Workbook 2: Descriptions & Requirements Cis 5310Is/Ict Project Management

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Trimester 1, 2024

U1152293Prithi Vandana Ram
CIS5310-IS/ICT Project Management

Table of contain
Project Information..................................................................................................................................1
Project Overview.....................................................................................................................................1
Project Scope Statement..........................................................................................................................3
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).........................................................................................................3
Gantt & PERT Chart................................................................................................................................4
Resource Allocation.................................................................................................................................5
Risk Management....................................................................................................................................6
Project Budget..........................................................................................................................................8
Quality Management................................................................................................................................9
CIS5310-IS/ICT Project Management

List of Figure

Figure 1 Gantt Chart................................................................................................................................4

Figure 2 PERT Chart...............................................................................................................................4

List of Table

Table 2 : Resource Allocation.................................................................................................................5

Table 3 Project Budget table...................................................................................................................8
Project Information

The reason for this undertaking is to forestall numerous sorts of cheats at the ABC Banking
Company through the program of man-made brainpower (AI) (Afanasyev, 2024).In my
perspective as an outside specialist for ABC Banking Company, I will pursue the directions
and potential purposes of man-made intelligence, as well as the hierarchical necessity related
with them, with an accentuation on diminishing extortion (Marko Orescanin, 2022).To figure
out inconsistencies and late movement, report conceivable deceitful log records, man-made
reasoning calculations test every exchange content, client action, and verifiable examples.
These strategies have enormously further develop misrepresentation insurance and
diminished extortion rate (Bao et al. 2022)

Project Overview

The objective of this application is to utilize man-made brainpower (computer-based

intelligence) to take care of the issue of misrepresentation inside ABC Bank Man-made
reasoning (artificial intelligence)- controlled frameworks enjoy the benefit of having the
option to find out and stop fake action as quickly as time permits, which separates them from
old techniques. (Kolesnik, 2023). Continuous finding of possibly false activities, including
unapproved access of application, bizarre framework action designs, and dubious execution,
is conceivable with these calculations utilizing example and oddity acknowledgment.
(Mohamed Abdelrazek, 2023).

Key stakeholders:

Stakeholders Roles

Technology Officer It oversees specialized similarity with recentres, steer the

colleague towards progress, and ensure the venture objective
remains on track with the association's motivation (Mohamed
Abdelrazek, 2023).

Outsider Consultant Substitute exhortation, do best practices, and bits of knowledge

gathered from their experience.

ABC Board Members Begin project courses of events and endorse the necessary
financial plan.

Faculty of Information Associate with ensure unwavering quality, wellbeing, and

CIS5310-IS/ICT Project Management

Technology manageability when execution the man-made intelligence

calculations in the new framework (alok prasad , 2024).

Legal Board Member Ensure that the computer-based intelligence Application execute
with application ongoing standards and regulation by government.

CIS5310-IS/ICT Project Management

Project Scope Statement

The primary goal of the application is to use cutting-edge AI technology to swiftly fin out and
eradicate different kinds of fraudulent application logs ( Mohamed Abdelrazek, 2021).
Specific measurable goals:

1. The Development and integration an AI-driven fraud find out project over a year,
uses a $10 million investment (Máté Prorok, 2022).

2. Customize yearly losses due to fraud after a year of integration AI (Mohamed

Abdelrazek, 2023).

3. To improve the accuracy of fraud, find out for different categories of fraud
(Kolesnik, 2023).

4. Decrease fraudulent activity and the inconveniences. Due to causes to increase

customer satisfaction (Schmelzer & Tucci 2023).

5. Decrease the possibility of data breaches by integrating encryption and

security outcomes (Schmelzer & Tucci 2023).

