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(Năm học 2023 – 2024)


- Vocabularies related to the topics: Becoming independent and Social issues
1. Cleft sentences with It is/was.... that/who....
2. Linking words and phrases

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from that of the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. figure B. decisive C. strive D. advice
Question 2: A. recently B. coach C. decisive D. conceal
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. successful B. essential C. humorous D. unselfish
Question 4: A. borrow B. provide C. destroy D. succeed
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 5: __________ my friend came to see me late.
A. It was last night that B. It was last night which
C. It was last night when D. It was last night whom
Question 6: Money-management app taught me how to be responsible with money,____________ ?
A. hasn't they B. isn't it C. didn't it D. did it
Question 7:Among the two,Sarah is__________ .
A. independent B.the independenter C. the most independent D. the more independent
Question 8: There are some necessary skills that you should learn ____________independence
for the future.
A. to achieve B. to achieving C. achieve D.achieving
Question 9:These days, many people _________ leading an independent life.
A. attempt to B. work on C. strive for D. head for
Read the following article about pros of self-study and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 10 to 15.
■ Freedom: Self-study provides learners (10) _______ the freedom to choose what, when, and how they
want to learn. They can personalize their learning experience, explore their interests, and learn at their own
■ Responsibility: Self-study promotes self-discipline and responsibility. Learners are accountable for their
learning, and they must develop (11) _______ motivation and commitment to complete their studies.

■ Confidence: Self-study helps learners build confidence in their abilities. They learn to rely on
themselves, become more independent, and feel more accomplished when they achieve their learning
■ Flexibility: Self-study is flexible and (12) _______. Learners can study anytime and anywhere, and they
can easily adjust their learning schedule to fit their lifestyle.
Question 10: A. with B. on C. at D. for
Question 11: A. a B. an C. the D. Ø (no article)
Question 12: A.inconvenient B. convenience C.conveniently D. convenient

■Lack of support: Self-study can be isolating, and learners may not have access to the same level of
support and guidance as they would in a traditional classroom. They may struggle to stay(13) _______
without the encouragement of a teacher or mentor.
■Time-consuming: Self-study requires learners to spend more time planning, researching, and organizing
their studies. (14) _______ students not have a teacher's guidance,they may also need to spend extra time
solving problems on their own,
■Limited social interaction: Self-study can limit learners' opportunities for social interaction and
collaboration. They may miss out on the chance to share ideas, learn from peers, and build relationships
with teachers and mentors.
■Lack of feedback: Self-study may lack feedback and (15) _______ . Learners may not receive regular
evaluations of their progress, which can make it difficult to identify areas of weakness and improve their
Question 13: A. motivating B. motivated C. motivation D. motivate
Question 14: A. Should B. Had C. Were D. Do
Question 15: A.introduction B. session C.access D.assessment
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of
the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions.
Question 16:
a. Teenagers may want to work part-time while still in school. Let's look at the pros and cons of teens
having part- time jobs.
b. So, if teenagers fail to balance work and study, they may not be able to get good grades or may even
drop out of school.
c. Secondly, they can learn to manage their time better.
d. First, a part-time job provides extra pocket money.
e. In conclusion, teenagers should be aware of both the pros and cons of working part-time.
f. On the other hand, working teens may become tired and stressed as they will have less time to rest and
A.a – d– c – f – b – e B. a – d – f – c – b – e C.a – b – f – c – d – e D. a – b – d – c – f – e
Question 17:
a. Best wishes.
b. First of all, self-study gives learners more freedom. They decide what they should study and how to
learn depending on their abilities.
c. Dear Lucy; I hope you are well. I am thinking about the advantages of self-study - learning at home
without a teacher.
d. Secondly, they can make learners responsible. They set their learning goals and make study plans to
achieve them.

