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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Strategy of Development of

Regional Ecosystems “Education-Science-Industry” (ISPCR 2021)

Organizational and Methodological Aspects

of Monitoring the Implementation of the Business
Process Automation Strategy
Vera Т. Grishina 1*[ORCID 0000-0003-1307-8360],
Oksana G. Bondarenko 2[ORCID 0000-0002-6983-1764],
Vladimir A. Trifonov 3[0000-0003-2815-3749]
LEONOV Moscow Region University of Technology, Korolev, Russia
Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel, the Republic of Belarus
Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, Veliky Novgorod, Russia

The material of the article reflects the results of a study that continued research work (R&D) devoted to the
participation of consumer cooperation trade in ensuring food security in the Republic of Belarus and carried out
through the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research on a competitive basis. The authors
have prepared proposals for a strategy for the formation of an optimal complex infrastructure for rural trade in
Belarus for 2021-2025, which are implemented in the activities of business entities as part of the research. One
of them is the comprehensive automation of the activities of trade, mainly rural, consumer cooperation
organizations in Belarus. Automation is designed to ensure the application of network principles of trade
organization in order to improve the performance of trade enterprises and the level of consumer satisfaction. The
important tasks here are for monitoring the automation of business processes, which must be effectively
organized. The purpose of the study is to develop measures to increase the level of achievability of the results of
the strategy for automating business processes in the trade industry of consumer cooperation on the example of
Belarus. The tasks and main results of the study are related to the development of measures for monitoring the
automation of the activities of cooperative trade organizations in Belarus, approbation of some stages of
monitoring and assessment of their effectiveness. The article demonstrates the applicability and effectiveness of
the author's methodology for monitoring the implementation of the strategy for automating business processes in
cooperative trade, outlines proposals for the practical use of the obtained monitoring results. The scientific
significance of the research results lies in the development of scientific approaches to the organization of
monitoring the implementation of the strategy for automating business processes, carried out in order to obtain
analytical material for the development and adoption of managerial decisions to adjust the implementation of the

Keywords: strategy, strategy implementation, consumer cooperation, trade organizations, automation, business
processes, software product

1. INTRODUCTION of implementing the strategy of the organization's

activities in strategic management, the rules for the
The problems of implementing the strategy of successful implementation of the strategy, the
organizations were studied by A.A. Bykov, organizational structures of strategic management,
D.V. Valovoy, E.I. Velesko, O.S. Vikhansky, studied the organizational culture as an object of
I.N. Gerchikova, Z. Drazhek, A.I. Naumov, strategic changes, and examined the experience of
A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Solomatin implementing the strategies. However, the issues of
and others [1-5]. The authors considered the stages methodological support of monitoring as a tool for

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press International B.V.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 177
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

