forever; rather, it is the first
step for you to succeed since through such failure you will undoubtedly acquire a
variety of different lessons, both wise and foolish. I have high hopes that many young
people will be able to follow in the footsteps of prosperous people since doing so may
bring a variety of advantages not only to the individuals involved but also to their
families and the nation as a whole. As long as people have faith in their own
capabilities, there is no obstacle that they cannot overcome in this world.
Appendices :-

The costs revenue and profit gained from this project .

The viral and promotional sentence .

Conversation and dealing with my customer .
COD to the customers .

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