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2018647244 AM TSHABALALA


Regarding my perception on critical thinking, it involves meticulously examining issues,
ideas, objects, and events prior to establishing an opinion or a conclusion. Consequently,
achieving a complete understanding of the subject matter is essential to form a basis,
necessitating substantial research and ample evidence to form a solid foundation. When
engaging in critical thinking with regards to an issue, various factors could influence one’s
thought. This includes things such as context and assumptions. It is therefore crucial to be
objective and to consider the issue at from different perspectives.


From my level of understanding, problem solving is a methodical process aimed at resolving

intricate or complex issues. It encompasses identifying a problem, analyzing its underlying
cause, brainstorming possible solutions, evaluating those solutions, and implementing the
most effective one. Essentially it entails forming, assessing, evaluating and implementing a
strategy to address a question or achieve a desired outcome. Furthermore, it is crucial and
necessary not to only identify and evaluate the problem and the course of action, but the
outcome as well.

Oral communication encompasses, in my understanding, speaking to inform, explain,
persuade, motivate or inspire others. It's about delivering a message clearly and effectively
to increase understanding or provoke change in how people think or behave, meaning it can
have an influence on people’s behavior, beliefs or even attitude (way of thinking). It simply
means conveying information, a message or even ideas through spoken words.

Written communication entails expressing ideas or information through writing. This could
be done using different genres or even styles. In today’s digital age, numerous technologies
facilitate written communication, allowing for the integration of texts, images and data.
Although people can be influenced with oral communication, the same can be done with
written communication
2018647244 AM TSHABALALA

Ethical reasoning involves thinking about what is right and wrong in human behavior (in the
society). It also means one has to evaluate their own ethical values, recognize ethical issues
and dilemmas in diverse scenarios, and consider how various ethical perspectives can be
applied to moral dilemmas. It also involves reflecting on the consequences of different
actions. It is paramount to practice making ethical decisions, as this helps one’s
understanding of ethics evolves and they are able to demonstrate proficiency in ethics.

Community engagement, in my understanding, relates to an ongoing collaboration or
partnership between an institution, like a university, and various interest groups within the
community. The primary objective of this is to share and enhance knowledge, skills,
resources and expertise, and in doing so addresses societal needs and promotes
development that is sustainable and long lasting.

An entrepreneurial mindset, in accordance with what I’ve gathered and understood, refers
to a way of thinking involving a collection of skills, attitudes and behaviors that can be
utilized in various, if not all, aspects of life. It is a way of approaching life, characterized by
innovation, creativity and initiative. It empowers individuals to grow personally and
contribute to society.


Digital competency goes way beyond mere technological proficiency. It encompasses a
range of skills, including basic computer literacy, proficiency in using software and
applications, critical thinking in evaluating online information, adaptability to new
technologies, the ability to communicate and collaborate in digital environments and
understanding digital safety and privacy practices. This comprehensive understanding
reflects the importance of digital competency in today’s digital age, requiring individuals to
possess a deep level of understanding of technology in order to thrive.

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