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Symptoms of candidiasis infection and then they asked -> this condition
comes with?
a) DM
b) Post menstrual
c) Obese patient

2. Female came with yellow vaginal discharge and fishy smell as well, she also
have itching, what is the cause of her presentation:
a) Candida infection
b) Bacterial vaginosis
c) Chlamydia infection
d) Trichomonas infection

3. Patient with s/s of trichomonos and receive treatment, what about her
a) no treatment
b) metronidazole
c) follow up after 2 weeks
d) other medication

4. 40 years old female, multiparous, her last delivery was 2 years ago and it
was complicated and used forceps complaining of mass bulging from the
vagina with long standing or walking and when coughing. what is the first
thing to do in the examination?
a) Bonney test
b) Speculum examination
c) Cystourethrogram
d) Urodynamic

5. Urine incontinence while running, what is the test to confirm diagnosis ?

a) Uroflowmetry
b) Urodynamic test
c) cough test

6. male with gonerrhea , his wife present with discharge and itch what is the
most accurate dx swab
a) Endocerix swab
b) High Vaginal swab
c) No need for swab

M.Awny ELnaggar
7. Pt present with vaginal discharge, itching and urinary symptoms I think
they also mentioned that the discharge was cottage cheese like Asking about
the treatment?
a) topical anti fungal
b) topical antibiotic
c) oral anti fungal
d) oral antibiotyic

8. Woman came for infertility counseling, in history she's having

dysmenorrhea, what is the cause ?
a) Endometriosis
b) Fibroid
c) Vaginitis

9. Female exclusively breastfeeding want contraception for 2 years

a) Depo provera injection
b) Pop
c) Ocp

10. 6 years old girl brought by her mother, complaining of vulvar itching and
bloody discharge?
a. candidiasis
b. Foreign body
c. sexual abuse
d. atrophic vaginitis

11. 33 years old women with heavy menstraution During examination noticed
firm fundal mass (Next in mangment )
a. Ct
b. us
c. mri

12. pt with second degree uterine descent and cysto rectocele what your
a. Posterior colpoperineorrhaphy
b. Fothergills operation(Manchester op. )
c. Anterior colporrhaphy

13. Cardiac pbl + anticoagulant, contraceptive method?!

a. Pop
b. Iud
c. Ocp

M.Awny ELnaggar
a. Myomectomy
a. OCP
b. progesterone

15. Pt ER with unilateral limb edema he using OCP what next and best
a. A- Douplex us
b. B- Cat
c. C- MRI

16. Overian cyst, contraceptive method?!

a. Ocp
b. Iud
c. Condom

a. correct anemia
b. B. Ocp
c. C. Myomectomy

18. 39 years old female who has three children and completed her family
diagnosed as endometrioma which was removed 2 years ago, right ovary
cyst she presented to the clinic with mild to moderate dysmenorrhea and
dyspareunia during intercourse and chronic lower abdominal pain. Pelvic
ultrasound shows: Left ovary endometrioma cyst 6x7 in size.
a. removal of cyst more than 10 in size
b. aspiration of cyst content under ultrasound guidance
c. immediate hysterectomy and salpingectomy oophorectomy
d. removal of cyst by laparoscopic ablation of endometrioma spots.

19. 30s yo woman asking for effective and reversible method of contraceptive,
which of the following is the most effective?
a. Vaginal ring containing hormones
b. Female condom
c. Male condom

M.Awny ELnaggar
20. A 37 year old woman comes to you with infertility. Semen analysis of the
husband is normal and the woman has normal, regular cycles and normal
FSH and LH levels. However, US revealed many fibroids disrupting the
uterine cavity. What is the best way to restore her fertility?
a. Surgical removal of the fibroid
b. Reassurance
c. GnRH to help shrink the fibroid

21. Women came vaginal pain test show flagellated the Dx :

a. bacterial vaginosis
b. candida infection
c. trichomanonas vaginalis
d. E coli infection

22. what is the commonest type of degenerative of fibroid in pregnancy?

