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Table of Contents
Key Factors in Her Decision..................................................................................................1
Moral Compass................................................................................................................1
Sense of Justice.................................................................................................................1
Professional Responsibility.............................................................................................2
Taking Action...................................................................................................................2
Persistence and Impact....................................................................................................2
Analysis of Ethical Decision-Making in Watkins' Case........................................................3
Moral Courage.................................................................................................................3
Critical Thinking.............................................................................................................3
Sense of Accountability...................................................................................................3
The Aftermath and Legacy.............................................................................................4

Part A: The Enron Whistleblower - A Case Study in Ethical Decision-
Making (1000 words)

The Enron crisis, exposed through the courageous efforts of accountant Sherron Watkins, the
woman who unraveled a complex web of fraud in the company's accounting, is a stark
symbol of business fraud (Segal, 2024). Watkins faced the difficult choice of continuing to
intervene in an environment where deception and exaggerated success became the norm, or
risking his professional life, reputation and safety by telling the truth. He was motivated to
act by his deep ethical principles and deep responsibility to investors, employees and the
market in general (GRIN, 2022). Watkins' story shows more than just exposing financial
fraud, it shows the supreme strength needed to uphold the ethical principles of justice and
ethical behavior in the face of serious personal consequences. The continued importance of
openness is evident in his events (Sun, 2021).


Key Factors in Her Decision

Moral Compass
Strong personal ethics greatly influenced Sherron Watkins' ethical behavior. He refused to
participate in schemes that could harm employees or shareholders (Rashid, 2024). He
navigated the ethical dilemmas created by Enron's unethical corporate behavior because of
his unwavering commitment to honesty and integrity (Johnson, 2003).
Sense of Justice
Strong personal ethics greatly influenced Sherron Watkins' ethical behavior. He refused to
participate in schemes that could harm employees or shareholders (Soepeno, 2024). He
navigated the ethical dilemmas created by Enron's unethical corporate behavior because of
his unwavering commitment to honesty and integrity.
Professional Responsibility
Despite his junior position in the company, Watkins felt a deep professional responsibility to
uphold Enron's ethical standards (Vinten, 2002). As an accountant, he understood the
importance of accurate financial reporting and the potential impact of fraud on stakeholders.
His dedication to his duties transcended hierarchical structures, forcing him to take a stand
against rampant corruption within the organization (Elson, 2021).
Sherron Watkins' decision to blow the whistle on Enron was influenced by a combination of
personal ethics and common sense. of justice and commitment to professional responsibility.
His actions testify to the importance of individual integrity and moral courage in the face of
corporate misconduct, underscoring the continued importance of ethical behavior in the
corporate world (Rimkus, 2016).
Taking Action Watkins carefully documented the findings and presented them to his
managers for review, highlighting the potential financial and legal consequences of the
company's actions. Despite his best efforts, his initial results were met with opposition and
disbelief (Johnson, 2003).
Persistence and Impact
Watkins doggedly pursued justice against all odds. Later, he made connections with other
people, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, and a lawyer. In the end,
revealing the frauds of the company proved decisive in exposing them, resulting in the failure
of the business and the criminal prosecution of several main executives (Harter, 2003).
Analysis of Ethical Decision-Making in Watkins' Case

