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Topic 1: Talk about a household chore you like doing.

I am honestly more of a couch potato, that’s why I do not like doing housework a lot.
However, there is still one household chore that I like and usually take care of is doing the
laundry. It’s a task that I do regularly to keep our clothes clean and fresh. First, I gather all the
dirty clothes from different rooms and sort them by colors and fabric. Then, I load them into
the washing machine, add laundry detergent, and set the desired wash cycle. While the
machine is running, I utilize that time to tidy up other areas of the house or do some quick
tasks. Once the laundry is done, I transfer the clothes to the dryer or hang them outside to dry.
Finally, I fold and organize the clean clothes, making sure everything is ready to be worn
again. Although it can be time-consuming, doing the laundry gives me a sense of
accomplishment and ensures that my family has clean and well-maintained clothes to wear.

Topic 2: Talk about sharing household chores in your family.

In my family, sharing housework is a collective effort, everyone contributes to making the
house run smoothly. We believe in the importance of sharing responsibilities, which not only
helps reduce workload but also fosters a spirit and cooperation among family members. From
cleaning and cooking to shopping and laundry, everyone plays a role in maintaining my
family. My father often does heavy lifting in the house because of his strength, sometimes
even preparing dinner. My mother is mainly responsible for cooking and going to the market
to buy food. My younger sister is the one who helps my mother cook lunch and dinner as well
as do the laundry. Meanwhile, my duty is to wash dishes and take out the trash. We always try
to support each other and housework becomes easier thanks to this division of
responsibilities. We establish a rotating duty schedule, ensuring that no one is burdened with
work. This practice not only keeps our homes tidy but also allows us to spend quality time
together, strengthening family bonds. Overall, in my family, a fair division of housework is
key to arranging our harmonious lives.
Topic 3: Talk about a Neighborhood Clean-up Campaign

Topic 4: Talk about an environmental problem in your area that you are worried about.

I'm going to talk about one of the most significant environmental problems in Vungtau in
recent years, which is water pollution, you can easily see it when passing by rivers or
canals. Water pollution is caused by industrial discharge and wastewater that contain
pollutants and chemicals. Additionally, runoff from agricultural areas, which may contain
pesticides and fertilizers, also contributes to water pollution. The effects of water pollution on
people have been detrimental. Contaminated water sources can lead to health issues in
humans, such as waterborne diseases and long-term health problems. It also harms aquatic
ecosystems, disrupts fisheries, Regarding the solutions, the government has taken steps to
address water pollution,and companies or organizations that violate the laws will be punished
harshly.In my opinion, addressing water pollution is of paramount importance for several
reasons. First and foremost, clean water is essential for human health and well-being, and
polluted water sources can lead to a range of diseases and health problems. All in all,
addressing water pollution is very critical.

Topic 5: Talk about a song that has special meaning to you

Well, I do not really consider myself a music lover. However, one of my favorite songs that I
want to talk about today is “Hall of Fame” by The Script and William. This song was written
for the 2012 Olympic Games. When it came out, it quickly became a hit on every single
music chart throughout the world, not just because of its catchy melody, but also for
its meaningful lyrics. The song talks about how each of us can be a champion or anything we
want to be as long as we dedicate our time and efforts to doing what we are passionate about.
This song is played at big athletic events to pump up the crowd, but you can easily relate
to the song at other times as well, especially when you are on the cusp of giving up. I think
this song has such a powerful message that whenever I was tired or had decided to quit, it
would lift me up right away. It made me think about why I had started in the first place and
that I needed to finish the job that I was currently doing.