implementing the organization’s strategy are not 3. RESULTS

sufficiently represented in the literature.
In modern conditions, various spheres of human
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS activity involve the mandatory use of computer
technology and the creation of information systems
At the same time, measures to increase the level of varying complexity and functionality. Information
of achievability of the results of the implemented processing in these systems has become an
strategy, first, monitoring are of high scientific and independent scientific and technical direction.
practical significance and serve as information
Information system is a set of data banks,
support for at least two management functions.
information technologies and a complex
The purpose of the study is to develop a (complexes) of software and hardware [7].
methodology for monitoring the implementation of a
Corporate information system is an information
strategy for automating business processes in the
system, the participants of which can be a limited
trade industry of consumer cooperation on the
number of persons, determined by its owner or by
example of Belarus.
agreement of the participants in this information
Tasks: system.
• justify the sequence of actions to monitor the An integrated automated system for managing
implementation of the strategy; the activities of an organization is an information
and analytical system designed to automate
• provide a description of the implementation
management processes and covering all aspects of
and results of a number of monitoring stages;
the economic activity of an entity [8].
• demonstrate the application of the monitoring
In this case, the top management of the
results in the management practice of the
organization must have information for the analysis
regional divisions of Belcoopsoyuz.
of economic activities, strategic planning, and
The article is written on the results of forecasting. Ordinary employees should be provided
approbation of the author’s methodology for with effective tools for making day-to-day decisions
developing a strategy for the formation of an in carrying out their job duties [9].
integrated infrastructure for rural trade, which are
It is believed that the success of the
reflected in the plan of measures of the strategy for a
implementation of the chosen strategic direction of
conceptual draft strategy for the formation of an
the organization's development is determined by the
optimal integrated infrastructure for rural trade in
observance of the following rules [1]:
Belarus for the period up to 2025 [6].
• availability of a plan for the implementation
The sources of information were also the
of the strategy in the form of targets,
materials obtained by the authors for monitoring the
implementation of the strategy for automating • implementation of the strategy
business processes of 273 retail outlets (33% of the implementation plan,
assignment for 2021) and 52 warehouses (18% of
• communicating goals, strategies and plans to
their total number). Registration, traditional content
employees to involve them in the process of
analysis of interviews and documents were used as
implementing strategies,
methods of collecting information.
• fixing the achievement of the goal,
The commissioned nature of the study provided
wide access to information sources, which made it • the timeliness of ensuring the receipt of the
possible to avoid possible methodological resources necessary for the implementation of
limitations and undesirable influence on the validity the strategy.
of the conclusions.
The logical sequence of the above rules can be
The commissioned nature of the study provided taken as the basis for a list of actions to monitor the
wide access to information sources, which made it implementation of the strategy for automating
possible to avoid possible methodological business processes in cooperative trade
limitations and undesirable influence on the validity organizations in Belarus. The implementation of
of the conclusions. three key of these actions is demonstrated below.

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

The studied strategy of consumer cooperation in strategy, and this has become one of the subjects of
Belarus is aimed at the development of digitalization research. The list of these requirements is as follows:
until 2025 and the unity of approaches to automating functional requirements; reflection of the specifics
business processes in all areas of its activity. In of the business; ease of transition to another system;
recent years, an active search for an optimal the ability to generate complete and versatile
corporate information system for managing business reporting; continuity of data from previous systems.
processes has been carried out here. The software
products used for information processing were in 20.98
turn the following: the “Automated workstation of a
commodity merchant”, “1C: Enterprise”,
“Merchant”, SAP, “Supermag +”, etc. However, the
variety of fragmentarily used software products does 6.63
not allow complex automation of activities. In 56.88
December 2019, the Board of Belcoopsoyuz decided 5.62
to ensure the automation of the trading network with 5.06
the ability to operate trade and distribution 4.82
warehouses and retail facilities in a single database.
Ls Trade Fusion ERP was chosen as a business
process automation program. 1C: Предприятие
1C: Enterprise 8.0 8.0
Ls Trade Fusion ERP is a Belarusian software
product for automating processes in trade, including SAP
in large retail chains and distribution warehouses, 1C: Предприятие
1C: Enterprise 8.2 8.2
developed on the Ls Fusion platform in 2013. It ERP Управление
1C: предприятием
Enterprise Management 2.0 2.0
serves for the implementation of projects with
1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0
complex business logic, large amounts of
information and quantity users [10]. Figure 1. Systems by the number of implementation
Ls Fusion is a free open platform for information projects (ERP) in Russia and in the world
systems development based on the fifth-generation throughout history
language of the same name. The creation of the Ls Source: [11]
Fusion business application development platform
was started in 2009 by NTO LuxSoft.
Thus, Ls Trade Fusion ERP is a fairly “young” 38.17
software product. It is not presented in the data of
the analytical center TAdviser, which since 2005 has
been analyzing information on the development of
the ERP systems market in Russia and in the world
(Figure 1, Figure 2). 4.84
However, more than half of large retail Fast 18.28
Moving Consumer Goods chains in Belarus use Ls
Fusion ERP to manage their processes (Vitalur, 1C: ERP Управление предприятием
Enterprise Management 2.0 2.0
Hippo, Neighbors, Santa, Island of Purity, Directum RX
Belmarket, Belkoopsoyuz, DorORS, etc.).
Microsoft Dynamics 365
Configurations of the trading system for Fashion
(Mothercare, Next, Terranova, Calliope, etc.), SAP S/4HANA
pharmacy business (Tishas, Medway, Florafarm, 1C: Предприятие
Enterprise 8.3 8.3
etc.) have been designed and implemented, custom
designs for the National Library of Belarus,
“Svitanok” company, etc. Figure 2. Systems by the number of implementation
projects (ERP) in Russia and in the world in 2020
The assessment of the compliance of a software
Source: [11]
product with the requirements for integrated
automation systems of a trade organization is of Compliance with the requirements for the
primary importance in monitoring the automation integrated automation system of trade organizations

