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Tell me about your self !

Good afternoon sir, in the first I would like to say thank you for the opportunity that has been given
to me to be able to conduct an interview with the board of directors of the Dharma Kyungshin Indonesia
company. It is an honor for me to be able to interact with all of you, the board of directors of DKI
companies. In the Next, let me to introduce myself My name is Fahri Alfinanto, I am a fresh graduate from
mechanical engineering and it is focusing at energy conversion engineering study program at the
Bandung State of Polytechnic with the GPA Score of 3,47. In my study program we learn about
chemical, electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering phenomenon but that knowledge to support main
learning in my study program that is to save and conservation the energy. I have a several soft skills and
hard skills in engineering. such as for soft skill like a Good communication skills in Indonesian and
English resulting in good public speaking skills; Ability to solve problems well by utilizing analytical,
managerial and critical thinking skills; and I am a Creative and Innovative person; Quickly adapt to
different environmental conditions (Adaptive); Open to collaborating with many parties (Team-Work).
and then for hard skills such as modeling or designing process machines or electrical diagram in auto
cad, basic engineering in operating rotating machines and Instrumentation tools, basic engineering
in operating engineering tools such as electric welding, electric drills, grinders, lathes, milling
machines, etc, and have a knowledge about maintenance management especially is to make
maintenance preventive schedule, and make a plan to do predictive maintenance, and make a plan
for improvement maintenance technology. That skill, my interest, and knowledge, I’ve got from
organization, competition, working, and learning experience from polban.
My organizational experience I have ever to be head of science and technology department of
HMTE, and at that time I am contributed to increasing members' experience, skills, achievements
and insight in the world of engineering. While my biggest competition experience is to be 2nd place
nationally at PIMNAS-34 (Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional) championship in the PKM-KI scheme,
and at the competition I am created innovative works of electric bicycles. And then my working
experience is do internship program for 1 months as a maintenance engineer at PT. Indocement
Tunggal Prakarsa, join a MSIB (Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat) Batch 3rd Program for 6
months as a Electrical Engineering Student for Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 at PT. Stechoq
Robotika Indonesia, and then i have ever to be Energy Engineer in PT. Wahana Putra Ganesha for the
mechanical and process maintenance at the energy audit project, it is do energy audit at PLTMG
Sumbagut 2- Peaker Lhokseumawe for 5 months.
Tell us about your family !
My family consists of 3 people, me, my father, and my mother. I am the only child of a couple, my father's
name is Suyanto and he works as an Indonesian national soldier assigned to Yon-Arhanudse 14 Pilang,
Cirebon. Meanwhile, my mother's name is Susanah, she works as an entrepreneur, and does business in the
rental and repair services sector for Play Stations.
Where do you home located ?
My home located in Taman Weru Permai Housing Block E 4 Number 9 RT number 02 RW number 07
Weru Kidul Village, Weru District, Cirebon Regency. It is close to the location of one of the DKI company
sites which is located in Plumbon District, Cirebon Regency.
What do you know about my company ?
This is a new Joint Venture Company between Dharma Group and Kyungshin Corporation. Is a
manufacturer of automotive wiring (Automotive Wiring Harness Manufacturer). This product is used to
connect 1 electrical component found in a vehicle, especially motorbikes and cars, with 1 other electrical
component. These products are in the form of electrical and control cables from vehicles. The company has
2 sites, one of which is located in Plumbon sub-district, Cirebon district. Furthermore, the board of
directors of the DKI company is Mr. Partono Bunadi as CEO of DKI, Mr. Lee Chang Jun as CFO of DKI,
Mr. Seo Seong Ryung as COO of DKI.
Why you interested to join in my company?
I am interested in joining your company because your company offers a engineering staff position, and
then that is suits my interests and abilities. Apart from that, the next reason is because your company is a
manufacturer of electrical cables and controls for vehicles which has many clients or customers who use
products such as the Hyundai company.
What is your strength and weakness ?
My strengths is I have a several soft skills and hard skills in engineering. such as for soft skill like a
Good communication skills in Indonesian and English resulting in good public speaking skills; Ability
to solve problems well by utilizing analytical, managerial and critical thinking skills; Creative and
Innovative; Quickly adapt to different environmental conditions (Adaptive); Open to collaborating with
many parties (Team-Work). and then for hard skills such as modeling or designing process machines or
electrical diagram in auto cad, Operation of Electrical Engineering Software Such as Ki-cad, Multisim,
Etap, Eagle Cad, Proteus, and Arduino, basic engineering in operating rotating machines and
Instrumentation tools, basic engineering in operating engineering tools such as electric welding,
electric drills, grinders, lathes, milling machines, etc, and have a knowledge about maintenance
management especially is to make maintenance preventive schedule, and make a plan to do
predictive maintenance, and make a plan for improvement maintenance technology.
And my weakness is Perfectionism causes work to take a long time because of paying attention to small
details, but this perfectionist side can be reduced slowly by prioritizing time targets and still prioritizing
product quality, and this is done by managing time and activities effectively and efficiently.
Tell about your final project !
The topic of my final assignment to obtain a Bachelor's degree in applied engineering, which specifically
studies energy conversion phenomena and machines, is Design of Rice Husk Drying System by Utilizing
The Heat Conduction of Burning Zone Shell in Rotary Kiln. This topic was chosen because it was based
on the results of the Plant 09 energy management audit. PT Indocement year In 2022, information was
obtained that the heat efficiency of the rotary kiln was depreciating performance from the standard, namely
