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Hoang Xuan Thanh 2132300567

Nguyen Khanh Minh Hang 2132300029

Le Thi Ngoc Nhien 2032300145

Nguyen Thi Bich Tram 2032300210

Trinh Hoang Son 2032300177

LECTURER : K. Languell Thomas

Jin Hahn Myung

Quarter 1 / 2023-2024

1. Introduction: 1
1.1 Purpose: 1
1.2 Background: 1
1.3 Method of Investigation 1
1.4 Scope 1
2. Findings: 2
2.1 Respondent’s profile 2
2.2 Survey questions 2
3. Conclusion: 10
3.1 Commuting Patterns and Accident Involvement: 10
3.2 Helmet Usage and Satisfaction with Traffic Policies: 11
3.3 Main causes and frequency of traffic accidents: 11
3.4 Satisfaction level with the current traffic and enforcement and the effectiveness
of Binh Duong's current traffic regulation in curbing accidents: 11
4. Recommendation: 11
4.1 Implementation of Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS): 11
4.2 Enhanced infrastructure and safety measures for vulnerable road users 12
4.3 Community Engagement and Collaboration: 12
1. Introduction:

1.1 Purpose:

The purpose of this report is to analyze the traffic situation in Binh Duong province,
with a specific focus on safety in the area. The report also aims to provide a
comprehensive overview of the current state of traffic in Binh Duong, identify key
factors contributing to traffic accidents, and propose potential solutions to improve
road safety and reduce the number of accidents in the province.

1.2 Background:

A recent study shows that Binh Duong province recorded 602 traffic accidents in
2022, with a particular emphasis on violations related to alcohol concentration and
drug use (Trang, 2023). This has prompted an effort to reduce traffic accidents in the
region. This area is also experiencing growing traffic demand, leading to a focus on
improving road traffic safety and connectivity with Ho Chi Minh City. Binh Duong is
in the process of rapid and sustainable development, so it is necessary to focus on
developing the transportation system to meet increasing demand.

1.3 Method of Investigation

The survey aims to better understand the traffic situation and activities in the region,
using a variety of questions that allow the collection of important data on traffic
scenarios and engagements among Binh Duong's residents. The questionnaire was
delivered to 46 residents from various parts of the province on December 16, 2023.
This methodical approach allowed for the systematic collection of crucial data and
perspectives from the local populace, empowering them to vocalize personal insights
and experiences regarding traffic dynamics, thereby enabling strategic interventions to
enhance the future trajectory of transportation in the region.

1.4 Scope

The investigation's scope will primarily focus on the traffic condition in the Binh
Duong region, with an emphasis on safety. The primary goal of this survey is to
collect the personal views and opinions of 46 respondents. By compiling the
responses, it will be possible to determine the needs for the improvement and
development of Binh Duong's traffic. This research will also look at the challenges
and difficulties that management and cognitive components face, such as a lack of
infrastructure, a lack of knowledge, and management from the government system.
Furthermore, the scope of this investigation will involve research on potential
alternatives and usual activities with the goal of minimizing traffic difficulties and
increasing traffic development.

2. Findings:
2.1 Respondent’s profile
The survey was conducted with 45 people living in Binh Duong. 69% of respondents
were between the ages of 20 and 25. More than half (60%) of respondents were

2.2 Survey questions

Figure 1: Types of transportation.

The data presented suggests that a significant proportion of the population in Binh
Duong primarily commutes by motorcycle, as indicated by 80% of the respondents.
Of the respondents, 11.1% drive cars, and 8.9% ride bikes. None of the interviewees
said they commuted in trucks.

Figure 2: Age groups participating in traffic.

The survey of 45 individuals in Binh Duong showed that young people (20-30 years
old) are mainly involved in traffic accidents, accounting for 55.6% of cases. Teens

(16-19 years old) follow closely at 35.6%. Meanwhile, middle-aged people account
for 6.4% of accidents, while people over 50 are the least involved.

Figure 3: Number of people wearing helmets when participating in traffic.

In the survey of 45 respondents in Binh Duong regarding helmet usage while riding
motorbike or bicycle, 86.7% claimed to "Always" wear helmets. A small fraction,
6.4%, reported wearing helmets "Sometimes," while 4.3% admitted to "Rarely" doing
so. Merely 2.1% confessed to "Never" wearing helmets. These results reflect a high
level of compliance in helmet use, with a notable proportion sometimes or rarely
adhering to this safety principle.

Figure 4: The levels of satisfaction of the current traffic and enforcement.

Overall, satisfaction with traffic policies and enforcement in Binh Duong Province is
moderately positive, according to a survey. The majority of respondents, 45.5%, are
pleased with the current policies and enforcement procedures. Furthermore, a sizable
proportion, 22.7%, is neutral, indicating a group that does not significantly tilt toward
either contentment or discontent. However, a significant 20.5% express discontent,
highlighting possibilities for improvement. The smallest percentage, 11.4%, is highly

Figure 5: Statistics of causes leading to traffic accidents.

