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Annotated bibliography

Essay outline

Write 100-150 words and explain what you would like to focus on in your essay.

In this essay I would like to focus on the tension building elements and methods in Ernest
Hemingway’s short story, Hills Like White Elephants. Hemingway’s ‘trademark’ is telling as
much as possible with as few words as possible. The short story is essentially a rather short
conversation between a man and a woman, and yet many, complex issues are introduced
which later on will have to be dealt with by the characters. The reader is not given any
answers, just a plethora of questions, which leaves a huge room open for interpretation. The
dynamic between the two characters is vague, and I would like to explore the whys and hows
of it.

Formatting & instructions

Fonts: Times New Roman, 12

Include the FULL bibliographical data: name of author, title, year, place of publication,
publishing house. Use the MLA format:

Copy the link into the browser if you can’t click on it.

What you need to do when you compile your Annotated Bibliography?

An academic source is an article or a book which has been published by an academic journal
or a publishing house. Magazines, blogs, news portals are NOT academic sources.
You can search for academic sources here:,,

Note: ANYTHING you find on JSTOR is OK, but be careful with Google Books and Google

Organise the sources into a bibliography in MLA/APA/Chicago style.

Watch this short explanatory video to understand what an Annotated Bibliography is:

You will also find examples on this site. This is the MLA stylesheet, you’ll need to use when you edit
your bibliography.
Annotated bibliography

Works Cited example:

Works Cited

Erasmus, Desiderius. The Praise of Folly and Other Writings, edited by Robert M. Adams. Norton
Critical Editions. New York, 1996.
French, Peter. John Dee: The World of the Elizabethan Magus. New York, Routledge, 2002.
Genealogical roll of the descent of John Norton Publishing, 1989. Dee,
items/john-dees-genealogy-and-self-portrait Accessed. 22 September 2020.
Hieatt, Charles. “A New Source for Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay.” The Review of English Studies.
New Series, vol. 32, no. 126, 1981, pp. 180–87.
Hotchkiss Price, David. Albrecht Dürer's Renaissance: Humanism, Reformation, and the Art of Faith.
University of Michigan Press, 2003.

 Alphabetise the items on surname basis.

 Fonts: Times New Roman, 12
 Italicise the titles of books and journal names.
 Use inverted commas (“___”) for the titles of journal articles.
 Include links and date for online sources.
 Put the place of publication, publishing company, year of publication to the end of the
reference. You’ll find this information on the copyright page, but alternatively you may also
search for the source in the online catalogue of a library e.g. the Cambridge University

Annotated Bibliography

Source 1

Full bibliographical data – see MLA/Chicago/APA

Wagner, Linda W. “‘Proud and Friendly and Gently’: Women in Hemingway’s Early Fiction.”
College Literature, vol. 7, no. 3, 1980, pp. 239–47.

How do you know the source is reliable? (Explain why the journal/book is reliable.)

It was published by an academic university journal.

What is the source about? (DO NOT copy from the source, use your own words!) Explain in about 50

It’s an analysis on the depiction of women in Ernest Hemingway’s works. The author uses several
manuscripts to be as precise as possible, also comparing the different characters in different works.
Annotated bibliography

How do you plan to use the source? (Be specific about the information you use. Don’t just say “I
chose this article because it contains relevant information”. What exactly is this relevant
information?) Explain in about 50 words.

Source 2

Full bibliographical data – see MLA/Chicago/APA

How do you know the source is reliable? (Explain why the journal/book is reliable.)

What is the source about? (DO NOT copy from the source, use your own words!) Explain in about 50

How do you plan to use the source? (Be specific about the information you use. Don’t just say “I
chose this article because it contains relevant information”. What exactly is this relevant
information?) Explain in about 50 words.

Source 3

Full bibliographical data – see MLA/Chicago/APA

How do you know the source is reliable? (Explain why the journal/book is reliable.)
Annotated bibliography

What is the source about? (DO NOT copy from the source, use your own words!) Explain in about 50

How do you plan to use the source? (Be specific about the information you use. Don’t just say “I
chose this article because it contains relevant information”. What exactly is this relevant
information?) Explain in about 50 words.

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