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Software Design Guidelines

Michel Chaudron

Advanced Software Engineering 2011


Design guidelines

Architectural Styles

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 2

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Different aspects of design



The division into subsystems and components, How these will be connected: How they will interact: Interface design & architectural style



The various features of classes.


interface design Algorithm design:

The design of computational mechanisms.


The design of communications protocol.


MRV Chaudron

Sheet 3

Why Care about Quality during Design?

Cost of Defect Repair Cost of repair increases exponentially As a project progresses, more and more work depends on earlier decisions.

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Defects should be eliminated as soon as possible after their introduction

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 4

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Architecture is making decisions

The life of a software architect is a long (and sometimes painful) succession of suboptimal decisions made partly in the dark.
Grady Booch

You will not have all information available

You will make mistakes, but you should learn from them
There is no objective measure for goodness
MRV Chaudron

Sheet 5

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Software design is a wicked problem

There is no definite formulation

There is no stopping rule/test

Solutions are not simply true or false

Every wicked problem is essentially novel and


Every solution to a wicked problem is a 'one shot


Churchman, C. West, "Wicked Problems", Management Science, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 1967. Guest Editorial

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Design of Software Architecture

Understand the Domain User Requirements Functional Requirements Group Functionality in subsystems Domain Requirements

Extra-Functional Requirements S.M.A.R.T.

Design approach for realizing extra-functional quality properties
Identify Trade-offs Sensitivity points

Design Metrics

UML, Views
MRV Chaudron

Select Architectural Style Reference Architecture Architecture Tactics

Model/Describe Analyze refine


RBD, QN, RMA, Sheet 7 ATAM, prototype

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Design Principles
Simplicity Separation of Concerns Information Hiding Modularity Keep things that belong together in a single place

How to assess?
MRV Chaudron Sheet 8

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

David Parnas

We propose that one begins with a list of difficult design decisions or design decisions which are likely to change. Each module is then designed to hide such a decision from the others.

David Parnas 1941-

Goal: Isolate change Means: Information hiding, minimizing dependencies

MRV Chaudron Sheet 9

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

The KWIC Problem

In his paper of 1972, Parnas proposed the following problem:

The KWIC [Key Word in Context] index system accepts an ordered set of lines, each line is an ordered set of words, and each word is an ordered set of characters. Any line may be ``circularly shifted'' by repeatedly removing the first word and appending it at the end of the line. The KWIC index system outputs a listing of all circular shifts of all lines in alphabetical order.

D. L. Parnas, On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules, Communications of the ACM, vol. 15, pp. 1053-1058, Dec.1972.

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Parnas shows that different problem decompositions vary greatly in their ability to withstand design changes. Among the changes he considers are:

Changes in processing algorithm: For example, line shifting can be performed on each line as it is read from the input device, on all the lines after they are read, or on demand when the alphabetization requires a new set of shifted lines.
Changes in data representation: For example, lines can be stored in various ways. Similarly, circular shifts can be stored explicitly or implicitly (as pairs of index and offset).

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

KWIC example

Input: strings, each of which consists of several words.

Clouds are white. Ottawa is beautiful.

Output: a sorted list of all orderings of each input string.

are white Clouds beautiful Ottawa is Clouds are white is beautiful Ottawa Ottawa is beautiful white Clouds are

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Diagram from Shaw & Garlan: Introduction to Software Architecture (1994)

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Diagram from Shaw & Garlan: Introduction to Software Architecture (1994)

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Diagram from Shaw & Garlan: Introduction to Software Architecture (1994)

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Diagram from Shaw & Garlan: Introduction to Software Architecture (1994)

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Message: there are many different solutions for the same set of requirements

MRV Chaudron Sheet 17


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Imprecision in design discussions

Not all boxes in a design are the same thing Not all arrows in a design are the same thing Imprecision in communication about these boxes and arrows can add significant confusion to a software design process and the resulting design Oh, thats the issue of clarity again


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Basics of Information Hiding

Separate interfaces from implementations Implementations capture decisions likely to change Interfaces capture decisions unlikely to change Clients know only interface, not implementation Implementations know only interface, not clients

MRV Chaudron Sheet 19


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Information hiding

each module has a secret design involves a series of decision: for each such decision, wonder who needs to know and who can be kept in the dark information hiding is strongly related to

abstraction: if you hide something, the user may abstract from that fact coupling: the secret decreases coupling between a module and its environment cohesion: the secret is what binds the parts of the module together vliet 20

2008 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Faade pattern
Client classes


Note the effect on the fan-in/coupling of the component

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 21


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Separation of Concerns

Separate What from How

The interface of a component exposes what function it can perform, not how. The how is the information-hiding secret