85-95% (Peray, 1979) to 79.47%, with The highest shell conduction heat loss per meter of rotary kiln zone
length is The conduction heat of the shell burning zone is 17.35 kcal/kg.clinker. That matter has the
potential to waste production costs. So there is a solution for saving cement production costs by reducing
stone consumption coals in RSP through designing a fuel rice husk drying system RSP alternative by
utilizing heat conduction in the burning zone of the rotary shell kiln, so that this design will increase the
NHV value of rice husk which results in a decrease in coal consumption. System planning drying rice husk
includes sizing blower capacity, heater design, spray dryer, and hopper. as well as real implementation in
the field. This design can reduce coal use in the kiln system is 284 tons/year, and increasing rotary kiln
heat efficiency from 79.47% to 79.64%. Feasibility analysis results This design economy obtained
WORTH status marked with obtained NPV value (Rp. 3,132,919,494.15) > 0; IRR (11.51%) > MARR
(8%) ; and Payback Period (4.44 Years) < technical design age (10 Years).
What do you do in internship program with Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa tbk ?
My internship experience at PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa was as a maintenance engineer, namely
carrying out tasks for Caring for and maintaining mechanical, electrical equipment and control systems
(instruments) so that they run according to their wishes and functions, Energy audit Rotary Kiln
Techonogy like providing phenomenon analysis, performance evaluation, and energy saving
recommendations on Rotary Kiln technology, and Designing a Rice Husk drying process by utilizing
conduction heat loss in a Rotary Kiln is intended to increase the NHV of Rice Husk and reduce coal
consumption. And then the result of that tasks is get a profile of the energy performance and phenomena of
rotary kiln technology and get a conclusion that the performance or process efficiency of the rotary kiln is
79.47%, a decrease from the standard efficiency of 85% - 95%. Apart from that, it is result a drying system
design by utilizing the heat conduction of the rotary kiln shell burning zone. And that design can reduce
coal use in the kiln system is 284 tons/year, and increasing rotary kiln heat efficiency from 79.47% to
What do you do in internship program with PT. Wahana Putra Ganesha ?
My working experience at PT. Wahana Putra Ganesha is to do energy audit gas engines from
Wartsilla Brand at PLTMG Sumbagut-2 Peaker Lhokseumawe, and that activity related to one of
activity maintenance program at that power plant. My job descriptions in energy audit activity are :
• Site visits and measurements to obtain secondary and primary data in evaluating the performance
(heat rate, efficiency, and specific fuel consumption) of gas engines and generators.
• Performing data processing to obtain performance evaluation parameters (heat rate, efficiency, and
specific fuel consumption).
• Make a final report on the results of performance evaluation and recommendations for measures to
save gas for engines and generators, like a Designing WHRSG to reduce gas engine exhaust losses,
because gas engine exhaust losses is the biggest heat losses in gas engine power plant technology.
What do you do in organization and how to solve the problem ?
My organization experience is to be head of science and technology department at Energy Engineering
Community my task in there organization is Responsible for the implementation of the movement and the
work program of the science and technology department and Responsible for increasing insight,
knowledge, and experience in the field of Science and Technology for HMTE members. And so I with my
team make a 8 work programs related to science and technology aimed at increasing the insight, experience
and achievements of students majoring in energy conversion engineering. So the result is ?
1. completed 8 work programs related to science and technology aimed at increasing the insight,
experience and achievements of students majoring in energy conversion engineering.
2. Increasing the insight, experience, interest and achievements of students majoring in energy conversion
engineering in the field of science and technology was marked by an increase in government-funded
proposals from the energy conversion engineering major in the student creativity program from 2 proposals
to 16 proposals.
3. Received the best work program award at local level (polban), namely in the energy competition
4. create and provide useful technology, namely solar-based public street lighting, to the traditional village
of Banceuy, Subang as a target village in the "Energi Bina Desa (EBIDES)" work program.
Problem ?
The problem lies in the time gap between one work program and other work programs is nearby and my
position is being the head of the department who has the obligation to • Coordinate department members so
that they can carry out work programs and movements in a directed and successful manner in accordance
with the vision and mission of the science and technology department, and the action I take is managing
time well, namely by making a detailed work schedule so that the results are we completed 8 work
programs with the best result because related to achievement we got from that experience.
What is you’re the best achievement ?
While my biggest Achievement is to be 2nd place nationally at PIMNAS-34 (Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa
Nasional) championship in the PKM-KI scheme, and at the competition I am created innovative works of
electric bicycles.
Lingkungan pekerjaan yang disenangi

A work environment that prioritizes shared goals over personal goals, prioritizes collaboration over
competition, prioritizes joint development over personal development.
English Language Ability, Mastery of Hardware Engineering, Especially PLC, and Mastery of Etap
Sociable (easy to get along with), Humble, Trustworthy, Competent, Supportive, Innovative, and Creative,
Open to Collaboration, and Understands Boundaries
Likes backbiting, arrogant or arrogant, low self-esteem, lacks self-confidence, violates privacy, and is lazy
(complains a lot)
If I get the opportunity to join here, what do I need to do so that the company feels that hiring me is a good
decision? If I get the opportunity to join here, what guarantees can the company give to its employees to
ensure employee career development in the future?
That's all the questions, thank you sir, please answer
You want to learn, want to know, in make things, wiring harness, learn again, applied basic knowledge,

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