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

of consumer cooperation was studied through • study of consumer demand for goods, taking
solving such problems as demonstrating the into account their purchasing power;
functionality of the Ls Fusion ERP Trading System
• definition of assortment policy;
and justifying its advantages.
• formation and regulation of the processes of
The functional purpose of the Ls Fusion ERP
supply and sale of goods in retail facilities;
Trading System is represented by the corresponding
modules (a software product that implements a set of • ensuring the turnover of material and labor
functions that make up a single whole): management resources.
of a trading object; trade equipment management;
The key advantage of the Ls Fusion ERP
formation and accounting of orders; procurement
Trading System is the unification of business
management; management of gift certificates; sales
process management. Unification is a way to
management; management of mutual settlements;
standardize the process and, consequently, to
calculation of marketing payments; own production;
improve the quality of customer service, increase
foreign economic activity; order picking; transport
labor productivity, indicators of the organization’s
management; analytical reports; business analytics;
performance [12].
integration services; custom development.
The main direction of unification of the
The main functionality of the “Trade Object
management of business processes in consumer
Management” module can be presented as follows.
cooperation is expressed by the automation of the
The “Purchases” function is intended for processes of its economic activity and accounting by
conducting operations with documents for purchase a software product of the diverse nature of the
(documents-grounds, invoices, powers of attorney), activity of consumer cooperation (trade, public
drawing up reports on payments on documents- catering, procurement, production, automotive
grounds, on purchased material values and services. industry, etc.), which has differences in
management, requiring different approaches to
The “Warehouse” function is designed to
automation, and, consequently, significant
automate the accounting of the movement of
improvement of the software.
material assets in the warehouses of the enterprise.
This mode contains 7 reporting forms (register of The use of a single software product for
movements, commodity report, report on containers, automating the industries of the consumer
report on balances, report on goods turnover, by cooperation system in the long term unifies the
suppliers, report on operations). management of the main business processes that
generate the organization’s income (procurement,
The “Sales” function ensures interaction with
logistics, calculations, analytics, etc.), business
partners when performing operations for the sale of
management processes.
goods and the provision of services. This mode
contains 8 reporting forms (sales register, order One of the aspects of the unification of business
execution, sales by week, sales report, sales to process management in Ls Trade Fusion ERP is the
customers by weeks, sales by lots, sales register by identity of the work algorithm in the software
lots, turnover by suppliers). product modules that implement business processes
The function “Retail” provides accounting of through their functionality in the following areas:
goods in the process of sale through a retail trade 1) implementation of all elements of business
network with the formation of the following process management (planning,
reporting forms: report on stores; register of checks; implementation and control);
reports on checks; register of lines of the check;
ABC-analysis, which allows building a rating of 2) unification of document flow in form and
sales by goods, considering their contribution to the content – uniformity of the composition and
total amount of sales – by revenue, and considering forms of management documents in order to
the income received – by income. At the same time, increase the efficiency and quality of
the stability of sales is also considered (XYZ- management decision-making;
analysis). 3) uniformity of the algorithm for documenting
Thus, the functionality of the Ls Trade Fusion business transactions according to the
ERP program completely solves the tasks of a trade principle each “subsequent document is based
enterprise, for example, a retail one: on the previous one”;

