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Republic of the Philippines


Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines

Marjorie B. Mendoza PROF ED 9
Prepare a Graphic Organizer showing the process of preparing an Individualized Education Plan.
Step 1: Child is
A child can be identified through "Child Find" by a referral or request for
identified as possibly
needing special evaluation from a school staff member, a parent, or an organization. This
education and related request can be either spoken or written. Parental permission is required
services. before the child undergoes evaluation.

The assessment must cover all areas relevant to the suspected disability. The
Step 2: Child is results of the evaluation will determine eligibility for special education and
evaluated. related services, as well as guide decisions regarding an appropriate
educational plan.

Step 3: Eligibility is A team of professionals and the parents review the evaluation findings to
decided. determine if the child meets the criteria of being a "child with a disability"
according to IDEA.

If the child is determined to be a "child with a disability" as defined by

Step 4: Child is found IDEA, they qualify for special education and related services. The IEP team
eligible for services. must convene to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) within
30 calendar days after eligibility is established. The school arranges and
hosts the IEP meeting, and parents are strongly encouraged to attend.

Step 5: IEP meeting is The IEP team meets to create the child's plan. Before services start, parents
held and the IEP is must give consent. Parents get a copy of the plan and can request changes if
written. they disagree. If disagreements continue, parents can file a complaint or
request a hearing, with mediation as an option.

Step 6: Services are The school ensures that the child's IEP is implemented according to its
provided. specifications. Each of the child's teachers and service providers has access
to the IEP and understands their specific responsibilities for implementing it.

Keep Excellence Burning

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology Contact No. (044) 463 - 0225
Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines


Step 7: Progress is The child's progress towards the annual goals is assessed quarterly, as
measured and outlined in the IEP. Parents receive written progress reports to keep them
reported to parents. informed of the child's progress.

The child's IEP is reviewed by the IEP team at least once a year, and a new
Step 8: IEP is IEP is created. If parents disagree with the IEP and placement, they can
reviewed. discuss their concerns with members of the IEP team and attempt to reach an

Every three years, the child must undergo a reevaluation, known as a

Step 9: Child is "triennial." Its purpose is to determine if the child still meets the criteria of
reevaluated. being a "child with a disability" according to IDEA, and to assess the child's
current educational needs.

Keep Excellence Burning

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology Contact No. (044) 463 - 0225
Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines


Marjorie B. Mendoza PROF ED 9

Questions for Reflection
1. What emotions did you experience as you read the letter?
 The letter made me feel thankful and happy. Cherrylyn was nervous at first, but she began to
like Ma'am A's help and kindness. As days passed, she felt better and more confident. Cherrylyn shares
in the letter how she grew and became stronger, which makes me feel proud and happy for her. She
ends the letter expressing her gratitude and happiness for Ma'am A's kindness and understanding. It's
great to see such positive change and appreciation. Knowing that Cherrylyn's confidence and happiness
grew because of Ma'am A's support is really wonderful. It shows how much impact a teacher can have
on their students' lives.

2. As a teacher, how much should you give?

 As a teacher, you should give a lot, but not so much that you forget about yourself. It's
important to help your students learn and grow, but also to take care of yourself. You need to find a
balance between helping your students and taking care of your own needs. You should be there for your
students, give them help and support, and encourage them. But remember, you're human too, so you
need time to rest and look after yourself. So, give as much as you can without forgetting to take care of
yourself too.

3. Have you ever felt lost and saw a teacher? What change did you have?
 Yes, there was a time when I felt really confused about a subject in school. This was way back
when i was still a 1 st year high school student. I didn't understand it at all and I didn't know what to do.
So, I talked to my teacher about it. My teacher was really nice and listened to me. They asked me
questions to understand what I was struggling with. Then, they explained things to me in a way that was
easier to understand. They used examples and helped me step by step until I got it. My teacher also gave
me extra things to practice and encouraged me to keep trying. They said it was okay to make mistakes,
as long as I learned from them. Because of their help, I started to feel better about the subject. I wasn't
confused anymore and I felt more confident. My grades got better too, and I even started to like the
subject more because I understood it better. Talking to my teacher and getting their help made a big
difference for me. It showed me that it's okay to ask for help when you need it, and having a teacher
who supports you is really important.

4. What do you think are the characteristics of a Special Education teacher?

 A Special Education teacher needs to be patient and understanding. They work with students
who have different learning needs, so they have to be patient when explaining things and understanding
of each student's unique challenges. They also need to be flexible and creative. Every student is
different, so a Special Education teacher has to come up with different ways to teach and adapt their
lessons to suit each student's needs. Empathy is another important characteristic. Special Education
teachers need to understand what their students are going through and be able to connect with them on a
personal level. Over all, Special Education teachers need to be passionate about helping their students
succeed. They have to genuinely care about their students' well-being and be dedicated to helping them
reach their full potential.

