Practice 1

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Some people believe that it is important for children to attend

extra classes outside of school, while others believe that they

should be allowed to play after school.

There are those who maintain that children should go to extra classes
[after school. However, others say that giving them time to relax and
play after school is much more important. This essay will take a look
at these two sides of opinions before arguing that time to play is
crucial for young students.
It is sometimes suggested that children should be better should join
take extra classes because they could get more benefits from that. For
example, children who join extra classes would learn some tricks to
answer questions and study earlier than children who do not join the
extra classes. As a result, they could get higher results in the class.
SUGGESTION: It is sometimes suggested that it would be better for
young students to take additional lessons such as courses outside of
school because it benefits them in some ways. One of the advantages
is that children would be taught some new things that they probably
do not get in their class at school such as some tricks and shortcuts to
solve a difficult mathematical problem. Another benefit is that in such
classes children will learn something that their classmates in school
have not yet to learn. As a result, they will be one step ahead of their
friends who do not join any additional courses.
However, on the other hand, adults should let young children have
time to take some rest time and play after school. It could give them
the opportunity to develop and grow their intelligence. Parents who
choose to give their children playing time would help them hone the
left hemisphere of their brain in developing creativity and help
children to adapt more easily into the social world such as to make
new friends.
In my opinion, giving additional classes after school would increase
the pressure on children. This has a negative impact on their health,
both mentally and physically. They would tend to be more stressed
and experience a weak body condition. As a result, they would be
easier to catch some diseases. For example, currently, as an ER
doctor, I found that many children had come to the hospital because
they have Dyspepsia syndrome which can be caused by some stress
and not eating well.
In conclusion, people say that forcing young students to have
additional classes after school would help them to improve their
scores at school, while others say that children who have time to relax
and play could improve their creativity and their social life such as
make new friends. I think…

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