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Arab Invasion of Sindh, 712 A.D.

Mohammad Bin Qasim conquered Sindh and Multan, but the Arabs failed to expand their dominions, so they could
not set up a permanent kingdom in India.

Ghazni (962-1116 A.D.)

Mahmud Ghazni, 971-1030

He succeeded to the throne of Ghazni in 997 after the demise of his father Subukatgin. Mahmud Ghazni carried to
successful completion his ambition of building up an Asian empire. His 17 invasions of India from 1000-1026
were carried out only to satisfy that ambition, as the booty provided the necessary finances. He never had the idea of
spreading Islam or of establishing an Islamic empire in India. His repeated invasions weakened the Indian rulers and
paved the way for the work of Mohammad Ghori. Once again the North-West passes were opened, and thus the
isolation of the country was broken.

Ghori (1186-1206 A.D.)

Mohammad Ghori, 1186-1206

In 1186, he occupied Lahore. In 1191, he was defeated by Prithviraj, the ruler of Ajmer and Delhi, in the First Battle of
Tarain. In 1192 however Prithviraj was defeated by Mohammad Ghori at Tarain (Thanesar). This marked the
commencement of permanent Muslim rule in India. He then took Ajmer, Delhi, Kanauj, Banaras, Gwalior etc.
Slave Dynasty (1206-1290 A.D.)

Qutubuddin Aibek, 1206-1210

Qutubuddin Aibek was a slave and one of the Generals of Mohammad Ghori. After Ghori’s demise he became the
ruler of Indian possessions. He founded the Slave Dynasty. His contribution to Islam is that he made India an
independent political entity ruled by Muslims.

Altmash, 1211-1236
Altmash was the son-in-law of Qutab-ud-din Aibak. He conquered many regions, and became the supreme lord of the
whole of Northern India. He was the saviour of the Delhi-Sultanate at a very critical time.

Razia Begum, 1236-1239

Razia Begum was the daughter of Altmash, and the first Mohammedan woman ruler of Delhi.

Khilji (1290-1320 A.D.)

Ala-ud-din Khilji, 1296-1316

Ala-ud-din Khilji ascended the throne by assassinating his uncle and father-in-law Jalal-ud-din Khilji. His reign marked
the beginning of Imperial age under Islam. The Southern India was conquered for the first time by a Muslim ruler. His
introduced many civil, military and economic reforms. He however was a cruel ruler, which resulted in alienation of his
people, and the downfall of the Khilji dynasty.

Tughlaq (1320-1414 A.D.)

Mohammad Tughlaq, 1325-1351

After the decease of Ghiasud-ud-din Tughlaq, his son Prince Juna succeeded him with the title of Mohammad
Tughlaq. His personality was a mixture of opposites and extremes. Some of his novel administrative experiments
made him unpopular, and were responsible for his failure as a ruler.

Feroze Shah Tughlaq (1351-1388 A.D.)

Feroze Shah Tughlaq was a cousin of Mohammad Tughlaq. He was neither a dashing soldier nor a capable and
gifted general but he was a peace-loving ruler. Feroze introduced many reforms for the welfare of his people. He is
known for his public works. He founded a new city namely Tughlaqabad, near Mehrauli (Delhi).

The Lodhi (1451-1526 A.D.)

Ibrahim Lodhi, 1517-1526

He was the son of Sikandar Lodhi. He was very tyrannical by nature. His people and nobles were disgusted with him.
In 1526, Babar defeated him at Panipat (First Battle of Panipat); Lodhi dynasty ended. Babar laid the foundation of
Mughal rule in India.

Mughal Rulers (1526-1857)

Babar, 1526-1530
Babar was the first Mughal ruler on the soil of India. He won victories in the Battle of Panipat, Kanwah and Ghaghra
against the Afghans and the Rajputs, and laid the foundations of Mughal rule in India. He was a great lover of nature
and was endowed with literary genius.
Humayun, 1530-1540 and 1555-1557
Humayun succeeded Babar but was soon dethroned by Sher Shah Suri. He had to take refuse in Amarkot. However,
his fortunes returned after the death of Sher Shah and he once again became the ruler of parts of North India.

Suri Dynasty, (1540-1555)

Sher Shah Suri humbled the Mughal ruler Humayun, and forced him into exile. During the brief period of his rule he
attempted to set up a national state and introduced some reforms which brought him the title of the forerunner of
Akbar. His tomb at Sasaram (Bihar) is considered to be a noble specimen of art.

Mughal Rulers (Contd..)

Akbar, 1556-1605
Akbar succeeded his father Humayun at the age of thirteen. Bairam Khan, a capable general, became his regent.
Bairam defeated Hemu at Panipat, 1556 (Second Battle of Panipat), and secured, the throne for Akbar. Akbar’s
fame rests on his statesmanlike vision and his liberal policies. He made Rajputs the pillars of the Mughal State. Din-
Ilahi was the outcome of his pantheistic and enlightened religious outlook. He left an indelible imprint on Indian art.
Mughal Art and Fatehpuri Sikri reflect the character of this great ruler.

Jahangir, 1605-1627
His reign is known for improvement in the art of painting and drawing. The years 1611-1627 were greatly influenced
by Mehar-ul-Nisa, whom he married and gave her the title of Nurmahal and later on the title of Nur Jahan.

Shah Jahan, 1627-1659

Shah Jahan’s reign is considered the golden age of the Mughal period. In the field of architecture and other forms of
art, the buildings of the highest quality in the Mughal period belong to the regime of Shah Jahan like the Diwan-e-Am,
the Diwan-e-Khas, the Jama Masjid, Moti Masjid, Taj Mahal and Red Fort are among his famous monuments.

Aurangzeb, 1659-1707
Aurangzeb ascended the throne through a pool of blood. His religious intolerance, policy of over-centralization,
suspicious nature and his lack of the qualities of a statesman were to a large extent are elements that are responsible
for the downfall of the Mughal Empire.

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