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Global Warming: Causes, Effects and Solutions

Global Warming and Its Causes

• Global warming is a result of the absorption of sunlight by clouds, atmospheric particles, and
oceans, leading to a rise in Earth's temperature.
• Solar energy is radiated by thermal radiation and infrared rays, cooling the Earth.
• Some of the radiation is re-absorbed by greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, water
vapors, ozone, and methane, which are radiated back to Earth's surface.
• Humans have artificially increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,
leading to the human-enhanced global warming effect.
• The Earth has experienced the largest increase in surface temperature over the last 100 years,
with sea levels rising by about 0.17 meters during the 20th century.
• Methane gas is generated in landfills and agricultural decomposition, while nitrogen oxide is
released into the atmosphere through nitrogen-based fertilizers.
• The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that carbon dioxide and
methane levels have increased by 35% and 148% since the industrial revolution of 1750.

Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect

Understanding the Greenhouse Effect

• The greenhouse effect is the trade of incoming and outgoing radiation that heats up the Earth.
• The natural greenhouse effect traps some portion of heat to prevent freezing temperatures.
• Human-induced greenhouse effect leads to global warming due to burning fossil fuels,
increasing greenhouse gases.

Global Warming and Deforestation

• Fossil fuels are continuously used to produce electricity, leading to the production of gases like
carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides.
• Deforestation is also leading to warmer temperatures, causing major damage to the Earth's

Global Warming and its Impact

• Global warming is currently happening and is already causing severe effects on ecosystems and
disrupting ecological balance.
• Solutions to combat global warming include finding and using renewable energy sources.
The Greenhouse Effect
• Similar to a greenhouse, the greenhouse effect allows tropical plants to thrive inside a
greenhouse, even during cold seasons.
• Greenhouse gases absorb thermal infrared radiation, preventing it from escaping into outer
• The greenhouse effect, combined with increasing levels of greenhouse gases, results in
significant climate change, sea level rise, extreme weather events, and other negative impacts.

Greenhouse Gases: A Hazard

• Carbon dioxide, primarily produced by human activity, is the primary greenhouse gas.
• Deforestation and cement manufacture contribute to the production of carbon dioxide.
• Natural gas, methane, is produced from agricultural activities and improper waste management.
• Nitrous oxides are mainly generated by fertilizers.
• Fluorinated gases like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are primarily produced by industrial
processes and refrigeration.
• These gases contribute to global warming, increasing the earth's temperature.

Causes of Global Warming

• Greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides, and some chlorine and
bromine compounds, are the primary cause of global warming.
• These gases alter the radiative equilibrium in the atmosphere, warming the Earth's surface and
lower atmosphere.
• The net warming from 1850 to the end of the 20th century was nearly 2.5 W/m2, with carbon
dioxide contributing 60%, methane 25%, nitrous oxides and halocarbons the remainder.
• The depletion of the ozone layer is a major cause, mainly due to the presence of chlorine-
containing source gases.
• Aerosols in the atmosphere scatter and absorb solar and infrared radiation, altering
microphysical and chemical properties of clouds and affecting their lifetime and extent.
• Human contribution to aerosols includes dust from agriculture, biomass burning, industrial
processes, and exhaust emissions from transport.

Global Warming: Effects and Predictions

• Predicting the consequences of global warming is challenging due to the diverse factors
involved in natural processes like rain, snowfall, hailstorms, and sea level rise.
• The size of greenhouse gas emissions in the future is determined by technological
advancements and political decisions.
• Negative effects include increased water vapor in the atmosphere, leading to floods, and
increased evaporation from land and sea, causing droughts.
• Climate change can result in crop failure and famine, especially in areas with high
• The melting of glaciers worldwide is at a faster rate than previously projected, affecting about
one-sixth of the global population.
• The warmer climate is expected to cause more heat waves, violent rainfall, and amplification of
hailstorms and thunderstorms.
• Rising sea levels are the most deadly effect of global warming, causing rapid melting of ice and
glaciers, leading to water levels in oceans, rivers, and lakes that can cause floods.
• Temperature anomalies are projected to increase in the coming years due to the operation of
new industries and powerhouses emitting harmful gases.
• Extreme climate events like thunderstorms, floods, and earthquakes are currently occurring,
raising questions about survival on Earth given the rising temperature.

Global Warming's Impact on Living Beings and Animals

• Global warming can lead to stress, high blood pressure, heart diseases, crop failures, and
famines, affecting the human body's resistance to viruses and infections.
• Warmer temperatures can transfer diseases to other regions, leading to severe cholera outbreaks
and harmful infections in seafood.
• Dehydration, a major cause of kidney stones, is a significant health concern, with an increase in
kidney stone incidence since 1994.
• Valley fever, a fungal infection, has been found in Washington State, a region previously only
seen in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.
• Increased mosquito-borne diseases like dengue fever and malaria due to warmer and longer
summers, and the West Nile virus, have been observed.
• Lyme disease, transmitted mainly through bites from certain tick species, is another dangerous
• Animals are also affected by global warming, moving to cooler places to survive.
• Scientists predict that global warming is gradually damaging the ecosystems of various species,
potentially leading to their extinction.
• For example, the orang-utan in Indonesia is facing extinction due to climate change, and
elephants in Africa face threats such as shrinking living space and more frequent and longer dry

Alternative Energy Sources and Global Warming

• Global warming is a result of the excessive use of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and oil.
• Alternative energy sources like wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, and hydro are crucial
• These sources are environmentally friendly and pose no threat to ecological balance.
• Despite high installation and setup costs, they are beneficial for everyone in the long run.
• As fossil fuels deplete, renewable energy sources will become the ultimate solution.
• Public responsibility in energy conservation methods is crucial.
• Governments should encourage energy companies and people to use renewable energy.
• NGOs should distribute pamphlets to encourage alternative energy use and discourage fossil
fuel use.
• Developed countries should extend their support to developing countries to combat global
warming collectively.
• Renewable energy is the most effective way to limit the emission of greenhouse gases.

Global Warming Solutions

• Cutting down on vehicle usage to reduce harmful emissions.

• Promoting cycling, public transport, and walking as alternatives.
• Considering fuel economy and emission rates when choosing a car.
• Using hybrid cars for higher efficiency and lower emissions.
• Regular tire inflation and air filter replacement to reduce harmful emissions.
• Sharing rides with friends or co-workers to reduce vehicle usage.
• Utilizing print and social media to encourage energy conservation and pollution reduction.
• Implementing awareness campaigns using placards, posters, and logos.
• Recycling and using rechargeable batteries.
• Purchasing quality products and shopping locally to reduce transportation.
• Implementing small individual efforts like lowering thermostats and using compact fluorescent
• Implementing reforestation schemes and discouragement of forest degradation and
• Consideration of nuclear power as a potential solution, but with caution due to potential risks
and high costs.

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