e. Finally, it makes them more confident. Completing tasks and solving problems on their own boost
learners' confidence.
A.a – b – d – e – c B. c – b – d – e – a C.a – b – e – c – d D. c – e – b – d – a
Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the
numbered blanks from 18 to 23
Becoming independent
Many young people strive to be independent. (18)________________, and you don't have to rely on
anyone else. However, to live independently, you need a number of life skills in order not to
(19)________________ and older brothers or sisters. One of the most important skills is time management
(20)________________ and self-esteem. With good time management skills, you can perform
(21)______________, including your responsibilities at school and at home with pleasing
results. Moreover, you will not feel stressed when exam dates are approaching. These skills can also help
you act more independently and (22)________________, get better grades at school and have more time
for your family and friends.
Developing time-management skills is not as challenging as you may think. Firstly, make a plan for things
you need to do, including appointments and deadlines. Using a diary or apps on mobile devices will remind
you of what you need to accomplish and when you need to accomplish it. Secondly, prioritize your
activities. You need to decide which tasks are the most urgent and important. Thirdly, develop routines
because routines, when established, take less time for you to do your tasks.
Time management skills are not hard to develop; once you master them, you will find out that they are
great keys to success and (23)____________________.
Question 18:
A. meaning you are able to take care of yourself B. What means you are able to take care of yourself
C. That means you are able to take care of yourself D. meant you are able to take care of yourself
Question 19:
A. depend on your parents B. depended on your parents
C. to depend on your parents D. depending on your parents
Question 20:
A. can help you build your confidence B. which can help you build your confidence
C. where can help you build your confidence D. can be helped you build your confidence
Question 21: A. their daily tasks B. our daily tasks C. my daily tasks D. your daily
Question 22: A. responsibly B. responsibility C. responsible D.
Question 23: A. you can become independent. B. her can become independent.
C. this is can become independent. D. that is can become independent
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28.
Building Confidence in Teens
Confidence is one's belief in their own ability. Confident people rationally believe they are capable of
doing things well and therefore aren't afraid to do those things or even try new things. Teens (24)______are
confident to grow up have a good (25)_______of self and become happy adults. Parents can help teens
build their confidence throughout their adolescence by following these tips: Be trustworthy. Be there when
your teen needs you. Provide a safe home environment and firm but fair discipline. This is a foundation
that your teen's confidence can stand on. Give your teen choices. One of the things that confidence helps
teens do is making a decision. You can help teens make decision by offering them choices as often as
possible. (26)______your teen to try new things. Be available to take them where they need to go and do so

without complaining. Become your teen’s biggest fan, (27) ______ it is in sports, or in school. Allow your
teen to fail, do not fix their problems for them. If they need you to help talk the problem through, ask open
ended questions so that they come to their own conclusions. Praise your teen when praise is suitable. We
know that too (28)______ praise is not good either, but suitable praise is necessary for your teen's self-
24.A. when B. who C. which D. where
25.A. feeling B. state C. sense D. ability
26.A. Believe B. Prefer C. Like D. Encourage
27.A. and B. however C. whether D. but
28.A. much B. many C.all D. some
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
One of your most important goals as a parent is to raise children who become independent and self-
reliant people. However, some well-intended, but misguided parents have raised contingent children rather
than responsible ones.
Contingent children are dependent on others for how they feel about themselves. Those children are raised
by parents who act on their own needs for power and use control to ensure that they remain the dominant
forces in their children’s lives.
Independent children differ from contingent children in several ways. If your children are independent,
you have provided them with the belief that they are competent and capable of taking care of themselves.
You offered them the guidance to find activities that are meaningful and satisfying. You gave your children
the freedom to experience life fully and learn its many important lessons.
The most important thing about raising independent children is that you understand the essential
responsibilities that you and they need to accept.
Your responsibilities revolve primarily around providing your children with the opportunity, means, and
support to pursue their goals. The psychological means include providing love, guidance, and
encouragement in their efforts. The practical means include ensuring that your children have the materials
needed, proper instruction, and transportation, as well as other logistical concerns.
Your child’s responsibilities Involve doing what is necessary to maximize the opportunities that you give
them. These responsibilities include giving their best effort, being responsible and disciplined, staying
committed, and giving an achievement opportunity a realistic try, as well as, completing all tasks and
exercises, getting the most out of instruction, being cooperative, and expressing appreciation and gratitude
for others’ efforts.
(Excerpted from Parenting: Raise Independent Children)
Question 29. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Ways to raise independent children B. Independent children
C. Contingent children D. How to be good parents
Question 30. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about parents of independent children?
A. They offered their kids the guidance to find meaningful activities.
B. They gave their children the freedom to experience life.
C. They help their children believe that they are competent and capable of taking care of themselves.
D. They use control to ensure that they remain the dominant forces in their children’s lives.
Question 31. Which psychological means should parents provide their children to make them independent?
A. love, guidance and encouragement B. appreciation and gratitude
C. instruction, money and love D. instruction and transportation
Question 32. What does the word taking care of mean?
A. look after B. take after C. look into D.take over