a) Red
b) Cystic
c) Fatty
d) hyaline

23. What happens to leiomyoma during pregnancy?

a) Rapid growth
b) atrophy
c) calcification

24. young female withish itchy discharge... most common dx ?

a) Candida
b) Bacterial vaginosis
c) Trichomonas

25. 38 years old women have history of dysmenorrhea and excess bleeding per examine
abdomen tender, bulky?
a) Adenomyosis
b) Fibroid
c) Endometriosis

M.Awny ELnaggar
26. Old lady follow up incidentally found grade 3 pelvic organ prolapse and she
has no complaint what to do?
a) Surgical repair
b) Ring
c) No need for intervention
d) Forgot

27. Married for 18 months, complains of infertility, uterine bleeding, abdominal

pain, examination: normal size uterus , tenderness uterosacral ligament
a) Endometriosis
b) Fibroid
c) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

28. postmenopausal had vaginal bleeding, lmp 5 years ago at that time had fibroid
of 3x2cm and now on examination had fibroid 7x5cm With endometrial

a) Leiomyosarcoma
b) Endometrial carcinoma
c) Endometrial atrophy

29. After delivery complains of Vaginal flatus and fecal incontinence:

a) Recto vaginal fistula
b) Vesico vaginal fistula
c) Urethra vaginal fistula

30. 50 with vaginal heaviness mild uncomfortable treated 6 month later

conservatively come with same complaint and no next:
a) Reassure
b) Same conservative for 6 months
c) Start Surgical counseling

31. What are the most common organisms causing acute

a) N. gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis.
b) Mycoplasma genitalium and lactobacilli
c) Streptococcus agalactiae and enteric gram-negative bacilli

32. Case with vaginal discharge, under microscope, found

a) Candida
b) Bacterial Vaginosis
c) Trichomonas

M.Awny ELnaggar
a) Conservative and reassurance
b) Surgery
c) pessary

34. 27 years old female complaining of green yellow discharge that started after

a) atrophic vaginitis
b) B. Bacterial vaginosis
c) candida

35. Case of 50 y/o grade 3 POP with mild to moderate pelvic discomfort which
was managed conservatively for 6 month. presented today with no
improvement or worsening of her clinical symptoms. Which one of the
following is appropriate for her?
a) reassure and continue conservative
b) council her regarding surgical options
c) follow up 6 month

36. Female with discharge and positive motion cervix tenderness what is Dx
c) Vulvovaginitis

37. Multiparous women presented to the ER with urge and stress incontinence
for 3 years. The urine leaks 3-4 times daily and she needs to go to the
bathroom 8-9 times daily. Upon pelvic Physical exam, you found she has very
weak pelvic muscles. What is your initial treatment?
a) Start anticholinergic medication for 8 weeks.
b) Urine culture and start antibiotics if needed.
c) Start her on daily pelvic kegel exercise and bladder training for 8 weeks

38. Strawberry cervix with yellowish to grey discharge

a) chlamydia trachomatis
b) Bacterial Vaginos
c) Trichomonas vaginalis

M.Awny ELnaggar
39. Postmenopausal women with a history of fibroid "certain size" increased.
What's the diagnosis "endometrium were 5 mm pt on tamoxifen
a) Leiomyosarcoma
b) Endometrial cancer
c) Adenomyosis

40. 60 years old female Most common source of bleeding?

a) Uterus
b) Lower genitalia
c) Fallopian tube
d) Ovary

41. female with fishy smell discharge and itching, on vulva scratch mark tx
a) Metronidazole tablet
b) Terconazole cream
c) ceftriaxone

42. A menopausal patient complaining of itching in vulva and watery discharge,

on examination scratches and scaly your diagnosis
a) Atrophic Vaginitis
b) Candida
c) Trichomonas
d) Chlamydia

43. Pregnant with chlamydia which organ will be affected in baby?

a) ear
b) eye
c) lung
d) liver

44. Post-menopausal women with vaginal dryness > atrophic vaginitis?

a) give Estrogen cream
b) Zinc sulphate
c) Topical antibiotics

45. Lady with abdominal pain and I think vaginal bleeding. Exam she is febrile,
with a normal looking vagina and cervix no adnexal masses, and motion
excitation. Dx?
a) PID.
b) Acute appendicitis.
c) Cervicitis.

