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A peer-reviewed journal published by Faculty of Sharia, Universitas

Jurnal Islam Negeri K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia.

The title has been indexed by DOAJ, SINTA, GARUDA,
Hukum Islam MORAREF.
ISSN 1829-7382 (Print) 2502-7719 (Online)
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The Title Should be Simple, Concise and

Informative in Sentence Case Format
(18pt, Georgia Bold)

Author(s) Name
Author’s institution (affiliation)

Abstract ¬12pt, Georgia Bold

An abstract must accompany each manuscript; it should be strictly self-

contained (ie, without figure, table, equation or reference citations),
consisting of 150-250 single-spaced words in one paragraph. Abstracts are
written in a concise, clear, complete and complete manner that describes
the essence of the entire contents of the writing. Abstract must contain the
core of the problem, research objectives, methods, and research
results/findings. 12pt, Georgia
KEYWORDS Use 3-5 Keywords Separated by Semicolons (;). Keywords
That Reflect Your Article Idea. ¬ 12pt, Georgia, Italic

Abstrak ¬12pt, Georgia Bold

Abstrak terdiri dalam 2 bahasa (inggris dan Indonesia); Abstrak harus

menyertai setiap manuskrip; harus benar-benar mandiri (yaitu, tanpa
kutipan gambar, tabel, persamaan atau referensi), yang terdiri dari 150-
250 kata dengan spasi 1 dalam satu paragraf. Abstrak ditulis secara
ringkas, jelas, utuh, dan lengkap yang menggambarkan esensi isi

Copyrights © Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-

NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). All writings published in this
journal are personal views of the author and do not represent the views of this journal
and the author’s affiliated institutions.
2 Author Name & Second Author Name

keseluruhan tulisan. Abstrak harus memuat inti permasalahan, tujuan

penelitian, metode, dan hasil penelitian/temuan. ¬ 12pt, Georgia

KATA KUNCI Gunakan 3-5 Kata Kunci yang Dipisahkan dengan

Tanda Titik Koma (;). Gunakan Kata Kunci yang Mencerminkan Ide
Artikel Anda. ¬ 12pt, Georgia, Miring

Introduction ¬14pt, Georgia Bold (1.5 space)

The body of paper must be elaborated between 6000 - 10.000 words

(maximum) including abstract, references and footnotes, written in font:
Georgia, size: 12, line spacing: multiple (1.15). Moreover, the author(s)
are required to use this template file (NOT creating a new file) in
order to avoid mismatch in the whole page layout (paper size, margins,
The body could be divided into sections. Sections should be bold.
Subsections should be italic. Whichever spelling you choose (British or
American English) please be consistent throughout. Use hyphens
consistently and avoid unnecessary ones. The words “section(s)”,
“equation(s)”, “figure(s)” and “reference(s)” are abbreviated as “sect(s).”,
“fig(s).”, “eq(s).” and “ref(s).” unless they are the first word of a sentence.
The word “table” is always written in full. Latin expressions, such as, e.g.,
i.e., et al., versus (vs.) should be set in italic. All terms or titles in Arabic
should be transliterated by following the Library of Congress guide. Name
of the person should not be transliterated.
The introduction contains the background for writing articles
containing academic anxiety which could be supplemented with statistical
data. The author should include previous studies to demonstrate the
pioneering of the research. The author should indicate the advantages and
disadvantages of previous research, then indicate what you expect from
your work (to solve these limitations) formulated in the research

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JURNAL HUKUM ISLAM 20 (2) (2022) 181-206

objectives. References are in the form of the latest books and journal
articles from the last 5-10 years. ¬12pt, Georgia (1.5 spaces)

Footnotes to text material, which should be kept to a minimum and
which should be indicated by numerical superscripts: 1, 2, 3, etc. They
should be placed at the foot of the relevant page. Below are the examples of
footnotes for book1, journal2, seminar proceeding3, and chapter4.