Question 33. The word “They” in the last paragraph refers to _______.
A. responsibilities B. children C. parents D.thing
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 40.
Being aware of one's own emotions - recognizing and acknowledging feelings as they happen - is at the
very heart of Emotional Intelligence. And this awareness encompasses not only moods but also thoughts
about those moods. People who are able to monitor their feelings as they arise are less likely to be ruled by
them and are thus better able to manage their emotions.
Managing emotions does not mean suppressing them; or giving free rein to every feeling. Psychologist
Daniel Goleman, who has contributed to popularize the notion of Emotional Intelligence, insisted that the
goal is balance and that every feeling has value and significance. As Goleman said, "A life without passion
would be a dull wasteland of neutrality, cut off and isolated from the richness of life itself." Thus, we
manage our emotions by expressing them in an appropriate manner. Emotions can also be managed by
engaging in activities that cheer us up, soothe our hurts, or reassure us when we feel anxious.
Clearly, awareness and management of emotions are not independent. For instance, you might think that
individuals who seem to experience their feelings more intensely than others would be less able to manage
them. However, a critical component of awareness of emotions is the ability to assign meaning to them - to
know why we are experiencing a particular feeling or mood. Psychologists have found that, among
individuals who experience intense emotions, individual differences in the ability to assign meaning to
those feelings predict differences in the ability to manage them. In other words, if two individuals are
intensely angry, the one who is better able to understand why he or she is angry will also be better able to
manage the anger.
Self-motivation refers to strong emotional self-control, which enables a person to get moving
and pursue worthy goals, persist at tasks even when frustrated, and resist the temptation to act on impulse.
Resisting impulsive behavior is, according to Goleman, "the root of all emotional self-control."
Of all the attributes of Emotional Intelligence, the ability to postpone immediate gratification and to persist
in working toward some greater future gain is most closely related to success - whether one is trying to
build a business, get a college degree, or even stay on a diet.
34. Which of the following can we infer from paragraph 1?
A. People who can manage their emotions successfully will be controlled by them.
B. If people pay attention to their feelings, they will not be able to manage them.
C. If people pay attention to their feelings, they can control their emotions better.
D. Some people can have much better understanding of their feelings than others.
35. According to the passage, people should be aware of their emotions so that they can _______.
A. manage their emotions appropriately
B. explain their emotions to others
C. stop feeling angry and overthinking
D. experience feelings more intensively
36. All of the followings are mentioned in paragraph 2 about our emotions EXCEPT _______.
A. emotions are part of a satisfying life
B. we should ignore some feelings
C. we can manage our emotions
D. every feeling is equally important
37. The word "critical" in paragraph 3 is opposite in meaning to ______.
A. inessential B. indecisive C. dynamic D. important
38. The word "them" in paragraph 3 refers to _______.
A. intense emotions B. individuals C. individual differences D. psychologists

