Placement Observation

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Placement Observation

This placement observation was done at C.R.A school. The building of the placement was of

average size. A security guard was present at the entrance of the placement. Upon entering the

placement, the observer noticed a corridor which was also used as waiting area as chairs were

placed there. At first, there was a reception counter and a lady was sitting there. As the hallway

went on, there was a staffroom and principal’s office. A small library was also present besides

the offices. In front of the library, there was a large hall and it was this place where sessions were

going on. The hall had a good arrangement of ventilation.

Before the hall, there was another corridor on the left side. At the start of the corridor, there was

a small computer lab and then all other rooms were used as classes. These rooms were occupied

by seventh to ninth graders. The classes were very small and congested with no windows for

ventilation. At one side, there were stairs which lead to more classes upstairs. At this floor, all

the classes were of junior grades. These rooms were similar to the room present downstairs,

small with no proper arrangement for these classes were of junior students, the

environment of this floor was really noisy.

At the end of corridor, there was a huge ground with green grass and swings present for students.

As all the students were taking classes at this time, the ground was empty. Washrooms were also

present at both of the floors. To be precise, it was a regular day in school with hustle and bustle

of students all around the school.


The strengths of this placement are as following:

 The facilities of library, computer lab and a spacious ground were available for students

to utilize.

 The classes with large number of students were divided into different sections such as a,

b and c.


The limitations of the school are mentioned as follows:

 The arrangement of ventilation was not good enough as most classes had no windows and

doors were the only way of passing the air.

 There were no signs of discipline at the second floor as students were not only making a

lot of noise but were also moving here and there in the class despite the teachers being

present there.

 Different facilities were present but they were not spacious enough to fit a good number

of students.


To conclude, the infrastructure and environment of the school were average. The

size of the building was moderate and standards of discipline were not good enough especially at

the upper floors. There was a bit hustle and bustle going on making it a typical school

Case Observation

Identifying Data

Name L

Gender Female

Age 14 years

Date of Administration 15-11-2023

Initial Observation

The observer noticed that the student was wearing proper school uniform with her

hair tied in a ponytail. She was seated in an uncomfortable position, with her knees spread and

her back not resting against the chair's back. She seemed very nervous as she was continuously

moving her hands. She was looking here and there and was not able to make an eye contact with

the trainee. Throughout the session, she spoke in a really low voice. She was clearly uneasy

being there based on her stiff expression.

The trainee asked her some random questions to calm her down. However, she

took much time to answer those questions. She would take a pause after every question before

answering it. Nevertheless, she was paying attention to the questions being asked, and answered

them properly after taking her time. After that, the trainee conducted an activity with the student

in which she asked her to read a paragraph from her book. After learning about the task, the

student became anxious and took a long time before she began reading. The student had trouble

during reading and she pronounced many words incorrectly. The trainee asked her about it and

she answered that she finds it difficult to read, especially in front of class.
The trainee asked further questions to the student about her studies. To which

she replied that she finds all of her subjects difficult and only likes sketching. The trainee asked

her to bring some of her sketches in the next session. Next, she performed another activity with

the student. She handed over a page to and told her write the words she is dictating. She made

her write almost ten words and found out that her spellings were poor. Furthermore, the observer

noticed that the trainee asked her other questions about school and it was revealed that she

changed her school in fifth grade and took a lot of time to adjust in school. Initially, she was not

able to make friends and was finally able to make a friend a year later in sixth grade.

After all this, the trainee told the student that up till now she was assessing her

problems and they will start working on her problems from the next session. She also reminded

her to bring her sketches in the next session. And with this, the session was concluded.


In general, the session proceeded quite smoothly and went very well. The student’s

problems were discussed in detail and the trainee handled the student quiet well. Some of the

strengths of the session include:

 The student’s problems were discussed in detail and activities were conducted to take an

idea of the intensity of the problem.

 The behavior of trainee was really good as she was able to relax the student who was

extremely nervous.

