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English For Workplace Communication







English For Workplace Communication

Part 1

Task 1: Speaking Script

Capturing the Spirit of Hari Raya: Sales Plan for Success


The aim of this demonstration is to propose strategies that will help us gain sales and position
our hypermarket as the top selection for clients during this festive period. Let’s dive into last
year’s sales income estimations and recognize the spotlight for this year’s sales.

Last Year’s Estimations

Let us start by reappraisal of the sales estimations from the past year. Founded on the
information, we ascertained a fundamental increase in sales during the Hari Raya period, with
the highest demand for the following categories:

 Traditional clothing and ancillary: Baju Kurung, Tudung, and other traditional attire

 Festive food and drinks: Ketupat, Dates, Dodol, Rendang, and other traditional snacks.

 Home decor and interior design: Raya carpets, curtains, furniture, decorations

 Personal care and cosmetics: henna, skincare products, perfumes, and makeup.

Highlights of the Year’s Sales

Now that we have a picture of the previous year’s sales, let us focus on this year’s sales:

 Traditional clothing and accessories: collaborate with local designers and trademarks to
offer selective appeal. Ensure a broad range of sizes and styles. For easy accessibility,
feature these items near the entrance or designated corners (How to Maximize Sales
During the Holidays, 2023).

 Festive meals and drinks: offer a wide range of dietary ready-to-cook Raya food kits.
Create attractive displays in the food section (Brown, 2022).

 Home decor and furnishings: highlight a variety of Raya-themed decorations and inspire
clients to create an inviting environs in their homes. Set up dedicated sections showing
demo setups near the entrance with fascinating displays and interactive additives
(Heartfelt Hari Raya: Marketing Ideas That Matter & Drive Results, 2023).

 Place these items near each other to render a one-stop buying experience (How to
Maximize Sales During the Holidays, 2023).

Creative ways to assist Customer

 Online and offline comprehensive Raya Shopping guide with recommendations, recipes,
and useful tips.

 Personalized Shopping Assistants.

 Online order and pick-up (How to Maximize Sales During the Holidays, 2023)

Discounted Items

 Bulk purchases of festive food items

 Sets of traditional apparel for families

 Home decor bundles (Brown, 2022)

Marketing plan for Customer Attraction

Social media campaigns

Influencer partnerships

Loyalty plans

Festive decorations (Heartfelt Hari Raya: Marketing Ideas That Matter & Drive Results,


Let us work collectively to make this year’s Hari Raya season a rolling achievement! Thank


Brown, V. (2022, June 2). How To Amplify Campaigns During Ramadan And Raya. Mutant
Heartfelt Hari Raya: Marketing Ideas That Matter & Drive Results. (2023, April 22).
How to Maximize Sales During the Holidays. (2023, April). UBC. Retrieved July 3, 2023,

Task 2

Reflection Proposal‌

Reflection on the Process

The planning phase of the presentation entailed studying the proposal outline and
recognizing focal key points. I spent two hours planning the content, structuring the flow, and
the visual aids. I used creative elements to highlight important information. The recording
and editing of the video took two hours. Creativity and innovation were the most crucial for
this task. I used optical aids and a conversational delivery to make the presentation easy to
follow (Effective Presentation Techniques: Tips and Tricks for Captivating Your Audience,

Reflection on the Content

I referred to the module when preparing the content for the proposal presentation, which
provided insights and methodologies that helped me organize my ideas efficiently. However,
I had to be brief, capturing, and persuasive while delivering the fundamental points. I realized
that I could have done more reappraisal and refining of my content before recording my final
presentation (Waters, 2022).

Reflection on Challenges

I had to overcome my shyness and lack of courage in speech delivery (Suzanne, 2021). I
practiced the presentation many times before recording to check my tone, body language, and
pace. This boosted my confidence and delivery (Suzanne, 2018). When recording, I often
stumbled over my words and re-recorded some sections due to errors. I practiced patience
and persistence and focused on my goal. I was mindful of using the appropriate vocabulary
and grammar (Useful English phrases for a presentation, 2017).

Feedback from One Person

I shared my video with a friend and asked their views on its suitability for a board
meeting. They considered the presentation to be well organized and covered the required

scope. The friend suggested emphasis on the potential effect of the proposed strategies on the
hyper market's bottom line. They also mentioned integrating some statistics for sales
predictions, which I will factor in future presentations (Crnkovich, 2022).

Personal Thoughts on Completing Assignment

I believe the video proposal transcription and reflective proposition were efficient in
accomplishing the coordinated learning outcomes. They provided platforms for applying the
knowledge gained from the module. This assignment was aimed at developing presentation
techniques and critical thinking in he proposal writing exercise.


Crnkovich E. (2022, August). How To Improve Your Presentation Skills With These Tips
From Experts. Retrieved July 3, 2023, from
edith-crnkovich/. ‌
Effective Presentation Techniques: Tips and Tricks for Captivating Your Audience. (2023). Retrieved July 3, 2023, from
suzanne. (2018, February 28). Practice Makes Perfect- Why Practicing Before Your
Presentation Makes All the Difference. Presentation Training Institute.
Suzanne. (2021, March 9). Common Problems That Most People Have When Presenting.
Presentation Training Institute.
Useful English phrases for a presentation. (2017, October 2). Blog. ‌
Waters, S. (2022, January 28). How to Give a Good Presentation: 8 Tips to Succeed.

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