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US End-term test Part 1.

(The first 2 questions are for everyone from the Mid-term… again.)

1. When and where was the US Declaration of Independence adopted? ………………….................

Write down its most famous sentence!
We hold these truths…
2. Talk about the US Constitution and its significance! (When was it adopted? What parts does it have?
What are its main principles? Its uniqueness? List the most important powers of Congress, the
President, and of the Supreme Court! Talk about the most important amendments!)
3. What is the connection between the Hungarian-born Joseph Pulitzer and the US Statue of Liberty?
How is Pulitzer commemorated on Liberty Island?

4. Why were mainstream Americans unhappy about the wave of New Immigrants from Eastern and
Southern Europe into the US between 1880s-1914? (see handout!)

5. What is Ellis Island famous for?

6. What is the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 famous for? What changes did it bring to
7. What did actually cause the great depression? (see Week 8 Great Depression handout)
America’s weak ………………………….. system!
Many people will tell you that the Great Depression started with the Stock Market Crash on
………………………………….(date) but that is not true! It leads people to mistake
………………………….. with ………………………!

- The FED was created in 1913, but most of America’s banks were small, individual banks, (not part
of the system) relying on their own resources. When there was a panic and people rushed to take out
their money of the bank ® a wave of bank………………………………………...(10)
These banks had to call in loans, sell their assets ® credit froze up: no more loans for the people
(very bad for the economy) ® LESS MONEY in circulation: DEFLATION
The Federal Reserve deserves a large degree of the blame for not ……………………………….. and not
infusing money into the economy to combat the deflationary cycle.
The following questions should all be answered with 1-2 complex sentences max.
Part B are only for those who are aiming for a 5. Some questions ONLY have part B.
8. What was the Lend-Lease Program about? (What did the US “lend” and what did it “lease”?)
How many countries were given aid under the program?

Part B: What was Hitler’s problem with Lend-Lease and so-called US neutrality?
What was Hitler’s response in 1941 December 11th?
(The US is involved in a 2nd Lend-Lease to Ukraine right now and claims to be neutral in the
Russian-Ukraine war. What if Putin responds the same way Hitler did in 1941?)

9. When did the US enter WWII? …………………………………What caused the US to enter WWII?

10. What did the Big 3 agree upon in Yalta in Feb. 1945?

Who were the big three?

Part B: Did the Americans honor the agreement

concerning the defeat and occupation of Japan?

11. The Cold War starts in …………. and ended in:……………………………….(year and day) when
…………………(name) announced the dissolution of the Soviet Union and lowered the Soviet Flag
from atop the Kremlin.
Part B: The US saw the Soviet Union and Communism as set on spreading their influence to other
countries all overt Europe and the world. The key word describing President Truman’s policy
AGAINST the spread of Communism is: …………………………..
12. What were the main objectives of the Marshall Aid?
Part B: Prove with numbers that the German economic miracle starting in the late 1940s, 50s WAS
NOT thanks to the Marshall Aid! (Was Germany receiving more or paying more to the US?)
13. What do you know about the Manhattan Project?
Part B: What is the Hungarian connection with the Manhattan Project? (Szilárd Leo, Kármán Tódor,
Neumann János, Teller Ede: who were these men?)
14. Part B only: FDR was NOT supportive of the creation of the State of Israel, but since he died in
1945 he was not the US President when the UN voted on whether to acknowledge Israel as a new
country in ……………………… (date) or not! Which US president supported Israel wholeheartedly
and was the 1st to internationally acknowledge the Declaration of Independence of Israel right after
its re-establishment?
15. When was NATO established and what for? ……………….. (year) objective:
16. What part of Europe was considered by the US as the buffer zone of the Soviet Union?
Part B: Why did the Soviets insist on a buffer zone? Whom did they fear and why?
17. What was the Suez Crisis about in 1956? What was the
objective of the French and British? Of the Israelis?
Part B: How did the Americans manage to foil the British-
French-Israeli operation?

18. Why did the Americans NOT support the Hungarian 1956
Uprising against Soviet occupation (despite consistently
promising their support on Radio Free Europe)?

19. What was the Brown versus Board of Education Supreme Court Decision case about in 1956?

Part B: So did a breakthrough happen in 1956-7?

Part B: What happened in 1969-70 during the Nixon

Administration in this respect?

20. What was the Cuban Missile Crisis between the JFK administration and Khrushchev’s Soviet

Part B: How was WWIII evaded during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 October?

21. Part B only: What is the most probable reason why the JFK files on his assassination could NOT be
declassified in 2017, though the 50 years were up?

22. Part B: Medicare and Medicaid are 2 of the most popular programs provided by the US Government.
What are these programs and who are Medicare and Medicaid for?

23. What year did the Vietnam War end? ……………….

24. Part B: What was the US death toll in the Vietnam War? What was the Vietnamese death toll?

25. When was this picture taken? ………………… What is the occasion?

Part B: Who is the astronaut in the picture?

26. What was Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars Program about?

27. What long-term effect did the Reagan Administration’s arms race have?
28. President Bill Clinton announces the good news: NAFTA has been signed (1993). What was
NAFTA about (1 sentence)?

EXTRA CREDIT for anyone: What were some of the upsides and downsides of NAFTA? Whom did
it benefit THE MOST?

29. Bill Clinton negotiated 3 famous PEACE AGREEMENTS:

Between ……………….. and ………………….. in 1993.
The Dayton Peace Agreement in 1995 between:
……………………. (3 nationalities seated at the table) to
end the
……………………. war (1992-95)

The Good Friday Agreement in 1998 brought an end to:

……………………………….. (name of armed conflict)
in ………………………. (country) between
………………………………….. (2 communities in that

30. What happened on September 11, 2001 in the US?

31. What was the Patriot Act about (passed by Congress in October 2001)?
Part B: How did the Patriot Act go against the Constitutional rights of Americans?

32. Which terror organization was America fighting against in Afghanistan and why?

How did the War against Afghanistan end in 2021?

33. Who was America’s primary target in the Iraq invasion?
(He was found in December 2003 and executed 3 years later.)

Extra credit: Why did America attack Iraq in 2003?

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