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Puting Kahoy National High School

Puting Kahoy, City of Calaca, Batangas

A Science Investigatory Project Presented To:

Mrs. Liwayway L. Panganiban

Ms. Melin Jean M. Mendoza

Ms. Monica V. Niturada

Alcaraz James Samuel M.

School Year 2023-2024



Due to conventional plastics' negative environmental effects, there has been an

increasing interest in finding sustainable alternatives in recent years. These days, with

more people concerned about the environment, it is imperative to look into renewable

and alternative plastic sources. Biopolymers are a possible option to address this

worldwide issue because they are made from renewable resources. The use of

traditional petroleum-based plastics presents serious environmental problems, such

as pollution, the depletion of fossil fuel supplies, and protracted degradation periods.

On the other hand, biopolymers offer several benefits, including cost-effectiveness,

biodegradability, biocompatibility, and renewability.

As stated by Deskera, the production of plastic has completely changed the way

we live by giving us access to an enormous variety of reasonably priced, long-lasting,

and adaptable goods. But, the production of plastics has benefits and drawbacks just

like any other process. Plastic products have several advantages, including

affordability, lightweight, durability, and adaptability. They may be tailored to meet a

range of demands and are water-resistant. However, there are a lot of difficulties

associated with the production of plastic, especially when it comes to the environment.

The environmental build-up of plastic garbage and its non-biodegradability, together

with the health dangers related to specific plastic types, are serious concerns. The
creation of more environmentally friendly and biodegradable plastic substitutes,

advancements in recycling infrastructure and procedures, and developments in plastic

production technologies are all being made to address these issues.

According to Schachter and Karasik, (2022), with an annual generated plastic

pollution of between 2.7 and 5.5 million metric tons, 20% of which escapes into the

environment, the Philippines is the world's third-largest contributor to plastic

pollution. Neglecting plastic waste management could result in 9 million metric tons

by 2040 and 11 million metric tons by 2060. Leakage from open landfills is one of the

main causes of plastic pollution. In recent years, the issue has been made worse by

the widespread use of single-use plastics, particularly sachets. Policies against single-

use plastics—bags in particular—have been put in place by numerous towns. But as

of 2017, in five of Metro Manila's eighteen cities, The Philippines' most populous area,

the National Capital Region, has not yet enacted laws governing or outlawing plastic

bag use.

In light of OceanCare, ocean pollution from plastic begins long before human

use. and long after that. It is hazardous at every stage of its life cycle, from

manufacture and use to disposal. Exploration for oil and gas as raw materials for

plastic is the first source of the problem: seismic airguns used to identify oil and gas

resources in the ocean are so noisy that they can cause marine life to perish or go

deaf. Hazardous chemicals may leak into the water during the extraction or

transportation of oil and gas, which carries a significant risk of mishaps. Additionally,

detrimental to the environment is the creation of plastic, which emits a lot of CO2 and

consumes a lot of energy. The majority of plastic garbage is either disposed of in the
environment or burned, producing carbon dioxide in the process. Every year, almost 9

million tonnes of plastic debris end up in the ocean. Because they entangle themselves

in the plastic or mistake it for food, millions of marine animals perish.

Agricultural waste, specifically cassava starch, is an issue that presents

opportunities for creative solutions and environmental challenges as well as

community issues. Cassava starch is unique among these agricultural wastes because

of its quantity and various uses. Due to the misinterpretation that agricultural waste

is useless and it’s just rubbish it was thrown away.

Based on Hoang Dang Processing Foodstuff, among the most prevalent

materials in the natural world, starch is a virtually limitless and renewable resource.

Grain and root crops are used to make starch. Although starch is mostly utilized as

food, it can also be easily transformed chemically, physically, and biologically into a

wide range of valuable items. As of right now, starch is used to make a wide range of

goods, including construction materials, paper, textiles, adhesives, beverages, and

confections. Several sectors benefit from the exceptional qualities of cassava starch,

which include high paste viscosity, high paste clarity, and high freeze-thaw stability.

Wet milling of fresh cassava roots is the main method used to create cassava starch.

Cassava's primary ingredient is starch. Good quality, ripe tubers can yield about 25%

starch. For every 100 kg of cassava roots, around 10% dry pulp and 60% starch may

be extracted from dry cassava chips. The development of cassava starch for use in

food and non-food applications has advanced significantly and has a promising future.

A brief discussion is given of significant new and old goods, including fuel alcohol and

starch-based polymers, starch sugars, and modified starches.