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

4) a single software interface, a single main Thus, there is a compliance of the Ls Trade
menu of the program. The easier it is to Fusion ERP software product with the requirements
navigate the system, the more convenient it is for integrated automation systems of a trade
to use it. organization according to functional criteria;
reflecting the specifics of the business; the ability to
There are other advantages of the Ls Fusion ERP
obtain complete and versatile reporting; continuity
Trading System:
of data from old systems. Obviously, the
1) Versatility. Trading systems are prioritized introduction of a single software product in
for a specific trading facility (hypermarket, consumer cooperation organizations (avoiding their
pharmacy, shoe store). As a rule, diversity) and, thus, the creation of a system for
customization of a software product for a complex automation of business processes, requires
specific client complicates maintenance. On financial investments, training of personnel of
the Ls Fusion platform, business applications organizations.
are developed by describing business logic,
Assessment of the implementation of the strategy
and not by writing program code.
implementation plan is the final stage of monitoring.
2) The ability to work effectively in the "cloud" The implementation of the strategy for
with many devices and low system automating business processes started with the
requirements, unlike, for example, the automation of stores of the Grodno consumer
software product “Supermag +”. society. In 2020, more than 60 retail facilities in
3) Innovation and openness for integration with Minsk and Grodno regions were automated. As of
software of various developers (1C: January 1, 2021, 777 trade objects are equipped with
Enterprise, SAP, “Supermag +”, etc.). special computer-cash systems for accounting for
goods movement. The implementation process
4) System expansion is the ability to maximize covers all regional divisions of Belcoopsoyuz. The
the use of all user interfaces without number of retail outlets includes car dealerships.
involving a developer. Like Excel and more:
group, filter, order, upload, customize, copy / In 2021, 867 objects are planned for automation.
paste, apply / undo. Third-party intervention The total number of retail outlets subject to
in the program algorithm is allowed, unlike, automation is 2,774.
for example, the “Galaxy” program. Meanwhile, in mid-2021, 273 retail facilities
5) Competitive price. License for one workplace were automated (33% of the annual target) and 52
of the software product “Galaxy” is 350-1200 warehouses in trade distribution warehouses (18% of
US dollars, “1C: Enterprise” is 150-600 US their total number). So, the schedule of automation
dollars, Ls Fusion ERP Trading System is of shopping facilities is not fully implemented,
about 500 US dollars (according to the which indicates insufficient effectiveness of
relevant sites and experts). automation of business processes of consumer
cooperation organizations.
So, the benefits to a business from using the Ls
Fusion ERP trading system are as follows: The results of automation monitoring serve to
unification, versatility, cloud technologies, justify management decisions. In this case, such a
integration with software, system expansion, decision may be a recommendation to the heads of
additional capabilities in our own developments, regional demand unions, regional demand
competitive price. They allow solving the following communities to make changes to the automation
tasks of automating business processes using this schedules for 2021, taking into account the
program: introduction of electronic document management of
goods subject to labeling; ensure the implementation
• implementation of operational accounting of the updated schedules for the automation of the
and control over the state of stocks in retail trading network; to provide step-by-step automation
outlets; of business processes in all sectors of activity of
• increasing the efficiency of sales; consumer cooperation organizations (trade,
procurement, industrial, catering).
• reduction of losses;
It is advisable for the management of the unitary
• analysis of purchases and sales by product enterprise “Computing Center of Belcoopsoyuz” to
groups and goods. develop a strategy for the stage-by-stage automation

