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PolushkaBunny \TTERN “Junior Page [2 Hello, my dear friend! My namie is Maria ond I'm a designer of PolushkaBunny Toys. Thank you for your love, I hope this project will bring you a lor of fun and pleasure % In case of any questions ar doubts, p Please, read careful all re e, feel Free to cantact me by Etsy Convo or by email polushleibunnyG mmendations and tips, it will be helpful. You are weleome to sell finished toys — in limited sories and handmade by you, Please imclude a link or reference to my shop if you will list iton Internet PLEASE, BES TO LEAVE WOUR FEEDB. FOR MY ETSY SHOP @& yOu GAN UR REVIEW BYE CLICK HERE You > Pur 1 Outfit “Junior” fits a bunny/puppy/kitten with following measurement A head circumstance about 38-42em EIS. COMSHORKNIETIN¢ Belly circumstance about 26 em Height of the body is about 18 cm Patter for the Bunny Toy can be found inmy store: It would be great you tag your toys with # polushkaibunny on your Instagram, | will see your post and will feature your foy in my IG stories. ‘ed coproduce, republished lowed, provided that they are designer @Polshicbunny. PATTERN “Junior Page [3 bbe 160-175m in 50 g (175-190yards in 50g) ing / 4-ply / Super Fins /Length/Weight is mare important boul 45 grams soul 25 grarns. (080; blue 1180; white 1020; petro! 1010} ton gauge/tension! lo guoroniee the right normaly worked on WS soaeg single crochet 2 stiches together Sest kip stirch I =in one stich BLO7EIG. + FLO/flo 5 8 *..ironTep x | —allstifchos siaiocin brackols repeat Kiimas her LWT ‘ength/ Wicth / Height GAUGE/TENSION: Please, Check control measurements ail the times when it's stated! Depends on the result you need to. go down or up with your hook Sze COMMENTS: + Do not count loop on the hook = Depends on the kind of row(sc/de/) we work tuming chain(s) in the beginning of row. You can work tuming chain(s) in the end of row. in this case you don't folow tuming chains siated in the pattem in the beainning of the rows. We do not count tuning chains. = Crochet in tows turning ot the end of each row = Crochet in tound: you have to jcin each round with a sip stitch. Work ss into the fist st of the round. The beginnin chain does not count as a stitch unles: specified in the pattein Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or esol! Sale of das made with the use of these instructions ial owed, provided that they are made manually by Uw-buyer ofthese ustructions in persoa and in led quansies and with reference to the designer @Polushiabunny. PATTERN “Junior Page [4 How to SINGLE CROCHET in Rows 1: Make a slip knot and chain as many as pattem says. Bring the yorn over the hook from back to front, skip the first one chain from the hook and then insert the hook in the second chain. ‘ Ye ee wi eS S wow ia SNGLE CROCHET n Boss? anda you need to bring the yarn or thread up to the comect height for the next row. To raise the yam, we chain 1 (this is Colled the tuming chain, don't count os stitch} so the fist single crochet is worked in the fist stitch. How to SINGLE CROCHET in JOINED ROUNFD. To raise the yam, we chain 1 (turning chain, don't count as stitch). in this case we single crochet in first stitch. joining sii stich is worked in chain (count as 1 stitch). How to DOUBLE CROCHET in Row 1 Make a sip knot and chain as many as pattem says. Bring the yom over the hook from back to front, skip the first three chaiins from the hnok and then insert the hook in the fourth chain \ How to DOUBLE CROCHET in ROWS 2 and etc.: To begin the second row, turn your work, Now you need to bring the yarn up to the correct height to work the next row. To raise the yam, Chain three tor the turning chain (until different is stated in the pattern) The three chains in the tuming chain just make count as the fist double crochet of the new row. So skip the first Gouble crochet and work a double crochet in the second slitch, II's possible, we chein 2 for the tuning chains. In this case, we count it os 1 DC but we do not skip the fist st, we work nex! the double crochel in the first stitch How to DOUBLE CROCHET in JOINED ROUND. To raise the yam. we chain 2 (turning chains. don't count as st). in this case we double crochet in first stitch, joining slip stich is worked in 2°¢ chain (count as 1 stitch) ABBREVIATIONS: Example 1:2 DC means we work DC | time into the next 2 stiches. Example 2: 5 SC means we work SC 1 time into the next 5 stitches. Example 3: SC/DC/Ch means we work 1SC/ 1 DCI 1 Ch. Example 4: [2DC, Ch, 20C] means you work all stated stitches into one stitch in a following order Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or resol Sale of dolls made withthe use of these {astuctions isalowed, provided that they are made manvally by te buyer o/ Wiese structions in person ana in lied quatsiies and with reference to the designer @Polushabunny. ATTERN “Junior Page [5 DUNGAREES Row | Crochet Hook 2.5 mm. A Col. TST Man par 1. Vertical rows 2, Unless otnerwise specified in every even row: DC (or hde} in Front Loops Only 3. Unless otherwise specified in every add row: DC (or hac] in Bock Loops Oni TRow 32h m7 ZRow | DC in Aihst irom hook, 2c LO 20 L=12cm; W=2em[W of | row=1em) 3ROW | 3Chicount as DC), (1 DC Is made in 2 st rom | 52/ hook) 290¢ 810, 22 “aRow 50 Row 50 ‘Row 3Ch, 47DC FLO 50 7 ROW Bhde BLO, 41DC BLO 50 {in heic Rows: 2Ch — fuming chain(don't count as st). fist hdc is made in Ist st ftom hook) _| BRow __ 3Ch, (1s! DC is made in Ist si from hook) 41D FLO, hae FLO PRow | 2Ch, Bde BLO, 420C BLO 10-25 Even Rows: 3Ch, 41DC FLO, Bhde FLO Row ___ Odd Rows: 2Ch, Bhdc BLO, 420 BLO 21 Row 2Ch, Bde BLO, 220C BLO Row Sch, 2IDC FLO, Bhde FLO Row | 2Ch, hac BLO, 22DC BLO 3 Incase, if you need tail hole: 2Ch, Bhde BLO, SDC BLO, TOCh, 10sk st, 7DC BLO 2aRow | 3Ch 2IDC FLO, Bhde FLO x 25Row | 2Ch, Shc BLO, 22DC BLO, 22 Ch 52 26Row | DCin 4th st fom hook. DC in Chain of prev | 50 fow, 22DC FLO, B hdc FLO BROW | 2Ch. hic BLO. 42DC BLO 50) 28ROw | 3.Ch, 41DC FLO, & hdc FLO 50 28-42 Row | Even Rows = 3Ch, 41DC FLO, B hde FLO 0 ‘Odd Rows = 2Ch, Shc B.O, 42DC BLO #45 Row | 3Ch. 270C FLO|even|/BLOjoca) 0 ‘ASSEMBLE AND WAISTBAND Jd The detail ass shown in (On WS make front and crotch scams {leave unstitched 3 em down trom the waistline) TRow | RS facing. Work In waistine: 30h, DCin | 47 same st as Ch 44D€ (IDC in ex DC in same row as prov DC 2Raw Row | 78C in Aitach the by! Ermolova Maria (@Polusakabunny (2020) Al rights reserved. Only for personal wee Tost, photos cannot be copied, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, translated or resold! Sale of dals made with the use of these instructions i alowed, provided that they are mae slanually by Ue buyer ofthese wsiructious in person ad in med quantiles and with reference othe designer @Polusikabunsy \TTERN “Junior Page [2 Hello, my dear friend! My name is Maria and I'm a designer of PolushkaBunny Toys. Thank you for your love, I hope this project will bring you a lot of fun and pleasure % In case of any questions or doubss, p Please, read careful all re e, feel Free to contact me by Etsy Convo or by email polush! mmendations and tips, it will be helpful. ‘You are weleome to sell finished toys ~ in limited series and handmade by you. Please include a link or reference to my shop, if you will list on Internet PLEASE, BE SO KIND TO LEAVE YOUR FEEDBACK FOR MY ETSY SHOP y AN LEAVE YOUR REVIEW E ICK | You > Purchases and reviews Outfit “Junior” fits a bunny/puppy/kitten with following measurement Ahead circumstance about 38-42em EISY.COMSHIO} Belly circumstance about 26 cm Height of the body is about 18 cm Pattem for the Bunny Toy can be found in my store: tag your toys with # polushkabunny on your Instagram, | will see your post and will feature your toy in my IG stories. 