39. In paragraph 3, the author explains the concept of awareness and management of emotions by _______.
A. giving an example of why people get angry
B. comparing how two people might respond to an intense emotion
C. explaining why some people are not aware of their emotions
D. describing how people learn to control their emotions
40. The word "pursue" in paragraph 4 mostly means _______.
A. find out about something B. improve or develop something
C. try to achieve something D. be involved in something

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from that of the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. pretend B. target C. hesitate D. depression
Question 2. A. suffer B. bully C. struggle D. fun
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. policy B. confidence C. offensive D. alcohol
Question 4. A. argue B. body C. pressure D. promote

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 5. Bullying has many forms. _________, people should be aware of them.
A. In addition B. However C. In contrast D.As a result
Question 6 . Some students stand up to bullying. _______, others remain silent for the fear of the
A. As a consequence B. besides C. By contrast D. moreover
Question 7. Body shaming creates a negative environment for students; ____, it affects their self-
A.besides B. because C. although D. therefore
Question 8. Peer pressure can encourage students to study harder. _________, it leads to better school
A. In addition B. Therefore C. Despite D. Since
Question 9: Building confidence in students is essential for their success in school; _________, it plays a
crucial role in their overall personal development.
A. moreover B. therefore C. even though D. because
Read the following article about pros of self-study and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 10 to 15.
Becoming independent is an important milestone in everyone's life. It allows individuals ___ (10) make
their own decisions and learn from their own experiences. This process is essential for maturing into a
responsible and self-reliant adult.
When people start to manage their own time and resources, they often find that they are more ___(11) than
they realized. Taking control of their finances, for instance, can teach young adults valuable lessons about
budgeting and budgeting. By paying bills, saving money, and making financial plans for ___(12) future,
they develop a sense of independence which is crucial for long-term stability.

Question 10: A. in B. to C. into D. Ø

Question 11: A. capable B. reliable C. suitable D. aware

Question 12: A. the B. a C. some D. Ø


The School Athletics Department is pleased to announce:
 All athletes (13) ______ to report at the school field by 08:00 AM on June 10.
 Each team must prepare and submit their entry list for each event. Each athlete is allowed to
participate in a maximum of three events.
 The school will (14) ______ trophies and medals for the winners in each category.
 (15) ______ you have any inquiries regarding the event schedule or rules, please contact the
Athletics Department.
Question 13: A. expect B. expecting C. are expected D. have expected
Question 14: A. distribute B. conduct C. organize D. execute
Question 15: A. Unless B. Whenever C. If D. As
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the
sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions.
Question 16:
a. Cyberbullying is a significant concern for young people today, as it involves the use of digital
technology to harass or intimidate others.
b. Additionally, cyberbullying can occur around the clock, making it difficult for victims to find relief
from the harassment.
c. Firstly, social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are commonly used for
cyberbullying, where hurtful messages or embarrassing photos can be shared widely.
d. Nevertheless, it's essential for schools and parents to educate students about the consequences of
cyberbullying and promote respectful online behavior.
e. Moreover, victims of cyberbullying often experience feelings of fear and isolation, which can lead
to depression and anxiety.

A.a – d– c – b – e B. a – d – c – b – e C.a – b – c – d – e D. a – c – e – b – d
Question 17:
a. Moreover, it can contribute to the development of eating disorders and mental health problems,
such as depression and anxiety.
b. Furthermore, it disregards the diversity of human bodies and undermines the importance of self-
acceptance and body positivity.
c.Body shaming, a harmful practice that critiques or ridicules someone's physical appearance, should be
stopped for several reasons.
d. Ultimately, stopping body shaming is crucial for fostering a culture of acceptance, inclusivity, and
respect for everyone, regardless of their appearance.
e. Firstly, body shaming spread unrealistic beauty standards, leading to low self-esteem and body image
issues among individuals.
f. Additionally, body shaming maintains discrimination and bullying, creating a hostile environment for
those targeted.
A.c – e – d – b – f – a B. e – c – d – a – f – b C.c – e – b – d – f – a D. c – e – a – f – b –
Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the
numbered blanks from 18 to 23

