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5th Mate

C/S Ile de Sein

Temporary Handover N°99

Disembarking officer: GOURVENEC Axel

Relieving officer: TONNELLIER Axel


Table of Contents
C/S Ile de Sein ...............................................................................................................................................1
INDEX ............................................................................................................................................................2
VESSEL STATUS .............................................................................................................................................3
SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................................4
DEPARTMENT ...............................................................................................................................................5
1- Daily report: (BY DP2) ...........................................................................................................................5
2- Activity log (DP02) .................................................................................................................................5
3- Vessel head count & vessel activity report: (DP02) ..............................................................................6
4- QHSE Statistics: (DP02) .........................................................................................................................6
5- XChange: ...............................................................................................................................................7
6- GMDSS ..................................................................................................................................................8
7- SSAS:................................................................................................................................................... 10
8- Radars/AIS : ........................................................................................................................................ 11
9- ECDIS: ................................................................................................................................................. 12
10- Stationery: ...................................................................................................................................... 12
11- Ink Cartridge:.................................................................................................................................. 12
12- Shipboard library............................................................................................................................ 13
13- Amos : ............................................................................................................................................ 14
14- Adrena:........................................................................................................................................... 14
15- DP ................................................................................................................................................... 15
16- Auto generators phones: ............................................................................................................... 16
17- Miscellaneous: ............................................................................................................................... 17
18- Flags ............................................................................................................................................... 17
19- Em’cy fog horn: .............................................................................................................................. 18
20- Passwords ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Port call : Lagos, Nigeria
ETD : 24/04/2024 TBC
ISPS lvl : 2

Operations expected to be:

Refer to POW last Rev in G:\14 - Operations\2AFRICA\2AF WEST\19- POW


Safety role (5th Mate):

According to roles dispatch made by DPO1 in charge of crewlists.

Schedule (5th Mate):

In port: OFF DUTY: 08:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 18:00

ON DUTY: 07:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 19:00 + 22:00 safety round and till 07:00
next day on call, as required.

In transit: 12:00 – 16:00 and 20:00 – 22:00 (4 Deck Officers)

In DP operations: 12:00 – 00:00

To be signed:

 Check and sign the Mates Duties Distribution and the Watch Schedule
 Bridge log book
 GMDSS Log book
 Acknowledgement log book

Summarize of your daily tasks:

 Daily report (UNISEA)

 Activity log (UNISEA)
 Vessel Head Count (G:\ Drive)
 Vessel Activity Report VAR (G:\ Drive)
 QHSE Stats 2 AFRICA(G:\ Drive)  To be seen with O/O
 QHSE Stats 2022 ASN (G:\ Drive)  To be seen with O/O
 GMDSS daily test (In port GMDSS watch has been closed, only weekly/monthly tests were done)

1- Daily report: (BY DP2)

To be filled every day. You will find it on Unisea in: Applications > Daily Report
At the beginning, fill the number of persons on board and identify the worker depending on their employer.
You can also fill an ETA for the next port and an estimated date for the next crew change.

Then fill in:

- Master Comment’s (found in DPR)
G:\00 - ARCHIVES\01 - ASN forms\FO-MGT-0001_daily_progress_report\2024
- Position (at activity log time)
- Distance during the last 24h
- Weather (wind and visibility)
- Draft (should not change)
- Consumption during the last 24h using the engine file

You will activate the Daily Report (day n), the report date will be the same than the date of the last DPR (day n-1).

2- Activity log (DP02)

To be filled in every day. You will find it on Unisea in: Applications > Daily Report > Activity log
Add information about:
- Date and time (continue using same time every day)
- Activity mode: in transit, alongside, in operation, etc.
- Charter (ASN)
- ECO region
- Distance run
- Activity comments

NB: if in port, choose the port. If the port is not registered yet, you have to tell the Captain to tell the
company responsible to add the port (or ask the responsible yourself). Yes, it is much too complicated for
such a little action.

