Cookery 10 - CO1 - Q3

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Lesson Plan in TLE 10-Quarter 1-Week 7

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding preparing and cooking seafood dishes
Performance Standard: The learners independently prepare and cook seafood dishes
Learning Competency: Perform guidelines in serving fish and seafood dishes.
At the end of the class, the students should be able to:
 Explain the guidelines in serving seafood dishes.
 Perform the guidelines in serving seafood dishes.


Topic: Guidelines in Serving Fish and Seafood Dishes
Value Integration: Obedience an Excellence
Reference: MELCs and K to 12 Learning Modules for Cookery 10 and BOW from SDO of Digos City
Materials: Laptop, TV, DepEd Tablet, and Digitized LMs.

Review: “Jumbled Words”
Direction: Students will rearrange the jumbled words about Fundamentals of Plating for 2 minutes.

1. LANCEBA - select foods and garnishes that offer variety and contrast or in Science it is homeostasis or the equilibrium
of body’s temperature.
2. PORNOIT ZESI – how large or small the food is in the plate or chunks/distribution of data in a Pie Graph.

Drill: “Combine Me Now” (2 minutes activity)



Group Activity: “Serve the Dish”.

Direction: Each group will be given assigned seafood dish. Then they will serve it using the guidelines written in the
strips of paper provided by the teacher. Students will use the table for their presentation. (3 minutes activity).

Seafood Dishes: Fish Tinola, Fish Kinilaw, Adobong Pusit and Buttered Garlic Shrimp.
Guidelines in serving: * Never leave seafood out of the refrigerator for more than 2 hours
* Keep cold seafood refrigerated until time of service.
* Keep cold seafood on ice if it is going to stay out longer than 2 hours.
* Keep hot seafood heated until time to serve
* Serve hot seafood under a heat source

The teacher will ask the following question:

1. Based on your own experience, how will you serve cooked seafood dishes at home or even during outing?

Interactive Discussion: The Teacher will perform the guidelines in serving seafood dishes.
Follow these serving guidelines once your seafood is cooked and ready to be enjoyed.
• Never leave seafood or other perishable food out of the refrigerator for more than 2 hours or for more than 1
hour when temperatures are above 90°F. Bacteria that can cause illness grow quickly at warm temperatures
(between 40°F and 140°F).
For party planning, keep hot seafood hot and cold seafood cold:
• Keep cold chilled seafood refrigerated until time to serve.
• Serve cold seafood on ice if it is going to stay out longer than 2 hours.
• Keep hot seafood heated until time to serve or divide the seafood into smaller containers and keep them in a
refrigerator until time to reheat and serve.
• Serve hot seafood under a heat source (e.g., hot lamp, crock pot, hot plate, etc.) if it is going to stay out longer
than 2 hours or discard the seafood after 2 hours.
The teacher will group the students and will let them perform the listed activities below.

Group A. Roleplaying
Direction: The students will perform the guidelines on how to serve Fish Kinilaw.
Group B. Jingle Making
Direction: The students will create a jingle about the guidelines in serving seafood dishes.
Jingle-Making Rubrics

Group C. Reporting
Direction: The students will explain the guidelines in serving seafood dishes.
Group D. Vlog Making
Students in this group will record like a vlog the presentation of Group A to C.
Multiple Choice: Read carefully the
statement and choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write your answer on
the space before each number.

_____ 1. The following listed below

are the guidelines in serving seafood
dishes except one.
a. Never leave perishable food
out of refrigerator for more than 2
hours because bacteria may grow
b. Keep hot seafood heated until serving time.
c. Cold seafood does not required chilling until serving time.
d. None of the above
_____ 2. How are you going to serve Fish Tinola?
a. Keep the fish tinola chilled until service time.
c. Serve hot fish tinola under a heat source.
b. Prepare the fish ahead with the vegetable ingredients and mix them altogether.
d. Divide the cooked fish tinola into smaller containers and keep them inside the refrigerator.

Choose at least one from the activities listed below:
a. Video making on how to serve seafood dishes Students will make a vlog on how to serve seafood dishes.
b. Photo Collage Student will perform the guidelines in serving seafood dishes and he/she will take pictures as
documentation. Then will post in the Cookery 10 official FB Page.

Prepared by: ROJEAN P. PEJO

Teacher I


Principal II

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