Speeding (48.9%) possible reasons for high speeding rates could include a lack of
strict enforcement of speed limits, insufficient awareness campaigns on the dangers of
speeding, or a cultural acceptance of faster driving. Additionally, road designs that
allow for high speeds without proper safety measures can contribute to this statistic.
Drunk driving (31.1%) the prevalence of drunk driving may be linked to cultural
attitudes towards alcohol consumption, a lack of effective enforcement of drunk

driving laws, or insufficient public awareness about the serious consequences of
driving under the influence. Distracted driving (13.3%) the percentage of accidents
attributed to distracted driving may result from an increase in the use of mobile
phones while driving, highlighting a need for stronger regulations and public
education campaigns to discourage this behavior. Poor road conditions (6.7%) the
relatively lower percentage may indicate that while road conditions contribute to
accidents, they are not as prominent as human-related factors. Poor road conditions
might stem from inadequate infrastructure maintenance, rapid urbanization, or
insufficient investment in road improvements.

Figure 6: Binh Duong's current traffic restrictions' efficacy in reducing


The effectiveness of Binh Duong's present traffic regulations in reducing accidents

has led to discussion, with a different separation in public opinion emerging. The
survey found a dramatic disparity, with a resounding 75% arguing for their
effectiveness in decreasing plummets while the remaining 25% remain unconvinced.

Figure 7: Statistics of people who have witnessed and experienced traffic accidents.

Out of 45 respondents surveyed in Binh Duong regarding traffic-related accidents,

79.9% confirmed witnessing or experiencing accidents due to traffic issues . Only
20.5% reported no such encounters. This data shows the common experience of
traffic-related accidents or collisions among the individuals surveyed.

Figure 8: Statistics on the number of people who witnessed the accident.

From the survey of 45 individuals in Binh Duong regarding traffic accidents, 48.9%
reported encountering them "Occasionally," while 35.6% noted encountering
accidents "Rarely." A minority, 11.1%, faced accidents "Very frequently," and a mere
4.4% claimed to have "Never" encountered such incidents. This data shows that a
significant portion experience accidents periodically, with a minority experiencing
them frequently or never.

Figure 9: Evaluate road quality.

When 45 people were polled about road quality in Binh Duong, 64.4% thought it was
"good," while 11.1% claimed it was "very good." In comparison, 22.4% assessed the
road as "poor," while only 0.1% classified it as "very poor." This indicates a generally
positive impression of road quality, yet a sizable minority believes it is subpar.

Figure 10: Proposed statistics on upgrades to traffic infrastructure.

Opinions on the most significant traffic flow improvement in Binh Duong are divided.
While "Widening roads and adding lanes" and "Creating more efficient intersections"
receive significant support (32.4% each), indicating a focus on increasing capacity
and optimizing existing infrastructure, "Installing better traffic signals and signs" also
receives significant support (20.6%), emphasizing the importance of efficient traffic
management. Notably, the implementation of roundabouts and other alternatives
receives less support (11.8% and 2.8%, respectively), demonstrating a preference for
more traditional solutions for the time being.

Figure 11: Types of public transportation.

42.2% of respondents chose taxis as their preferred form of public transportation,

making them the most popular choice. Tokyu bus services come in second, at 29.4%,
indicating that a sizable section of the populace uses public buses for transit. The rise
of technologically advanced motorbike taxi services, selected by 20.6% of
participants. Even though they make up 8.8% of the total, traditional motorbike taxis
are still prevalent in the transportation environment.

Figure 12: Recognition of Tokyu buses.

About 70,6% of respondents said they are familiar with the Tokyu bus service.
However, 29.4% of those surveyed say they have never used the Tokyu bus system.

Figure 13: Frequency of using Tokyu bus public service.

In Binh Duong, Tokyo Bus ridership patterns paint a diverse picture. While 14.7% of
residents rely on them Daily, a notable 23.5% utilize them Monthly, suggesting these
services cater to both regular and occasional commutes. Interestingly, Weekly usage
appears absent (0%), potentially hinting at alternative preferences for shorter
commutes. However, with 41.2% using Tokyo Bus Rarely and 20.6% Never, it's
evident a significant portion of the population seeks other modes of transportation.

Figure 14: Statistics suggest expanding more routes for Tokyu bus public service.

The public's opinion in Binh Duong toward Tokyo Bus growth is favorable, while
preferences for individual locations differ. With 44.1% of people supporting new

services, Ben Cat emerges as the top, likely due to its higher population density and
potential ridership. Particularly, Di An comes in second with 11.8% in favor,
indicating that citizens there appreciate the benefits of better public transportation
connectivity. Meanwhile, Thuan An (14.7%) and Tan Uyen (26.5%) receive some
support, indicating a desire for a wider area of influence.

Figure 15: Factors affecting people's use of public transport, specifically Tokyu buses.

In Binh Duong, factors influencing Tokyo Bus usage present a bit of a combination.
Convenience motivates 41.2% of selections, emphasizing the bus service's
attractiveness to individuals demanding a simple and effective travel method. Route
frequency is important for 17.6% of riders, indicating that consistent service is
essential for some. Cost is an issue for 14.7% of users, indicating price sensitivity.
Comfort is also important to 11.8% of travelers, demonstrating that a pleasant travel
experience is important to a portion of the ridership. Other, unexplained factors
influence 8.8% of decisions, implying a wide range of personal preferences. Notably,
accessibility has a smaller role at 5.9%, showing that the service serves a population
with fewer mobility issues.