M.Awny ELnaggar
46. Female with Thin gray vaginal discharge whiff test positive, treatment?
a. Metronidazole
b. Dalacin
c. Ampicillin

47. 32 years old she tried to conceive for 3 years and she have pelvic pain and
found out she have tubal blockage what is the organism caused it?
a. Chlamydia
b. Gonohorrea
c. streptococcus
d. Perfingis

48. 45 years old male complaining of rash in hand and sole with history of 2
weeks painless ulcer in genetelia and non-marriagesexual intercaurse ..
a. Treponema pallidum
b. Chlamydia
c. Hsv
d. hpv

49. patient infected with HBV husband concerned about sexual what to advise
a) Wear condom
b) No sexual
c) Use contraception

50. A case of bilateral ovarian abscess vitally stable only fever?

a. Abx
b. B. Laparotomy
c. C. Percutaneous drainage

51. patient with painful bilateral inguinal lesion, vesicles, most common cause?
a. HSV
b. Syphilis
c. Hpv

52. Patient complaining of missed period for 2 month and Rt leg edema What
important question?
a) History of using OCP
b) Exercise
c) Diabetes

M.Awny ELnaggar
53. Female was on OCPs in the last 12 years there was small hepatic adenoma
What is the appropriate next step?
a. Surgical resection
b. Stop OCPs
c. CT scan

54. Women want to take OCP and husband no want take OCP?
a. empathy
b. follow wife
c. follow husband
d. Both

55. 54 years old female presented to gynecology clinic complaining of dysuria

and urinary incontinence, she stated that the leak is not related to specific
activities and occasionally associated with coughUpon investigation
urinalysis and cultures were insignificant, However, urodynamic study
showed: contracting bladder even with small amount of dripping ,Which of
the following is the most appropriate management
a. Kegel exercise
b. Anterior Colporrhaphy
c. Anticholinergic agent
d. Bladder Suspension

56. OCP effects on liver:

d. Hepatoma
e. Liver cirrhosis
f. HCC
g. Hepatic hyperplasia

57. Patient want to take hormonal therapy, but you are sure that it is not
suitable for her ?
a. Refuse
b. Give her
c. Advise and give

58. Nursing mom wants to conceive but not in the coming two years. What will
you recommend for her?
a) Vaginal ring
b) Combined OCP
c) Progestin injection
d) Patch

M.Awny ELnaggar
59. 30 years old female has 1 child, Want to delay pregnancy 3 years later, she
didn't want OCP nor intravaginal Device. Doctor advise her for
transdermal patch, What is the best advice to tell the patient about the
a) decrease compliance
b) increase blood clot
c) less effective than OCCP
d) less skin complication

60. Single Female came to your clinic one day after condom rupture during
vaginal intercourse, she is worried about becoming pregnant. What you will
a) Pregnancy test
b) Wait and arrange for appointment after one week
c) Give post-coital contraception
d) Give progesterone only contraception

61. OCP:
a. Decrease the risk of ovarian cancer
b. Increase the risk of breast cancer
c. Decrease endometrial cancer
d. Increase risk of ectopic pregnancy.

62. Drug before myomectomy to reduce bleeding:

b. Capron
d. Progesterone

63. 48 yd. very obese lady, BMI 41 had hx of pelvic organ prolapse had no

a) Enterocele
b) Rectocele
c) Uterine prolapse
d) Cystocele

64. Which of the following is a side effect of ocps?

a. Breast cancer
b. Cervical cancer
c. DVT

M.Awny ELnaggar
65. Women in postpartum , she said that she complete her family and ask about
contraception . She is exclusively breast feeding her newborn .and she said
that the menses in previous came at 10 th month postpartum ?
a. give her OCP
b. progestrone injection
c. wait as previous until 10month

66. Married female want not to be pregnant now; based on statistical studies
what you will prescribe?
a. Progesterone only
b. Combined estrogen progesterone.
c. Iud