The generation gap refers to the difference in attitudes or behavior between a younger generation
and the older one. In my opinion, different attitudes towards lifedifferent views about certain problems, and
The first factor is that parents and children generally see things from different perspectives .
Choosing a career is a good example for this. Many parents try to impose certain careers they favor on their
children, (19)________ . However, young people don’t always understand their parents’ points of views.
Instead, they prefer to be free to make (20)________ on their future career. Another factor lies in
differences in musical tastes, fashion, and (21)________ . For example, having a pierced nose might be
viewed as fashionable by some teens, but for many parents, it is considered to be an act of rebellion against
social norms.
The major factor (22)________ is lack of communication between parents and their children.
Parents tend to be dominant and not to trust their children to deal with crises. Also, they keep talking too
much about certain problems. That is the reason why young people seldom reveal their feelings to their
parents. (23)________, young people prefer to seek help from their classmates or friends.
18. A. a lack of communication can cause a generation gap in most societies.
B. a lack of communication causing a generation gap in most societies.
C. a lack of communication caused a generation gap in most societies.
D. a lack of communication can be caused by a generation gap in most societies
19. A. based on their own perceptions. B. basing on their own perceptions.
C. to base on their own perceptions. D. having based on their own perceptions..
20. A. his own decisions B. our own decisions C. the own decisions D. their own
21. A. the young people and their parents have political views.
B. political views between young people and their parents.
C. between political views of young people and their parents.
D. views of political between young people and their parents
22. A. causing the generation gap. B. caused by the generation gap.
C. that causing the generation gap. D. which caused the generation gap.
23. A. When facing problems B. Face problems
C. To face problems D. having faced
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28.
Sometimes, though the stresses in your life can actually come from your peers. They may pressure
you (24) ________ doing something you’re uncomfortable with, such as drinking or smoking.
The pressure to conform to do what others are doing can be powerful and hard (25) ________. A
person might feel pressure to do something just because others are doing it. Peer pressure can influence a
person to do something that is relatively harmless or something that has more serious consequences.
Giving in to the pressure to dress a certain way is one thing - going along with the crowd to drink or smoke
is another.
People may feel pressure to conform so they fit (26) ________ or are accepted, or so they don’t feel
awkward or uncomfortable. When people are unsure of what to do in a social situation, they naturally look
to others about what is and isn’t acceptable.
The people who are most easily influenced will (27) ________ someone else’s lead first. Then
others may go along, too - so it can be easy to think, “It must be OK. Everyone else is doing it. They must
know (28) ________ they’re doing.” Before you know it, many people are going along with the crowd -
perhaps on something they might not otherwise do.

