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Hold me in your arms and let me drown in you,

Hold me sooo tight that let our breath be confused
Hold me in your thoughts, like how a sailor holds on to his ship
And we shall embark into adventures
A ship is nothing without its captain
I know there will be times when you will have to get off, but I will
patiently wait for you
Because as you are attached to the waters, I am attached to you.
I am nothing and everything

In a blink I have seen all I want to; your eyes are the ocean and you
hardly flood.
And your words sail through me: you got me mesmerized.
Losing my sanity over your energy, sweep me away every time
But bring me back to shore.
Still on my mind, my heart,
And my present a delightful present that you are.
I cherish you so let’s
embark this journey together
I might probably me lonely
Then that night laying down on my bed
When I had everything good going on with me, I had this empty heart
which felt like it had been vacant since ages
My judgment was flying wild in the flight of my imagination
Looked around saw my shadow, oh it looked even more so lonely
But pity that it cannot even feel me, just a copy which follows me
throughout, wont that be a lonely feeling too
It copies me within a heartbeat its whole purpose is to do that
Oh, can you pity me as much pitiful I think you are
I wonder if it knows I barely even look at it
I barely feel it
I barely care
Even as I write this the empty feels within me just swells itself up and
drowns me
My throat is struggling to breath as if a big bolder is stuck on it
Nothing about this seems beautiful, beauty isn’t what I want to seek
as of now anyway
What I seek is meaning at what I see.
What I feel even when I feel empty
Some places don't feel like home
It feels like you are stuck with you and your stupid politeness, cause it
is nothing but a doormat an invitation for ya all to trample over
Am I allowed to feel shitty without being made feel bad about it.
Am I allowed to expect things and feel bad rather then been thrown
the "that's why dont expect" card everytime there is something that's
not gone the way it should have
Will you lend me your ear without making it about yourself and
simply understanding me.
In the end even I am a human, so If I don't return home tonight will I
be forgotten or forgiven into your heart again
Once a thing happens in an unknown land
It was crowded to its fullest, I was standing still
A language around me which was difficult to understand
But it keeps ringing hard on my ears.
Thinking as to how to communicate
Universal language of love is useless as no one would even see me,
I would keep on walking ahead because in the end silence is my
universal language as it is the easiest to break and the most difficult to
I am standing in front of you
You see me, you are obsessed with me
You never want to leave me
Keep me deep within your heart, its like your existence is because of
me and you are nothing without me
But I feel you crawling deep withing my blood like a bad chill
Can you please just look away for a second so I could just breathe for
Could you also leave your fingers gently caressing over me it feels
like you want to take over me, as if I am not yours right now
I don't want to be yours I want leave
Don't copy me
Don't me make copy you
I finally see you
What really happened next?
I didn't leave you
I am too weak
I am scared if you leave what will be left of me
Maybe tonight when I see you would
Be the end of this nightmare
When the moon rises each night looking for his beloved
Surrounded by millions of star who could have fulfilled his dull heart
he let me enter and be his light
I didn't know how to tell him that I am the one who is with him
Yet each night he ponders about the earth
Oh moon, you reassure me that I am with you I lend you my light, but
is it because you want to shine for the earth
Can I ever be yours truly or just an empty shallow light
Never did you promise me that the next day is going to be different
but if I burn your late beloved I give you myself
I interlock my being and even if we got millions of year there is no
God which would give us a tommorow
So can we go back to the way we were when our string was simple I
loved you and you loved me back

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