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

The project Started for ABC Bank's Project on the basis of artificial intelligence fraud


The project Started for ABC Bank's Project on the basis of artificial intelligence fraud

Project Initiation Data Collection and Preparation

Project Closure Documentatio Documentatio Risk assert Implement Install and

n and n and Transaction Configure

Duration 1week Duration 2 week Duration -3 week Duration-1week Duration-2week Duration -3 week
CIS5310-IS/ICT Project Management

Gantt & PERT Chart

Figure 1 Gantt Chart

Figure 2 PERT Chart

CIS5310-IS/ICT Project Management

Resource Allocation

Resource Responsibilities (Hours)

Review suspicious activities, investigate fraud cases, escalate issues

Fraud Analysts as needed 24/7

Analyze transactional data, identify patterns, develop algorithms for 9 AM - 6 PM (Mon-

Data Analysts fraud detection Fri)

Manage security infrastructure, implement fraud prevention

IT Security Team measures, monitor network traffic 24/7

Customer Handle fraud-related customer inquiries, assist with account

Support verification 24/7

Review fraud cases, initiate legal action when necessary, provide 9 AM - 5 PM (Mon-
Legal Team guidance on compliance Fri)

Oversight of fraud management strategies, decision-making on 9 AM - 6 PM (Mon-

Management resource allocation Fri)
Table 1 : Resource Allocation

CIS5310-IS/ICT Project Management

Risk Management

 Risk Identification:

o Conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify potential risks associated

with fraudulent activities, including internal vulnerabilities and external
threats (berry , 2024).

o Scrutinize areas such as employee misconduct, cyber-attacks, identity theft,

and weak internal controls (Stefan Wagner, 2022).

 Fraud Prevention and Detection Measures:

o The Development and implement tailored project to prevent and detect

fraudulent logs, considering the identified risks.

o It improves the authentication (mekonem , 2024)procedures, implement

advanced monitoring systems, and strengthen internal controls to prevent
fraud risks standard way(Veronika V. Kolesnik, 2023).

 Employee Standard Awareness and Training:

o It is comprehensive training to employees to increase awareness of fraud risks

and teach them on how to recognize and report suspicious work (Б. А.
Кобринский, 2023).

o Foster a way of unity and ethical manner within the organization to promote
vigilance against fraudulent manner (James Bret Michael, 2022).

 Incident Response Framework:

o It establishes clear incident response protocols to promptly address suspected

instances of fraud(Máté Prorok, 2022).

o It Deploy dedicated teams to conduct thorough investigations, gather proofs,

and take appropriate disciplinary or legal actions against perpetrators (Máté
Prorok, 2022).

 Continuous Monitoring and Assessment:

CIS5310-IS/ICT Project Management

o It Implement ongoing monitoring and surveillance mechanisms to find

unusual or suspicious activities indicative of fraudulent activities.

o Regularly feedback and review related to the fraud risk assessments to adapt to
evolving threats and changes in the business development.

CIS5310-IS/ICT Project Management

Project Budget

Category Budget Allocation ($)

Personnel Costs $3,500,000

- Salaries and Wages $3,000,000

- Contractor Fees $500,000

Equipment and Technology $2,000,000

- Purchase of Equipment $1,500,000

- Software Licenses $500,000

Training and Development $300,000

Consulting and Services $900,000

- Legal and Consulting $700,000

- Accounting and Auditing $200,000

Marketing and Promotion $400,000

Travel and Accommodation $400,000

- Travel Expenses $250,000

- Accommodation $150,000

Contingency Fund $1,000,000

Miscellaneous Expenses $200,000

Project Management $950,000

- Project Management Fees $450,000

- Overhead Costs $500,000

Total Budget $10,000,000

Table 2 Project Budget table

Above table represent the budget for fraud management project with their in-depth project
costing and each costing have individual study with taking proper time frame ( Mohamed
Abdelrazek, 2021). This helps us to estimation of final budget for the project (dhahal , 2024).