5. Do you think a Special Education Teacher has different roles and responsibilities when
compared to the general education teacher?
 Yes, I think Special Education teachers have different jobs than general education teachers.
Special Education teachers help students who need extra help with learning. They often teach smaller
groups of students or even one student at a time to give them the support they need. Special Education
teachers also work with other experts, like speech therapists or counselors, to help students. They make
plans called Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) to make sure each student gets what they need.
In a Special Education classroom, teachers focus on making sure all students feel welcome and
supported. They teach not only school stuff but also help students with their feelingsKeep
being friends

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology Contact No. (044) 463 - 0225
Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
with others. General education teachers usually teach bigger groups of students and follow a standard
curriculum. OF EDUCATION
try to help all students learn, but they may not be able to give as much attention to
each student as Special Education teachers do. So, while both Special Education and general education
teachers are important, they have different jobs because they work with different kinds of students and
teach in different ways.

6. Prepare a Venn Diagram to illustrate the distinguishing characteristics of a SPED and

regular teacher.


 Provide personalized  Both SPED and regular  Follow a standard curriculum

instruction tailored to each teachers are dedicated to for the whole class.
student's unique learning helping students succeed  Typically teach larger groups

needs. academically and personally. of students.

 Often work with smaller  They communicate effectively  Use standard curriculum

groups of students or provide with students, parents, and materials for instruction.
one-on-one instruction. colleagues to support student  Have limited interaction with

 Modify curriculum and learning. specialists such as speech

teaching materials to suit  Both types of teachers have a therapists and occupational
students' learning abilities. passion for teaching and therapists.
making a positive impact on  Focus primarily on delivering
 Work closely with speech
therapists, occupational students' lives. academic content to the whole
therapists, and other specialists  Both SPED and regular class.
teachers differentiate  Create a supportive classroom
to develop comprehensive
learning plans. instruction to meet the diverse environment but may not
 Prioritize creating an inclusive needs of students in their specifically focus on inclusion
and supportive classroom classrooms. for students with special needs.
 They build positive  Do not manage Individualized
 Integrate social and emotional relationships with students to Education Programs (IEPs) for
skills into teaching to support create a supportive and students.
students' confidence and engaging learning
relationships. environment.

Keep Excellence Burning

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology Contact No. (044) 463 - 0225
Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines


Marjorie B. Mendoza PROF ED 9

Questions for Application and Reflection
1. In what ways is a Special Education Teacher Different from a General Education Teacher?
 Special education teachers and regular teachers both help students learn, but they do different
things. Special education teachers work with students who have special needs, like trouble learning or
physical challenges. Regular teachers teach all kinds of students, even those with no special needs.
Special education teachers make special plans for each student who needs help. These plans have goals
and ways to make learning easier for each student. They use different teaching methods and materials to
help students with special needs. Special education teachers also work with other experts like speech
therapists and psychologists to help students. Regular teachers teach the whole class. They change their
teaching a bit for students who need it, but not as much as special education teachers. They give tests
and assignments to see how well students are learning. Regular teachers also work with other teachers
to plan lessons and help students behave well in class. They know about laws that help students with
special needs, but they don't need to know as much about them as special education teachers.

2. What are the three factors in order to determine the effectiveness of teachers in general?
 In order to determine the effectiveness of teachers consider these three following factors:
 Student Achievement: This means how well students are learning. It's not just about grades,
but also how much they understand and remember. Tests, assignments, and even how students
participate in class can show this.
 Classroom Environment: This is about how the classroom feels. A good teacher makes a safe
and welcoming place where students feel comfortable asking questions and sharing ideas. The
teacher manages the class well, keeps things organized, and makes sure everyone can focus on
 Teacher Practices: These are the methods and strategies a teacher uses to teach. It includes
things like explaining lessons clearly, engaging students in activities, and providing helpful
feedback. Good teachers also keep learning themselves, trying new things to improve their

3. How is the role of the Special Education teacher similar to the general education? How is it
 Special education teachers and regular teachers both help students learn, but they have some
things in common and some differences. They both want students to do well and make plans for what
they teach. They care about their students and want them to succeed. But special education teachers
work with students who need extra help, like those who have trouble learning or physical challenges.
Regular teachers teach all kinds of students, even those who don't need extra help. Special education
teachers use special ways to teach, and they make plans for each student who needs help. They also
work with other experts like speech therapists. Regular teachers mostly work with other teachers. So,
even though both types of teachers want the same thing, they do it in different ways because they work
with different kinds of students.

