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Do you all know that there are a lot of problems in the world? For

example, global warming, world hunger, and poverty. All of these problems

are major problems by themselves and cannot be solved easily without

multi-level solutions. My problem is not only a big problem by itself but it

can also cause even bigger problems, short term and long term. You are

all probably wondering what my problem is, so I’ll stop stalling and just tell

you. I think that the most important problem you should solve before any

other is procrastination because procrastination stops you from

completing any other problems in the world whether it’s big or small.

Supporting Idea #1

Before I even go into the details of procrastination, I have to first

explain what it is. Procrastination is when you are doing something else that’s

less important to delay something that is either more important or just a

hard task, but that’s my definition, do you want to know what Google’s

definition is? delaying or postponing something. . . “Hm” Short and simple, I

like it. But If you can’t picture what I said in your mind or even what Google

said, I can give you a few examples of procrastination. like Doing your

homework last minute or saying that you will do it tomorrow. But that's just,

what procrastination is, what about… why does it happen? Most people think

that since you can’t see procrastination, unlike global warming or world
hunger, you probably think that it’s just in your head. But just like your mental

health and stress, there are certain reasons why this happens.

Procrastination happens because of Depression, Anxiety, Low Self-Esteem,

and ADHD. But most of these are actual problems that people suffer from.

Most people procrastinate because of distractions, such as social media or a

talkative friend. Just like most problems in the world, procrastination has to

target certain people more than others. Procrastination mostly affects people

within the age group of 14 - 29. Also, Did you know that 20 - 25 % of people

procrastinate regularly?

Supporting Idea #2

What I said was just the basis of what procrastination is, but does

procrastination lead to other problems? Procrastination can actually lead

you to build up a bad habit which can lead to more problems.

Procrastination can have a large impact on our mental and physical

health. Those impacts can lead to feelings of guilt and anxiety while also

making us feel unproductive, lazy, and unmotivated. When you

procrastinate and leave tasks up until the very end, you will rush them,

which will cause you to make many mistakes. And these mistakes can

cause bad results and bad results can hurt your reputation.

Procrastination can reduce self-esteem and you would miss many

opportunities, for example, promotions or extra credits. A bad habit can

cause your procrastination to be worse and worse because at the

beginning you would be able to finish certain tasks, but over time it will get

harder and harder and you will fall behind.

Supporting Idea #3

Though I just said that procrastination is bad and it will lead to

many problems, I'm also here to show you how to stop procrastinating.

Before I start, I want to clarify that there is no real way to get rid of

procrastination but only to reduce it and why you should reduce it. The

top 3 ways to reduce procrastination are to 1. Make a plan because a plan

shows you what you should focus on instead of what you want. 2. Remove

all the distractions, removing distractions can help because once

motivated to do the task, a distraction can easily knock you off your

course. And 3. Break your work into smaller chunks because you will have

more motivation to complete one chunk instead of the whole entire

assignment. By doing these 3 steps, you will hopefully procrastinate a lot

less and there are benefits when you're not procrastinating. Your work will

be better, you’ll feel less rush, and overall feel calmer and in a better

mood. You will also build a better habit and eventually stop



Now that I have explained a lot about procrastination, I hope you at

least learned something and tried to use my strategies to reduce

procrastination because If you are too late, you might not be able to stop
it. And, as Sensei Wu has once said “Never put off until tomorrow, what can

be done today”

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