According to Sriroth and Sangseethong (2006), the creation of biodegradable

polymers from renewable resources has advanced significantly in the recent few

decades, particularly for those made from starch-based ingredients. This research

aims to produce biodegradable polymers that function just as well as conventional

plastics in use and that entirely decompose when disposed away. Numerous polymers

based on starch have entered the market and are currently being utilized in certain

applications. One of the most common starch-based packing materials is starch foam.

Extrusion or compression/explosion technology is used to create it. This material was

created to take the place of polystyrene, which is used to make expanded objects like

loose fillers. Blending or combining starch with synthetic polyester yields another

class of starch-based polymers. Granular starch can be mixed directly with polymer

for this kind of biodegradable plastic, or its granular structure can be broken down

before being mixed into the polymer matrix. The kind of starch and synthetic polymer

used, together with their respective amounts in the mixtures, affect the final polymers'

characteristics. Polyesters made from starch make up the final category of starch-

based polymers. Polylactic acid and polyhydroxyalkanoate are now the two most

popular polyesters made from starch on the market. Research through experiments

has shown that cassava starch may be utilized to make a variety of packaging items.

Cassava is a viable raw material for the production of biodegradable plastics in

tropical and subtropical regions because it is a substantial source of starch in these

areas. The main categories of biodegradable polymers based on starch are reviewed in

this article, along with the associated production procedures. The focus of this

research is on cassava starch research in the creation of biodegradable packaging

The aforementioned premises gave the researcher the motivation and courage to

produce an eco-friendly and cost-effective biopolymer using organic cassava starch.

This comprehensive study strives to explore and implement an integrated waste

program that will have multiple benefits for the surrounding community and improve

community development and livelihoods while simultaneously working to build a more

sustainable environment through plastic reduction.


This study aims to produce bioplastic using cassava starch.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of biopolymer made out of cassava starch efficiency in terms


1.1 Mechanical Properties

1.2 Water Resistance

1.3 Thermal Properties

1.4 Film Formation and Appearance

1.5 Barrier Properties

1.6 Biodegradability

2. What properties does cassava starch have to produce bioplastics

3. Is there any difference between traditional plastic and cassava starch plastic in

terms of mechanical properties, water resistance, thermal properties, film

formation and appearance, barrier properties, and biodegradability?

4. Based on the results and findings, what recommendation may be proposed?


A sustainable revolution in the plastics industry may result from the

investigation of cassava starch as a key ingredient in the creation of biodegradable

polymers. This

the theory is based on the idea that cassava starch when exposed to specific


and processing procedures might emerge as a convincing option for the creation of

plastics, exhibiting a harmonic combination of advantageous physical and chemical

qualities. Importantly, because of its intrinsic biodegradability and the eco-friendly

qualities bestowed upon it by its plant-based origin, it stands out as an


responsible choice. Investigating the potential of cassava starch as an alternative

material promises to be a key step towards a greener, more sustainable future in light

of growing concerns about the environmental impact of current petroleum-based



This study would be of great importance:

To Environmental Sustainability. The study emphasizes the urgent need to

reduce plastic pollution's negative effects on the ecosystem. Plastics made from
cassava starch provide a sustainable and biodegradable substitute for petroleum-

based plastics, aiding in the fight against the buildup of plastic waste in landfills and

natural areas.

To Resource Conservation. The study encourages resource efficiency and

lessens reliance on limited fossil fuel resources by using cassava, a widely available

and renewable crop, as a raw material for plastic manufacture.

To Waste Management. Plastics made from cassava starch have the benefit of

being biodegradable, which provides an answer to the enduring issue of the buildup of

plastic waste in the environment. The report supports initiatives to advance circular

economy ideas and create sustainable waste management techniques.

To Health and Safety. The environment and human health are less in danger

from cassava starch-based plastics since they are typically non-toxic and

biocompatible, in contrast to certain petroleum-based plastics that may leach toxic

compounds or include hazardous additives.

To Future Researcher. They can avail themselves of the result of the study in

doing their research during their time. This can also serve as the basis for them to

come up with a good research study.

To Researcher. This study can enhance the creativity, innovativeness, and

inquisitiveness of the researcher.