WARNING: The activity log on Unisea is badly made and as soon as you create a new one, the previous one is
changed: the distance is replaced by the one of the new log… so you have to check and modify the previous one to
put back the correct value.
3- Vessel head count & vessel activity report: (DP02)
These two excel files have to be filled every day, you can find them in G:\00 - ARCHIVES\01 - ASN forms\FO-MGT-

4- QHSE Statistics: (DP02)

You will have to fill the statistics sheet for the DPR. You have to fill 1 excel file :

You can find these excel files in:

G:\00 - ARCHIVES\01 - ASN forms\QHSE statistics

- ISN QHSE Stats 2023-2024-2AFRICA-WEST

The information on how to fill the excel sheet are in the comments of each line.
Check with the person in charge of the DPR (normally the O/O) to see how she/he wants this file to be filled in.
5- XChange:

I’ve already created all ON/Signers accounts and printed username/password papers + procedures dispatches
with familiarization papers.

There are 2 types of accounts:

- Data accounts

210$ /pers per week  reset each Monday at around 0100 AM.
You must create the accounts for ON/Signers, then print username + password as per handover 90 advice
procedure, in order to give it in advance to DPO1 who will dispatch with all the papers.
LDA crew wifi password : Open@ISN20
When creating an account :
- you must allow initial credit  210$
- account type for crew + officers  Welfare
- account type for Jointer TL, Testers, Master, ASN rep, Client rep and subcontractors  Rep User
- Automatic disconnection time  2 hrs
Self-creation account function was deactivated in order to manage better the accounts on Xchange.
Automatic credit rate on Welfare  0.06$/Mo (for 210$), Sometimes changing…
Don’t forget to delete accounts of OFF/SIGNERS.

We have different antennas onboard with each 1To per month.

One Starlink Welfare (crew) + One Starlink Corporate (rep users).
Top up are normally not allowed because each crew member must manage their personal credit correctly.
Sometimes it could happen that some crew members use all credit by mistake (phone update, app update…).
You could monitor traffic logs, credits logs, etc.. on the Xchange app on Chrome browser.
If all data of antenna is used at the end of the month, no more Starlink for all the users of the dedicated antenna.

When close of coastal waters, antenna must switch automatically to Starlink Terrestre which means unlimited
data for everyone.

- Phone accounts

Account created for onsigner.

Create yourself the account for each on signer and copy paste their pincode, username and password on the
For the phone, the credit is 55$ per month per crew. Every 21st of the month, reset the credit to 55$. If any crew
needs more credits, they can ask you to top up their account. If you do top up an account, communicate it to the
person in charge of the billing.

Handover 90: Xchange is using the antenna on the top of the mast. We had some issues with the elevation
motor during the lay (mid-January) resulting to a loss of internet. A technician should bring some spare parts to be
installed in order to put back in service the antenna.
The previous “welcome procedure” has not been understood by the Australian crew, so I created another
procedure which, I believe, is clearer. You can find it in G:\DECK Officer\DPO2\7- XChange.
When you will create the phone accounts, you just have to copy paste the information from Xchange website to the
table on the procedure. Then print on both side.
Handover 90: We still have a lot of troubles with the GMDSS.
- 500W MH/HF always reboot when performing a self-test or when we receive safety tests from other
vessel. I hadn’t the time to do it, but the antenna of the 500W should be clean, maybe it will help?
Superintendent and captain don’t want to perform internal test on both MF/HF until further notice.
- 250W MF/HF working well, safety test is sent every day to shore station or other vessel preferably for the
daily test. This is the only test performed the last two months.
- SATC 2 stops by itself sometimes for an unknown reason. You just have to restart it. SATC 1 works
- VHF DSC n°1 stops sometimes during emission of securite messages during my contract. I faced this
problem when using channel 16 and channel 9. It also happens that VHF changes itself to channel 16
when emitting on channel 69. We don’t use this VHF anymore but the last tests I performed were
- During the daily test, I performed one VHF external DSC test which caused a drop of the GPS during DP
operation. I didn’t perform such test after that event. (internal test doesn’t cause this type of drop)