Moral Courage
Sherron Watkins showed tremendous ethical courage by speaking out against senior officials
at Enron, even though it seriously jeopardized his professional life and safety. His
unwavering commitment to ethical principles and integrity demonstrated his reluctance to
engage in fraud. Watkins' determination to engage in misconduct in the face of adversity is a
testament to the importance of ethical courage in making ethical choices (Hosseini, 2016).
Critical Thinking
Watkins moved toward the Enron scandal with a thorough course of decisive reasoning. She
carefully dissected the circumstance and its likely outcomes, perceiving the gravity of the
misrepresentation and its effect on partners. As opposed to acting indiscreetly, she found a
way intentional way to accumulate proof and fabricate a body of evidence against the
organization's false practices (Hosseini, 2016). This essential methodology reinforced her
situation as an informant as well as guaranteed the validity of her charges, featuring the
meaning of decisive reasoning in exploring complex moral problems (Murthy, 2019).
Sense of Accountability
Despite Watkins' junior position at Enron, he continued to be deeply responsible for the
ethical behavior of the company's employees. He took responsibility for his actions and
acknowledged that it was his responsibility to uphold ethical standards during the operation.
He demonstrated his commitment to being honest and trustworthy by accepting this position
regardless of his position in the company. Watkins' responsibility highlights the importance
of individual responsibility in making moral decisions and its role in promoting ethical
behavior in organizations (GRIN, 2022).Sherron Watkins' moral dynamic cycle was
described by moral fortitude, decisive reasoning, and a solid feeling of responsibility. Her
activities act as a convincing illustration of how these elements add to exploring complex
moral problems and facing corporate defilement (Soepeno, 2024). By epitomizing these
standards, Watkins uncovered the extortion at Enron as well as enlivened a more extensive
discussion about morals in the business world and the obligations of people inside
associations (Sun, 2021).
The Aftermath and Legacy
Policy Changes
In response to the problems of Enron and other corporate crises, the Sarbanes-Oxley Law, or
Act of 2002, was passed. The law was intended to improve accounting standards, corporate
accountability and information protection (Murthy, 2019).
Shift in Corporate Culture
Despite the fact that ethical mistakes sometimes happen, many companies learned a lesson
from the Enron collapse. Corporate cultures further emphasize the importance of ethical
leadership, transparency, and accountability (Murthy, 2019).

Sherron Watkins' decision to disclose information about Enron testifies to the effectiveness
of moral leadership, even on an individual basis. Those facing moral dilemmas in their
professional lives can find support in his story. It is an indicator that adherence to ethical
standards can have a significant impact on businesses and society as a whole, even in the face
of potential challenges.
Elson, m. P. a. C., 2021. Twenty Years Later: The Lasting Lessons of Enron. 5 April.

GRIN, 2022. The Whistleblowing Case of Sheron Watkins and Enron. Problems of
Organizational Ethics. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 April 2024].

Harter, N., 2003. Between Great Men and Leadership. 2(1), pp. 3-12.

Hosseini, S. B., 2016. The Lesson from Enron Case - Moral and Managerial Responsibilities.

Johnson, C., 2003. Enron’s Ethical Collapse. Journal of Leadership Education, 2(1), pp. 45-

Johnson, C., 2003. Enron’s Ethical Collapse: Lessons for Leadership Educators. 2(1).

Murthy, A. G. a. G., 2019. A CASE OF CORPORATE DECEIT: The Enron way. 18(7), pp.

Rashid, M. M., 2024. Case Analysis: Enron; Ethics, Social. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 10 April 2024].

Rimkus, R., 2016. Enron Corporation. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 10 April 2024].

Segal, T., 2024. Investopdia. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 11 April 2024].

Soepeno, R., 2024. Enron Scandal: Essay & Lessons in Auditing.

Sun, M., 2021. Former Enron Executive: SEC Whistleblower Program Is a Game Changer.
Available at:
[Accessed 11 April 2024].

