Writing - Space

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= ” Kel) i reer www.dol.vn = The information and activities in this unit will help you to understand the marking criteria for Task 2 of the IELTS Academic Writing test. The unit provides an overview of many of the points that you need to focus on in order to achieve success. All of the points mentioned in this unit will be covered more fully in subsequent units of the book. Eee IELTS academic writing scripts are marked on four basic criteria, and each one has equal weight. Task Response Have you understood the topic of the question and the type of response required? Have you answered all dhe paris of die questions? Have you developed some main ideas about this topic? Have you given examples, reasons, or details to support your ideas? Have you written at least 250 words? "Coherence and Cohesion Have you written a clear introduction which explains the topic and cells the reader the organisation of your response? Does your answer have a clear point of view which is developed throughout your essay? Does your response have clear paragraphs? ‘Does each paragraph have one topic and a topic sentence? Have you used a variety of appropriate linking expressions to show the structure of your response? Have you used referencing pronouns and synonyms to avoid repetition? Grammatical Range and Accuracy Have you used a variety of sentence structures? Have you used noun phiases to express your ideas? Haave you used appropriate verb tenses? Have you controlled your subject-verb agreement? Have you used correct punctuation? \ Overall, is your grammar accurate? DOLIELTS Dinh Lye - Hoc Vign Tiéng Anh Tu Duy Dau Tién Tai Viét Nam - dolenglish.vn 62 = ” Kel) i reer www.dol.vn LUNT TASK 2 MARKING CRITERIA” Lexical Resource (Vocabulary) +V Have you used a variety of appropriate and academic words? lave you used correct word forms? 4 Have you spelled the wons enrrectl? eed Look at the following Task 2 responses to understand these ideas in practice. @_ Activity 1 Read the three responses below and on the next page and decide which one is: + anexpert response + a.good average response + aweaker response Acti 2 Discuss your ideas from Activity I with your partner. Use the list of questions from the marking criteria io give three reasons for your decisions. Think about: + the ideas in the response the structure of the argument the way the ideas are linked together the vocabulary the grammar &_IELTS Academic Writing Module ~ Sample Task 2 Topic Pe a ee ee benefits to the world, while others believe that money spent in this way is wasted and would be better spent elsewhere. Discuss both of these ideas and gi Response A Somme people beteve that space exploration isnot a good way to use money, while oer think space exploation has many advantages for perl. n my opinion, space eiploration is «big benef for everyone onthe plane, because o? it increases teannolegy ete areas and i a goed way lnpreve a county reputation, Firsty, space travel increase technology in many areas. Space trove increases medical technology such as cancer and heart attack. Many people saved their es becalse they got goed equipments for space technology ideas. Also, it helps us with other technology; for exampe, aeroplanes. Space Technology Nas shown us Now to improve our ceroplanes and on the other hand this has helped Us to save fuel and help our envionment: om Lessons for IELTS Advanced Writing 63 DOLIELTS Dinh Lye - Hoc Vign Tiéng Anh Tu Duy Dau Tién Tai Viét Nam - dolenglish.vn 63 = 7” Kel Neer www.dol.vn ‘Secondly, space ‘rovel improves our minds. People have always looked at the stars and wanted to go to there, ‘ond thie ic part of mankind's deste Tay tn An Aifiult things is gand far nur ies and it makes us feel happy Alco, space travel is good for the country because tt increases prestige oF the country. For example, China sent ‘Yang Lei into space in 2003 and Chinese people plan to send men to other planets in the future. However sone people (ee! that space taveling is nt good because it waste money and its expensive. They say We should spending money on the peccle, net spending money on space traveling, to help improve the qualty of ou Wes. In conclusion, space travel isa big benefit for people and courtries,Itincreases technology in mary areas and it Increases prestige forthe couniry withthe space programme. 275 words) Response & Some people think that the develop of social is good tor the country and space exploration bring many benifits ‘to the world some people think that space expioation wastes roney and we should spending the money on atner things. Space exploration is good for the world. Space exploration increases cur technology. We can learn marly things ‘from space exploration, such as medical and computers, and we can to help our environment. For example, medical is good for heat attack and cancer. We can learn how te help heart attack because we learn from space technology and we can learn how to help cancer because space technology teach us many thing. We can aso learn about other thing such as computer and even sports equipments. Space technolagy benefit people because it teaches us many things. Chinese people can ¢eel proud of tneiv county because oF space expore. For example, China develop space programme and is the third county to send humans into space and the people oF China feeling very proud oF China wen they send Yang Liwei into space in 2003. He is special ‘ambasador for their country pide. China wants to go to Mars in he future And maybe China can send aman to ‘Mars in the future, In general, space travel is many benefits for the county pride and for the technological However, some people ‘hint is'a waste of money. think tis goed for people to exploration space and increasing technology, because itis good for pide and for people's ideas and ives (260 words) Response C In the pas, alot of money was poured into space exploration, and some people believed that the Earth would +5000 be colonising other planets. However, this enterprise has proved more costy and complex than originally ‘expected and, asa result, some people believe that wie are spending too much money on exploring space. Others believe thatthe spin-offs Hom this endeavour outweigh the costs invoNed. ‘Those who disagree with space exploration say that we are squandering our resources on a futile project Thay

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