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Dungeons and Dominance

his is a Dungeons and Dragons guide I am
designing for a kinky couple. The DM is the
Dom, and the player is the Sub. This is a
mixed reality experience, with the real
world players progressing through a variety
of real-world locations and events while
undergoing acts that correlate to the D&D
events. The player receives several tools: a bag of dice and
some healing potions (assorted mixed drinks of varying
intensity, or just some water. Whatever floats your boat!).
The DM is free to utilize a variety of tools during the
encounter, including but not limited to: buttplugs, lube,
rope, scarf/soft fabric, vibrator(s), blindfolds, ice cubes,
pre-made insults, etc.
Remember, SSC (Safe, Sane and Consensual) and RACK
(Risk Aware Consensual Kink) apply in all aspects of this.
Always have some form of safeword, and communicate on
all aspects of what may occur before engaging to ensure
all participants are on the same page. Feel free to modify
the suggested concepts as it fits for your scenario.
If you don't want a pre-designed adventure, feel free to
read no farther than the following table, and try to design
combat encounters, traps, and role-play consequences
around the suggested options:

Spells/Damage and their Sexy Effects

Source Real World
Slashing Damage Face Slaps
Bludgeoning Damage Ass Slaps
Piercing Damage Penetration
Cold Damge Ice Cubes
Fire/Lightning Slaps or Toys if you have them
Grease Apply Lube
Blindness Blindfold
Gag/Put anything in
Restrained/Grapple Bondage
Butt Plug (increasing diameter
Bestow Curse
with time)

The Sex Cult of Tiamat: A Solo Adventure
Act 1: The Bar Act 2: The Return Journey
The participants start this adventure in a public Leaving the bar and returning to somewhere
place, like a nearby bar. Have a few drinks, get private, the journey back will continue the journey,
comfortable, and give yourself from some distance culminating in the infiltration of a sex cult.
from nearby people.

The player can either wait or leave or do whatever they

The player is a level 5 player character (for example, want. Once the Madame is finished, she puts on a robe
Brunhila the Chaste, a dragonborn cleric). They start their and talks to the player about their purpose. The half-orc
adventure in a temple to Bahamut, where a high priest leaves without acknowledging the player. Speaking with
tasks them to visit a local brothel, known as the Saintly Janeta, she reveals with a good persuasion check (DC 15)
Sheep. While the brothel is tolerated due to the religious that there are some occasional people who make her
freedoms allowed within the massive capital city where it uneasy but who provide good business always use the
resides, the Priest finds it distasteful. same room. She allows you to investigate. She also
There have been rumors of illicit activity beyond the casually tells you that if you are looking for a good time
bounds of normal brothel activities, and the High Priest you should join her over dinner.
informs the player that they have received direction from Investigating the rest of the brothel reveals steaming
Bahamut that indicates they must investigate there to try baths where numerous people engage in promiscuous
and uncover a deadly plot by followers of Tiamat. activities, private rooms where noises emanate from
Upon arriving, the player meets Chuck Huggenkiss, a within, and a closet filled with toys and apparatus of the
pink mowhawk-sporting and massively muscular human adult nature. Eventually, the player finds an empty room
bouncer. He looks the player up and down curiously, and with a bed. Further investigation (DC 15) within
comments on not seeing many clerics here. He the nondescript room finds a
encourages the player to have a good time and winks. hidden scrap of paper with
Upon entering, the player sees various denizens and the words "I submit myself
scantily clad courtesans lounging around. Seeking info to you; I vow to please."
directs the player to the office of Madame Janeta, who is Speaking these words aloud
"discussing a business deal with a client." Heading that causes the bed to slide over,
way, a DC 15 Perception check reveals muffled yelps of and steps descending below.
pain. Fearing for her safety, the player breaks in, or Heading into the depths,
attempts to get closer. the third act of exploring
Inside, they would stumble in on Madame Janeta being the dungeon begins.
grasped by the horns (she is a tiefling woman), getting
penetrated by a large half-orc man riding her like a
motorcycle. Magical floating ethereal hands float around
her, caressing her. Gasping with pain/pleasure, she makes
eye contact with the player... and winks.
The player's reactions are up to them, but eventually,
once the Madame is finished, they will be available to
speak with the Player. Madame Janeta has exactly zero
shame, and waves away if the players walked in on them
with no worries.