Vinten, G., 2002. The Corporate Governance Lessons of Enron. Corporate Governance,
2(4), pp. 4-9.
Table of Contents
Challenges of Complying with Fundamental Ethical Principles...........................................1
Respect for Autonomy.......................................................................................................1
The Ethical Maze: Cost vs. Ethics and Supply Chain Complexity.......................................2
Nike's Stride Towards Ethical Practices................................................................................3
Implications of Ethical Challenges on Nike Inc........................................................................3
Recommendations for Nike Inc.................................................................................................4
Ethical Challenges for Nike: Labor Practices, Environmental Sustainability,
Marketing, and Corporate Governance
Nike has seen both success and scandal during its rise in the sportswear business. Bill
Bowerman and Phil Knight founded the company in 1964 under the name Blue Ribbon
Sports (Beaverton, 2021). In 1971, the company changed its name to Nike Inc., honoring the
Greek goddess of victory. Over the decades, Nike has become a huge global company that
dominates the sports shoes and equipment market with creative designs and powerful
advertising campaigns (Huston, 2019). But on the surface of prosperity, Nike has faced
several moral dilemmas throughout its history. Nike's ethical path is complicated by
triumphs, disappointments and constant attempts to reconcile business demands. Allegations
of labor abuse in foreign factories cause environmental concern, and the difficulties of
managing the company are all part of it (Elsaleiby, 2023).


Challenges of Complying with Fundamental Ethical


Respect for Autonomy

Nike Inc.'s ethical journey involves respecting the autonomy of all individuals involved, from
workers in overseas factories to consumers and stakeholders. This principle entails ensuring
that workers have the freedom to make informed choices about their employment, free from
coercion or exploitation. Nike's efforts to improve working conditions and provide fair wages
in its supply chain are essential steps toward respecting the autonomy of its workers. (Nike,


Nike's moral contemplations ought to focus on helpfulness, significance acting in manners

that benefit others and advance their prosperity (Jones, 2021). This standard envelops
guaranteeing the wellbeing, security, and government assistance of laborers in its store
network, as well as limiting its ecological effect on safeguard networks and environments.

By carrying out supportability drives and advancing variety and incorporation, Nike exhibits
its obligation to helpfulness by endeavoring to make positive results for all partners (Lewis,

Nonmaleficence: Nike must also adhere to the principle of non-criminality, which

includes avoiding or preventing harm whenever possible. This principle requires Nike to take
proactive steps to address unethical practices in its operations, supply chain or marketing
strategies (Chu, 2024). By addressing labor abuses, increasing transparency and promoting
responsible marketing, Nike strives to reduce harm and do no harm.

Justice: Nike's ethical decisions should be guided by the principle of justice, which
includes justice, equality, and the sharing of benefits and burdens. This principle requires
Nike to ensure fair treatment and opportunities for all stakeholders, including employees,
communities and shareholders. Nike's efforts to improve labor practices, promote diversity,
and engage with stakeholders reflect its commitment to equity and efforts to create fair
outcomes for all those affected by its operations (Bain, 2017).

The Ethical Maze: Cost vs. Ethics and Supply Chain


Balancing profit with ethical considerations creates a significant challenge:

Cost vs. Ethics: Shifting production to countries with stricter labor regulations often means
higher costs due to factors like higher wages and stricter safety regulations. Companies like
Nike are caught between prioritizing profit margins and upholding ethical standards.

The Labyrinthine Supply Chain: Modern supply chains are vast, intricate webs with
multiple tiers of subcontractors and production facilities spread across continents. Monitoring
working conditions at every stage becomes a logistical nightmare, making it difficult to
ensure ethical practices throughout the entire process.

Nike's Stride Towards Ethical Practices

Despite the challenges, Nike has taken initiatives to address ethical concerns:

Partnering with the Fair Labor Association (FLA): This collaboration aims for
independent monitoring of labor practices. However, the FLA's effectiveness has been
questioned due to limitations in scope and potential conflicts of interest.

Establishing Labor Standards and Codes of Conduct: Nike has formulated its own
standards for suppliers. However, enforcing these standards consistently across a complex
supply chain remains an ongoing challenge.

Investing in Factory Improvements: Initiatives focused on improving fire safety,

ventilation, and other working conditions showcase efforts toward progress.

Implications of Ethical Challenges on Nike Inc.

Reputation Damage: Ethical controversies have tarnished Nike's reputation and brand
image, leading to public backlash, boycotts, and negative media coverage. Failure to address
ethical challenges promptly can erode consumer trust and loyalty, impacting sales and market
share (Business, 2024).