Topic 6: Talk about one of your favorite music shows or game shows.
Well, I do not really consider myself a music lover, so I don’t usually watch music shows.
However, when Rap Việt is released, it attracted my full attention. Until now, it has had 3
seasons, but for me season 1 is still the most explosive, breaking all music rankings in
Vietnam.It was shown at 9.15 p.m on VTV3 every Saturday evening. The purpose of the
programme was to seek talented rappers to be aired on Vietnamese television. Rap Việt
features not only renowned MC Trấn Thành as host but also iconic Vietnamese rappers like
JustaTee, Rhymastic, Wowy, Binz, and Suboi as judges and coaches for the show. The
programme allow contestants to compete in battle raps, which are of course limited in words.
Moreover, each performance of contestants brings meaningful messages such as an
environment protection, love and so on. Viewers can really see the true peak of rap, as the
genre is developed through underground battles, so this programme is interesting to me.
Topic 7: Talk about a volunteer work experience you had.
When I was a student in secondary school, I had the experience of taking part in different
kind of volunteer works from time to time, and today, I would like to talk about one such
experience. It is a great topic, and thank you for allowing me the opportunity to talk
something on it. Anyway, the volunteer work, I want to talk about here, was a work which
was aimed at helping the poor and needy children at a children’s hospital in our city.So, when
our school supervisor asked us to buy some oranges from the local market, we just didn’t
have any idea about what we were exactly going to do with those oranges.Some of us, of
course, had thought that we were going to give those oranges to those poor children at the
hospital, but when we were ordered to make juice from those oranges, we didn’t bother to
guess anymore. However, soon, it became clear to us that we were going to sell the orange
juice and then buy some really nice gifts for the children with the money of selling the orange
juice.Well, I decided to volunteer for the work at that time, mainly because I got real bored of
my studies and some tough homework, and taking part in that volunteer works provided me
with a perfect escape from that. Besides, I love to help needy people and that volunteer work
gave me a perfect opportunity to do so. Anyway, I felt really glad and happy to have the
opportunity to take part in that volunteer work, mainly because it allowed me to see some
smile on the faces of some innocent children which was just priceless. Besides, it also allowed
me the opportunity to share some giggles and fun with my friends while actually trying to do
a noble job for my community members, especially for children who were my age. I just felt

Topic 8: Talk about one of the charitable organizations that has recently attracted your
In my house, I have a cute cat named Sam, I love him very much and I don’t want harm him.
To be honest, I love animals, and I want to protect them. By surfing the Internet, there is one
charity that has recently attracted my attention, it is called the Whale and Dolphin
Conservation Society. The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society is dedicated to the
preservation of whales and dolphins, as its name suggests. It is a global charity but was
founded in the UK. I am fascinated by its work protecting whales off the western coast of
Canada and the United States, but its work extends well beyond. They raise their money in
different ways but rely heavily upon donations from people. They also let people adopt a
whale or dolphin, which essentially means that they pay to follow that animal’s life and the
money they give is used to fund its protection. This lets people feel that they are responsible
for the creature’s welfare, giving them a more personal relationship. I think that it is really
important to give to charity or get involved in some way. Most people live selfish lives
focused on their own well-being, but giving to others or helping animals is far more
rewarding and ultimately helps to make the world a better place.

Topic 9: Talk about an invention that you think has changed the world.
Today, I want to tell you about an invention that has changed the world, It's the smartphone.
The smartphone is a handheld device that combines various functionalities, including
communication, internet access, entertainment, and much more. It's used by people of all ages
and has become an important part of our daily lives. Smartphones are used for a wide range of
purposes. They enable us to make calls, send text messages, and stay connected with friends
and family through social media platforms. They also serve as powerful tools for accessing
information, browsing the internet, and conducting online transactions. One of the reasons
why the smartphone is so important is its ability to bring people together. With video calling
and messaging apps, we can instantly connect with loved ones who are far away. It has made
communication more accessible and convenient, strengthening relationships. Moreover,
smartphones have transformed the way we access and consume information. With a few taps
on the screen, we can access a wealth of knowledge, news, and educational resources. The
impact of smartphones is not limited to communication and information. They have also
transformed industries such as entertainment, photography, and productivity. We can now
capture high-quality photos and videos, enjoy immersive gaming experiences, and utilize a
wide range of apps and tools to enhance our productivity and creativity. Overall, the invention
of the smartphone has had a profound impact on people's lives.

Topic 10: Talk about a gadget you like.

I have different types of modern technology and electronic gadgets that I often use. Among
them, I would like to talk about my laptop for this topic. It is a laptop computer by the
renowned brand Dell. It was a gift from my parents to me when I passed high school. It is my
personal laptop, yet I sometimes do official works on it. I use the laptop to connect to the
world and browse different websites, communicate with my friends, learn programming
languages, watch some videos and sometimes, listen to my favourite music. I also prepare
documents, send emails and play computer games on it. In fact, I use this laptop more
frequently than any other electronic device that I. I own a laptop for more than 5 years but my
parents were bought this current laptop that I am talking about 3-4 months ago. Since
technology changes very rapidly in modern times, and to install and use the latest software
and to get better performance, we need to upgrade our computers and laptops every other
year. So I replaced my old laptop with this new one. As I have already mentioned, I use this
laptop to use the internet, browse different websites and web applications, create documents,
and for many other important purposes. This laptop has become an integral technological
device for me that I use almost every day.

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