4. How can you as a Special Education teacher make a difference?

 As a Special Education teacher, you play an important role in your students' education and
wellbeing. One of the main things you do is create individual plans, called Individualized Education
Programs (IEPs), for each student. These plans are like roadmaps, guiding how each student learns best
and what goals they should reach. You also provide a lot of support and encouragement to your
students. Many of them face challenges, and your positive words and belief in them can make a big
difference. You use different teaching methods and materials to help your students understand and
Keep Excellence Burning

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology Contact No. (044) 463 - 0225
Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
learn, like using pictures, stories, or hands-on activities. You also work hard to make sure your students
are OF
included in EDUCATION
everything at school, from class projects to after-school clubs. So, they can feel that they
are belong. Sometimes, you need to speak up for your students. You make sure they get the extra help
they need, like working with speech therapists or getting extra time for tests. You also talk with parents
and other teachers to make sure everyone is helping your students in the best way possible. And you
should always learn new things, too. You stay updated on new ways to help your students learn and
grow. By doing all of these things, you make a big difference in your students' lives. You help them
succeed not just in school, but in life.

5. List down the specific qualities of a Special Education teacher. Define each quality using a

Qualities Definition
Patience The ability to stay calm and understanding,
even when faced with challenging situations or
slow progress. Patience allows teachers to
support students effectively without becoming
frustrated. (Reference: Merriam-Webster)
Flexibility Being adaptable and open to change, as well as
able to adjust teaching strategies and plans to
meet the diverse needs of students with
disabilities. Flexibility helps teachers respond
effectively to unexpected challenges in the
classroom. (Reference: Cambridge Dictionary)
Creativity The ability to come up with new and
innovative ways to teach and engage students,
especially those with diverse learning needs.
Creativity enables teachers to design unique
learning experiences that cater to individual
student interests and abilities. (Reference:
Compassion Showing kindness, understanding, and empathy
towards students with disabilities and their
families. Compassionate teachers create a
supportive and nurturing environment where
students feel valued and accepted. (Reference:
Oxford Languages)
Resourcefulness The ability to find creative solutions and utilize
available resources to address the unique needs
of students with disabilities. Resourceful
teachers can adapt materials and methods to
support diverse learning styles and abilities.
(Reference: Lexico)
Resilience The ability to bounce back from setbacks and
challenges, maintaining a positive attitude and
continuing to support students' growth and
development. Resilient teachers persevere
through difficulties and remain committed to
their students' success. (Reference: Merriam-

Keep Excellence Burning

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology Contact No. (044) 463 - 0225
Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines


Marjorie B. Mendoza PROF ED 9

Reflect on this question:

Do you think the choice of the method used by the resource teacher is also effective in handling special
education class? Why or Why not?

Yes, the choice of teaching method used by the resource teacher is critical in handling a special
education class effectively. Picking the right way to teach in a special education class is really
important. Different kids learn in different ways, so teachers need to use different ways of teaching to
help each student. This is called "differentiated instruction." It means that the teacher changes how they
teach to fit each student. Fun activities that get students interested and excited about learning are the
best. Also it’s important to make learning fun and interesting in special education. Using activities
where students can do things and use their senses, like seeing, touching, and hearing, helps keep them
interested. When students are interested, they're more likely to join in and remember what they learn.
Making sure every student can learn is really important. This means the way teachers teach should work
for everyone, even if they have challenges or disabilities. For example, using pictures, things to touch,
or special tools can help students who have trouble seeing or moving.

Furthermore, it’s important to practice what you're learning and get feedback. Some students need
to practice things more to get better at them. Teachers can show how to do things, practice together, and
say good job when students do well. This helps students learn new things and get better at them. As well
as it's important for teachers to help each student in a way that fits them best. This means giving extra
help or changing how things are taught to match each student's needs. For example, some students
might need to work in small groups, get help one-on-one, or learn from other students. These methods
help students learn at their own speed. Teachers also need to check how well students are doing and if
they're improving. This helps teachers know if they need to change anything to help students learn
better. They do this by watching how students do in class, asking them questions, and seeing how they
feel about their own learning. By doing this, teachers can make sure everyone is learning and doing
their best.

In conclusion, the choice of teaching method used by the resource teacher really matters when it
comes to the effectiveness of handling a special education class. If they pick methods that fit each
student, are fun, make learning easier, give extra help when needed, and check how well everyone's
doing, it helps all students do well. This helps the resource teacher to create a positive and supportive
learning environment where all students can succeed.

Keep Excellence Burning

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology Contact No. (044) 463 - 0225
Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines


Keep Excellence Burning

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology Contact No. (044) 463 - 0225

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