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NAME : Ridwansyah




Make a dialogue between ship-ship in transmitting a distress alert!

MT. BAHRAIN : Mayday, mayday! This is the cargo vessel Starlight. We’re
experiencing critical engine failure in quadrant 7. Requesting immediate
assistance. Over.

MT. KRAKATAU : Starlight, this is the Explorer. Copy your distress signal.
Confirming receipt of your coordinates. Can you provide more details on the
nature of the engine failure? Over.

MT. BAHRAIN : Explorer, our primary propulsion system has completely shut
down. We’ve lost all control and are drifting. Secondary systems are failing
rapidly. Situation is dire. Over.

MT. KRAKATAU : Starlight, understood. We’re mobilizing our rescue team. Hang
tight, help is on the way. Can you initiate any emergency protocols or maneuvers
to stabilize your position? Over.
MT. BAHRAIN : Explorer, negative. We’ve exhausted all onboard options. We’re
adrift in space, and our power reserves are depleting rapidly. Requesting
expedited assistance. Over.

MT. KRAKATAU : Starlight, copy. Sending an emergency broadcast to nearby

vessels for additional support. Estimated time of arrival for our rescue team is 20
minutes. Stay on this channel for updates. Over.

MT. BAHRAIN : Explorer, appreciate the swift response. We’ll standby for further
instructions. Our crew is preparing for evacuation if necessary. Over.

MT. KRAKATAU : Starlight, understood. Maintain communication, and we’ll guide

you through the evacuation process if needed. Explorer out for now. We’ll update
you on our progress. Over.

(Time passes)

MT. KRAKATAU : Starlight, this is Explorer. Our rescue team is approaching your
location. Confirm visual contact. Over.

MT. BAHRAIN : Explorer, affirmative. We see your lights approaching. Initiating

distress beacons now. We’re ready for evacuation assistance. Over.

MT. KRAKATAU : Starlight, standby. Our team is deploying rescue pods. Confirm
when all crew members are safely on board. Over.
MT. BAHRAIN : Explorer, all crew members accounted for. We’re deeply grateful
for your prompt response. Requesting tow to the nearest repair facility. Over.

MT. KRAKATAU : Starlight, copy. We’ll secure a towline and escort you to the
repair facility. Expect the process to take a few hours. Stay close, and we’ll guide
you through the journey. Explorer out.

(Communication continues as the rescue and tow operation progresses.)

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