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The marketing process and promotion
Every day of our lives we can see examples of travel and tourism marketing around us –
adverts on TV, adverts in newspapers and magazines, brochures in travel agencies,
internet pages, posters in stations, etc. this is because all tourism businesses need to
market their products if they hope to be successful. But marketing is not just advertising;
it is about researching and identifying the needs of a specific group of customers, and
then creating a product that satisfies them.

A large hotel chain, for example, will spend a lot of time and money finding out what its
guests want –what kind of service and facilities they need most, which location they
prefer, or how much they are prepared to pay. It will then develop a new product, taking
care to gear it to the costumers’ ´needs. Then, once the company has the right product, it
will use different promotional techniques to let its client know about it.

Private companies are not the only ones that use marketing. Tourist boards and other
public sector organizations also have products, and it is important that their customers
are aware that these exist. From a museum in a country village to the multiple attractions
of a major city like Sydney, all travel and tourism products need good marketing.

The marketing process does not end after a product is sold, however. Customers might
not be happy with it, and of course people´s tastes change with time. Because of this, it is
essential to evaluate how customers feel about a product. With the results of the
evaluation, it is then possible to improve your product, and in this way continue to meet
your customer´s expectations.
Group I – Reading and comprehension – Each 0.5- overall - 3pts.
1 – Why is it said that the marketing process does not end after a product is sold?
2 – How can you meet customer´s expectations in marketing? -
3 – Why is it important that all travel and tourism industry products need good marketing?
4 – What does the tourism industry need to do in order to be successful using marketing?
5 – Can you describe the definition of marketing according to the text?
6 – Explain clearly how a lagerge chain of hotel develops a new product in marketing?
Group II – Grammar – Each - 0.25 - 3 pts.
1 – Match the words in A with their corresponding definitions in B.
A long hard walk lasting several days or weeks, usually
1 Sightseeing a in the mountains.
Tour or excursion that leaves in the morning and
2 Trade fair b returns the same evening.
3 Study tour c Visiting the famous places in a city or town.
Trip, often to a city or countryside hotel, that includes
4 Trek d Saturday and Sunday.
Religious or artistic celebration that comes at the same
5 Conference e time every year.
6 Wedding f Large official meeting, often lasting several days, for
members of an organization or company to discuss
subjects related to their work.
Large exhibition and meeting for advertising and selling
7 Pilgrimage g a product.
Visit organized by an airline or tourist resort, tec. Where
8 Day trip h tour operators and journalists can get to know the
facilities and services offered.
Trip to a country or an area that includes visits, lectures
9 Festival i and classes.
Journey or holiday given to a worker or group of
10 Weekend break j workers as a reward for good work.
11 Familiarization
k Travel to an important religious place.
12 Incentive tour l Ceremony where two people get married.

2 – Place the following expressions of liking in order from the most

positives to most negatives - 3
Don´t like; really hate; really love; hate; like; love; quite like; don´t mind; really don´t like.

Group III – English for Specific Purposes (ESP) –

1 – Perform a SWOT analysis in touristic activity in Luanda city and mention: (Each
- 0, 5. Overall - 2 pts)
Two strengths______________________________________________________
Two weaknesses ___________________________________________________
Two opportunities___________________________________________________
Two threats________________________________________________________
2 – About the six steps for successful selling, describe briefly what we do in each
of them:
a) - Raising awareness; b) – Establishing rapport; c) – Investigating needs; d) –
Presenting products; e) - Closing the sale; d) – After-sale service. - Each 0, 5. - 3 pts.

3 – Explain clear and deeply the principles for putting a package together. – 2 pts.
4 – About the marketing process in travel and tourism industry. Describe all the
stages of this process. – 2 pts.
Group III – Writing 2 Pts.
1- Write a composition explaining the benefits of religious tourism and every type of
pilgrimage in Angola in general and Luanda city in particular.

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