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data is a collection of information

2. The patient's past medical history included her previous surgeries X
3. injected into the fatty layer under the skin with a syringe : subcutaneous X
4. Respiration: Patient c/o SOB
5. Doctors use a stethoscope to conduct auscultation of a patient’s breathing
6. If a medication is given stat, it is given immediately
7. You should take this antibiotic when you go to bed. The underlined part has
the same meaning as: qhs
8. During my knee surgery, my doctor used a(n) _ to see exactly where the
problem was
9. A(n) electrocardiogram (ECG)is a measurement of the electrical activity of
the heart over a period of time.
10. A(n) social history is a patient’s record of lifestyle and personal details,
such as occupation and marital status. X
11. a yellow liquid waste product that the body produces : urine
12. You may feel some slight discomfort when the doctor first _ (s) the tube
into the opening
13. “the first instance of something”
14. Mrs. Sellers is at risk of kidney disease and her _ function has declined
15. The intial _ was that the patient has an anxiety disorder
16. From the notes, it seems the _ of symptoms started after moving house
17. The results show a high level of _ in the urine
18. creatinine is a waste product found in blood that the kidney usually removes
19. An intravenous injection IV is a method of administering medicine into a
vein using a syringe, often over a long period of time
20. To cough is to force air loudly through the throat because of an illness or
throat irritation X
21. The patient suffers from high _ and is taking medicine for it
22. To administer medicine is to give it to a patient. X
23. Which of the following is an aspect of checking vital signs? Auscultation X
24. Rx for the infection included antibiotics
25. Which of the following is NOT a vital sign? XR
26. John became dehydrated and had to be taken to the hospital where he was
given fluids through a(n) IV
27. Pregnant women have ultrasound so as to examine their urborn children
28. I need 50 cc's of lidocaine immediately! The underlined part has the same
meaning as: stat
29. If something is current, it is happening at the present time
30. A(n) x-ray is a form of radiation that can be used to take pictures of the
internal human body

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