CH 4

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Tansen was the best musician in our country. His dad, Mukandan Misra, was
also a singer. They lived near Gwalior, in a place called Behat. As a kid, Tansen
was pretty naughty. One time, he snuck away to play in the forests, where he
became really good at copying the sounds of birds and animals.

One day, Swami Haridas, a famous music teacher, and his followers were
going through that forest. Tansen decided to have some fun. He hid behind a
tree and roared like a tiger, which scared everyone away! When one of Swami's
group found Tansen, Swami Haridas realized Tansen was super talented. He
talked to Tansen's dad and offered to teach him music. Tansen's dad agreed,
and after eleven years of learning, Tansen became an incredible singer.

Sadly, around this time, Tansen's parents passed away. His dad's last wish was
for Tansen to go to Mohammad Ghaus of Gwalior.

Tansen moved to Gwalior to be with Mohammad Ghaus. Sometimes, he would

perform at the court of Rani Mrignaini. There, he married a lady named
Hussaini. She also became a student of Swami Haridas. Tansen and Hussaini
had five children who all loved music.

Tansen became famous, and even sang for Emperor Akbar. Akbar liked
Tansen so much that he asked him to be part of his court. Tansen became a
favorite of Akbar. Akbar would often visit Tansen's home to listen to him
practice and gave him many gifts. Unfortunately, some people in the court
became jealous and wanted to bring Tansen down. One of them, named
Shaukat Mian, planned a scheme to get Tansen killed.

Shaukat Mian knew about a song called Raga Deepak. This song was so
powerful that if a great singer sang it, lamps would light up, but the heat could
also burn the singer. Shaukat Mian convinced Akbar to ask Tansen to sing this
song. Akbar asked Tansen to do it, and Tansen didn't dare say no. But he
asked for some time to prepare.

Tansen knew another song, Raga Megh, which could make it rain. He taught
this song to his daughter, Saraswati, and her friend, Rupvati. On the day he was
supposed to sing Raga Deepak, as the song lit up lamps around him, the girls
started singing Raga Megh. It started to rain, and this saved Tansen's life! But
he fell very sick.

Everyone was happy when Tansen got better. He created many new songs and
his grave in Gwalior is now a special place for musicians to visit.

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