WEEK 7 The Good Life

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• explain the concept of the good life as posited by Aristotle;

• define the good life in their own words; and
• examine shared concerns that make up the good life to come up with
innovative and creative solutions to contemporary issues guided by
ethical standards.
• the good life is associated with a life of happiness,
fulfillment, and meaning. In this sense, it is a life that
one finds personally satisfying and rewarding.
People want to be healthy consume junk food
Do things that make
People want to be happy
themselves miserable

Most things that taste good probably bad for you

Most things that give you thrill probably bad for you
• Everyone is in pursuit of the good life. We do certain things
because we want to achieve a life which will make us happy
and content.
• By studying and working hard, we try to attain this goal not only for ourselves
but also for our loved ones and the rest of humanity. People’s definition of the
good life may vary and differ in the particulars.
• Materialistic perspective:
• Matter is what makes us attain
• Only material entities matter and
there is no need to posit
immaterial entities as sources of
• The world is made up of and
controlled by atoms. And it simply
comes together randomly to form
the things in the world
• Hedonistic perspective:
• This perspective emphasizes
pleasure and happiness as the
primary goal of life. According to
this view, the good life is one that
is filled with enjoyable
experiences and minimal pain.
• Stoicism perspective:
• To generate happiness, one must
learn to distance oneself and be
• Apatheia – means indifferent.
• Adopt the fact that some things are
not within our control. The sooner
we realize this, the happier we can
Eudaimonic perspective:
• This perspective focuses on
personal growth and
development as the path to a
good life. The good life is
achieved through pursuing one's
passions and talents and
cultivating meaningful
• Virtue ethics perspective:
• This perspective emphasizes moral character and ethical
behavior as the foundation of a good life. The good life is
achieved through living in accordance with virtues such as
honesty, kindness, and courage.
• Existentialist perspective:
• This perspective
emphasizes individual
freedom and choice as the
path to a good life. The
good life is achieved
through taking
responsibility for one's
own life and creating
meaning and purpose in
one's existence.
• Spiritual perspective:
• This perspective emphasizes a
connection to a higher power or
consciousness as the path to a
good life. The good life is
achieved through cultivating a
sense of inner peace,
compassion, and connection to
something greater than oneself.
• Positive nihilist perspective
• the lack of inherent meaning
means that individuals are free to
create their own meaning and
purpose for their lives. Rather
than being constrained by societal
expectations or preconceived
notions of what a "good life"
looks like, individuals are free to
chart their own course and pursue
their own passions and goals.
• definition may be useful in our
pursuit of the truth. In
Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle
• All human activities aim as some
good. Every art and human inquiry,
and similarly every action and
pursuit, is thought to aim at some
good; and for this reason the good
has been rightly declared as that at
which all things aim (Nicomachean
Ethics 2:2).
• Completing one’s studies, training for a sport, or taking a rest is a good.
The good life, however, is more than these countless expressions. It is
characterized by happiness that springs from living and doing well.
• … both the many and the cultivated call it happiness, and suppose
that living well and doing well are the same as being happy
(Nicomachean Ethics 1:4)

• According to Aristotle, happiness is the ultimate end of human action. It is that
which people pursue for its own sake. all these and more pursued for the sake of

• Happiness defines a good life. This happiness, however, is not the kind that comes
from sensate pleasure. It is that which comes from living a life of virtue, a life of
excellence, manifested from the personal to the global scale.
It is the activities that express virtue that control happiness, and the contrary
activities that control its contrary (Nicomachean Ethics 1:0).
• Good life is marked by happiness brought about by virtuous human actions and
decisions that affect the individual self and the greater community. It is
characterized by a life of flourishing of oneself and of others. The good life does
not happen in a bubble where only one person is flourishing; others have to be in
it, too. Disregard for virtuous actions, especially for the sake of
convenience and gratification, does not contribute to happiness

The lack of discipline in eating The lack of concern for the

healthy food eventually make environment destroys the
one sick. Earth we live in
• Virtue plays a significant role in the
living and attainment of the good life.
It is the constant practice of the good
no matter how difficult the
circumstances may be. Virtue is the
excellence of character that empower
one to do and be good. Such virtue is
cultivated with habit and discipline as
it is not a one-time deed, but a
constant and consistent series of

Two kinds of

Intellectual virtue in the

main owes its birth and
moral virtue comes about
growth to teaching (for
as a result of habit
which reason it requires
experience and time),

Stress: Anxiety Materialism

Negative Lack of Unhealthy

thinking purpose: lifestyle habit

Happiness Meaning Purpose Relationships

Personal Financial
growth stability

Practice critical Consider the
Stay informed
thinking: consequences

Engage in ethical
Set boundaries Seek balance and responsible
•How is the progress of science and
technology a movement towards the
good life?

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