Handover 91: We have still some problems with the GMDSS :

- We receive a new VHF DSC n°1 (nav. console) and we experience a lot of problems (bad range, safety call
not working, freezing etc.)
You can find the report and listing of all problems on G:\DECK Officer\DPO2\1- GMDSS\new DSC VHF +
software\Trouble report. We open an experience feedback (Report n° ISN/2022/351) as this equipment is
- The VHF DSC n°2 should be replace by a new one (the same model as the VHF DSC n°1, P.O. 704V-22-
- The MF/HF 500W is still unavailable, we should receive a new tuning unit : 704V-22-00040
- For the rest it’s okay, we performed Sunday test as usual except for the battery discharge test, we stop
doing that. Only ETO do it one per month and a short one.

Handover 96:
- MF/HF 250W AVOID doing DSC TEST on a frequency 8414.50kHz, it looks like sending test on that
frequency triggers SSAS alarm. It happened on during last monthly test on 30/07/2023.
SSAS triggered with no human action 04/08/2023 (as same time the MF/HF send a safety DSC to a vessel)
the superintendent is aware
- MF/HF 500W out of order it is impossible to repair unit, because there are no spare parts on a market
and are not expected to be available. Captain said that it will be removed at some point from the vessel.
- 704V-23-00201 SAF GMDSS Port VHF Lithium Batt exp 10-23 – order created to obtain on time portable
VHFs spare batteries.

a frequency 8414.50kHz, it looks like sending test on that frequency triggers SSAS alarm. It happened
on during last monthly test on 30/07/2023.
SSAS triggered with no human action 04/08/2023 (as same time the MF/HF send a safety DSC to a
vessel) the superintendent is aware
- Charger on GMDSS batteries was broken, electricians have repaired however voltage and amperage
meter is not showing correct values, you can check that through mf/hf unit or locally using multimeter
Handover 97 :
- New MF/HF 250W installed in Hawaii, no MH/HF 500W installed.
- New Iridium installed during port call in Fiji (October).
- Antennas: Antenna arrangement updated.
- VHF DSC issue: the volume regulator of the GMDSS station VHF DSC is broken since a while (already
broken when I signed on) and the volume is very difficult to change accurately. Not because the plastic
piece is broken, but there seem to be a problem with the potentiometer.
The goal is to get a new electronic card with a new potentiometer to change it, instead of ordering a
whole new VHF. It was checked online but the model we have dates from the Soviet era and it seems
impossible to get new parts.
Previous ETO said he might find some from Russia (da?) but it looks like it is only a dream. So we will
probably have to consider working with the faulty volume regulator or to order a new module.
Considering the actual state of our GMDSS station, starting to change parts like this is maybe not such a
great idea…
- Navtex: all the messages received on the navtex can be displayed on the ECDIS, the printer is therefore
not compulsory anymore. We have one though, if you want to connect it, be my guest.

You are responsible of the GMDSS. You have to perform the daily tests, to log it in the GMDSS logbook and you are
responsible of the Navarea binder.

GMDSS annual survey made at OWENDO, GABON during port call 18/02/24.

Emgc'y lights on station 1 not working.

MF/HF 500 W unable to Tx.

Not working normally. Stop and start regularly when trying to Tx.
Not fixed by radio technician during Port Gentil port call on 03/02/24.
Since early April, MF/HF Out Of Service.
Currently not even start and loopback on the “COHBAM” starting interface permanently.
Hard reset don’t worked.

EPIRB checked during GMDSS annual survey.

HRU replaced. Expiry date 02/2026.
Following last GMDSS annual inspection, the EPIRB test was found unsatisfactory. After inspection by ALPHATRON
technicians, one of the 4 battery set was found no longer connected as connection between two batteries was
corroded and found broke.
PO issued for new EPIRB JOTRON Tron AIS 60S as per Mr. BOSC request.
704V-24-00109 / SAF - AVAR - URG EPIRB  included in Lagos Air freight of 21/04/24 week end.