Adapted from:
24. A. on B. of C. into D. through
25. A. to resist B. resist C. resisting D. being resisted
26. A. from B. in C. on D. to
27. A. contact B. argue C. skip D. follow
28. A. which B. that C. what D. who
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions 29- 33
John, an associate geography professor at Western Kentucky University, found himself facing a life-
threatening situation while conducting a research project on a mountain in Nepal. His journey took a
perilous turn when he unexpectedly fell into a deep crevasse, a moment captured on film.
In the footage, John documented his struggle inside the 22-metre hole, expressing his fear and belief
that his life was hanging by a thread. Despite sustaining severe injuries, including a broken arm and five
ribs, his determination to survive pushed him forward. With sheer resilience, he managed to crawl his way
out of the narrow gap, defying the odds stacked against him. Over the course of six gruelling hours, armed
only with an ice axe, John fought against the treacherous environment, inching his way towards safety.
Every move was a battle against pain and exhaustion, but his unwavering spirit propelled him forward.
Finally, he emerged from the crevasse, battered and bruised but victorious in his escape.
Although free from the icy abyss, John's ordeal was far from over. It took him an additional three
hours to reach his tent, where he sought refuge for the night. The next day, rescue teams arrived to his
aid, bringing the much-needed assistance and medical attention he required.
29. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
A. John's struggle for want of time to finish a research project.
B. The treacherous environment of the mountain in Nepal.
C. John's determination and resilience in overcoming adversities.
D. The arrival of rescue teams to provide assistance and medical attention.
30. The word "perilous" in paragraph 1 mostly means _____.
A. exciting B. difficult C. dangerous D. thrilling
31. According to paragraph 2, John was able to survive thanks to _____.
A. medical attention B. rescue teams C. his determination D. luck
32. The word "exhaustion" in paragraph 2 mostly means _____.
A. physical tiredness B. emotional distress C. mental fatigue D. lack of motivation
33. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. John sustained severe injuries, including a broken arm and five ribs.
B. John documented his struggle inside the crevasse on film.
C. It took John six hours to crawl his way out of the crevasse.
D. John reached his tent and sought refuge for the night after rescue teams arrived.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 40.
It is very common for young people to look towards other people who are in the same situation.
Unfortunately, this is not a very healthy action as most people make bad decisions, but because young
people don’t know any better, they will decide to join in. There are, however, cases in which being
influenced by your peers could be very beneficial to students.
Believe it or not, but positive peer pressure is more common than negative peer pressure. An
example of positive peer pressure is when all of your friends are encouraging you to join the debate team to
help deal with a fear of speaking to new people. This creates confidence and can lead to positive effects
throughout your life.

People are more likely to engage in popular positive events. If something is popular and good,
people will feel pressure to do something good and it is popular so it will not be criticised. This creates a
positive feedback loop as when more people do the act, more people will see it and would like to engage in
it. This is why positive peer pressure is more widespread than negative peer pressure. Positive peer
pressure is more likely to be promoted and passed on and it sets up people for success.
On the other hand, negative peer pressure has a bigger impact on young people based on the
American Psychological Association because the negative peer pressure effects, they have more long term
effects. This is because most of the negative effects are more addictive rather than the positive effects.
Negative peer pressure causes more damage than positive peer pressure. An example of negative
peer pressure is when a friend convinces you to start drinking alcohol. If a student starts drinking alcohol at
a young age, it could hinder growth of the brain. According to National Center for Biotechnology
Information, “Studies reveal that youth who started drinking before age 15, compared to those who waited
until they were 21, were 12 times more likely to be unintentionally injured while under the influence of
alcohol, 7 times more likely to be in a motor vehicle crash after drinking, and 10 times more likely to have
been in a physical fight after drinking.” Most of these negative effects are highly addictive and are spread
through friend groups.
Adapted from:
34. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. The Appearance of Peer Pressure Among Young People
B. The Disadvantages of Peer Pressure on Teenagers
C. The Positive and Negative Effects of Peer Pressure
D. The Impact of Alcohol on Youth Development
35. Why do many young people tend to follow their peers even if they make bad decisions?
A. Because they have a strong sense of individuality.
B. Because they know more about making better choices.
C. Because they often lack knowledge and experience.
D. Because they prefer to be criticised for their decisions.
36. The word “widespread” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. common B. pressing C. central D. sustainable
37. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to _________.
A. negative peer pressure B. positive peer pressure
C. loop D. success
38. According to the passage, what can be an effect of positive peer pressure?
A. It can lead to more addictive behaviours.
B. It often results in criticism from others.
C. It can encourage confidence and have positive long-term effects.
D. It is less likely to be promoted and passed on.
39. According to the passage, what is an example of negative peer pressure mentioned?
A. convincing a friend to start drinking alcohol
B. promoting participation in popular positive events
C. encouraging friends to join the debate team
D. making peers study harder
40. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Young people often look towards other people who are in the same situation as them.
B. Students drinking before age 15 are 10 times more likely to be in a motor vehicle crash after drinking.
C. Positive peer pressure encourages people to do good things.

D. Negative peer pressure can lead to highly addictive behaviours.


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