Input To create a mold, combine 1200
mL of water, 300 mL of cassava
starch, 100 mL of vinegar, and Output
100 mL of glycerine in a large
-Cassava bowl. Boil the water, stir the Biopolymer
mixture, and let it become more Made Out of
-Water viscous. Pour the mixture into a Cassava Starch
-Glycerine molder or tray and let it sit for
over a week before using. This
will ensure the mold is ready for

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study


This study focuses on producing biopolymers using cassava (Manihot esculenta)

starch as the main ingredient. Cassava (Manihot esculenta) starch was chosen as it

can be made as an alternative to plastics that contribute negative environmental

effects, and it has the property such as mechanical properties, water resistance,

thermal properties, film formation and appearance, barrier properties, biodegradability

to be used as an alternative biopolymer. Only mechanical properties, water resistance,

thermal properties, film formation and appearance, barrier properties, and

biodegradability will be measured as they are the major variables to consider in

measuring a biopolymer’s efficiency. Furthermore, this will be compared to commercial

plastics as it is commonly used and easily acquired.

Biopolymer. Polymers are derived from natural sources that are either fully

biosynthesized by living organisms or chemically synthesized from biological material.

Cassava starch. A starch produced by drying and leaching cassava plant roots.

Mechanical Properties. To test the film's tensile strength to see how resistant

it is to stretching and breaking.

Water Resistance. To examine the film's ability to withstand water and absorb


Thermal Properties. To ascertain the melting behavior and thermal stability of

the film.

Film Formation and Appearance. To assess the film's appearance, including

color, transparency, and uniformity, which can be visually inspected.

Barrier Properties. To evaluate the film's barrier properties against gases and


Biodegradability. To conduct biodegradation tests to assess the film's ability to

degrade under controlled conditions mimicking composting or soil environments.


Suryanto and Wahyuningtiyas, (2017) also have the same procedure but a

different goal, it was stated that given the variety of starch-producing plants found in

Indonesia, the use of cassava starch as the primary ingredient in the production of

bioplastics appears to have much potential.

A study conducted by F A Syamani et al., (2020) stated that because petroleum-

based plastic is not biodegradable, it poses a risk to the environment when used for

food packing. Creating bioplastic from modified cassava starch will provide a

workaround for that issue.

Sriroth and Sangseethong (2006) investigated that the creation of

biodegradable polymers from renewable resources has advanced significantly in the

recent few decades, particularly for those made from starch-based ingredients. This
research aims to produce biodegradable polymers that function just as well as

conventional plastics in use and that entirely decompose when disposed away.

Numerous polymers based on starch have entered the market and are currently being

utilized in certain applications. One of the most common starch-based packing

materials is starch foam. Extrusion or compression/explosion technology is used to

create it. This material was created to take the place of polystyrene, which is used to

make expanded objects like loose fillers. Blending or combining starch with synthetic

polyester yields another class of starch-based polymers. Granular starch can be mixed

directly with polymer for this kind of biodegradable plastic, or its granular structure

can be broken down before being mixed into the polymer matrix. The kind of starch

and synthetic polymer used, together with their respective amounts in the mixtures,

affect the final polymers' characteristics. Polyesters made from starch make up the

final category of starch-based polymers. Polylactic acid and polyhydroxyalkanoate are

now the two most popular polyesters made from starch on the market. Research

through experiments has shown that cassava starch may be utilized to make a variety

of packaging items. Cassava is a viable raw material for the production of

biodegradable plastics in tropical and subtropical regions because it is a substantial

source of starch in these areas. The main categories of biodegradable polymers based

on starch are reviewed in this article, along with the associated production

procedures. The focus of this research is on cassava starch research in the creation of

biodegradable packaging materials.

In Thailand, urbanization and population increase have led to the underuse of

agricultural resources and detrimental environmental externalities. Polymers derived

from cassava offer a substitute that mitigates the utilization of non-biodegradable

polymers derived from petroleum and has the potential to transform a sustainable

cassava value chain. The project aims to assess the cassava value chain, consumer

acceptability, and the potential and obstacles associated with producing bioplastics

from cassava in Thailand. Using a two-step cluster analysis, they examined the value

added to various applications of cassava products and looked at customer approval of

bioplastic made from cassava. From an economic standpoint, the value added by

cassava-based bioplastics is 14.8–22 times greater than that of cassava roots. They

surveyed 915 people and discovered that while 48.6% of them were in favor of

bioplastic items made from cassava, few of them were willing to pay more for them.

