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P ; not P))F) and ~P ; not P))F)


There is a system that is true or false but also not true or false, containing P where P is not
truth and false but also truth and false but also cannot be truth and false and also can be
truth and false or not truth and false simultaneously at the same time but also not at the
same time, and also both simultaneous and not simultaneous.


Pentalism is a logical theory that claims there are no statements that are absolutely true or
false, but there are statements that have different truth values depending on the context and
perspective. This theory is based on several other logical theories, such as trivialism,
anti-trivialism, dialetheism, and the laws of contradiction and non-contradiction, and also,
Pentalism is a logic theory of all statements that we commonly know as propositions, as we
know that there are 2 scopes regarding the results of statements namely "true," or "false"
where there are no true (true) and also false (false) proportions in the statement which is
true or false or between them. This theory is taken from trivialism which involves classical
logic "Aristotle" and anti-trivialism which is the opposite of contradictory statements. The
purpose of pentalism is to position a truth "truth" in dialetheism where a super affirmation
must not be positive and negative and must not be true in both, which generally occurs in
dialetheism so that "truth" will be among them, but pentalism positions "truth" not among true
and false so that it is not true and false previously, and when "truth" is stated it creates
contradictions and paradoxes.

Pentalism is no longer bound by ratio and disregards ratio because its truth is beyond our
assumptions, we cannot assume anything about it.

**5 Aspects in Trivialism**

Trivialism is a logical theory that states that all statements are true, even contradictory ones.
For example, the statement "I am human and I am not human" is true according to trivialism.
This theory is based on classical Aristotelian logic, which states that something cannot both
exist and not exist in the same time and place.

Anti-trivialism is a logical theory that states that no statement is true, even consistent ones.
For example, the statement "I am human and I am not a cat" is false according to
anti-trivialism. This theory is the opposite of trivialism and rejects classical Aristotelian logic.

Dialetheism is a logical theory that states that there are statements that are both true and
false simultaneously, or what is called dialetheia. For example, the statement "this is a lying
sentence" is dialetheia because if the statement is true, then it is false, and if it is false, then
it is true. This theory acknowledges the existence of contradictions in the real world and uses
paraconsistent logic, which does not follow the principle of explosion, namely that anything
can be inferred from a contradiction.
The law of contradiction is a logical principle that states that something cannot be both true
and false at the same time and in the same sense. This law is one of Aristotle's three
classical laws, the others being the law of identity and the law of excluded middle. This law
aims to maintain the consistency and validity of reasoning.

The law of non-contradiction is a logical principle that states that something must be either
true or false at the same time and in the same sense. This law is the opposite of the law of
contradiction and also one of Aristotle's three classical laws. This law aims to maintain the
clarity and precision of reasoning.

Pentalism is a logical theory that attempts to combine all the above logical theories by saying
that there are five possible truth values for each statement, namely:

- True (T), which means that the statement is true absolutely and not dependent on context
or perspective.
- False (F), which means that the statement is false absolutely and not dependent on context
or perspective.
- Dialetheia (D), which means that the statement is both true and false simultaneously, and
depends on context or perspective.
- Trivial (V), which means the statement is true no matter what even if it is contradictory.
- Empty (E), which means that the statement does not have a truth value because it is
meaningless, undefined, or cannot be determined.
- Pental (P), which means that the statement has a unique truth value that cannot be
expressed because it goes beyond the limits of logic, language, or understanding.

But in the scope of actual statements and ideas, there are only Truth and False.


According to pentalism theory, truth is a unique truth value that cannot be expressed
because it goes beyond the limits of logic, language, or understanding. Truth in pentalism
cannot be pronounced because there are no words that can describe or define truth. Truth in
pentalism also cannot be understood because there is no way to verify or prove truth. Truth
in pentalism is something that is beyond human reach and can only be accepted or rejected

Its truth in pentalism is beyond our assumptions, we cannot assume anything about it. Its
truth in pentalism cannot be proven but also cannot be determined, indeed there is its truth
but cannot be stated because it will cause contradictions and paradoxes.

Truth cannot be reasoned in pentalism no matter how it is expressed, even if it is expressed

and reasoned, truth will become contradictory.

Pentalism states:

"There is a system that is true or false but also not true or false, containing P where P is not
truth and false but also truth and false but also cannot be truth and false and also can be
truth and false or not truth and false simultaneously at the same time but also not at the
same time, and also both simultaneous and not simultaneous--"

This continues until logic finds an empty point where logic cannot find its truth.

**Super Affirmation**

So every P represents integrity and emptiness that will not be applied to its Truth because it
already goes beyond it.

Super affirmation must not be positive and negative and must not be true in both, which
generally occurs in dialetheism so that "truth" will be among them, but pentalism positions
"truth" not among true and false so that it is not true and false previously, and when "truth" is
stated it creates contradictions and paradoxes so Making Truth cannot be stated.

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