Here is where the fun begins. The player is
Act 3: The Dungeon and bound/restrained in some manner, and the evil elf named
Ailwin the Endowed monologues about the Great Tiamat
Boss Fight and how chaos will reign supreme. If the player resists or
tries to speak, the elf casts blindness or silence upon them
In this third act, the participants have arrived back (apply a blindfold or earplugs? If that's your thing). The elf
at a private space, where the DM has prepared also curses them (buttplug, where every couple minutes
beforehand. Toys are hidden out of sight, but a the curse intensifies, increasing the diameter of the plug.
comfortable space is set out for the ensuing chaos. DC 14 WIS saves to avoid going up a stage) and then he
forces the player to drink some unknown potion and
Get comfortable, and let the dungeon begin.
induce a vision of Tiamat (give the player some water
before proceeding), and they witness the glory of the 5-
Headed Chaos Dragon God. The overwhelming allure of
There are three consecutive chambers: A narrow, wet Chaos is so seductive, so enticing, they player must resist
passage, a room with an orgy, and the boss chamber. it. Here, the DM may do as they wish to subject their player
Room 1: The stairs descend into a dark and wet room to pleasurable things (vibrators, oral, etc) having the player
with slick walls. Ahead, the passage narrows into a tight roll CON saving throws (DC 15) every minute or so. Three
squeeze, barely 1 foot wide, with steaming water dripping saves and they break out of the vision, three fails and they
down the walls from the hot springs overhead. Near the must reach orgasm.
gap, dozens of garments and armor lay strewn around. Completing this phase, the elf laughs and leaves, letting
To pass through this space, the player must remove all two battered orgy members from earlier to slash and
armor to slide through into the next room. (This is where bludgeon the player for a bit, maybe forcing them to drink
the player removes all extraneous clothing except for another vision potion or casting similar certain spells upon
underwear). A successful DC 17 DEX check allows passage them. Eventually, they grow bored, and the player gets a
through the space. Any less will snag clothing, resulting in break. Here, the player must escape from their bindings
1d4 slashing damage. (DM will slap the player the same (successful sleight of hand check, DC 10). Once they do so,
number of times on the body in enjoyable ways) they can retrieve their basic gear, and defeat the two
sleeping cultists, before confronting and defeating the
Room 2: Emerging from the tight squeeze, the player is
boss. This phase counts as a short rest, so the player can
covered in a thin layer of slime. (Apply lube to parts of
heal back to full using hit dice if they have any left. If the
players body if desired.) Coming around the corner, the
player hears an orgy in the distance. Here, there are 4 player character hits 0, the cultists force a healing potion
on them.
cultists engaged in an orgy, of all types. Interrupting them
goes to combat, where they charge the player, nude. The DM may choose how to make this interesting, using
the spells at the disposal of Ailwin the Endowed to have
If the player is defeated, they are bludgeoned into
fun with their player, in one final climactic battle. Once
unconsciousness and bound (resulting in actual additional
defeated, the elf falls to the ground, dropping his staff of
smacks/bondage of the player, in preparation for the final
Tiamat. As the staff hits the ground, the crystal shatters,
stage.) If they defeat the cultists, they may enter the final
and the released energies overwhelm the player, filling
chamber, battered and mostly/wholey nude but ready.
them with visions of Chaos and pleasure and power. Here
After defeating the four or so cultists, the player
the Dom engages in any finishing sorts of activities with
proceeds to the next room, taking a break to heal if
the player, until both DM and Player reach climax and
necessary. Upon entering, they see dragon statues, and a
large muscular elf wearing a tight loincloth, standing in
Following this cuddling and self care should immediately
front of an altar. The moment the player walks into this
follow. After a brief break, the player then escapes the
space, the elf casts hypnotic pattern on them (DC 20). A fail
dungeon, gathering their things, and returns to the surface
will result in the player falling paralyzed, allowing the elf to
successful in their mission, but forever changed by the
walk up and restrain them, with the help of a couple more
experience, wondering at many of the things they had held
cultists (again, actually bind the player).
to be true before...

Cult Orgy Member Ailwin the Endowed
Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Evil
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 7(1d4 + 5)
Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor)
Speed 20ft. Hit Points 28
Speed 25 ft.
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+2) 7 (-1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
8 (-1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish
5ft., one target. Hit 1d6 + 2 (Slashing damage
done by cultists removes any remaining Spellcasting. Ailwin is a 5th-level spellcaster.
clothing, leaving the player nude and slick.) His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save
DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). It has the
following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, ray of frost, mage
hand, shocking grasp
1st level (4 slots): charm person, grease, ice
knife, shield, sleep
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness,
silence, hold person
3rd level (2 slots): hypnotic pattern

Quarterstaff. The Cult Leader can make a
bludgeoning attack with its staff. +4 to hit, 1d6 +
1 damage.
This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.

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