3. Conclusion:

3.1 Commuting Patterns and Accident Involvement:

A significant proportion of the population in Binh Duong primarily commutes by

motorbikes (80%). This high reliance on motorcycles may contribute to the high
involvement of young people (20-30 years old) in traffic accidents, accounting for
55.6% of cases. The survey also revealed that 35.6% of accidents involve teens (16-19
years old). These findings highlight the need for targeted safety measures focusing on
these age groups, emphasizing helmet usage and road safety awareness to mitigate
accident rates among these demographics.

3.2 Helmet Usage and Satisfaction with Traffic Policies:

The majority of respondents (86.7%) claimed to "Always" wear helmets while riding
a motorbike or bicycle, which is a positive indicator for road safety. Additionally, the
survey on satisfaction with traffic policies and enforcement in Binh Duong province
revealed a moderately positive sentiment overall, with 45.5% expressing satisfaction
and 20.5% expressing dissatisfaction. This suggests that while the majority are
satisfied with the current policies, there is still a notable segment that seeks
improvements so need for further evaluations and potential adjustments to address
concerns and enhance overall road safety measures.

3.3 Main causes and frequency of traffic accidents:

In summary, the data reveals that speeding is the primary cause of traffic accidents in
Binh Duong, accounting for 49.9%, followed by drunk driving (31.1%) and distracted
driving (13.3%). While poor road conditions contribute (5.7%), it is notable that
accidents occur with varying frequency: 11.1% very frequently, 48.9% occasionally,
35.6% rarely, and 4.4% never. This implies that while specific factors like speeding
and drunk driving are prominent, the total occurrence of accidents in Binh Duong
varies, highlighting a need for focused interventions to address both the causes and
frequency of these incidents.

3.4 Satisfaction level with the current traffic and enforcement and the
effectiveness of Binh Duong's current traffic regulation in curbing accidents:

In conclusion, the information points to a divided opinion among Binh Duong locals
about the state of traffic and law enforcement at the moment. Although 57% of
respondents overall are satisfied, with 11.4% very satisfied and 45.5% satisfied, a
significant 20.5% are not. While 25% disagree, the majority (75%) agree that Binh
Duong's present traffic laws are helpful in reducing accidents. These results show a
complex public opinion and highlight the need for further efforts to improve the
region's traffic regulations' perceived and actual effects.

4. Recommendation:

Bình Dương province is facing challenges with traffic congestion and road accidents due to
the increasing number of vehicles on its roads. To address this, some recommendations are

4.1 Implementation of Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS):

ATMS involves the installation of smart traffic signals, surveillance cameras, and
sensors placed strategically across key junctions and high-risk areas. These systems
can adjust signal timing based on real-time traffic flow, minimizing congestion and
reducing the probability of accidents caused by gridlock.

Firstly, predictive analytics and AI-driven technologies incorporated within ATMS
enable authorities to forecast potential traffic incidents. By analyzing historical data
and current traffic patterns, authorities can proactively deploy resources and
interventions to areas identified as prone to accidents, thereby preemptively reducing

Moreover, educating the public about these systems and their benefits can encourage
widespread support and compliance, enhancing overall road safety. Collaborating
with local educational institutions to introduce road safety awareness programs and
workshops will promote responsible driving behavior and awareness of the ATMS
features among motorists.

This comprehensive approach harnesses technology to optimize traffic flow, predict

and prevent accidents, and foster a culture of safety among residents and commuters
in Bình Dương province.

4.2 Enhanced infrastructure and safety measures for vulnerable road users

Bình Dương province should prioritize the safety of vulnerable road users, such as
pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists, who often face higher risks on the roads.
Investing in improved infrastructure dedicated to these users, such as separate bike
lanes, pedestrian walkways, and designated motorcycle lanes, can significantly reduce
accidents involving vulnerable road users.

Conducting safety campaigns targeting both drivers and vulnerable road users will
raise awareness about the importance of respecting designated lanes and adhering to
traffic rules. These campaigns can be carried out through various channels, including
schools, community centers, and social media, to reach a wide audience and reinforce
safe road behaviors.

Furthermore, implementing stricter penalties for violations that endanger vulnerable

road users, coupled with strict monitoring and enforcement law, will deter reckless
driving behavior and promote a safer road environment for all.

4.3 Community Engagement and Collaboration:

Foster partnerships: Collaborate between government agencies, NGOs, private

companies, and community organizations to develop and implement comprehensive
traffic safety programs.

Encourage community involvement: Promote initiatives where residents can

participate in improving road safety, such as reporting dangerous areas, volunteering
for awareness campaigns, or forming neighborhood traffic safety watch groups.

Support vulnerable road users: Pay particular attention to the safety of pedestrians,
cyclists, and motorcyclists, who are often the most vulnerable in traffic accidents.


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