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

of business processes in all sectors of activity of • determine the communication of goals,

consumer cooperation organizations (trade, strategies and plans to employees in order to
procurement, industrial, catering); to ensure the involve them in the process of implementing
automation of the retail network in accordance with strategies (the presence of resolutions, orders,
the schedules of regional consumer unions, regional orders);
needs of societies.
• establish the fixation of the achievement of
the goal (reports of organizations);
• assess the timeliness of ensuring the receipt
The study showed that consumer cooperation of all the resources necessary for the
trade in Belarus, implementing a strategy for implementation of the strategy (explanations
automating its business processes, generally follows of the heads of organizations);
the generally accepted rules for implementing
• determine the implementation of the plan for
strategies. There is a plan for the implementation of
the implementation of the strategy for
the strategy in the form of targets, the
automating business processes based on the
implementation of the plan for the implementation
results of the analysis of the regulatory
of the strategy is monitored and evaluated, the goals,
documents of organizations (analysis of
strategies and plans are communicated to employees
reporting forms, resolutions, programs).
in order to involve them in the process of
implementing the strategies, the achievement of The article describes three tested stages of
goals is fixed. monitoring the implementation of a strategy for
automating business processes in cooperative trade
However, the success of the implementation of
organizations in Belarus and analyzes the results.
the automation strategy is determined by the
The most detailed reflection of these stages received
timeliness of receipt of all material, financial and
the rationale for choosing the software product of
labor resources necessary for its implementation. It
the Ls Fusion ERP Trading System by assessing its
is with this rule, as the approbation of the
compliance with the requirements for integrated
monitoring stages has shown, that the insufficient
automation systems of trade organizations. The
effectiveness of the automation of business
advantages of Ls Fusion ERP were studied in detail
processes of cooperative trade organizations is
and, in particular, the unification of business process
primarily associated. Thus, one should return to the
management, which is relevant with the diversified
stage of goal-setting and clarify the target settings of
nature of consumer cooperation organizations (trade,
the strategic plan of measures for automating
procurement activities, production, public catering).
business processes, bringing them in line with the
state and forecast of material, financial and labor Evaluation of the implementation of the strategy
resources. implementation plan, as the final stage of
monitoring, demonstrates its effectiveness and
5. CONCLUSION shows the lag in the automation of business
processes in trade enterprises of consumer
The study made it possible to substantiate the cooperation in Belarus. One of the main reasons for
following sequence of stages for monitoring the the lag seems to be the insufficient provision of
implementation of a strategy for automating organizations with the resources necessary for the
business processes of trade organizations: implementation of the strategy.
• establish the existence of a plan for the The practical significance of the study lies in the
implementation of the strategy in the form of proof of the thesis on the need to monitor the
targets (plan, program, concept for the implementation of a strategy for automating
development of the organization); business processes in trade organizations, its
applicability and feasibility. Monitoring materials
• track compliance with the requirements for
increase the validity of corrective actions when
the integrated automation system of the
necessary and serve to increase the level of
organization through the solution of the
achievability of the results outlined in the strategy.
following tasks: demonstration of the
functional purpose of the software product; The development of corrective measures should
justification of the business benefits from be correlated with the compliance of the target
using a software product; settings of the strategy with the resource capabilities

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

of consumer cooperation. At the same time, it is A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva,

important to forecast the development of the N.A. Solomatina. Moscow: INFRA-M, 2000.
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directions for further research of the issues
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O.Z. Matveeva, “Conceptual draft of the
possibilities of developing these resources
strategy for the formation of an optimal
integrated infrastructure for rural trade in
Belarus”, Fundamental and Applied Research
AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS Studies of the Economics Cooperative Sector,
2019, vol. 6, pp. 149-160. (In Russ.).
Each of the authors made an equal contribution
to the work, considering their research preferences. [7] Law of the Republic of Belarus “On
Oksana G. Bondarenko collected, processed, and Information, Informatization and Protection of
analyzed primary information. The Information” [“Ob informatsii, informatizatsii i
conceptualization of the article, the scientific and zashchite informatsii”] No. 455-Z dated
practical significance of its material, the conclusions November 10, 2008. (In Russ.). Retrieved from
and directions of further research are described by https://kodeksy-
Vera T. Grishina and Vladimir A. Trifonov.
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