Legal and Regulatory Risks: Non-compliance with ethical principles can expose Nike to
legal and regulatory risks, including fines, lawsuits, and sanctions. Violations of labor laws,
environmental regulations, or advertising standards can result in costly legal proceedings and
damage the company's financial performance (Fritz, 2018).

Employee Morale and Retention: Ethical lapses within the organization can demoralize
employees, leading to decreased productivity, higher turnover rates, and difficulties in
attracting top talent. Upholding ethical standards is crucial for fostering a positive work
culture and maintaining employee engagement (W.Lewis, 2005).

Stakeholder Trust: Building and maintaining trust with stakeholders, including investors,
customers, suppliers, and communities, is essential for Nike's long-term success. Ethical
challenges can strain relationships with key stakeholders, affecting partnerships, investments,
and business opportunities (Huston, 2019).

Recommendations for Nike Inc.

Enhance Transparency: Nike should improve the transparency of its operations, supply
chain and decision-making processes to increase stakeholder trust and demonstrate its
commitment to ethical practices.

Invest in Compliance Programs: Implementing strong compliance programs, ethics training

and monitoring mechanisms can help Nike proactively identify and address ethical risks and
ensure adherence to ethical principles.

Engage with Stakeholders: Drawing in with partners, including laborers, support

gatherings, and administrative bodies, can give significant bits of knowledge and criticism to
assist Nike with tending to moral difficulties really and mindfully.

Integrate Ethics into Corporate Culture: Implanting moral qualities and standards into the
corporate culture and administration design can cultivate a culture of honesty, responsibility,
and moral dynamic all throughout the association.

The Nike case highlights the ongoing challenge of maintaining a balance between merit and
moral dilemmas in the global economy. This requires a complex dance of controlling costs,
creating accountability through strong enforcement and maintaining ethical ideals.
Businesses don't just pay customs duty; customers, stakeholders and regulators all have a role
to play. Companies like Nike can be motivated to follow ethical practices if customers make
greater demands on them to show transparency. Technological advances in supply chain
tracking and collaboration between all parties could create a future where moral lapses do not
diminish sporting performance. By analyzing Nike's questions, we learn a lot about the
difficulties of moral creation in an increasingly interconnected society. This understanding is
necessary to move towards a future where sportswear reflects not only top performance but
also ethical responsibility.

Bain, M., 2017. Nike is facing a new wave of anti-sweatshop protests. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 April 2024].
Beaverton, 2021. Nike , INC. Reports Fiscal 2021 Fourth QuARTAR and Full Years Results.
24 June .
Business, H. C. o., 2024. Nike: Managing Ethical MisstepsSweatshops to Leadership in
Employment Practices.
Chu, A., 2024. The Daily. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 April 2024].
Elsaleiby, A., 2023. Sustainable ethical sourcing: The case of Nike. June .
Fritz, R., 2018. From Sweatshops to Sustainability: The Case Study of Nike, Inc. November.
Huston, W. T., 2019. Nike Still Plagued BY Accusation of Unsafe Nand unfair Labor
Practices. July 2.
Jones, B. G. M. F. J. C. C., 2021. Global Labor Practices And Corporate Social
Responsibility. International Business and Economices, Feburary.4(9).
Lewis, K. D. T. a. L., 2005. The pragmatic and ethical barriers to corporate social
responsibility disclosure: The Nike Case. Jounra oF Business Ethics, pp. 359-376.
Nike, 2021. NIke Inc. Statement of Forced Labor. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 April 2024].
W.Lewis, K. B. D. a. L., 2005. The Pragmatic and Ethical Barriers to corporate Social
Responsibality Discosure : the Nike Case. Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 60, pp. 359-