MRV Chaudron Sheet 22


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Example Design Principles

Telecom Domain:
Separate the encoding/decoding of a message from the handling of a handle message, so

decode1 ; decode2 ; decode3 ; action1 ; action2 decode1 ; action1 ; decode2 ; action2 ; decode3

encode/ decode handle & encode/ decode


And not

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 23

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Design Principle 1: Divide and conquer

Trying to deal with something big all at once is normally much harder than dealing with a set of smaller things

individual component is smaller, and therefore easier to understand can be replaced or changed without having to replace or extensively change other parts. people can work on separate parts individual software engineer can specialize


Separate An
MRV Chaudron

Sheet 24

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Ways of dividing a software system

A system is divided up into
Layers A

& subsystems

subsystem can be divided package is divided up into classes class is divided up into methods

up into one or more packages


MRV Chaudron

Sheet 25


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Goals: Separation of Concerns, Abstraction, Modularity, Portability Partitioning in non-overlapping units that
- provide a cohesive set of services at an abstraction level (while abstracting from their implementation) - layer n is allowed to use services of layer n-1 (and not vice versa) alternative: bridging layers: layer n may use layers <n enhances efficiency but hampers portability
MRV Chaudron

3 2 1 0

Sheet 26


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 27


Layering into levels of abstraction

Hearsay: speech understanding
Sentences Phrases Words Syllables Phonemes Acoustic waveform
MRV Chaudron

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Sheet 28


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Layering in Client / Server

Presentation layer Dialogue with users Application logic Application for individual user
presentation logic application logic business logic data management Unit of change Unit of responsibility Unit of deployment


Business logic
Logic for processing across users, divisions Data management Storage of data
MRV Chaudron


Sheet 29

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Example 3-tier System

Diagram MRV Chaudron from Sheet 30 Wikipedia, 2007


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Layering in Computer Networks: OSI & Internet

Presentation Session Transport

Data Link Physical
Picture from Jeremy Bradbury, Queens Univ. Canada
MRV Chaudron

Sheet 31


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

A Component-based Reference Architecture for Computer Games

(E. Folmer, 2007)

specific generic
MRV Chaudron

Sheet 33


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

What is Modularity?

We can see it via a Design Structure Matrix (DSM)

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 36


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

What is a dependency?

Component A requires B for it to work




A change in module B requires change in module A


coupling Typically requires: re-testing A & B


MRV Chaudron

Sheet 37


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Dependencies in the code


is coupling between two classes A and B if:

has an attribute that refers to (is of type) B. A calls on services of an object B. A has a method which references B (via return type or parameter). A is a subclass of (or implements) class B.
This is not an exhaustive definition
MRV Chaudron

Sheet 38


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Dependency: Coupling
Coupling is the degree of interdependence between modules

high coupling

low coupling

Design Principle: Reduce coupling where possible

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 39


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Benefits of Low Coupling/Dependencies

Fewer interconnections between modules reduces

time needed for understanding the modules and interactions the chance that changes in one module cause problems in other modules, which enhances


the chance that a fault in one module will cause a failure in other modules, which enhances

Page-Jones, M. 1980. The Practical Guide to Structured Systems Design. New York, Yourdon Press, 1980.

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 40


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Example: Before Refactoring

Coupling Saat 7

Dynamic Coupling 10

Method Calls 25

Stat.Calculator Analyser DB-Checker DB-Filler DB-Creator

0 0 0 0 0

3 4 2 5 2

0 0 0 0 0

MRV Chaudron


Sheet 42

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Example: After Refactoring

Dynamic Coupling Coupling

Saat Stat.-Filter 2 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 2 2 2 3 1 4 1 1

Method Calls
2 1 0 12 0 10 0 0

Analyser DB-Checker DB-Filler DB-Creator Parser
MRV Chaudron

Sheet 43

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

MetricView: Graphical Tool for Developer Feedback

UML model Analysis Tool Quality Metrics/Rules

Completeness Consistency MRV Chaudron Conventions Sheet 44

Visualization of model + metrics

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

MetricView video

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Guideline: Minimize Dependency

Avoid dependencies where possible: Design components so that

they know about as few other components as possible


as few parameters as possible

number of calls between components

for as short a time as possible


Ref: Component are from Mars Chaudron & De Jong

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 46


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Dependency: Cohesion
Cohesion is concerned with the interactions within a module

high cohesion

low cohesion


Keep things together that belong together. High cohesion within a module is good

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Coupling and Cohesion

Coupling is the degree of interaction between modules. Cohesion is a measure of the coherence of a module amongst the pieces of that module.

You want high cohesion and low coupling

MRV Chaudron Sheet 49


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

How to reduce coupling in this design?

