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Script for Sempro

Fun English learning strategies for teenage learners at SMP IT Darurrahman


Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Thank you all for being here. I am honored to have the opportunity to present my research
proposal before this esteemed committee. Also, I want to thank my supervisor Prof. Dr.
Haryanto, M.Pd., and Mam Amra Ariyanti, S.Pd., M.Pd.

The purpose of my presentation today is to outline my research proposal and seek your
valuable insights and feedback.

First, I will provide a brief overview of the background and context of my research topic.

Then, I will explain the objectives and hypotheses of my study.

After that, I will discuss the review of related reviews

Finally, I will discuss research methodology.

Without further ado, I would like to begin my presentation. I welcome any questions or
comments you may have at the end.

Content of material:
Mastery of foreign languages is essential in the era of globalization nowadays. Mastering a
foreign language means expanding opportunities to interact and get information from other
parts of the world and gaining more knowledge worldwide for people who understand and
be able to speak a foreign language.

Animasi 1
Learning a foreign language requires knowing the right strategy to be carried out effectively
and efficiently. A learning strategy is an approach to a task. It is implied that the strategy of
learning is individual and each individual has to recognize the right learning strategy and be
able to choose the right way to learn new things, including languages. Learning strategies
give direction and help students to increase their knowledge and understanding of the
target language.
SLIDE 3 Research Experience
Animasi 1
When I was teaching a practice program at one of the junior high schools in Makassar, I
realized that students tend to be too lazy to read books and less enthusiastic about
participating in learning. Some students are sleeping, unfocusing, noising, doing other
subject assignments, and not responding to teacher questions. In addition, teachers only use
the media limited to textbooks, Teaching Material Supplements, and whiteboards.
Animasi 2
I also did an observation at SMP IT Darurrahman Makassar and found out that there were
many students facing problems in learning English such as lack of vocabulary or even easily
getting bored and losing motivation to study English in the classroom. These are caused by
methods and strategies applied by the teacher in teaching which still use simple teaching
methods such as giving explanations and then asking the students to answer the questions
based on the textbooks.

That is the reason why I chose fun learning English strategies for teenage learners at smp IT
Darurrahman Makassar.

SLIDE 4 Previous Research

Many studies have been performed by researchers related to the objects. Some of them are
mentioned in their reports such as:

Animasi 1
Yauri et al. (2019) researched developing students' speaking skills using active and fun
learning in the eighth grades of SMP Amir Islam Panyula. by using the pre-experimental
method with pre-test and post-test designs. This research is considered effective and
interesting to use in teaching English Speaking because the average score obtained by
students in the posttest (65.86) is greater than the average score of students in the pretest

Animasi 2
Alwahidi et al. (2021) described optimizing student interest in learning using the fun learning
method during a pandemic. With school-aged children (kindergarten and elementary/MI)
who live in Sengkerang Village as the research sample. From the results of the activities,
students gave a good response to the implementation of the Fun Learning strategy.

Animasi 3
Maria et al. (2020), that students' English Speaking abilities are increasing by using a fun
learning strategy. with method discussion songs, and games. Results of activities show that
(1) This assistance has been able to grow students' interest and self-confidence. This can be
seen from the enthusiasm and perseverance of the activity participants who follow the
lesson from start to finish.

SLIDE 5 Different Research

Animasi 1
In contrast to previous research, there are three differences with the research above.
 The first is in terms of research locations which have different characteristics and
levels of urgency from previous studies.
 The second is reviewed research subjects who have different populations and
sampling techniques.
 And third is the use of different research methods.

Learning by using fun learning strategies hope will be an option for teachers to attract
children's learning interests so that they are more focused and direct. At the same time, the
methods can make students more active when participating in English classes. Because as
mentioned above, students still lack knowledge, interest, and concentration in learning
English. Therefore, this study hopes to provide a solution that is more in line with the criteria
of students who will be taught English.

Problem statement
Based on the survey explained in the background above, the researcher identifies several
problems such as;
1) students are less focused,
2) students are less enthusiastic in learning English,
3) students have low motivation in learning English.
Therefore, the researcher formulates the research question as follows: What is the student’s
response to fun English learning strategies for teenagers?

Objectives of the research

Based on the problem statement above, the objective of the research is to describe the
students’ response to fun English learning strategies for teenage learners.

Significance of the research

The research is expected to give significance for all the people, as follows;
a. For the teacher, this research is expected to be a useful reference to create a fun
learning atmosphere.
b. For students, this research is expected to be able to help students' motivation during
the English learning process.
c. For the next researcher, this research is a comparative study for reference materials.