1d, coproduce, republished lowed, provided that they are designer @Polshicbunny. IVNW2 ON 4S-VASYOSNI PATTERN “Junior Page [3 MATERIALS: Yan Length/Weight: con be 1é0-175m in 50 9 (175-190yards in 503) Yarn Weight: Fingering / 4-ply / Super Fins (Length/#/eight is more importani) Texture: Pied Blend: cotton yon Total weight: % ACA. (pelal] about 45 grams > Bol. (blue) abou! 25 grams. > Ceol. (white) about 5 gram. % Del. (ted) about 40 groms. Yam ideas: Rowan Summerite + ply Performance Cotion Eght (red 1080; blus 1180; white 1020; petro! 1010} Scheepjes Cotion 8 ~ DROPS Loves You 7 Schachenmayr Bay smiles Cotton + Pators 100% Cotton 4 Ply Katia Vonaco/ Panama = Hertegam Cotton Nr. 8 © MileiMia Naiuraly Soft Cation Alize Bela = Ice Yarn Natural Cotton Baby + Yornast 8egonia = Pilar Phi Coton 2 “shades may vary * Pleose, check gauge/tension! Other moterials: Buttons x3 B10mm Buttons x1 20mm TOOLS: (you need fo check your gauge/tension to guoroniee the right Sze of the fished oroduct Grochet Hoot 2srhm SPECIAL. ABBREVIATIONS St ttch(s) “ch chon sifeh [er enermler 2 Ch= Chan] single crochot slp stfch = double erochel Shall double ctochet 7 siichesToaaTher = hail covbie crocre worked in horizo-fal bor {ako called ‘back bor). Baris below loops normaly worked on WS single crochet 2 stiches Together Sest kip stirch I =in one stich BLO7EIG. + FLO/flo 5 x *..ironrep x | —all stitches stated brackols repeal Kiimas = her ms LWT =Length/ Wiath / Height GAUGE/TENSION: Please, Check control measurements ail the times when it's stated! Depends on the result you need to. go down of up with your hook size COMMENTS: + Do not count loop on the hook = Depends on the kind of row(sc/de/) we work tuming chain(s) in the beginning of row. You can work tuming chain(s) in the end of row. in this case you don't folow tuming chains siated in the pattem in the beainning of the rows. We do not count tuning chains. = Crochet in tows turning ot the end of each row = Crochet in tound: you have to jcin each round with a sip stitch. Work ss into the fist st of the round. The beginnin chain does not count as a stitch unles: specified in the pattein Ermolova Maria (@Polusakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal uee!Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduced republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or esol! Sale of das made with the use of these instructions ial owed, provided that they are made manually by Uw-buyer ofthese ustructions in persoa and in led quansies and with reference to the designer @Polushiabunny. DsIE | SHOULDER STRAP Low _| Foundation chain - 43Ch Zed DC in Tihs from hook, 360G. 3h, confinue: SC 18 st of 1®Ch of foundation chain, in bottam of founcation chain: 368, don't tum your work 3Row | Continue: 7SC in Cr-space, 38SC, s st [Aitach the strap fo the waistoand on the back andiront a Junior TERN Page |B “ang A esi Row | Crochet Hack 2.5mm. 6 col C col a bil of red yarn TRow | Bcol: 3h 33 Row — [SCin 25 omhook, S1SCA neckine=T9om | 32 ‘SRow | Ccol: Ch, (SC, SC inc. SC]trom"tep x8 40 4Row — | Ch, 405C. 0 ‘SROw | Ecol: Ch, *[2SC, SC.Inc, 2G irom "rep x8 48 Row | Ch, 4856 8 TRow | col: Ch, 880, SC_hne, WC\omrEp BRow | Ch. *38C. SC inc, 38C}rom*rep 38 9 Row — | Bol: Ch. *(95C. SC. nc, 4SCIhrom*rep 7B 7 TORow | Ch, SC inc, TSSC. SC Inc, 37SC,, ISEC, SC_inc. $C TiRow | C-col: Ch, E, ah, TBsk armhole), BOSC, 6Ch. 183k sllormhole), 18SC. T2Row | Ch, 525C 13Row | B col: Ch, SSC, SC ne, SC, SC inc, BSC T4Row | Ch, 548C T1éROw | C col Ch SBC 1718 Row | Beal: Ch, S4SC J1=Tom BUTTON PLACKET[FOR SUTTONHOLES) TRow | Beol: workin the lef! edge of fre Fshit Bafom up. RS facing: 188C. Row | Cn, IC, Zchihole). ksi, SC, Zchhole), ska, 386, 2Ch{hole), sist, 78C SRow _[Ch. 21SC BUTTON PLACKET (FOR BUTTONS) Ti Row | Ceol. workin the taht edae of the F-shid, RS facing: 185C Aitach the butions SLEEVES TRd_| C col Now ivead. Star rom ihe midklles of tho armpit and work around the edge: Ch 2SC dat] 25 2Ra_| Bol: Ch, 268C, sist 25 3-15Rd__[ Ch, 245C, 5151. Change Colorin every even 1ow 25 Yard | Bco.: Ch, 248C. sist 25 D col: surface sip stich beiween 15% and 16" 1ows(25 sip sitches| Repeat the same forthe 2"!sieeve Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or resol Sale of dolls made withthe use of these {astuctions isalowed, provided that they are made manually by Uw-buyer ofthese ustructions in persoa and in led quansies and with reference to the designer @Polushiabunny. PATTERN “Junior Page [4 How to SINGLE CROCHET in Rows 1: Make a slip knot and chain as many as pattem says. Bring the yorn over the hook from back to front, skip the first one chain from the hook and then insert the hook in the second chain. ‘ Ye ee wi eS S wow ia SNGLE CROCHET n Boss? anda you need to bring the yarn or thread up to the comect height for the next row. To raise the yam, we chain 1 (this is Colled the tuming chain, don't count os stitch} so the fist single crochet is worked in the fist stitch. How to SINGLE CROCHET in JOINED ROUNFD. To raise the yam, we chain 1 (turning chain, don't count as stitch). in this case we single crochet in first stitch. joining sii stich is worked in chain (count as 1 stitch). How to DOUBLE CROCHET in Row 1 Make a sip knot and chain as many as pattem says. Bring the yom over the hook from back to front, skip the first three chaiins from the hnok and then insert the hook in the fourth chain \ How to DOUBLE CROCHET in ROWS 2 and etc.: To begin the second row, turn your work, Now you need to bring the yarn up to the correct height to work the next row. To raise the yam, Chain three tor the turning chain (until different is stated in the pattern) The three chains in the tuming chain just make count as the fist double crochet of the new row. So skip the first Gouble crochet and work a double crochet in the second slitch, II's possible, we chein 2 for the tuning chains. In this case, we count it os 1 DC but we do not skip the fist st, we work nex! the double crochel in the first stitch How to DOUBLE CROCHET in JOINED ROUND. To raise the yam. we chain 2 (turning chains. don't count as st). in this case we double crochet in first stitch, joining slip stich is worked in 2°¢ chain (count as 1 stitch) ABBREVIATIONS: Example 1:2 DC means we work DC | time into the next 2 stiches. Example 2: 5 SC means we work SC 1 time into the next 5 stitches. Example 3: SC/DC/Ch means we work 1SC/ 1 DCI 1 Ch. Example 4: [2DC, Ch, 20C] means you work all stated stitches into one stitch in a following order Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or resol Sale of dolls made withthe use of these {astuctions isalowed, provided that they are made manvally by te buyer o/ Wiese structions in person ana in lied quatsiies and with reference to the designer @Polushabunny. \TTERN “Junior Page [2 Hello, my dear friend! My name is Maria and I'm a designer of PolushkaBunny Toys. Thank you for your love, I hope this project will bring you a lot of fun and pleasure % In case of any questions or doubss, p Please, read careful all re e, feel Free to contact me by Etsy Convo or by email polush! mmendations and tips, it will be helpful. ‘You are weleome to sell finished toys ~ in limited series and handmade by you. Please include a link or reference to my shop, if you will list on Internet PLEASE, BE SO KIND TO LEAVE YOUR FEEDBACK FOR MY ETSY SHOP y AN LEAVE YOUR REVIEW E ICK | You > Purchases and reviews Outfit “Junior” fits a bunny/puppy/kitten with following measurement Ahead circumstance about 38-42em EISY.COMSHIO} Belly circumstance about 26 cm Height of the body is about 18 cm Pattem for the Bunny Toy can be found in my store: tag your toys with # polushkabunny on your Instagram, | will see your post and will feature your toy in my IG stories. 1d, coproduce, republished lowed, provided that they are designer @Polshicbunny. PATTERN “Junior Page [3 MATERIALS: Yan Length/Weight: con be 1é0-175m in 50 9 (175-190yards in 503) Yarn Weight: Fingering / 4-ply / Super Fins (Length/#/eight is more importani) Texture: Pied Blend: cotton yon Total weight: % ACA. (pelal] about 45 grams > Bol. (blue) abou! 25 grams. > Ceol. (white) about 5 gram. % Del. (ted) about 40 groms. Yam ideas: Rowan Summerite + ply Performance Cotion Eght (red 1080; blus 1180; white 1020; petro! 1010} Scheepjes Cotion 8 ~ DROPS Loves You 7 Schachenmayr Bay smiles Cotton + Pators 100% Cotton 4 Ply Katia Vonaco/ Panama = Hertegam Cotton Nr. 8 © MileiMia Naiuraly Soft Cation Alize Bela = Ice Yarn Natural Cotton Baby + Yornast 8egonia = Pilar Phi Coton 2 “shades may vary * Pleose, check gauge/tension! Other moterials: Buttons x3 B10mm Buttons x1 20mm TOOLS: (you need fo check your gauge/tension to guoroniee the right Sze of the fished oroduct Grochet Hoot 2srhm SPECIAL. ABBREVIATIONS St ttch(s) “ch chon sifeh [er enermler 2 Ch= Chan] single crochot slp stfch = double erochel Shall double ctochet 7 siichesToaaTher = hail covbie crocre worked in horizo-fal bor {ako called ‘back bor). Baris below loops normaly worked on WS single crochet 2 stiches Together Sest kip stirch I =in one stich BLO7EIG. + FLO/flo 5 x *..ironrep x | —all stitches stated brackols repeal Kiimas = her ms LWT =Length/ Wiath / Height GAUGE/TENSION: Please, Check control measurements ail the times when it's stated! Depends on the result you need to. go down of up with your hook size COMMENTS: + Do not count loop on the hook = Depends on the kind of row(sc/de/) we work tuming chain(s) in the beginning of row. You can work tuming chain(s) in the end of row. in this case you don't folow tuming chains siated in the pattem in the beainning of the rows. We do not count tuning chains. = Crochet in tows turning ot the end of each row = Crochet in tound: you have to jcin each round with a sip stitch. Work ss into the fist st of the round. The beginnin chain does not count as a stitch unles: specified in the pattein Ermolova Maria (@Polusakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal uee!Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduced republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or esol! Sale of das made with the use of these instructions ial owed, provided that they are made manually by Uw-buyer ofthese ustructions in persoa and in led quansies and with reference to the designer @Polushiabunny. PATTERN “Junior Page [4 How to SINGLE CROCHET in Rows 1: Make a slip knot and chain as many as pattem says. Bring the yorn over the hook from back to front, skip the first one chain from the hook and then insert the hook in the second chain. ‘ Ye ee wi eS S wow ia SNGLE CROCHET n Boss? anda you need to bring the yarn or thread up to the comect height for the next row. To raise the yam, we chain 1 (this is Colled the tuming chain, don't count os stitch} so the fist single crochet is worked in the fist stitch. How to SINGLE CROCHET in JOINED ROUNFD. To raise the yam, we chain 1 (turning chain, don't count as stitch). in this case we single crochet in first stitch. joining sii stich is worked in chain (count as 1 stitch). How to DOUBLE CROCHET in Row 1 Make a sip knot and chain as many as pattem says. Bring the yom over the hook from back to front, skip the first three chaiins from the hnok and then insert the hook in the fourth chain \ How to DOUBLE CROCHET in ROWS 2 and etc.: To begin the second row, turn your work, Now you need to bring the yarn up to the correct height to work the next row. To raise the yam, Chain three tor the turning chain (until different is stated in the pattern) The three chains in the tuming chain just make count as the fist double crochet of the new row. So skip the first Gouble crochet and work a double crochet in the second slitch, II's possible, we chein 2 for the tuning chains. In this case, we count it os 1 DC but we do not skip the fist st, we work nex! the double crochel in the first stitch How to DOUBLE CROCHET in JOINED ROUND. To raise the yam. we chain 2 (turning chains. don't count as st). in this case we double crochet in first stitch, joining slip stich is worked in 2°¢ chain (count as 1 stitch) ABBREVIATIONS: Example 1:2 DC means we work DC | time into the next 2 stiches. Example 2: 5 SC means we work SC 1 time into the next 5 stitches. Example 3: SC/DC/Ch means we work 1SC/ 1 DCI 1 Ch. Example 4: [2DC, Ch, 20C] means you work all stated stitches into one stitch in a following order Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or resol Sale of dolls made withthe use of these {astuctions isalowed, provided that they are made manvally by te buyer o/ Wiese structions in person ana in lied quatsiies and with reference to the designer @Polushabunny. ATTERN “Junior Page [5 DUNGAREES Row | Crochet Hook 2.5 mm. A Col. TST Man par 1. Vertical rows 2, Unless otnerwise specified in every even row: DC (or hde} in Front Loops Only 3. Unless otherwise specified in every add row: DC (or hac] in Bock Loops Oni TRow 32h m7 ZRow | DC in Aihst irom hook, 2c LO 20 L=12cm; W=2em[W of | row=1em) 3ROW | 3Chicount as DC), (1 DC Is made in 2 st rom | 52/ hook) 290¢ 810, 22 “aRow 50 Row 50 ‘Row 3Ch, 47DC FLO 50 7 ROW Bhde BLO, 41DC BLO 50 {in heic Rows: 2Ch — fuming chain(don't count as st). fist hdc is made in Ist