SARTs / Portable VHFs / All ok.

VDR beacon changed during GMDSS annual survey. (monkey island)

SAT C-1 printer sensor issues, managed already to fix it but sometimes the problem comeback so it is impossible to
print with.

Tron air radio Nickel-metal hydride battery is expired but not need to be replaced as per Master LANDREAU
explanation because not used anymore. Moreover, Nickel metal hydride is not as dangerous as lithium-ion. Nickel
metal hydride does not cause a fire when exposed to oxygen.

VDR batteries replaced during Lagos, Nigeria anchorage 21/03/2024.

7- SSAS:
Handover 89: There is an historic of unwanted activation of the SSAS on board Ile de Sein and other sister ships.
A potential reason was that the cables of this system were too close to others in the cable trunk and were reacting
when the MF/HF 500W is used for too long.
There has been changes on the SSAS cables of a sister ship to try and fix the problem. It was therefore planned to
do the same actions on ISN. But it did not work on the sister ship, they still had unwanted activations.
For the moment, no changes have been made here. During our voyage, we did not notice any activation of the

Handover 91: Nothing to report, we made an activation test with the Captain, all working good, we receive a
call from MRCC Gris-Nez acknowledging our test.

Handover 96: Triggered again during MF/HF test and another time with no human action
Handover 96: Avoiding tests on 8414.5kHz resulted in no in advert triggers any more.

Nothing to report. Not tested during my contract.

No issue during MF/HF 250W single band test on 8MHz band.
8- Radars/AIS :
Handover 89: Magnetrons changed on April 5th 2021.
We need to order a new one for the X-Band for 2022. Check with the Chief Engineer if we also need a new one for
the S-Band.
Do not order too much in advance as the magnetrons cannot be stocked (demagnetization possible).

Handover 93: Both magnetron changed

New Radar X-Band installed during Port Gentil Port Call on 03/02/24.
Parameters of the X-Band must be well adjusted in order to detect targets accurately with EAV 1 and ES 1 as
minimum settings + High gain.

On the S-Band, there was an offset between AIS targets and TT targets when using GPS1 source.
On 07/03/2024, I found on S-band radar parameters that GPS1 Antenna posn longitudinal field was set as 400m.
Longitudinal Posn is calculated from the bow of the ship, so it must be around 40m.
There was probably an installation mistake, or someone else modified this parameter by mistake…

GPS1  GP 170 Furuno (Aft bridge chart table), antenna located on Fwd SB Monkey island
GPS2  CNAV2/CNAV3, antenna above S-band antenna in the mast on SB
Nav console PS GPS RD-30 is a repeater of GPS80 located above chart table.

On the GPS wiring, AIS is only connected on GPS2 (CNAV2/3).

Additionally, there is a permanent alarm on the S-Band from AIS “external EPFS lost”.
On the AIS I found the antenna selection on “internal” which means AIS do not receive position coordinates from
an external GNSS device. As normal operation regulations, AIS must receive position data from an external sensor
as GPS receiver use for navigation, which means it must be set as “external”.
I’ve checked the wiring in the junction box, all ok, two wire connected as per installation manual for sensor
(4800bps) NMEA 0183 connection V1.5 or above.
No solution yet, reported in STA.
Please establish contact with Alphatron expert to find a solution as per SBM contract.

27 - In Force.pdf
On the ECDIS we can switch between GPS80 (Aft bridge) and GPS170.
We discovered that GPS80 sensor on ECDIS source come from CNAV2.
So real GPS80 is not connected to the ECDIS…
We could rename the sensor on the ECDIS directly in the system with Admin access.

10- Stationery:
Handover 89: I made a new file for the stationery stock and its location in the lockers corresponding to the
Amos locations, you can find it under: G:\DECK Officer\DPO2\8- Stationery

I worked on filling the stock on Amos 10 but could not complete the task yet.
Some items are not coded yet so it is sometimes necessary to request a codification through Amos Web.
Some items might be difficult to find or were not coded correctly: always try to find the item by searching on a
large scale before requesting a codification.