CIS5310-IS/ICT Project Management

Quality Management

 Systematic Approach:
Quality management is an approach that help us to determine actual follow of the
project and their steps as well (Al Marri,, 2024).
 Continuous Improvement: It is a guideline (Alexey Yu. Afanasyev, 2024)That
displays the project status. Where the project and what is the completion rate of the
 Customer Focus: we develop this project based (Dries Putter, 2024) on customer
reviews and based on the feedback. And it helps to increase and develop project
closer to the based on customer reviews
 Quality Planning: It is a standard process of (Al Marri,, 2024)developing project with
individual and their quality.
 Quality Assurance: The Activities like audits, Collection of reviews, and inspections
ensure processes are designed and executed to meet quality requirements.
 Quality Control: The strategy such as statistical (Dries Putter, 2024) process testing
and control monitor and address deviations from quality standards.
 Employee Involvement: Identify opportunities for improvement, encourages
employees to contribute ideas and take (Al Marri,, 2024)ownership of quality
 Supplier Management: Maintain the consistency in product quality. The collaborates
with suppliers to ensure the quality of incoming materials.
 Leadership Commitment: The allocates resources for improvement efforts. The
Leadership sets the tone for quality excellence, establishes a culture of accountability,
and allocates resources for improvement efforts.
 Measurement and Analysis: It lies on data-driven decision-making, collecting and
analysing quality-related data ( Mohamed Abdelrazek, 2021) to monitor performance
and identify trends.
 Training and Development: The investing time and employee training to build
competencies and skills necessary for achieving quality goals.
 Recognition and Reward: The reward and Recognizes individuals and teams
contributing to quality improvement efforts, fostering a culture of standard.

CIS5310-IS/ICT Project Management


Mohamed Abdelrazek. (2021). What’s up with Requirements Engineering for Artificial

Intelligence Systems? international applied research in security , 10-30.

Al Marri,. (2024). intrnational cross domain conference for machine . international research
of security , 1.

Alexey Yu. Afanasyev. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Systems in Criminal Procedure. The
All-Russian State University of Justice, , 10-30.

alok prasad . (2024). financial fraud detection model based on lstm deep learning technique.
international applied research of insecurity , 10-30.

berry . (2024). attack model of gentic intellignce . international reasearch of security , 10-30.

dhahal . (2024). intelligent security . international reasearch of security , 10-22.

Dries Putter. (2024). Intelligence Collection Disciplines—A Systematic Review. Journal of

Applied Security Research, 10-30.

fournier . (2024). -digital-forensics-model-for-the-examination-of-qr-code-and-android-app-

to-investigate-aadhaar-card identity fraud. international applied reasearch of
insecurity , 10-30.

James Bret Michael. (2022). Developing and Deploying Artificial Intelligence Systems.
international applied research in security .

Kolesnik, V. V. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Systems in Criminal Procedure. The All-

Russian State University of Justice,, 10-23.

Kostiantyn Zerov. (2023). The concept and conditions of protection of objects generated by
generative artificial intelligence systems in Ukraine’. Theory and Practice of
Intellectual , 10-23.

Marko Orescanin. (2022). Developing and Deploying Artificial Intelligence Systems.

computer , 10-30.

Máté Prorok. ( 2022). Applications of artificial intelligence systems. Deliberationes, 10-44.

mekonem . (2024). analysis of-criminal landscape by utilizing statistical analysis and deep
learning-technique. international applied research of insecurity , 20-30.
CIS5310-IS/ICT Project Management

Mohamed Abdelrazek. (2023). Requirements engineering for artificial intelligence systems:

A systematic mapping study. Information and Software Technology, 10-40.

Muneera Bano. ( 2023). Requirements engineering for artificial intelligence systems: A

systematic mapping study. Information and Software Technology, 20-40.

Stefan Wagner. (2022). Can Requirements Engineering Support Explainable Artificial

Intelligence? Towards a User-Centric Approach for Explainability Requirements.
Rostov State University of Economics, 30-40.

Veronika V. Kolesnik. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Systems in Criminal Procedure. Rostov

State University of Economics, 20-90.

Vladimir Matsoula. (2024). Modeling reflection in artificial intelligence systems: state of art
and prospects. international applied research in insecurity , 20-80.

Zerov, K. (2023). Do generative artificial intelligence systems dream of electric sheep? The concept
and conditions of protection of objects generated by generative artificial intelligence systems
in Ukraine’. Theory and Practice of Intellectual , 10-23.

Б. А. Кобринский. (2023). Artificial intelligence systems in surgery: A review of opportunities,

limitations, and prospects. Russian Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 10-40.


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