 The trainee provided the student with insight into the purpose of the sessions in order to

prevent her from becoming anxious.

Some of the limitations of the session are discussed as follows:

 The environment served as the limitation of the session as a number of different sessions

were going on in the same hall which made the environment noisy. Consequently, the

trainee and student were finding it a bit difficult to understand each other.

 In addition, the environment also served as distraction for the student as she was looking

here and there and observing other sessions.

Digit Span Test

Purpose of Assessment

Digit span is used to measure verbal short term memory and working memory of a

person or a client.

Identifying Information

Name M. U

Gender Male

Age 15

Date of Administration 26-11-2023


In first trial, the trainee told the participant that she will recite some numbers and he

has to carefully listen and then repeat them. The numbers were in sets and one second gap was

given between each number. A three seconds gap was also given between two sets. Every set had

two subsets. The second subset was recited if the participant failed to repeat the first subset. In

the second trial, the participant was asked to repeat the numbers in reverse order. Meanwhile, all

the scores were recorded.

Behavioral Observation

The participant was wearing jeans and shirt and his attire was weather appropriate.

Overall he had a casual look. The participant listened keenly to the task and looked excited for it.

He was smiling at the start of the task and did not seem nervous. As the numbers were recited in

front of him, he listened attentively and repeated them carefully. When he was not able to
remember a number, he looked frustrated and then messed up the numbers. In the trial of

backward sequence, he took time before repeating the numbers. At the end, he was eager to

know his scores.

Quantitative Interpretation

Table 1

Quantitative Analysis of Digit Span

Forward Square Reverse Score Total Score

06 05 11

Qualitative Interpretation

The participant had a higher score in the trial of forward sequence as compared to

backward sequence. He was able to recall 6 sequences in forward trial, reflecting his good

memory. However, in backward trial he was able to repeat only 5 sequences. This shows he has a

good memory but his ability to recall forward sequence is more than the retrieval of backward

stimulus. The participant also had a good attention span as he was able to listen and recall 13

sequences in total.


This test concludes that human mind has a greater ability to remember things in the

way, they are presented. When the mind has to reverse or modify the information, its activity is

slowed down or sometimes completely stopped. This test, however, was able to test the capacity

of short term memory of the participant.

Paired Associative Learning Test

Purpose of Assessment

This test is used to measure verbal learning and retention of verbal stimulus.

Identifying Information

Name M. U

Gender Male

Age 15

Date of Administration 26-11-2023


The trainee told the participant that she will read a list of paired words in front of

him. He has to carefully listen to the list. The trainee gave one second gap between two words

and three seconds gap between two sets of words. At the completion of the list the trainee

repeated the first words of the list and asked the participant to state their pair. Three trials were

done in the same way and scores were recorded in terms of easy and difficult pairs.

Behavioral Observation

The participant was wearing jeans and shirt and his attire was weather appropriate.

Overall he had a casual look. The participant listened keenly to the task and looked excited for it.

He was smiling at the start of the task and did not seem nervous. As the words were recited in

front of him, he listened carefully. He remained excited even when he was asked to repeat the

words. When he was not able to remember a word, he looked frustrated and started moving his
hand. In second and third trial, he was more attentive, seeming to rectify his mistakes. At the

end, he was really keen to know his scores.

Quantitative Interpretation

Table 1

Quantitative Analysis of Associative Learning

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Easy 5 6 7

Difficult 3 3 3

Total 8 9 10

Qualitative Interpretation

The participant made some mistakes in first two trials but was able to remember all

the words in the third trial. Surprisingly, the participant did not make a mistake in difficult pairs

but was not able to recall some words in easy pairs. In first trial, he scored 8 which shows his

good memory but is score gradually increased and got to 10 in last trial. This shows that when

information is repeated more than once, the human brain is able to memorize all of it.


To conclude, this test gave an idea about the verbal retention of stimulus in brain and

effectiveness of learning through association of words. In addition, this test also concluded that

human brain has the capability to remember the information that is frequently repeated.

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