The location of the different items should be entered on the inventory as it is entered on Amos 10, to make things

Handover 90: Inventory was done in early January and has been kept updated with the reporting papers left on
the door of each locker.

Main files in : G:\11 - Chief Officer\07 Inventaires - Commandes 6 mois\08 - Inventaire Stationnary

Shortcut: G:\13 - DECK Officer\DPO2\7- Stationery

I’ve created a PO AMOS to refill stationery as necessary : 704V-24-00119 - DK - Stationery February (C-waiting
approval)  waiting to be approved by Superintendent / do not hesitate to ask C/O to send a mail if not
approved during the next month.

Some whiteboards ordered to dispatch in operation areas where necessary.

Don’t forget to create a new file when update the inventory.

11- Ink Cartridge:

Handover 97: Black Cartridge topped up to original number of 7, as we were at some point with only 2 spare
remaining. It should be enough for a long time as one cartridge is enough for about 15000 pages (practical
onboard experience).

There are 4 main EPSON WF-C878R printers onboard (Bridge, Conference room, ECR, PCR) which are the most
commonly used. T05A cartridges has a long lifespan capacity. Stored in locker 513.

Top up order received 704V-24-00115 - DK - EPSON cartridges T05A (5 yellow, 5 magenta, 4 cyan).
It should cover the end of 2Africa West project.
Inventory file updated.
12- Shipboard library
Check on Unisea : SI-ALL-DON004E Mandatory documents on board vessels

Handover 90: The shipboard library is located on the forward portside of the bridge. Old editions are stored on
starboard side of the bridge.
You can find the inventory of library in: G:\DECK Officer\DPO2\9- Library inventory

Handover 96: New software install for dematerialized publication, no need of Reg4Ship anymore:
MarineRegulations . Username: Pswd: LouisDreyfus2023!
Installed on mate’s computer and e-NP computer

Handover 97: One book need to be ordered. List IV – List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations 2023 –
NEW EDITION DUE NOV/DEC 23 – PRE ORDERS AVAILABE ONLY. Place an order once available. When I am writing
this handover it is still not available therefore I haven’t place PR yet.

Marine regulations app to be use as primary mean of shipboard library onboard.

I’ve created some “groups” of main regulations used on board concerning their range of application and
downloaded them in order to be accessible offline.
Regarding use of the app : cf. mail of Master LANDREAU for 17/02/2024.

Marine Regulations.msg

I’ve created a PO on Amos to update shipboard library :

704V-24-00110 - DK - Shipboard library  D1 Query approved

13- Amos :
We are now using Amos 10 exclusively. All your jobs are in “5th officer” but also check other officers as it seems to
appear some of your jobs under other officers. If one day, there is no more 5th mate on board (transit for
example), do not forget to transfer all the jobs to the other mates. Check all the job for all the deck mates.

Update each order in G:\AMOS\01 - Amos 10\07 - PO Statuts ISN


Refer to  PR-HVL-TCH003EF Inventories and Requisitions - Dispatch of Ship's Spares

In  Instructions (documented information) Main Office & VesselsTechnical

14- Adrena:
We have a new routing system that we are supposed to try out for the whole fleet.
The goal is to give a review of this system to the company to let them know if it’s worth it or not to get it for each
ship. The main subject here is the possibility to have a lower fuel consumption.
As we did not have a lot of transit, I could not really study this matter.
The settings were set approximately by the previous bridge team and should be checked to see if they can be
adjusted more accurately (see DP1 handover-127).

Handover 90: As we were only in operation I didn’t have the occasion to use it.

Handover 91: I looked it up a little bit but it is fucking awful to use and I encounter a lot of bugs. I didn’t have
the possibility to use it but I think it’s shit.
Handover 93: Jeanne worked on it ask her, she used it more than me
Handover 94 adresse mail password adrena2023+
password for computer adrena2023+
96 : Adrena now in English. It is connected to internet by Wi-Fi (Ask ETO to connect by LAN) Xchange account
created, user name: adrena Pswd: Adrena+2023
Handover 97: Nothing to add, used as aid for voyage planning.