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 50


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Faade pattern
Client classes


Note the effect on the fan-in/coupling of the component

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 51


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Facade pattern


Verschaf een uniforme interface tot een (verzameling interfaces van een) subsysteem


Subsystemen reduceren de complexiteit Belangrijk ontwerpdoel: minimaliseren van de communicatie en afhankelijkheden tussen subsystemen Eenvoudige, uniforme interface tot subsysteem is wenselijk Individuele interfaces moeten beschikbaar blijven

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Types of Coupling
Data coupling
data from one module is used in another two modules use the same data type

Data type coupling

Control coupling
actions one module are controlled by another module (switch)

considered worse

Content coupling

a module refers to the internals of another module Bind to interface

of components
MRV Chaudron

Sheet 55


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Highly coupled classes belong in the same component.

When two classes collaborate frequently, this is an indication they should be in the same domain component to reduce the network traffic between the two classes. This is especially true when that interaction involves large objects, either passed as parameters or received as return values. By including them in the same domain component you reduce the potential network traffic between them. The basic idea is that highly coupled classes belong together.

From Scott Ambler

MRV Chaudron Sheet 56


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Minimize the size of the message flow between components.

Client/server classes belong in a domain component, but there may be a choice as to which domain component they belong to. This is where you need to consider issues such as the information flow going into and out of the class. Communication within a component will often be simple message sends between objects in memory, communication between components may require an expensive marshalling effort in which a message and its parameters are converted to data, transmitted, and then converted back into a message again.
From Scott Ambler
MRV Chaudron Sheet 57


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Design Structure Matrix Map of a Laptop Computer

Drive System . x x x x x x . x x x x x x x x . x x x x x . x x x x x x x x . x x x x x . x x x x . x x . x x x x x . x x x x x . x x x x x x x x . x x x x x x x x x x x x x x LCD Screen x x x x x x x x x x x x x . x x . x x . x x x x x x x x x

Main Board

x x x x

x x x x x x . x x x x . x x x x x x . x x x x x . x x x x . x x x x . x x x x . x x x x x x x x x . x

x . x x x x x x x . x x x x x x . x x x x x . x x x x x x x x x . x x x x . x x x

x x x x Packaging

x x

x x x x x x x

Graphics controller on Main Board or not? If yes, screen specifications change; If no, CPU must process more; adopt different interrupt protocols

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 58


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Design Structure Matrix Map of a Modular System

Design Rules . x x x . x x . x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Main Board x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x . x . x Design Rules Task Group

Drive System

. x x x x

x . x x

x x . x x x x

x x x x . x x . x x x . . x . x x x x x x x x x . x x x x x x x . x x . x x x . x x x x x x x x x x . x x .

Hidden Modules many Task groups

LCD Screen

. x x x x . x x x x . x x x x . x x x x x . x x x x . . x x x x x x x x x . x x x . x x x . x x x x . x x x x . x x x x x x . x x x x x x x . x x x x x x

P ackaging

System Testing & Integration

x x x x x

x x x x x x

x x x x x x

x x x x x x

. x x x x x

x x x . x x x . x x x x x x x . x x

x System x Integration and Testing x Task Group .

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 59


DSM of Mozilla before and after redesign

number of files

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

2.4 dependencies per KSLOC

1.3 dependencies per KSLOC

Formerly Mozilla was the commercial Netscape Navigator, then released into open source.
From: Exploring the Structure of Complex Software Designs: An Empirical Study of Open Source and Proprietary Code, Alan MacCormack, John Rusnak, Carliss Baldwin, MRV Chaudron Sheet 60 Harvard Business School, draft October 1st 2005


Advanced Software Engineering 2011


Simplicity Separation of Concerns

Information Hiding
Low Coupling, High Cohesion Layering, Modularity

MRV Chaudron Sheet 61


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

9.9 Difficulties and Risks in Design Like modelling, design is a skill that requires considerable experience
Individual software engineers should not attempt the design of large systems Aspiring software architects should actively study designs of other systems

Poor designs can lead to expensive maintenance

Ensure you follow the principles discussed in this chapter


MRV Chaudron

Sheet 62

Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Difficulties and Risks in Design

It requires constant effort to ensure a software systems design remains good throughout its life
Make the original design as flexible as possible so as to anticipate changes and extensions. Ensure that the design documentation is usable and at the correct level of detail Ensure that change is carefully managed

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 63


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Inheritance vs. Composition

The two most common techniques for reusing functionality in object-oriented systems are class inheritance and object composition Class inheritance defines the implementation of one class in terms of anothers implementation. With inheritance the internals of parent classes are often visible to sub-classes (white box). In object composition new functionality is obtained by assembling or composing objects to get more complex functionality. Internal details of objects are not visible, objects appear as black boxes.
MRV Chaudron