st ftom hook) _| BRow __ 3Ch, (1s! DC is made in Ist si from hook) 41D FLO, hae FLO PRow | 2Ch, Bde BLO, 420C BLO 10-25 Even Rows: 3Ch, 41DC FLO, Bhde FLO Row ___ Odd Rows: 2Ch, Bhdc BLO, 420 BLO 21 Row 2Ch, Bde BLO, 220C BLO Row Sch, 2IDC FLO, Bhde FLO Row | 2Ch, hac BLO, 22DC BLO 3 Incase, if you need tail hole: 2Ch, Bhde BLO, SDC BLO, TOCh, 10sk st, 7DC BLO 2aRow | 3Ch 2IDC FLO, Bhde FLO x 25Row | 2Ch, Shc BLO, 22DC BLO, 22 Ch 52 26Row | DCin 4th st fom hook. DC in Chain of prev | 50 fow, 22DC FLO, B hdc FLO BROW | 2Ch. hic BLO. 42DC BLO 50) 28ROw | 3.Ch, 41DC FLO, & hdc FLO 50 28-42 Row | Even Rows = 3Ch, 41DC FLO, B hde FLO 0 ‘Odd Rows = 2Ch, Shc B.O, 42DC BLO #45 Row | 3Ch. 270C FLO|even|/BLOjoca) 0 ‘ASSEMBLE AND WAISTBAND Jd The detail ass shown in (On WS make front and crotch scams {leave unstitched 3 em down trom the waistline) TRow | RS facing. Work In waistine: 30h, DCin | 47 same st as Ch 44D€ (IDC in ex DC in same row as prov DC 2Raw Row | 78C in Aitach the by! Ermolova Maria (@Polusakabunny (2020) Al rights reserved. Only for personal wee Tost, photos cannot be copied, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, translated or resold! Sale of dals made with the use of these instructions i alowed, provided that they are mae slanually by Ue buyer ofthese wsiructious in person ad in med quantiles and with reference othe designer @Polusikabunsy PATTERN “Junior Page |? OTS Row/RA | _SOLES%2. Crochet Hook 25mm C cok in double Tread, © col. in double thread 1 | Foundation chain € col: 9 Gh 2 TRG | Scin 24st from hook, 68C. [48C] (last sof chain). 2 botiom of the foundation chain: 6SC. [2SC], joining «1st Ch, BSC, [2SC], [25C], BSC, [25C}, SC, Joining st sti Ch (Che joining sist = 1st) ‘Th, OSC, [PSC], 25S. PSC]. BSC, [SC]. 35 jong Ta Ch, BSC, [2SCI, $C, [ASC [ASC] SC, [AEC]. BSC, [25C] SC, [BSC]. [28C], BC. Joining sist Ch, 108. [2SC]. $C. [28C], 28C, PSC]. $C. BSC]. 105C. [25C]. SC, [25C], 25C., [2SC], 25C, joining sist Deal: Ch, 11SC, [2SC], 48C, (25C], 48C, [25C], 17SC, 2SC].45C, [2SC}. 4SC. joining 3 st. Cut off the thread. TOP cal. n double Thread: Place marker inthe middie of the hee! and toe. Stort from the heel morker: Ch, 48SC BLO. joining sist Ch, 488C. joining s st B.col.In double tread: Ch, 4886. joining dst Ch. 148C, 10 DC2iog. 148C. jning s st Ch, 138C, hde, § DC2iog, hdc, 135C. joining Ist (C.col: Ch, 3386, joining slst with new C col Ihreas. Skip? stiches fom the heal fo ihe left and sta: 208. Cur aff the threoo Work in same diection as ow. wih new B col: werk sis ‘of 9 row from the back of the boot: 9SC, [2SC], 2Ch{loop forloce), 25, Ch, | sk s1(2" loop), 7 $C, Ch, se s1(34 loop) 28C. Ch, sk iA" loop). 28C in 1st of 9 OW. 9SC. sIst. CU off the thread Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or esol! Sale of das made with the use of these instructions ial owed, provided that they are made manually by Uw-buyer ofthese ustructions in persoa and in led quansies and with reference to the designer @Polushiabunny. DsIE | SHOULDER STRAP Low _| Foundation chain - 43Ch Zed DC in Tihs from hook, 360G. 3h, confinue: SC 18 st of 1®Ch of foundation chain, in bottam of founcation chain: 368, don't tum your work 3Row | Continue: 7SC in Cr-space, 38SC, s st [Aitach the strap fo the waistoand on the back andiront a Junior TERN Page |B “ang A esi Row | Crochet Hack 2.5mm. 6 col C col a bil of red yarn TRow | Bcol: 3h 33 Row — [SCin 25 omhook, S1SCA neckine=T9om | 32 ‘SRow | Ccol: Ch, (SC, SC inc. SC]trom"tep x8 40 4Row — | Ch, 405C. 0 ‘SROw | Ecol: Ch, *[2SC, SC.Inc, 2G irom "rep x8 48 Row | Ch, 4856 8 TRow | col: Ch, 880, SC_hne, WC\omrEp BRow | Ch. *38C. SC inc, 38C}rom*rep 38 9 Row — | Bol: Ch. *(95C. SC. nc, 4SCIhrom*rep 7B 7 TORow | Ch, SC inc, TSSC. SC Inc, 37SC,, ISEC, SC_inc. $C TiRow | C-col: Ch, E, ah, TBsk armhole), BOSC, 6Ch. 183k sllormhole), 18SC. T2Row | Ch, 525C 13Row | B col: Ch, SSC, SC ne, SC, SC inc, BSC T4Row | Ch, 548C T1éROw | C col Ch SBC 1718 Row | Beal: Ch, S4SC J1=Tom BUTTON PLACKET[FOR SUTTONHOLES) TRow | Beol: workin the lef! edge of fre Fshit Bafom up. RS facing: 188C. Row | Cn, IC, Zchihole). ksi, SC, Zchhole), ska, 386, 2Ch{hole), sist, 78C SRow _[Ch. 21SC BUTTON PLACKET (FOR BUTTONS) Ti Row | Ceol. workin the taht edae of the F-shid, RS facing: 185C Aitach the butions SLEEVES TRd_| C col Now ivead. Star rom ihe midklles of tho armpit and work around the edge: Ch 2SC dat] 25 2Ra_| Bol: Ch, 268C, sist 25 3-15Rd__[ Ch, 245C, 5151. Change Colorin every even 1ow 25 Yard | Bco.: Ch, 248C. sist 25 D col: surface sip stich beiween 15% and 16" 1ows(25 sip sitches| Repeat the same forthe 2"!sieeve Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or resol Sale of dolls made withthe use of these {astuctions isalowed, provided that they are made manually by Uw-buyer ofthese ustructions in persoa and in led quansies and with reference to the designer @Polushiabunny. ATTERN “Junior Page [5 DUNGAREES Row | Crochet Hook 2.5 mm. A Col. TST Man par 1. Vertical rows 2, Unless otnerwise specified in every even row: DC (or hde} in Front Loops Only 3. Unless otherwise specified in every add row: DC (or hac] in Bock Loops Oni TRow 32h m7 ZRow | DC in Aihst irom hook, 2c LO 20 L=12cm; W=2em[W of | row=1em) 3ROW | 3Chicount as DC), (1 DC Is made in 2 st rom | 52/ hook) 290¢ 810, 22 “aRow 50 Row 50 ‘Row 3Ch, 47DC FLO 50 7 ROW Bhde BLO, 41DC BLO 50 {in heic Rows: 2Ch — fuming chain(don't count as st). fist hdc is made in Ist st ftom hook) _| BRow __ 3Ch, (1s! DC is made in Ist si from hook) 41D FLO, hae FLO PRow | 2Ch, Bde BLO, 420C BLO 10-25 Even Rows: 3Ch, 41DC FLO, Bhde FLO Row ___ Odd Rows: 2Ch, Bhdc BLO, 420 BLO 21 Row 2Ch, Bde BLO, 220C BLO Row Sch, 2IDC FLO, Bhde FLO Row | 2Ch, hac BLO, 22DC BLO 3 Incase, if you need tail hole: 2Ch, Bhde BLO, SDC BLO, TOCh, 10sk st, 7DC BLO 2aRow | 3Ch 2IDC FLO, Bhde FLO x 25Row | 2Ch, Shc BLO, 22DC BLO, 22 Ch 52 26Row | DCin 4th st fom hook. DC in Chain of prev | 50 fow, 22DC FLO, B hdc FLO BROW | 2Ch. hic BLO. 42DC BLO 50) 28ROw | 3.Ch, 41DC FLO, & hdc FLO 50 28-42 Row | Even Rows = 3Ch, 41DC FLO, B hde FLO 0 ‘Odd Rows = 2Ch, Shc B.O, 42DC BLO #45 Row | 3Ch. 270C FLO|even|/BLOjoca) 0 ‘ASSEMBLE AND WAISTBAND Jd The detail ass shown in (On WS make front and crotch scams {leave unstitched 3 em down trom the waistline) TRow | RS facing. Work In waistine: 30h, DCin | 47 same st as Ch 44D€ (IDC in ex DC in same row as prov DC 2Raw Row | 78C in Aitach the by! Ermolova Maria (@Polusakabunny (2020) Al rights reserved. Only for personal wee Tost, photos cannot be copied, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, translated or resold! Sale of dals made with the use of these instructions i alowed, provided that they are mae slanually by Ue buyer ofthese wsiructious in person ad in med quantiles and with reference othe designer @Polusikabunsy PATTERN “Junior Page |? OTS Row/RA | _SOLES%2. Crochet Hook 25mm C cok in double Tread, © col. in double thread 1 | Foundation chain € col: 9 Gh 2 TRG | Scin 24st from hook, 68C. [48C] (last sof chain). 