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There is a holly-debated issue over whether cooperation or conflict contributes to a

successful team. Some people suppose that collaboration makes a great contribution to
the success of a team, whereas some others argue that conflict is indispensable to
enhance team performance. From my perspective, both working together and conflict
play a crucial role in making a good team. In this essay, both views will be objectively
deliberated prior to a logical conclusion.

On the one hand, It is true that conflict may bring some favorable effects, but it is
important to productivity and growth in many organizations. First of all, controversy in
workgroup conversations contributes to great innovation and creative development. The
positive conflict that arises during workgroup conversations helps every member
motivate the best critical thinking and creative thinking to make diverse perspectives in
the business environment, thus, they will negotiate through conflicts to arrive at the best
solution. Secondly, the conflict also supports the development of managers and
employees alike in an organization. The open sharing of ideas, tensive discussion, and
passionate perspectives cause conflict on topics, but they expose the parties involved to
alternative ways of looking at things. Over time, employees build their conflict-
resolution skills in a way that makes them more effective at turning conflict into strong

On the other hand, working together brings about many benefits. To commence with,
cooperating as part of a team provides a vital sense of support and morale in
completing a job process. When people work as part of a team, a sense of responsibility
to one's coworkers helps them maintain energy levels and promote their determination
to do high-quality work. For example, one employee will pass the troubled job time
thank to encouraging them from others in the team, thus, they get more motivation to
completing best their task. In addition, collaborating with other colleagues on tasks also
gives working results more efficiency. If employees are working separately and unaware
of each other's activities, they could be unwittingly duplicating their efforts to no great
advantage. By delegating tasks based on abilities and having each member of a team
focus on accomplishing certain aspects of a project, a cooperative team can achieve
goals using far less time with the best outcome.

In conclusion, it is obvious that both cooperating and conflicting are necessary for a
team. While joining hands helps the team supporting each other and take effective
results, conflict helps each member equally work more actively and productivity.
However, I would argue that cooperation is much more important. Therefore, it is my
strong recommendation that each member should work together in positive ways that
will perform potential outcome for work and should prepare some solutions if negative
conflict happened

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