67. Contraindication to IUD

a) Active PID
b) Coagulation abnormality
c) Tendency to bleeding

68. Acute salpingitis case not responding to ceftriaxone treatment what is the
cause ?
a. Adenovirus
b. HSV
c. Gonnorhra
d. Chlamydia

69. 51 y P6 present with heavy menustral bleeding, diagnosed with big fibroid.
What is most appropriate management?
a. Myomectomy
b. Hysterectomy
c. OCP

70. Case of severe menorragea in 40s old female found to have uterine mass in
a. parasitic fibroid
b. subserosal fibroid
c. submucosal fibroid

71. Patient with subserous fibroid haven't completed her family, ttt?
a. Hysteroscopic hysterectomy
b. laparoscopic hysterectomy
c. hysteroscopic myomectomy
d. Laparoscopic myomectomy

M.Awny ELnaggar
72. Pt with cystocele symptoms how to investigate?
a. Pyelogram
b. Urodynamic
c. Vaginal speculum examination

73. In case of child sexual abuse which of the following mostly indicates hymen
penetration, tear at which O'clock?
a. 4
b. 6
c. 12
d. 8

74. Woman did some procedure (pelvic procedure but forgot what it was) and
then came complaining of urine from vagina during urination What is the
a. Vesicovaginal fistula
b. Ureterovaginal fistula
c. Urethrovaginal fistula

75. Diagnosis of endometriosis?

a. Laparoscopic diagnosis
b. U/S.
c. Hysterosalpingography
d. Estrogen level.

76. post menopause women with uterine fibroid at Funds 5X6, pt is

a. immediate hysterectomy
b. immediate mastercomy
c. pelvic Us every year
d. Follow up with HCT and CBC and pelvic US every 2 months

77. 90 yr old female, htn and dm , Admitted to the hospital as a case of HF and
was treated with medication, There was incidental finding of uterine
procedentia, when taking hx from pt , she said it has been for 10 year and
never bothered her , She used to push her uterus back when urinate and
pass stool. What is your management?
a. Vaginal pessary
b. Vaginal hysterectomy
c. Radical hysterectomy
d. lap hysterectomy with sacro-spinous suspension

M.Awny ELnaggar
78. patient with constipation and difficulty having a bowel movement:
a. rectocele
b. cystocele
c. enterocele

79. The commonest type of fibroid

a) Submucous
b) Subserous
c) Interstitial

80. Postmenopausal woman complaining of 3 months Hx of bleeding, US

showed 5 cm fibroid, oldUS that was few years ago showed a fibroid of the
same size (did not change), she was not on any medication, what is the
a) Endometrial bx
b) Hysterectomy
c) Myomectomy

81. Female in her 50s asking about the most effective way to treat stress
a) Burch procedure
b) Pessary
c) Kelly plication
82. 41 years old, para 4, has postcoital vaginal bleeding for the last 3 months,
she has irregular menses and does not use contraception. O/E the abdomen
is soft with no palpable mass. Which of the following is the most appropriate
next initial step?
a) A- Pelvic US
b) B- Endometrial sampling
c) observation

83. 48 y.o very obese lady, BMI 41 had pelvic organ prolapse many times and
then had
a. Enterocele
b. Rectocele
c. Uterine prolapse
d. Cystocele
e. Vesicocele

84. Pt with bleeding and she has fibroid which type of fibroid she might have ?
a) subserosal
b) intramural
c) submucus

M.Awny ELnaggar
85. Fungal infection in pregnant lady how to treat?
a) Oral antifungal
b) Topical antifungal
c) observation
86. Female come complain of abdominal pain with watery and green vaginal
discharge she recently entered iud diagnosis
a) Pid
b) Trichomonas
c) Fungal infection
d) Cervicitis

87. 60 years old this is her 2nd UTI in last 6 months, feels bulge in vagina +
difficulty emptying her bladder, next?
a) Uroflowmetry
b) Urodynamic test
c) Video Urodynamic
d) Post voiding Residual volume

Good luck

M.Awny ELnaggar

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