2 botiom of the foundation chain: 6SC. [2SC], joining «1st Ch, BSC, [2SC], [25C], BSC, [25C}, SC, Joining st sti Ch (Che joining sist = 1st) ‘Th, OSC, [PSC], 25S. PSC]. BSC, [SC]. 35 jong Ta Ch, BSC, [2SCI, $C, [ASC [ASC] SC, [AEC]. BSC, [25C] SC, [BSC]. [28C], BC. Joining sist Ch, 108. [2SC]. $C. [28C], 28C, PSC]. $C. BSC]. 105C. [25C]. SC, [25C], 25C., [2SC], 25C, joining sist Deal: Ch, 11SC, [2SC], 48C, (25C], 48C, [25C], 17SC, 2SC].45C, [2SC}. 4SC. joining 3 st. Cut off the thread. TOP cal. n double Thread: Place marker inthe middie of the hee! and toe. Stort from the heel morker: Ch, 48SC BLO. joining sist Ch, 488C. joining s st B.col.In double tread: Ch, 4886. joining dst Ch. 148C, 10 DC2iog. 148C. jning s st Ch, 138C, hde, § DC2iog, hdc, 135C. joining Ist (C.col: Ch, 3386, joining slst with new C col Ihreas. Skip? stiches fom the heal fo ihe left and sta: 208. Cur aff the threoo Work in same diection as ow. wih new B col: werk sis ‘of 9 row from the back of the boot: 9SC, [2SC], 2Ch{loop forloce), 25, Ch, | sk s1(2" loop), 7 $C, Ch, se s1(34 loop) 28C. Ch, sk iA" loop). 28C in 1st of 9 OW. 9SC. sIst. CU off the thread Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or esol! Sale of das made with the use of these instructions ial owed, provided that they are made manually by Uw-buyer ofthese ustructions in persoa and in led quansies and with reference to the designer @Polushiabunny. BOITOM HEEL DECORATION, TRow | Withew D col. mangle Ihread., Sap 7 @ stitches from the marker on the mid of the so’e fo the right and start: (vvorkin available loops of the stitches of 7" row): L4SC. ZROw | Ch, $C2Iag, 105, SC2I0% 2 ‘3-4 Row | Ch, 125C. 12 Leave long Toil ior sewing (approx 10-12em) Alfach this decoration to the hee! TONGUE TRow | Tum the boot inside out. WS facing. Wilh col nsngle 7 head. Workin stitches ct ?P Ra, Skip 4 stches trom tne toe to the right and stort: 98C 2Row | Ch. 9c. o ‘3Row _| Ch,SC inc, 75C, SC ine 1 4Row | Ch, 11SC 1 SRow | Ch, $C_ine, 956, SC ine 1B Row | Ch, 138C, Don't cul off ihe thread(we wiluse lina row] [13 7Row | DO. Skip 3 stitches from the end of 6F row to theleftand | 7 start: 7SC. Cut off the thread. ByROW | Ccol: 138C. 3 Juin the boo} auiside Out PATTERN ~ Junior Page |B TOP HEEL DECORATION TRow of the heel to the right and start: 75C With new D col insingle thiead, WS lacing. Sep a sliches fram the middle oT Row Ch. 78C Loave long toil for sowing fapprox.10-12em) Fold and Altoch the free ecige of this part fo the boo! onfws: a Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or resol Sale of dolls made withthe use of these {astuctions isalowed, provided that they are made manually by Uw-buyer ofthese ustructions in persoa and in led quansies and with reference to the designer @Polushiabunny. BOITOM HEEL DECORATION, TRow | Withew D col. mangle Ihread., Sap 7 @ stitches from the marker on the mid of the so’e fo the right and start: (vvorkin available loops of the stitches of 7" row): L4SC. ZROw | Ch, $C2Iag, 105, SC2I0% 2 ‘3-4 Row | Ch, 125C. 12 Leave long Toil ior sewing (approx 10-12em) Alfach this decoration to the hee! TONGUE TRow | Tum the boot inside out. WS facing. Wilh col nsngle 7 head. Workin stitches ct ?P Ra, Skip 4 stches trom tne toe to the right and stort: 98C 2Row | Ch. 9c. o ‘3Row _| Ch,SC inc, 75C, SC ine 1 4Row | Ch, 11SC 1 SRow | Ch, $C_ine, 956, SC ine 1B Row | Ch, 138C, Don't cul off ihe thread(we wiluse lina row] [13 7Row | DO. Skip 3 stitches from the end of 6F row to theleftand | 7 start: 7SC. Cut off the thread. ByROW | Ccol: 138C. 3 Juin the boo} auiside Out PATTERN ~ Junior Page |B TOP HEEL DECORATION TRow of the heel to the right and start: 75C With new D col insingle thiead, WS lacing. Sep a sliches fram the middle oT Row Ch. 78C Loave long toil for sowing fapprox.10-12em) Fold and Altoch the free ecige of this part fo the boo! onfws: a Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or resol Sale of dolls made withthe use of these {astuctions isalowed, provided that they are made manually by Uw-buyer ofthese ustructions in persoa and in led quansies and with reference to the designer @Polushiabunny. DsIE | SHOULDER STRAP Low _| Foundation chain - 43Ch Zed DC in Tihs from hook, 360G. 3h, confinue: SC 18 st of 1®Ch of foundation chain, in bottam of founcation chain: 368, don't tum your work 3Row | Continue: 7SC in Cr-space, 38SC, s st [Aitach the strap fo the waistoand on the back andiront a Junior TERN Page |B “ang A esi Row | Crochet Hack 2.5mm. 6 col C col a bil of red yarn TRow | Bcol: 3h 33 Row — [SCin 25 omhook, S1SCA neckine=T9om | 32 ‘SRow | Ccol: Ch, (SC, SC inc. SC]trom"tep x8 40 4Row — | Ch, 405C. 0 ‘SROw | Ecol: Ch, *[2SC, SC.Inc, 2G irom "rep x8 48 Row | Ch, 4856 8 TRow | col: Ch, 880, SC_hne, WC\omrEp BRow | Ch. *38C. SC inc, 38C}rom*rep 38 9 Row — | Bol: Ch. *(95C. SC. nc, 4SCIhrom*rep 7B 7 TORow | Ch, SC inc, TSSC. SC Inc, 37SC,, ISEC, SC_inc. $C TiRow | C-col: Ch, E, ah, TBsk armhole), BOSC, 6Ch. 183k sllormhole), 18SC. T2Row | Ch, 525C 13Row | B col: Ch, SSC, SC ne, SC, SC inc, BSC T4Row | Ch, 548C T1éROw | C col Ch SBC 1718 Row | Beal: Ch, S4SC J1=Tom BUTTON PLACKET[FOR SUTTONHOLES) TRow | Beol: workin the lef! edge of fre Fshit Bafom up. RS facing: 188C. Row | Cn, IC, Zchihole). ksi, SC, Zchhole), ska, 386, 2Ch{hole), sist, 78C SRow _[Ch. 21SC BUTTON PLACKET (FOR BUTTONS) Ti Row | Ceol. workin the taht edae of the F-shid, RS facing: 185C Aitach the butions SLEEVES TRd_| C col Now ivead. Star rom ihe midklles of tho armpit and work around the edge: Ch 2SC dat] 25 2Ra_| Bol: Ch, 268C, sist 25 3-15Rd__[ Ch, 245C, 5151. Change Colorin every even 1ow 25 Yard | Bco.: Ch, 248C. sist 25 D col: surface sip stich beiween 15% and 16" 1ows(25 sip sitches| Repeat the same forthe 2"!sieeve Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or resol Sale of dolls made withthe use of these {astuctions isalowed, provided that they are made manually by Uw-buyer ofthese ustructions in persoa and in led quansies and with reference to the designer @Polushiabunny. PATTERN * Junior Page [9 BOTTOM TOE DECORATION TRow | New D col. in single tireadk. Skip S515 from the 108 marker to the right. (work in available loops of the stitches of 7” row): 10SC. 2Row _| Ch, SC2tog, &SC, SC2I0g 3Row | Ch SC2I0g 48, SC2I0g ‘4 Row Leave [ong tail for sewing {approx 10- 2am) Allach free edge To ihe los. ‘Crochet Hook 2 mm: C colmake Feore oporox.dC-42em HAT (BUNNY /PUPPY/KITTEN) Row/Rd | Crochet Hook 2.5mm. D cal The hat consists of verical rows, Make sure you tum only clockwse or counterclockwise. AIISC are made in BLO. All hde-sist are made in BLO. In oddiRS|tows: hoc blo. In even rows( WS}: hde-whio From the 2nd Row Ch in the end of row is tuming chain{don't count as stiten) TRow (RS) 38h 2Row (WS| hdc in 3rd st om hook, 34 Ade, Ch. Turn ‘3Row The beginning of this row is top of the haf. SC blo, 23 hdc bio, Shdc-st blo, Ch, Turn ‘aRow shde-si1 blo, 23 hdc.whb, 88C blo, Ch, Tun S10 Raw | Odd