SLIDE 7 Review-related review

In this section, I have 3 point
Animasi 1
Theoretical Foundation,
There are:
1. The nature of teaching
2. The nature of learning
3. The characteristics of teenage students
Animasi 2
And than, Fun learning
There are
1. Definition of fun learning
2. Fun learning strategy
3. Benefits of using fun learning strategies
4. Fun and effective methods for learning English

Animasi 3
The last is, the theory of learning response

SLIDE 8 Theoretical framework

Theoretical framework
According to Sekaran (2003), the Theoretical Framework as a structure that represents the
logical model (logical sense) of how the factors in the research problem are related to each
So first, teaching English to teenage learners
Next, the teaching and learning process by using fun English learning strategies
Last one, students response to fun English learning strategies.

There are many problems faced by junior high school teachers in the process of learning
English. Students are sleeping, unfocusing, noising, doing other subject assignments, and not
responding to teacher questions. There are some strategies for learning, one of which is
using fun learning strategies. Fun Learning is anything that is taught by educational staff that
is easily accepted by students and when an understanding is easily accepted, a student will
easily make changes that aim to progress. Many methods can be used in learning English
that students are interested in and motivated to learn. However, in this case, the research
only highlights three practical but effective ways that can be determined by teachers. Such
as learning English through songs, Film, and Playing Games. The subject that will be
researched is how students respond to the use of fun learning. In this study, researchers
want to know how students respond to using fun learning strategies.

SLIDE 9 Research Method

Animasi 1
Qualitative method
The research will use a qualitative method with descriptive analysis and data collection by
direct observation. Descriptive research is defined as a research method used to describe
existing phenomena as accurately as possible (Atmowardoyo, 2018). To conduct research
using descriptive research methods, the researcher should collect available data through the
use of research instruments such as tests, observations, and interviews. The main purpose of
descriptive research systematically describe the existing phenomena under study.

Animasi 2
Population and sample
The population of this research will be the students at SMP IT Darurrahman Makassar
academic year 2022/2023.
The sample of this research will be taken from the population. This research will use a
qualitative method with an analysis description, Class VIII. 2 will be taken as a sample in this
research that consists of 23 students. There are many reasons for choosing VIII.2 as a
sample; the first, easily getting bored and losing motivation to study English in the

Animasi 3
Instrument of the research
The instrument is an observation
The researcher will make observation field notes in each meeting. Observations related to
the case result about students' response to fun learning strategies for teaching English.

And my supporting data is an interview

The researcher will do this in the last meeting. The form interview in this research will be
one-on-one with students through face-to-face in class with a random 5 students. The
researcher gives five main questions about perspectives on fun learning, which be
conducted in person. The purpose of the interview session is to get more detailed
information so that the researcher can receive more precise data.

Therefore, observation and interviews were used as research instruments. The learning
process to introduce fun learning will be 3 meetings. The purpose of observation will be to
find the case study of the introduction of fun learning in each meeting and the interview will
be to get students’ impressions of the treatment that was given.

Animasi 4
Technique of collecting data
The procedure of collecting data will be conducted in four steps. First, the researcher will
visit the school where the teachers are taken as the participants. Second, the researcher will
ask for permission and explain to the school officers the purpose of the research and the
procedures thar involved. Third, the researcher met with the English teachers to decide the
time when the researcher will observe the teaching and learning process in the classroom.
Fourth, the researcher will conduct an interview with the teacher and observation in the

SLIDE 10 Technique of data analysis

Animasi 5
According to Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael (2014), there were three types of data
analysis: data reduction, data display, and generating conclusions or verifying.
1. First, data reduction
In this scenario, the researcher will choose responses from students learning English
using fun learning strategies. Sourced from the results of observation and interview
during the writing process of class VII.2 students at SMP IT Darurrahman Makassar.
2. Second, data display
At this step, the researcher shows or displays data that has been obtained in
observation and interviews regarding the student's response to fun learning
strategies that teachers use to teach English.
3. Drawing conclusion
From the beginning of data collection, the researcher begins to decide what it
means, and this research data is obtained from the interview. This stage aims to find
the meaning of the data collected to conclude answers to existing problems.

Closing statement:
To sum up, my research proposal aims to address boredom in the learning process and to
find out how students respond to the use of fun learning in class, and I have proposed a
comprehensive methodology to achieve these goals.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the members of the committee for their time,
attention, and valuable feedback today.

With that, I conclude my presentation. I am grateful for your thoughtful consideration and
look forward to the possibility of future interactions.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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