Impossible to open a session on Adrena computer  password not valid.

The password given in DPO1 handover was wrong.
C/E and Master didn’t find the right password. (even the ADMIN access).
To be seen with new Master.
15- DP
Handover 89:
- LCE unexpected stop: during the surface lay, the LCE breaks were suddenly and unexpectedly applied.
We were running on 2 DGs and the ship had completed an alter course in auto speed sail at 3.2m/s. The
speed dropped to 2.6m/s as if the DP system was not following the speed set point anymore. When the DP
started to react and applied more power to the propulsion to reach the right speed, there was probably a
perturbation on the electrical network that deactivated a relay therefore activating the brakes.
After that we kept 3 DGs on the bus to avoid another similar problem. Tests still have to be done to
confirm the source of this incident.
You can find the report on this incident here:
G:\00 - ARCHIVES\01 - ASN forms\FO-MGT-0006_marine_installation_incident_report_MIIR\SX

- GP170 loss: this position equipment is often rejected by the DP system. If it happens when it is selected,
the system will reset the average position obtained with the two other GPS and the DP will start to give
thrust (sometimes a lot) to get back to the position.
We usually do not select this one to avoid this situation.

- Arctan: we had a two times a problem with the arctan. The first one, someone put an arctan on an alter
course of one degree, even though it is written in the DP tips not to do so for angles of one or two degrees.
The arctan WP was therefore located before the original WP, creating a situation where the ship passes
the original WP and then has to aim for the arctan WP located astern. It creates a lot of thrust and
It happened a second time when someone put an arctan for a three degrees alter course.
So it is a good idea to always check the small alter courses in advance to make sure the WPs are in the
right order if you did put an arctan.

- DP printer: the DP printer lives its own printer life. Sometimes it’s printing well. Then it might stop for no
apparent reason. Sometimes the paper gets torsed or stucked and it does not print anymore but the alarm
indicator is then lit.

Handover 90: We experienced less issue during this contract. I changed the cartridge and it seems that it’s
working better, why not… Check regularly the status of the printer (alarm indication or press 2 times the “SEL”
button to reinitiate the printing.

- We had a lot of “Ethernet Link Failed” alarms on the DP, it comes from RJ45 Ethernet wires between the
different stations. It’s instantaneous alarm so we didn’t face any problems due to that (only one time
switch in simplex mode) but it happens sometimes that the alarm rings several times in few minutes. In
that case there is nothing to do, except inform the ETO if possible.

- We receive the forecast every 12h by email. The mates have to update the position regularly, by sending
an email to ‘’ with master in copy, according to the vessel speed. In operation,
you can ask to survey the position in 24h for example to update the position.

- Thruster 3: a small oil leak on board has been detected mid-January, but we continued to use it with the
agreement of the engine team.

- During all the ST1 and ST2 lay we didn’t select the GP170, we just kept it in backup if CNAVs failed.
Handover 91: We didn’t experience too much problems with the DP expect with some Thruster
stopping unexpectedly, we have been able to restart them just after the loss. It seems that in operation
you must have 3 DG running if you have more than 3 thrusters started, if not you can expect some thruster
Still some Ethernet link failed alarm, ETO already inform.
We reboot the DP station the 12/07/2022 so you should be good to go.
Handover 93: When you start thruster 3 thruster 2 shutdown you can restart it after,we experienced some th6/7
speed feedback fault it’s ok according to E.T.O. otherwise everything is ok

Handover 95: After long time of use it appears that DP starts to have some glitches and it may do some unwanted
deviations up to 5m, even though there is no change accuracy on position reference systems nor change of
conditions. Also you can observe some mismatches on readings on both systems, while system does not recognize it
and proves that both systems are still a mirror copy. Restart of DP consoles, where it is possible, helps.

Handover 97: Same as in handover 95. DP System is old and full of glitches, make restarts frequently. Align it with
captain each time you see it is necessary. Take a note that VRU needs manual restart locally after DP reboots.