Rows = 5d Row Even Rows = 4th Row. Throw 89C blo, 22hdc bio, [Zhde bio], shde-sst Blo, Ch, turn TaRow ‘Shde-skt blo, [2hde-whb], 23hde-whb, BSC blo, Ch Turn TeRow SC blo, 25 ha blo, Shde-sst bio, Ch Tum Lot the back side = 15cm Ta Row, ‘Shoe-sbt blo. 25 hde-whb, 65C blo. Ch, Tum 15-27 Row | Even Rows = Shde-sist blo, 25 hde-whb, &SC Blo, Ch Turn Oda Rows = ASC blo, 25 he-blo, Shde-sst ble, Ch, Juin WRow ‘Shde-sht blo, hde- whbateg, 23 hde-whb, BSC Blo, Ch Turn Row @SC bio, hac blo, hdcdiog blo. Sdcssi bo, | 3S Ch Turn BOG4Row | Odd Rows = BSC bio, Whde blo, Shdcskt blo, | 36 Ch Turn Even Rows = Shde-sist blo, 23 hdc-whb, €5C blo, _ Ch, Turn 35ROW | FOR KITTEN: 85C blo, 4 hdc bio, 10 Ch{hole for ear), 10 sk st 7 de blo, hde2tog bio, Shac-sist blo, Ch, Tum, {fnisned moking the back of the hat} FOR BUNNY: 8SC blo, Bek blo, 10 Ch, 10sk st, 2hde blo, _hde2tog blo, Shdec-sIst 610, Ch, Tum Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or resol Sale of dolls made withthe use of these {astuctions isalowed, provided that they are made manvally by te buyer o/ Wiese structions in person ana in lied quatsiies and with reference to the designer @Polushabunny. IVNV2 ON 4S-WASYOSNI PATTERN * Junior Page [9 BOTTOM TOE DECORATION TRow | New D col. in single tireadk. Skip S515 from the 108 marker to the right. (work in available loops of the stitches of 7” row): 10SC. 2Row _| Ch, SC2tog, &SC, SC2I0g 3Row | Ch SC2I0g 48, SC2I0g ‘4 Row Leave [ong tail for sewing {approx 10- 2am) Allach free edge To ihe los. ‘Crochet Hook 2 mm: C colmake Feore oporox.dC-42em HAT (BUNNY /PUPPY/KITTEN) Row/Rd | Crochet Hook 2.5mm. D cal The hat consists of verical rows, Make sure you tum only clockwse or counterclockwise. AIISC are made in BLO. All hde-sist are made in BLO. In oddiRS|tows: hoc blo. In even rows( WS}: hde-whio From the 2nd Row Ch in the end of row is tuming chain{don't count as stiten) TRow (RS) 38h 2Row (WS| hdc in 3rd st om hook, 34 Ade, Ch. Turn ‘3Row The beginning of this row is top of the haf. SC blo, 23 hdc bio, Shdc-st blo, Ch, Turn ‘aRow shde-si1 blo, 23 hdc.whb, 88C blo, Ch, Tun S10 Raw | Odd Rows = 5d Row Even Rows = 4th Row. Throw 89C blo, 22hdc bio, [Zhde bio], shde-sst Blo, Ch, turn TaRow ‘Shde-skt blo, [2hde-whb], 23hde-whb, BSC blo, Ch Turn TeRow SC blo, 25 ha blo, Shde-sst bio, Ch Tum Lot the back side = 15cm Ta Row, ‘Shoe-sbt blo. 25 hde-whb, 65C blo. Ch, Tum 15-27 Row | Even Rows = Shde-sist blo, 25 hde-whb, &SC Blo, Ch Turn Oda Rows = ASC blo, 25 he-blo, Shde-sst ble, Ch, Juin WRow ‘Shde-sht blo, hde- whbateg, 23 hde-whb, BSC Blo, Ch Turn Row @SC bio, hac blo, hdcdiog blo. Sdcssi bo, | 3S Ch Turn BOG4Row | Odd Rows = BSC bio, Whde blo, Shdcskt blo, | 36 Ch Turn Even Rows = Shde-sist blo, 23 hdc-whb, €5C blo, _ Ch, Turn 35ROW | FOR KITTEN: 85C blo, 4 hdc bio, 10 Ch{hole for ear), 10 sk st 7 de blo, hde2tog bio, Shac-sist blo, Ch, Tum, {fnisned moking the back of the hat} FOR BUNNY: 8SC blo, Bek blo, 10 Ch, 10sk st, 2hde blo, _hde2tog blo, Shdec-sIst 610, Ch, Tum Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or resol Sale of dolls made withthe use of these {astuctions isalowed, provided that they are made manvally by te buyer o/ Wiese structions in person ana in lied quatsiies and with reference to the designer @Polushabunny. \TTERN “Junior Page [2 Hello, my dear friend! My name is Maria and I'm a designer of PolushkaBunny Toys. Thank you for your love, I hope this project will bring you a lot of fun and pleasure % In case of any questions or doubss, p Please, read careful all re e, feel Free to contact me by Etsy Convo or by email polush! mmendations and tips, it will be helpful. ‘You are weleome to sell finished toys ~ in limited series and handmade by you. Please include a link or reference to my shop, if you will list on Internet PLEASE, BE SO KIND TO LEAVE YOUR FEEDBACK FOR MY ETSY SHOP y AN LEAVE YOUR REVIEW E ICK | You > Purchases and reviews Outfit “Junior” fits a bunny/puppy/kitten with following measurement Ahead circumstance about 38-42em EISY.COMSHIO} Belly circumstance about 26 cm Height of the body is about 18 cm Pattem for the Bunny Toy can be found in my store: tag your toys with # polushkabunny on your Instagram, | will see your post and will feature your toy in my IG stories. 1d, coproduce, republished lowed, provided that they are designer @Polshicbunny. PATTERN “Junior Page [3 MATERIALS: Yan Length/Weight: con be 1é0-175m in 50 9 (175-190yards in 503) Yarn Weight: Fingering / 4-ply / Super Fins (Length/#/eight is more importani) Texture: Pied Blend: cotton yon Total weight: % ACA. (pelal] about 45 grams > Bol. (blue) abou! 25 grams. > Ceol. (white) about 5 gram. % Del. (ted) about 40 groms. Yam ideas: Rowan Summerite + ply Performance Cotion Eght (red 1080; blus 1180; white 1020; petro! 1010} Scheepjes Cotion 8 ~ DROPS Loves You 7 Schachenmayr Bay smiles Cotton + Pators 100% Cotton 4 Ply Katia Vonaco/ Panama = Hertegam Cotton Nr. 8 © MileiMia Naiuraly Soft Cation Alize Bela = Ice Yarn Natural Cotton Baby + Yornast 8egonia = Pilar Phi Coton 2 “shades may vary * Pleose, check gauge/tension! Other moterials: Buttons x3 B10mm Buttons x1 20mm TOOLS: (you need fo check your gauge/tension to guoroniee the right Sze of the fished oroduct Grochet Hoot 2srhm SPECIAL. ABBREVIATIONS St ttch(s) “ch chon sifeh [er enermler 2 Ch= Chan] single crochot slp stfch = double erochel Shall double ctochet 7 siichesToaaTher = hail covbie crocre worked in horizo-fal bor {ako called ‘back bor). Baris below loops normaly worked on WS single crochet 2 stiches Together Sest kip stirch I =in one stich BLO7EIG. + FLO/flo 5 x *..ironrep x | —all stitches stated brackols repeal Kiimas = her ms LWT =Length/ Wiath / Height GAUGE/TENSION: Please, Check control measurements ail the times when it's stated! Depends on the result you need to. go down of up with your hook size COMMENTS: + Do not count loop on the hook = Depends on the kind of row(sc/de/) we work tuming chain(s) in the beginning of row. You can work tuming chain(s) in the end of row. in this case you don't folow tuming chains siated in the pattem in the beainning of the rows. We do not count tuning chains. = Crochet in tows turning ot the end of each row = Crochet in tound: you have to jcin each round with a sip stitch. Work ss into the fist st of the round. The beginnin chain does not count as a stitch unles: specified in the pattein Ermolova Maria (@Polusakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal uee!Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduced republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or esol! Sale of das made with the use of these instructions ial owed, provided that they are made manually by Uw-buyer ofthese ustructions in persoa and in led quansies and with reference to the designer @Polushiabunny. PATTERN “Junior Page |? OTS Row/RA | _SOLES%2. Crochet Hook 25mm C cok in double Tread, © col. in double thread 1 | Foundation chain € col: 9 Gh 2 TRG | Scin 24st from hook, 68C. [48C] (last sof chain). 