Methods ¬14pt, Georgia Bold (1.5 space)

The research method is a series of technical steps carried out in

research and no longer discusses the definition of a method. In the
research method, it is necessary to include the approach taken, the type of
research, data sources, methods of data collection, and techniques for
checking the validity of the data. The method used must be accompanied
by a reference. The research method was formulated briefly and clearly.
(Research method used if the article is the result of research) ¬ 12pt,

Georgia (1.5 spaces)

Discussion ¬14pt, Georgia Bold (1.5 space)

First Discussion ¬14pt, Georgia Bold (1.5 space)

Research results must be written in a clear, concise manner and tend

to summarize research findings rather than detailed data. It is

1 Barrie Axford, The Global System, Politics and Culture, New York: St. Martin &
rsquos Press, 1995, 13-15.
2 Benjamin Arditi, “From Globalism to Globalization: The Politics of Resistance”,
New Political Science, Volume 26, Number 1 (March 2004), 1-18.
3 Bard Andreassen A, “Human Rights and Legal Empowerment of the Poor”,
Extreme Poverty and Human Rights Expert Seminar, Geneva 23-24 February 2007,
Norwegian Centre for Human rights, University of Oslo.
4 Clifford Geertz, “Religion: Anthropological Study”, in David L. Sills (ed.)
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, London: Collier-Macmillan
Publishers, 1965, 2-5.

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4 Author Name & Second Author Name

recommended to provide a review of the differences between your findings

with previous studies. The discussion, which is the most important part of
your article, is the chance of yours to explore your data. It usually starts
with a summary of the research findings then discussed with various
theories or related references. If there are numberings in a sentence or in
the discussion, it is written directly in paragraphs using letters in brackets,
for example: Family has several main functions, including: (a) Ijma`; (b)

Qiyas; (c) Maslahah; (d) etc. ¬ 12pt, Georgia (1.5 spaces)

Second Discussion ¬14pt, Georgia Bold (1.5 space)

Research results must be written in a clear, concise manner and tend

to summarize research findings rather than detailed data. It is
recommended to provide a review of the differences between your findings
with previous studies. The discussion, which is the most important part of
your article, is the chance of yours to explore your data.

1. Discussion
If any, Tables and Graphs are numbered sequentially with the table
title and number placed above the table. For example

Table 1. Number of Divorce in 4 Districts in E. Regency

Districts Talaq Divorce Amount

District A 100 200 300

District B 200 300 500

District C 150 150 300

District D 200 100 300

Source: 12pt, Georgia (1 space)

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JURNAL HUKUM ISLAM 20 (2) (2022) 181-206

Conclusion ¬14pt, Georgia Bold (1.5 space)

Conclusions describe the answers to the hypotheses or the research

findings. The conclusion does not contain repetition of the results and
discussion, but the summary of the findings. Without a clear conclusion,
reviewers and readers will find it difficult to judge your work. It is
suggested to present things to be done related to the next idea or provide

recommendations from the research. 12pt, Georgia (1.5 spaces)

References ¬14pt, Georgia Bold (1.5 space)

Bibliography should be written in alphabetical order using the

Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition format in, following the
examples below, for book (see Axford), journal (see Arditi), seminar
proceeding (see Andreassen) and chapter (see Geertz).

Andreassen A., Bard. “Human Rights and Legal Empowerment of the

Poor”, Extreme Poverty and Human Rights Expert Seminar, Geneva
23-24 February 2007, Norwegian Centre for Human rights,
University of Oslo.
Arditi, Benjamin. “From Globalism to Globalization: The Politics of
Resistance”, New Political Science, Volume 26, Number 1 (March
2004): 1-18.
Axford, Barrie. The Global System, Politics and Culture. New York: St.
Martin & rsquoss Press, 1995.
Geertz, Clifford. “Religion: Anthropological Study”, in David L. Sills (ed.)
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. London: Collier-
Macmillan Publishers, 1965: 2-20.

Available online at

6 Author Name & Second Author Name


Available online at

JURNAL HUKUM ISLAM 20 (2) (2022) 181-206


The authors state that there is no conflict of interest in the publication of
this article.
Please state any conflicting of interest on the research or publication
process. if there not, please type: The authors states that there is no
conflict of interest in the publication of this article.

Please provide funding information of the research

Recognize those who helped in the research, especially funding
supporter of your research. Include individuals who have assisted
you in your study: Advisors, Financial support, or may other parties
involve on the research.

Submitted : March 28, 2024
Revised : April 30, 2024
Accepted : May 25, 2024
Published : June 23, 2024

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