DP pre-survey replacement started on 21/03/2024 in Lagos, Nigeria by 2 surveyors from General Electric.
DP station / IAS will be replaced during October DD24.

16- Auto generators phones:

During monthly routine checks of auto generator phones done on 12/03/24, I found following issues :

- ECR Tel (2) : Voice Tx level 3/5, doesn’t affect communication if operator is speaking louder ;
- Propulsion room (4) No alarm generated for call Rx ;
- Steering gear PS (5) Calling wheel knob in average condition (not possible to turn smoothly) but doesn’t
affect Tx/Rx ;
- Steering gear SB (6) Headphone in average condition (Left ear ok / Right ear no sound) ;
- Emergency Generator Room (8) No alarm generated for call Rx.

FYI, all tests were done from bridge auto generator phone.
SSAMP in force updated. Work order completed on Amos where you can found history.

C/E informed.
17- Miscellaneous:
Handover 90:
- The windows of the bridge are leaking with heavy rain, so we have to remove the water using towels…
- The armrest cushions of the DP and pilot seats are quite destroyed, I tried to limit the issue by putting
some tape on it. I created the order 704V-22-00019, with 3 pairs of armrest for the 3 chairs and one spare
seat cushion. The order is approved by the ship.

- Handover 91:
- The chief officer has made a P.O. for sealing of the bridge’s leaking window.
- We installed the new armrest on the DP, very confortable.

Handover 95:
- Printers with unnecessary cartridges are stocked on pallets in hangar. In folder “For Sarah” (G:\DECK
Officer\DPO2\For Sarah) you have list of items to be off-loaded and shortcut to landing note template. You may
adjust some data there, as I was expecting that it will be offloaded during my shift.

- I was renewing all of the MSDS around vessel, but inventories of locations were not complete. Therefore, for
locker 201 you may expect updated inventory from 1st Eng. and add or remove some MSDS that I have printed. I
have never received an updated inventory of Linen Locker apart of that all MSDS are sound now.

- I agreed with Alex that I was doing water analysis tests and you can speak to his reliever regarding this
arrangement weather you will continue. At the moment we are one to do it. Fountain done, Hot return and
out of sterilizer not done

Handover 97: Charles was doing Water analysis it during this contract – coordinate with him if he needs your

18- Flags
Flags updated for end of 2Africa project.

As per flags inventory and next ports of call regarding the POW, we have on board ISN :

- Nigeria ------------------- 1 new

- Congo RD (2006) ------- 1 new
- Ghana--------------------- 1 new + 1 used
- Ivory Coast--------------- 1 average condition
- Senegal-------------------- 1 new + 1 used

Master asked for washing the ones which were dark coloured by engine smoke.
No order as been decided yet according to Master. To be seen with new Master.

Flags inventory to be found in DPO2 Flags inventory file.

G:\13 - DECK Officer\DPO2\8- Flags Inventory\2024 Flags inventory
19- Em’cy fog horn:
Handover 89: Mechanism at the horn (in the mast) is difficult to activate. Applying sometimes a bit of WD40
and then some grease could be a good idea.
The pulleys directing the cable to the horn have been painted. I tried to chip the paint but it is not easily accessible.
We checked the em’cy horn every Sunday and it did work every time for the moment. It is still a bit difficult to
activate but it works.

The main valve located at the foot of the mast is leaking, if you want to work up there, remember to close it and to
fully open the quarter valve in order to not have any unpleasant surprise for your ears.

Handover 90: No update on this point, emergency fog horn has been tested some Sunday, working if you put all
your weight on the handle.

Handover 97: Working good, still a little hard to action.

Location  Central Mast Starboard / Fwd of battery room  Handle with a cable to pull vertically with
medium/hard pull.
Still working well but still a bit hard to use it.
Tested every weeks as per weekly tests checklist done on Unisea :
FO ISN SAF220 - Bridge Sunday routine

20- Passwords

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