Please Verify Your Values of CIF/CIP Entered, There Is A Difference of 0 in Your Calculation

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21/12/2023 13:40 Copy of T0_2023_089TS.

xlsm Supplier 1
Item Type
Project code : 2023_003TSRev1 Delivery on Contract : 3-5 Week(s) Item
SAP Supplier Code : #N/A Seller Name : Delivery From Supplier : Option
Supplier Name : Biobase Item + Option
Supplier Origin: China

General Price List: Date of Offer: Supplier Incoterms: EXW/FOB Customer Curr : USD Cust. Gen. Discount (%)
Cost LBSP Ref Offer: Offer Validity: General Import Tax % (if any): 0% Supplier Curr : USD
Center Offer Email: Mode of Shipment: General Margin (if applicable): 35% 1 USD = x USD : 1.000000
Supplier General Discount %:

Specific Allocated Cust. Disc. Total Selling Price after

Cost Quantity Item(s) per F.O.C for Supplier UNIT PRICE EXW/FOB Tot. Disc. on Specific Unit Selling Price
N° Supplier Item Code Item description Option CPT Total USD CIP Total USD Import Tax Cost value on Item(s) Discount Bef. VAT
Centers Supplier Purch. Unit Cust. USD USD item(s) (%) Margin (%) after Discount (USD)
(%) USD (%) (USD)
1 LBSP 1235D07
2 1227U04
3 1 Freezer -86℃, BDF-86V408, 1 1 no no 3,080.00 3,080.00 4,600.00 4,600.00 60.00 7,137.00 7,137.00
3,080.00 4,600.00 4,600.00 35.00% 60.00 7,137.00
Remark: 3,080.00
Tot EXW/FOB bef. Gen. disc. (USD): 3,080.00
Discount: 0% 0.00
Total after discount (USD): 3,080.00

Please Verify your values of CIF/CIP entered, there is a difference of 0 in your calculation

Cost Simulation
Other Cost
EXW/FOB Tot. with Disc.: USD 3,080.00 3,080.00 USD Financial Cost of Credit %
Line Amount 0.00 USD
Other Charges: USD 120.00 120.00 USD 1 120 0.00%
Other Charges Info: (other cost 1) %
Freight Charges: USD 1400.00 1,400.00 USD 1 1400 Amount 0.00 USD
Freight Charges Info: 0.00%
CPT Total : (minus Charges Option(s)) USD 4,600.00 4,600.00 USD (other cost 2) %
Amount 0.00 USD
Total Option Other/Freight/Insurance : USD 0.00 0.00 USD 0.00%
(other cost 3) %
Insurance Charges: 0.00 USD 0 0 Amount 0.00 USD
CIP Total : USD 4,600.00 4,600.00 USD
Total Option After Margin : USD 0.00 0.00 USD
Total F.O.C after Import tax : USD 0.00 0.00 USD
Admin Fees:
Total Import Tax: USD 0.00 0.00 USD USD 60.00 60.00 USD
Customs Fees: USD
Total Gross Margin: USD 2,476.92 2,476.92 USD USD 0.00 USD
Total Gross Margin %: 35.00% % Total Other Costs: 60.00

Redelivery Cost: Amount USD 0.00 USD Discount: 0.00 USD

0.00% Total Before VAT: 7,137.00 USD 7,136.92
Training Cost: Amount USD 0.00 USD VAT (%): 10% 713.70 USD
Incoterms: DDP Tot. Selling Price in USD: 7,850.70 USD

Ratio Net (%): 34.71%

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