2 botiom of the foundation chain: 6SC. [2SC], joining «1st Ch, BSC, [2SC], [25C], BSC, [25C}, SC, Joining st sti Ch (Che joining sist = 1st) ‘Th, OSC, [PSC], 25S. PSC]. BSC, [SC]. 35 jong Ta Ch, BSC, [2SCI, $C, [ASC [ASC] SC, [AEC]. BSC, [25C] SC, [BSC]. [28C], BC. Joining sist Ch, 108. [2SC]. $C. [28C], 28C, PSC]. $C. BSC]. 105C. [25C]. SC, [25C], 25C., [2SC], 25C, joining sist Deal: Ch, 11SC, [2SC], 48C, (25C], 48C, [25C], 17SC, 2SC].45C, [2SC}. 4SC. joining 3 st. Cut off the thread. TOP cal. n double Thread: Place marker inthe middie of the hee! and toe. Stort from the heel morker: Ch, 48SC BLO. joining sist Ch, 488C. joining s st B.col.In double tread: Ch, 4886. joining dst Ch. 148C, 10 DC2iog. 148C. jning s st Ch, 138C, hde, § DC2iog, hdc, 135C. joining Ist (C.col: Ch, 3386, joining slst with new C col Ihreas. Skip? stiches fom the heal fo ihe left and sta: 208. Cur aff the threoo Work in same diection as ow. wih new B col: werk sis ‘of 9 row from the back of the boot: 9SC, [2SC], 2Ch{loop forloce), 25, Ch, | sk s1(2" loop), 7 $C, Ch, se s1(34 loop) 28C. Ch, sk iA" loop). 28C in 1st of 9 OW. 9SC. sIst. CU off the thread Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or esol! Sale of das made with the use of these instructions ial owed, provided that they are made manually by Uw-buyer ofthese ustructions in persoa and in led quansies and with reference to the designer @Polushiabunny. ATTERN ~Junior Page |I0 BROW FOR KITTEN! 4 Shdc-sbt blo, hdc-whb2teg, 6 hdcwhb, hdc in each chain of = prev row, 4 hdc-whb, 8SC blo, Ch, Tum (started making front She port of the hat) ai FOR BUNNY: Shdc-sst blo, hdc-whb2teg, hde-whb, hde in each chain of prev 1ow, Bhdewhb, 8SC blo, Ch, Tun 37 Row | B8C blo, 1 hd Blo, fdcdiog ble, hac blo, Ch, Tun 36 Row | Shc bl, hdc-whbzlog Te hdeawhb,6SC Blo, Ch. Tah 37 Row BRC bl. 7 hic blo, Fdc2Hog blo Shac-st ble, Ch Tn < d Lot the ton! side Sem RoW [SxC bl, 1Bhde-whb hase Bo, Gh Ta 2] Row | Shc-Tbla, 1S fide Do, BSC Blo. Ch Tun 42-56 Row Odd Rows = Shdc-sbt bo, 18 hdc blo, 8SC blo. Ch Tum Evan Rows = 8$C blo, 18 hdc-whb , Shde-sst blo, Ch, Turn ST Row SC blo, I7hdc blo, (2 hde bio]. Shde-slst blo, Ch, Tun. BARON Shde-sbl blo, [Zhde-whb]. 18hde-whb . &SC bio. Ch. Tun S9Rowe 85C blo, 19 hdc blo, [hdc big]. Shde-ssi blo, Ch, Tun. GROW ‘Shde-sisf, 2 hdlc-whb], 20 hde-whb . 8SC blo. Ch. Tum. LOW SC blo, 21 hdc blo, [2hde bio], Snde-sist bio, Ch. Tum SQROW ‘Sha¢-sist blo, 22 hdc-who, 98C blo The widih of the elasiic shauid equal Ine girth of the head of your Toy. Ihe part nawow, then you need to make 2-3 mare Rows ‘On WIS Make tne side seam Ieaving the second hole for the ear. (the same size Os we have done the eor 35th 10%] Pul the fop of ihe head wiih the needle ond the thread. You can Make 0 pompom ond atiach to # Decoratve element 1 Row Bool: 9Ch 2ed 3SC In 2nd st from hook. SSC, 38C in last st, joining sist in Ist Ch ‘Alfach to The hol PATTERN “Junior Page [4 How to SINGLE CROCHET in Rows 1: Make a slip knot and chain as many as pattem says. Bring the yorn over the hook from back to front, skip the first one chain from the hook and then insert the hook in the second chain. ‘ Ye ee wi eS S wow ia SNGLE CROCHET n Boss? anda you need to bring the yarn or thread up to the comect height for the next row. To raise the yam, we chain 1 (this is Colled the tuming chain, don't count os stitch} so the fist single crochet is worked in the fist stitch. How to SINGLE CROCHET in JOINED ROUNFD. To raise the yam, we chain 1 (turning chain, don't count as stitch). in this case we single crochet in first stitch. joining sii stich is worked in chain (count as 1 stitch). How to DOUBLE CROCHET in Row 1 Make a sip knot and chain as many as pattem says. Bring the yom over the hook from back to front, skip the first three chaiins from the hnok and then insert the hook in the fourth chain \ How to DOUBLE CROCHET in ROWS 2 and etc.: To begin the second row, turn your work, Now you need to bring the yarn up to the correct height to work the next row. To raise the yam, Chain three tor the turning chain (until different is stated in the pattern) The three chains in the tuming chain just make count as the fist double crochet of the new row. So skip the first Gouble crochet and work a double crochet in the second slitch, II's possible, we chein 2 for the tuning chains. In this case, we count it os 1 DC but we do not skip the fist st, we work nex! the double crochel in the first stitch How to DOUBLE CROCHET in JOINED ROUND. To raise the yam. we chain 2 (turning chains. don't count as st). in this case we double crochet in first stitch, joining slip stich is worked in 2°¢ chain (count as 1 stitch) ABBREVIATIONS: Example 1:2 DC means we work DC | time into the next 2 stiches. Example 2: 5 SC means we work SC 1 time into the next 5 stitches. Example 3: SC/DC/Ch means we work 1SC/ 1 DCI 1 Ch. Example 4: [2DC, Ch, 20C] means you work all stated stitches into one stitch in a following order Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or resol Sale of dolls made withthe use of these {astuctions isalowed, provided that they are made manvally by te buyer o/ Wiese structions in person ana in lied quatsiies and with reference to the designer @Polushabunny. BOITOM HEEL DECORATION, TRow | Withew D col. mangle Ihread., Sap 7 @ stitches from the marker on the mid of the so’e fo the right and start: (vvorkin available loops of the stitches of 7" row): L4SC. ZROw | Ch, $C2Iag, 105, SC2I0% 2 ‘3-4 Row | Ch, 125C. 12 Leave long Toil ior sewing (approx 10-12em) Alfach this decoration to the hee! TONGUE TRow | Tum the boot inside out. WS facing. Wilh col nsngle 7 head. Workin stitches ct ?P Ra, Skip 4 stches trom tne toe to the right and stort: 98C 2Row | Ch. 9c. o ‘3Row _| Ch,SC inc, 75C, SC ine 1 4Row | Ch, 11SC 1 SRow | Ch, $C_ine, 956, SC ine 1B Row | Ch, 138C, Don't cul off ihe thread(we wiluse lina row] [13 7Row | DO. Skip 3 stitches from the end of 6F row to theleftand | 7 start: 7SC. Cut off the thread. ByROW | Ccol: 138C. 3 Juin the boo} auiside Out PATTERN ~ Junior Page |B TOP HEEL DECORATION TRow of the heel to the right and start: 75C With new D col insingle thiead, WS lacing. Sep a sliches fram the middle oT Row Ch. 78C Loave long toil for sowing fapprox.10-12em) Fold and Altoch the free ecige of this part fo the boo! onfws: a Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or resol Sale of dolls made withthe use of these {astuctions isalowed, provided that they are made manually by Uw-buyer ofthese ustructions in persoa and in led quansies and with reference to the designer @Polushiabunny. ATTERN ~Junior Page |I0 BROW FOR KITTEN! 