Additionally, they discovered that the creation of bioplastic derived from cassava not

only benefits the economy but also has favorable long-term effects on the environment

and society. The development of cassava-derived bioplastics in Thailand is hampered

by several factors and is progressing slowly, but it is essential to propel the

sustainable cassava value chain. These factors include cassava supply, bioplastic

production, and possible consumer acceptability. The government and industry can

use the directions provided by this study to adopt bioplastics made from cassava

(Lilavanichakul and Yoksan, 2023).

Illut et al. (2019), based on their study’s results, it can be said that bioplastic

made from cassava starch is more biodegradable than plastic made of polyethylene

since it can break down into the soil in 45 days and won't cause pollution. Plastic

made of polyethylene had a better tensile strength. Research indicates that in terms of

water resistance, polyethylene plastic did not alter whereas bioplastic made from

cassava dissolved in water. According to the data, bioplastic dissolves in HCL when it

comes to strong acid resistance, although polyethylene plastic does not alter. The
experiment demonstrated the flammability of both polymers, although the bioplastic

derived from cassava burnt more slowly.

All of this study shows and states that biopolymers or bioplastics that are made

out of cassava starch have a more positive environmental impact compared to

commercial plastics that pollute our air, soil, and water.



To extract the starch from cassava, the materials, and equipment we need are 2

kg of cassava, water, a knife, a large container, a bowl, a blender, and a sieve cloth.

To make a biopolymer, the materials, and equipment we need are the starch

extracted from the cassava, 1L vinegar, 100mL of glycerine, water, a bowl, a heat

source, measuring cup or kitchen scale, mould or tray, an oven mitt, pot, and spatula.

To test the level of the biopolymer made out of cassava starch efficiency in

terms of mechanical properties, water resistance, thermal properties, film formation

and appearance, barrier properties, and biodegradability, the materials, and

equipment we need are weights, water, heat source, commercial plastic, vape,

flashlight, and soil.



The production of cassava starch as an alternative biopolymer will use 2 kg of

cassava, water, a knife, a large container, a bowl, a blender, a sieve cloth, the starch

extracted from the cassava, 1L vinegar, 100mL of glycerine, water, a bowl, a heat

source, measuring cup or kitchen scale, mould or tray, an oven mitt, pot, spatula,

weights, water, heat source, commercial plastic, vape, flashlight, and soil.


First, we must wash the cassava to remove any dirt. Next, we must peel it with

a knife and cut it into small pieces before transferring it into a large container. Finally,

we must blend the cassava with water in a blender and transfer it into a bowl. Once all

of the cassava has been blended, we can use a sieve cloth to extract the juice and

collect it in an empty large container. After filling the container, leave it alone for a

day. After a day, drain the water and use the sun to dry the starch that has

accumulated at the bottom of the large container. Please put it in the blender to

pulverize the starch after it has dried.


Using the measuring cup, we must first measure 1200 mL of water, 300 mL of

cassava starch, 100 mL of vinegar, and 100 mL of glycerine in a large bowl. Then bring

some water to boil in the pot. Once the water is boiling, place the large bowl over the
pot and use the spatula to constantly stir the mixture. The liquid will become more

viscous after a few minutes of stirring, indicating that it is suitable for molding. Pour

the mixture into the molder or tray, and let it sit for over a week for it to be ready to be



We need weights to test the film's tensile strength to see how resistant it is to

stretching and breaking. Put the weights above the biopolymer and observe how much

weight it can hold.


To examine the film's ability to withstand water and absorb moisture, we need

water. Observe if the water passes through the biopolymer.


To ascertain the melting behavior and thermal stability of the film, we need to

observe how much it withstands high temperatures.



To assess the film's appearance, in terms of color, transparency, and

uniformity, which can be visually inspected, we need to compare it with commercial


To evaluate the film's barrier properties against gases and light, we need smoke

from a legalized vape user and a flashlight.


To conduct biodegradation tests to assess the film's ability to degrade under

controlled conditions mimicking composting or soil environments, we need to put

some portion of the biopolymer under the soil, under the water, and inside the shelf

and check the state of the biopolymer from day 1, day 3, and day 7.

Gathering of Materials

Preparation of Cassava Starch as

an Alternative Biopolymer

Procedure to Extract the Procedure to Produce

Starch from Cassava Biopolymer

Procedure to Test the Procedure to Test the

Mechanical Properties Water Resistance

Procedure to Test the Procedure to Test the Film

Thermal Properties Formation and Appearance

Procedure to Test the Procedure to Test the

Barrier Properties Biodegradability
Figure 2. Flowchart of the Methodology


In this chapter, the results are shown in table form

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