Sheet 64


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Pros and Cons of Inheritance

Pros: Class inheritance is defined statically at compile-time and is straightforward to use, since its supported directly by the programming language. Class inheritance makes it easier to modify the implementation being reused. Cons: You can not change the implementations being inherited at run-time. Inheritance exposes as subclass to details of its parents implementation. Any change in the parents implementation will force the subclass to change. One cure is to only inherit from abstract classes since they provide little or no implementation.
MRV Chaudron

Sheet 65


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Pros and Cons of Composition

Composition is defined at run-time through objects acquiring references to other objects. Composition requires objects to respect each others interface. Because objects are accessed solely through their interfaces we dont break encapsulation. Any object can be replaced at run-time by another as long as it has the same type. Because an objects implementation is written in terms ob object interfaces, there are substantially fewer implementation dependencies.
MRV Chaudron

Sheet 66


Advanced Software Engineering 2011

Inheritance vs. Object Comp.

Favoring object composition over class inheritance helps you keep each class encapsulated and focused on one task. Classes and class hierarchies remain small and managable. A design based on object composition has more objects (if fewer classes) and the system behavior depends on their interrelationships instead of being defined in one class.

MRV Chaudron

Sheet 67


Chapter 9: Architecting and designing software

Assigning Responsibilities


Evenly distribute system intelligence

avoid procedural centralization of responsibilities keep responsibilities close to objects rather than their clients


State responsibilities as generally as possible

draw yourself vs. draw a line/rectangle etc. leads to sharing


Keep behaviour together with any related information

principle of encapsulation

Lethbridge/Laganire 2005

ESE 4.68

Chapter 9: Architecting and designing software

Assigning Responsibilities ...


Keep information about one thing in one place

if multiple objects need access to the same information
a new object may be introduced to manage the information, or 2. one object may be an obvious candidate, or 3. the multiple objects may need to be collapsed into a single one


Share responsibilities among related objects

break down complex responsibilities

Lethbridge/Laganire 2005

ESE 4.69

Chapter 9: Architecting and designing software

Characterizing Classes
according to Rebecca J. Wirfs-Brock, IEEE Software, March/April 2006 Information holder: an object designed to know certain information and provide that information to other objects.

Structurer: an object that maintains relationships between objects and information about those relationships. Complex structurers might pool, collect, and maintain groups of many objects; simpler structurers maintain relationships between a few objects. An example of a generic structurer is a Java HashMap, which relates keys to values.
Service provider: an object that performs specific work and offers services to others on demand. Controller: an object designed to make decisions and control a complex task.

Coordinator: an object that doesnt make many decisions but, in a rote or mechanical way, delegates work to other objects. The Mediator pattern is one example.
Interfacer: an object that transforms information or requests between distinct parts of a system. The edges of an application contain user-interfacer objects that interact with the user and external interfacer objects, which communicate with external systems. Interfacers also exist between subsystems. The Facade pattern is an example of a class designed to simplify interactions and limit clients visibility of objects within a subsystem. Lethbridge/Laganire 2005 ESE 4.70

Guidelines for Naming Inventions

the relation of thought to word is not a thing but a process, a continual movement back and forth from thought to word and from word to thought. Thought is not merely expressed in words; It comes into existence through them. Lev Vygotsky, thought and language Fit a name into some naming scheme Java example: Calendar GregorianCalendarJulianCalendar? ChineseCalendar? Give service providers worker names Service providers are workers, doers, movers and shakers Java example: StringTokenizer, ClassLoader, and Authenticator Choose a name that suits a role Objects named Manager organize and pool collections of similar objects AccountManager organizes Account objects
Wirfs-Brock Associates Copyright 2000 71

Guidelines for Naming Inventions

Choose names that dont limit behavior options Account or AccountRecord? Recordinformation or facts set down in writingan informational object Accountsounds livelieran object that makes informed decisions on the information it represents
Choose a name that suits a lifetime A ninety-year old named Junior? ApplicationInitializer or ApplicationCoordinator? Include facts most relevant to the users of a class MillisecondTimerAccurateWithinPlusOrMinusTwoMilleseconds or Timer? Eliminate naming conflicts by adding description Rename a Properties candidate to TransactionHistoryProperties
Wirfs-Brock Associates Copyright 2000 72

Aspect Orientation

Design & maintain concerns in isolation

Automatically construct implementation

by weaving concerns

Wirfs-Brock Associates MRV Chaudron

Sheet 73

Copyright 2000



Summary Rational Unified Process

Structure model :, A C B D

Development model

Use cases view Deployment model : A B C D

Behaviour model : A B C D

Wirfs-Brock Associates MRV Chaudron

Sheet 74

Copyright 2000



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