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5/20/2017 (51) The beginning of kaliyug.

(3102 BC)

(51) The beginning of kaliyug. (3102 BC)

Kaliyug and Mahabharat war. Lord Krishn ascended to His Divine abode at the end of
dwaparyug and immediately kaliyug started in 3102 BC. Krishn lived for over 125 years. He
descended on the earth planet in 3228 BC. The Pandavas, after winning the Mahabharat war, ruled
for 36 years and 8 months. Accordingly, the date of Mahabharat war comes to 3139 BC..

The dynasty of Surya Vansh of Kaushal (Ayodhya) ends with Sumitra (Bhag. 9/12/16); the
dynasty of Chandra Vansh of Hastinapur ends with Chemak (Bhag. 9/22/44, 45); and the
dynasties of the kingdom of Magadh flourished up to the Gupt dynasty (80’s BC).
(50) History of
the History of Hastinapur. The kingdom of Hastinapur, after Chemak, was constantly ruled by the
uninterrupted people who took over the throne. An ancient book describing the date­wise chronology of all the
Ganges valley kings of Hastinapur (Indraprasth or Delhi) from Yudhishthir up to Vikramaditya and was found by the
civilization of
India for 1,900 proprietors of the fortnightly magazine of Nathdwara (Rajasthan) called “Harishchandra Chandrika
million years and Mohan Chandrika” in about 1872 AD. Luckily this book was saved from going into the hands of
according to the the British, otherwise it would have been instantly destroyed. The proprietor of the magazine printed
the entire description in two of its issues (called kiran) 19 and 20 of 1882.
(51) The The description is detailed to year­month­days of each and every king who ruled. By adding the
beginning of total number of years of the four dynasties from Yudhishthir to Vikramaditya, it comes to 3,178 years
(3102 BC) which is 3141 Kali era or 39 AD, which represents the date when Vikramaditya left this earth planet.

­Next­ According to the Bhavishya Puran and Rajtarangini, Vikramaditya lived between 102 BC and
(52) The 15 AD; and according to the above details his period ends by 39 AD. There is only a difference of 24
dynasties of
Magadh after years in the date­wise record of 70 kings who ruled Hastinapur for 3,085 years. A discrepancy of 24
the Mahabharat years in 3,000 years of record could be a copying or printing mistake, and is thus negligible when we
war and the are dealing with a longer span of years. In this way the predicted period of the dynasties of Magadh
historical and the historic records of the dynasties of Hastinapur correspond with each other and justify their
personalities correctness, and vice versa.
(Gautam Buddh,
Vikramaditya). 1/5
5/20/2017 (51) The beginning of kaliyug. (3102 BC)

This is only a section of the magazine. It gives full date­wise detail of each and every king who
ruled Hastinapur from Yudhishthir up to Vikramaditya. This is one of the rarest records that
survived through this magazine.

The beginning of kaliyug, 3102 BC.

We have taken the beginning of kaliyug as the fixed point to determine the
chronological dates of the events, kings, Divine dignitaries and the important personalities of
our history. It is a common understanding that kaliyug started about 5,000 years ago (in round
figures) and we never had any problems in the past in accepting this fact. But only after the
arrival of the English people in India, all sorts of baseless criticisms started regarding our
history and religion that were promoted and fostered by them. We had hundreds of such
evidences regarding the date of Mahabharat war and the beginning of kaliyug in our history
books that were destroyed by the British, still we have more than enough material to fully
establish this fact. 2/5
5/20/2017 (51) The beginning of kaliyug. (3102 BC)

(1) Astrological.
(a) We still follow the ancient astrological tradition. There is a most prestigious, 48 page
detailed date­wise journal (panchang) with all the astrological facts and figures called “Vishva
Panchangam,” established in 1925 and published by Kashi Hindu Vishvavidyalaya (Benares Hindu
University), Varanasi. It gives all the three eras: Kali era, Vikram era and (Shalivahan) Shak era.

It is as thus:

It says on page 3 that 5,100 years have already elapsed before 2056 Vikram year which is 1999
AD. It means that the existing Kali era is 5101 in 1999 AD, which comes to (5101 ­ 1999) 3102

(b) Another panchang of India called “Shree Saraswati Panchangam” published from
Navalgarh, Rajasthan, also gives all the calculations and says that 5,100 years of kaliyug had already
elapsed before 1999.

(c) The “Vishva Vijay Panchangam” of Solan, Himachal Pradesh, says, 3/5
5/20/2017 (51) The beginning of kaliyug. (3102 BC)

It means that 5,100 years of kaliyug had already elapsed before 1999 and 426,900 years of kaliyug
are still left. Kaliyug is of 432,000 years (so, kaliyug started in 3102 BC).

Thus, the best team of the scholars of astrology all over India give the same figures of 3102 BC
and publish it in the panchang (journal) every year.

These astrological journals are run by a group of the most learned astrologers of India, and thus
it is mindlessness if any astrologer or scholar unnecessarily tries to argue about their accuracy.

(2) Others.
Alberuni. “Alberuni’s India,” first Indian print 1964 (S. Chand & Co., New Delhi)
Volume I. In the second part of this book on page 4 Alberuni writes, “...the time which has
elapsed since the beginning of kaliyug before our gauge­year, 4132 years, and between the
wars of Bharat and our gauge­year there have elapsed 3479 years.” In the Annotations (p.
358) of the same book Alberuni tells about his gauge­year, which is: “A.D. 1031, 25th
February, a Thursday.”
There is a difference of 968 years between 1031 AD and 1999 AD. Thus, adding 968 years to
4,132 years comes to 5,100 years, the period that has already elapsed since the beginning of kaliyug
and up till today (1999), and this is exactly what is mentioned in the astrological journals of India.

Alberuni also mentions about Vikram era (57 BC) and also the Shalivahan Shak era which
starts 135 years after the Vikram era.

Aryabhatt. The greatest astronomer and mathematician, Aryabhatt, was born in 476 AD. His
work in astronomy is an asset to the scholars. He gave an accurate figure for pi ( ) 3.1416. He
finished his book “Aryabhattiya” in 499 AD in which he gives the exact year of the beginning of
kaliyug. He writes,

“When the three yugas (satyug, tretayug and dwaparyug) have elapsed and 60 x 60 (3,600) years of
kaliyug have already passed, I am now 23 years old.” It means that in the 3,601st year of Kali era he 4/5
5/20/2017 (51) The beginning of kaliyug. (3102 BC)

was 23 years old. Aryabhatt was born in 476 AD. Thus, the beginning of kaliyug comes to 3,601 ­
(476 + 23) = 3102 BC.

There is also the dynastic chronology of Nepal that goes up to the Mahabharat war.

Kaliyug started in 3102 BC., Yudhishthir reigned Hastinapur for 36 years and 8 months, the
Mahabharat war happened in 3139 BC. When Bhagwan Krishn left the earth planet and ascended
to His Divine abode, immediately kaliyug started and a catastrophic rain, storm and sea deluge, that
lasted for seven days, totally drowned and destroyed Dwarika town. This catastrophe was also
recorded in Babylonia’s ancient town Ur (which was mythologized in the West as Noah’s flood) and
the ancient Mayan records. The dates of both are the same.

The unbroken chronology of the exact dates of all the Hindu kings of the 4 dynasties that
ruled Hastinapur (up to Vikramaditya) since the reign of Yudhishthir is the most potent
evidence and it could be easily understood by anyone, wise or dull, so as to believe that
Mahabharat war had happened about 5,000 years ago in 3139 BC.

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