4 Shdc-sbt blo, hdc-whb2teg, 6 hdcwhb, hdc in each chain of = prev row, 4 hdc-whb, 8SC blo, Ch, Tum (started making front She port of the hat) ai FOR BUNNY: Shdc-sst blo, hdc-whb2teg, hde-whb, hde in each chain of prev 1ow, Bhdewhb, 8SC blo, Ch, Tun 37 Row | B8C blo, 1 hd Blo, fdcdiog ble, hac blo, Ch, Tun 36 Row | Shc bl, hdc-whbzlog Te hdeawhb,6SC Blo, Ch. Tah 37 Row BRC bl. 7 hic blo, Fdc2Hog blo Shac-st ble, Ch Tn < d Lot the ton! side Sem RoW [SxC bl, 1Bhde-whb hase Bo, Gh Ta 2] Row | Shc-Tbla, 1S fide Do, BSC Blo. Ch Tun 42-56 Row Odd Rows = Shdc-sbt bo, 18 hdc blo, 8SC blo. Ch Tum Evan Rows = 8$C blo, 18 hdc-whb , Shde-sst blo, Ch, Turn ST Row SC blo, I7hdc blo, (2 hde bio]. Shde-slst blo, Ch, Tun. BARON Shde-sbl blo, [Zhde-whb]. 18hde-whb . &SC bio. Ch. Tun S9Rowe 85C blo, 19 hdc blo, [hdc big]. Shde-ssi blo, Ch, Tun. GROW ‘Shde-sisf, 2 hdlc-whb], 20 hde-whb . 8SC blo. Ch. Tum. LOW SC blo, 21 hdc blo, [2hde bio], Snde-sist bio, Ch. Tum SQROW ‘Sha¢-sist blo, 22 hdc-who, 98C blo The widih of the elasiic shauid equal Ine girth of the head of your Toy. Ihe part nawow, then you need to make 2-3 mare Rows ‘On WIS Make tne side seam Ieaving the second hole for the ear. (the same size Os we have done the eor 35th 10%] Pul the fop of ihe head wiih the needle ond the thread. You can Make 0 pompom ond atiach to # Decoratve element 1 Row Bool: 9Ch 2ed 3SC In 2nd st from hook. SSC, 38C in last st, joining sist in Ist Ch ‘Alfach to The hol PATTERN Junior’ Page [fl breckict Potten. NIKKIE Shabby chie Ourete Tor big teday bear ani a yee) RR MIA OUTFIT 5 scuvees SS trimst cocmmamms _ >lstrucionies ese ust reference PATTERN * Junior Page [9 BOTTOM TOE DECORATION TRow | New D col. in single tireadk. Skip S515 from the 108 marker to the right. (work in available loops of the stitches of 7” row): 10SC. 2Row _| Ch, SC2tog, &SC, SC2I0g 3Row | Ch SC2I0g 48, SC2I0g ‘4 Row Leave [ong tail for sewing {approx 10- 2am) Allach free edge To ihe los. ‘Crochet Hook 2 mm: C colmake Feore oporox.dC-42em HAT (BUNNY /PUPPY/KITTEN) Row/Rd | Crochet Hook 2.5mm. D cal The hat consists of verical rows, Make sure you tum only clockwse or counterclockwise. AIISC are made in BLO. All hde-sist are made in BLO. In oddiRS|tows: hoc blo. In even rows( WS}: hde-whio From the 2nd Row Ch in the end of row is tuming chain{don't count as stiten) TRow (RS) 38h 2Row (WS| hdc in 3rd st om hook, 34 Ade, Ch. Turn ‘3Row The beginning of this row is top of the haf. SC blo, 23 hdc bio, Shdc-st blo, Ch, Turn ‘aRow shde-si1 blo, 23 hdc.whb, 88C blo, Ch, Tun S10 Raw | Odd Rows = 5d Row Even Rows = 4th Row. Throw 89C blo, 22hdc bio, [Zhde bio], shde-sst Blo, Ch, turn TaRow ‘Shde-skt blo, [2hde-whb], 23hde-whb, BSC blo, Ch Turn TeRow SC blo, 25 ha blo, Shde-sst bio, Ch Tum Lot the back side = 15cm Ta Row, ‘Shoe-sbt blo. 25 hde-whb, 65C blo. Ch, Tum 15-27 Row | Even Rows = Shde-sist blo, 25 hde-whb, &SC Blo, Ch Turn Oda Rows = ASC blo, 25 he-blo, Shde-sst ble, Ch, Juin WRow ‘Shde-sht blo, hde- whbateg, 23 hde-whb, BSC Blo, Ch Turn Row @SC bio, hac blo, hdcdiog blo. Sdcssi bo, | 3S Ch Turn BOG4Row | Odd Rows = BSC bio, Whde blo, Shdcskt blo, | 36 Ch Turn Even Rows = Shde-sist blo, 23 hdc-whb, €5C blo, _ Ch, Turn 35ROW | FOR KITTEN: 85C blo, 4 hdc bio, 10 Ch{hole for ear), 10 sk st 7 de blo, hde2tog bio, Shac-sist blo, Ch, Tum, {fnisned moking the back of the hat} FOR BUNNY: 8SC blo, Bek blo, 10 Ch, 10sk st, 2hde blo, _hde2tog blo, Shdec-sIst 610, Ch, Tum Ermolova Maria @Fohssiakabunny (2020) Al rghts reserved. Only for personal use! Toxt, photos cannot be copie, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, transated or resol Sale of dolls made withthe use of these {astuctions isalowed, provided that they are made manvally by te buyer o/ Wiese structions in person ana in lied quatsiies and with reference to the designer @Polushabunny. ATTERN ~Junior Page |I0 BROW FOR KITTEN! 4 Shdc-sbt blo, hdc-whb2teg, 6 hdcwhb, hdc in each chain of = prev row, 4 hdc-whb, 8SC blo, Ch, Tum (started making front She port of the hat) ai FOR BUNNY: Shdc-sst blo, hdc-whb2teg, hde-whb, hde in each chain of prev 1ow, Bhdewhb, 8SC blo, Ch, Tun 37 Row | B8C blo, 1 hd Blo, fdcdiog ble, hac blo, Ch, Tun 36 Row | Shc bl, hdc-whbzlog Te hdeawhb,6SC Blo, Ch. Tah 37 Row BRC bl. 7 hic blo, Fdc2Hog blo Shac-st ble, Ch Tn < d Lot the ton! side Sem RoW [SxC bl, 1Bhde-whb hase Bo, Gh Ta 2] Row | Shc-Tbla, 1S fide Do, BSC Blo. Ch Tun 42-56 Row Odd Rows = Shdc-sbt bo, 18 hdc blo, 8SC blo. Ch Tum Evan Rows = 8$C blo, 18 hdc-whb , Shde-sst blo, Ch, Turn ST Row SC blo, I7hdc blo, (2 hde bio]. Shde-slst blo, Ch, Tun. BARON Shde-sbl blo, [Zhde-whb]. 18hde-whb . &SC bio. Ch. Tun S9Rowe 85C blo, 19 hdc blo, [hdc big]. Shde-ssi blo, Ch, Tun. GROW ‘Shde-sisf, 2 hdlc-whb], 20 hde-whb . 8SC blo. Ch. Tum. LOW SC blo, 21 hdc blo, [2hde bio], Snde-sist bio, Ch. Tum SQROW ‘Sha¢-sist blo, 22 hdc-who, 98C blo The widih of the elasiic shauid equal Ine girth of the head of your Toy. Ihe part nawow, then you need to make 2-3 mare Rows ‘On WIS Make tne side seam Ieaving the second hole for the ear. (the same size Os we have done the eor 35th 10%] Pul the fop of ihe head wiih the needle ond the thread. You can Make 0 pompom ond atiach to # Decoratve element 1 Row Bool: 9Ch 2ed 3SC In 2nd st from hook. SSC, 38C in last st, joining sist in Ist Ch ‘Alfach to The hol ATTERN “Junior Page [5 DUNGAREES Row | Crochet Hook 2.5 mm. A Col. TST Man par 1. Vertical rows 2, Unless otnerwise specified in every even row: DC (or hde} in Front Loops Only 3. Unless otherwise specified in every add row: DC (or hac] in Bock Loops Oni TRow 32h m7 ZRow | DC in Aihst irom hook, 2c LO 20 L=12cm; W=2em[W of | row=1em) 3ROW | 3Chicount as DC), (1 DC Is made in 2 st rom | 52/ hook) 290¢ 810, 22 “aRow 50 Row 50 ‘Row 3Ch, 47DC FLO 50 7 ROW Bhde BLO, 41DC BLO 50 {in heic Rows: 2Ch — fuming chain(don't count as st). fist hdc is made in Ist st ftom hook) _| BRow __ 3Ch, (1s! DC is made in Ist si from hook) 41D FLO, hae FLO PRow | 2Ch, Bde BLO, 420C BLO 10-25 Even Rows: 3Ch, 41DC FLO, Bhde FLO Row ___ Odd Rows: 2Ch, Bhdc BLO, 420 BLO 21 Row 2Ch, Bde BLO, 220C BLO Row Sch, 2IDC FLO, Bhde FLO Row | 2Ch, hac BLO, 22DC BLO 3 Incase, if you need tail hole: 2Ch, Bhde BLO, SDC BLO, TOCh, 10sk st, 7DC BLO 2aRow | 3Ch 2IDC FLO, Bhde FLO x 25Row | 2Ch, Shc BLO, 22DC BLO, 22 Ch 52 26Row | DCin 4th st fom hook. DC in Chain of prev | 50 fow, 22DC FLO, B hdc FLO BROW | 2Ch. hic BLO. 42DC BLO 50) 28ROw | 3.Ch, 41DC FLO, & hdc FLO 50 28-42 Row | Even Rows = 3Ch, 41DC FLO, B hde FLO 0 ‘Odd Rows = 2Ch, Shc B.O, 42DC BLO #45 Row | 3Ch. 270C FLO|even|/BLOjoca) 0 ‘ASSEMBLE AND WAISTBAND Jd The detail ass shown in (On WS make front and crotch scams {leave unstitched 3 em down trom the waistline) TRow | RS facing. Work In waistine: 30h, DCin | 47 same st as Ch 44D€ (IDC in ex DC in same row as prov DC 2Raw Row | 78C in Aitach the by! Ermolova Maria (@Polusakabunny (2020) Al rights reserved. Only for personal wee Tost, photos cannot be copied, reproduce, republished (both online and in print), exchanged, translated or resold! Sale of dals made with the use of these instructions i alowed, provided that they are mae slanually by Ue buyer ofthese wsiructious in person ad in med quantiles and with reference othe designer @Polusikabunsy

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