Table of Contents
Core Principles of Ethical Behavior.......................................................................................3
 Honesty and Integrity...................................................................................................3
 Respect...........................................................................................................................3
 Fairness and Justice......................................................................................................3
 Accountability...............................................................................................................3
Importance of Ethical Behavior in Personal Life.................................................................3
 Stronger Relationships.................................................................................................3
 Improved Self-Esteem....................................................................................................3
 Increased Happiness.....................................................................................................4
Importance of Ethical Behavior in Professional Life...........................................................4
 Building Trust and Credibility........................................................................................4
 Creating a Positive Work Environment.....................................................................4
 Mitigating Risk and Avoiding Legal Issues................................................................4
Examples of Ethical Behavior in Personal and Professional Contexts......................................4
Honesty and Integrity:...........................................................................................................4
Respect and Empathy............................................................................................................5
Fairness and Justice:...........................................................................................................5
Accountability and Responsibility......................................................................................5
Challenges to Ethical Behavior:.............................................................................................5
Strategies for Promoting Ethical Behavior:..........................................................................6

Ethical behavior refers to actions and decisions based on moral principles. It is right, fair and
honest, considering the effects on yourself, others and the environment. Ethical behavior
builds trust, fosters positive relationships, and lays the foundation for success in both
personal and professional life (Kar, 2024).

Core Principles of Ethical Behavior

 Honesty and Integrity: This includes being honest and earnest in your
connections with others. It implies keeping away from double dealing, copyright
infringement, or distortion of realities (Martha C. Andrews, 2006).

 Respect: Treat others with poise and thought, no matter what their experience,
convictions, or position. This incorporates regarding their protection, property, and
limits (Baker, 2020).

 Fairness and Justice: Make progress toward fair and unbiased treatment
of others. This implies maintaining the standards of value and guaranteeing
everybody gets an opportunity to succeed in light of legitimacy (Reynolds, 2006).

 Accountability: Getting a sense of ownership with your activities and

choices, in any event, when they lead to unfortunate results. This includes conceding
botches, gaining from them, and setting things straight when important (Gutterman,

Importance of Ethical Behavior in Personal Life

 Stronger Relationships: Moral conduct encourages trust and regard,
prompting more grounded and more significant associations with companions,
family, and friends and family. Individuals are bound to trust in and depend on
somebody they know frankly and thoughtfully (Deozd, 2020).

 Improved Self-Esteem: Acting ethically aligns your actions with your
character traits, leading to inner peace and a sense of fulfillment. Acknowledging
your best decision will improve your good self-image (Kar, 2024).

 Increased Happiness: Moral way of behaving advances a feeling of

decency and equity in your general surroundings. Helping other people and adding to
a positive climate prompts expanded generally speaking joy and prosperity
(StudyCorgi, 2024).
Example : Imagine discovering a sizable quantity of cash in a misplaced wallet. Returning
the wallet to its owner would be the morally right decision. This deed of integrity not only
improves your connection with the owner but also builds community trust and gives you the
joy of knowing that you did the right thing.

Importance of Ethical Behavior in Professional Life

 Building Trust and Credibility: Ethical behavior makes you a
trustworthy and reliable expert. This position attracts clients, managers and
colleagues who value reliability and honesty.

 Creating a Positive Work Environment: When everyone in

the workplace behaves ethically, it promotes a culture of respect, cooperative effort
and decency. This increases agent confidence, increases efficiency and creates a safer
workplace for everyone.

 Mitigating Risk and Avoiding Legal Issues: The serious

legal consequences of acting dishonestly can include lawsuits, fines, penalties and
damage to a company's reputation. By preventing bad consequences, ethical behavior
helps control threats and protects organizations from them.
Example: Imagine you're a salesperson tasked with meeting a high quota. The ethical choice
is to present the product honestly and fairly, avoiding pressure tactics or misleading
customers. This approach may not guarantee exceeding the quota, but it protects your
reputation, fosters trust with clients, and avoids potential legal repercussions for deceptive
sales practices.

Examples of Ethical Behavior in Personal and Professional Contexts
Honesty and Integrity: In personal life, being honest with oneself and others builds trust
and credibility. For example, admitting mistakes, keeping promises, and speaking truthfully
contribute to ethical behavior. In professional contexts, integrity is demonstrated through
transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making. Employees who act with integrity
earn the trust of their colleagues and supervisors, leading to a positive work environment and
enhanced reputation for the organization.

Respect and Empathy: Treating others with respect and empathy is a key aspect of ethical
behavior in personal and professional settings. Showing consideration for the feelings,
perspectives, and rights of others fosters harmonious relationships and a supportive work
environment. For instance, listening actively, valuing diversity, and practicing inclusivity
demonstrate ethical behavior that promotes collaboration and teamwork in both personal and
professional contexts.

Fairness and Justice: Upholding principles of fairness and justice is essential for ethical
behavior. In personal life, being fair in interactions with others, resolving conflicts
impartially, and standing up against injustice demonstrate ethical conduct. In professional
contexts, fairness is reflected in decision-making processes, treatment of employees, and
allocation of resources. Ensuring equal opportunities, addressing discrimination, and
promoting diversity exemplify ethical behavior that contributes to a positive workplace
culture and organizational success.

Accountability and Responsibility: Taking ownership of one's actions, accepting

consequences, and fulfilling obligations are integral to ethical behavior. Personal
accountability involves acknowledging mistakes, learning from failures, and striving for
continuous improvement. In professional settings, accountability is demonstrated through
meeting deadlines, honoring commitments, and taking responsibility for outcomes.

Employees who exhibit accountability contribute to a culture of trust, reliability, and ethical
conduct within the organization.

Challenges to Ethical Behavior:

 Conflicting Interests: Sometimes personal and professional interests collide. For
example, a salesperson may be tempted to exaggerate product features to close a deal.
Recognizing and navigating these conflicts is crucial for maintaining ethical behavior.
 Pressure to Succeed: The pressure to achieve results can lead some to compromise
their ethical principles. However, it's important to remember that short-term success
built on unethical practices can have long-term negative consequences.
 Uncertainty and Ambiguity: Ethical dilemmas aren't always black and white. There
may be situations where the right course of action is unclear. In such cases, seeking
guidance from trusted colleagues, professional codes of conduct, or legal counsel can
help you make informed and ethical decisions.

Strategies for Promoting Ethical Behavior:

 Develop a Strong Moral Compass Reflect on your values and what's important to
you. This clarity serves as a guiding force in making ethical decisions.
 Seek Guidance: Don't be afraid to ask for help when faced with ethical dilemmas.
Talk to colleagues, mentors, or superiors to gain different perspectives.
 Report Unethical Activities: If you witness unethical conduct in the workplace,
speak up! Whistleblowing mechanisms are there to protect those who report


Moral conduct isn't generally the most straightforward way, yet it's the establishment for a
satisfying and fruitful life. By sticking to center standards like genuineness, honesty, regard,
and decency, you can construct trust, upgrade connections, and add to a more sure world,
both by and by and expertly. Keep in mind, moral lead is a persistent excursion, requiring
consistent reflection and the boldness to pursue the ideal decision in any event, when
confronted with difficulties.

Baker, A. K. a. S., 2020. The basic principles and components of Business ethics.

Deozd, M. P. V. a. L., 2020. Managemetn of Ethical Behavior Of auditors. pp. 66-71.

Gutterman, A. S., 2023. Ethical Mangement. Novmeber.

Kar, A. K., 2024. Cultivating ethical excellence: A blueprint for business success. March.

Martha C. Andrews, T. G. H. a. T. L. B., 2006. Promoting Ethical Behavior and

Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 59(7), pp. 849-8587.

Reynolds, L. K. T. R. W. S. J., 2006. Behavioral Ethics in Organizations: A Review. Journal

of Managemet, pp. 951-990.

StudyCorgi, 2024. StudyCorgi. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 11 April 2024].


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