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Instituto Nacional de

Telecomunicações INATEL
Mestrado em Telecomunicações
TP525 Redes Convergentes

Docente: Antônio Marcos Alberti
Discente: Miguel Sílvio André Francisco 27/09/2014

O objectivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma visão geral do
que é o 5G (Quinta geração de redes movéis celular).

Bem como apresentar alguns projectos de 5G.

E relacionar o 5G com a internet do futuro.


5G Introdução

5G Requisitos

5G Arquiteturas Propostas.

5G Tecnologias propostas


Viajando na Maionese.

5G Introdução
O que é o 5G ?

Janeiro de 2012 a ITU-R aprovou a especificação do 4G.

Enquanto isso o dramático crescimento dos serviços de dados
móveis desencadeou o estudo do 5G.
5G Introdução
O que é o 5G ?

A industria ainda não chegou a um consenso sobre o que é o
5G Introdução
O que é o 5G ?

Conjunto de padrões de comunicações móveis

Era 2020.
5G Introdução
O que é o 5G ?
5G Introdução
O que é o 5G ?
5G Requisitos

(Boyd Bangerter, at IEEE Communications Magazine 2014) “The

industry’s concept of mobile performance is evolving, and so are
performance metrics”.
5G Requisitos
Qualidade de experiência de Usúario QoE

(Boyd Bangerter, at IEEE Communications Magazine 2014) “In

order to provide a high QoE for services, 5G systems will need
to be context-aware, utilizing context information in a real-
5G Requesitos
Maior Capacidade

(T. Nakamura, at IEEE Communications Magazine 2013)“Mobile

data traf-fic has been forecasted to grow more than 24-fold
between 2010 and 2015, and more than 500-fold between
2010 and 2020”.
5G Requesitos
Maior Capacidade

(Woon Hau Chin, at IEEE 2014) “heavyweights such as

Qualcomm and Nokia Siemens Networks are looking at
technologies which will cope with traffic growth of 1000 times”.
5G Requesitos
Maior Capacidade

Como atingir:

Separação dos planos de controle e usúario.

Celulas pequenas.

5G Requesitos
Maior Eficiencia Espectral

Tecnicas de Multiplo acesso Não Ortogonais:

GFDM Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing.[8]

5G Requesitos
Mais Espectro

(Federico Boccardi, at IEEE Commnucations Magazine 2014)
“While spec-trum has become scarce at microwave frequen-
cies, it is plentiful in the mmWave frequencies ranging from 3
to 300 GHz”.
5G Requesitos
Mais Espectro

Bandas que estão a ser estudadas:
(Federico Boccardi, at IEEE Commnucations Magazine 2014)
“28–30 GHz, the license-free band at 60 GHz, and the E-band
at 71–76 GHz, 81–86 GHz, and 92–95 GHz”.
5G Requesitos
Mais Espectro

Radio Cognitivo.
5G Requisitos
Menor Custo, Mais Flexibilidade

(Boyd Bangerter, at IEEE Communications Magazine 2014)

“Cost and flexibility of deployment will also be important factors
in 5G networks, requiring a shift toward software-based
implementations and virtualization technologies”.
5G Requesitos
Menor Consumo de Energia.
Menor Latência.
Melhor Cobertura.
Maior Performance.
5G Arquiteturas Propostas

“At the moment, the wireless industry has yet to reach a

consensus on a unified view of future 5G network architecture.
Some favor a more distributed network architecture with self-
organizing capability, while others have advocated more
centralized cloud-based access networks”.
5G Arquiteturas Propostas

Anchor-Booster, 3GPP.

Cloud RAN, China Mobile.

Device to Device.
Arquitetura Actual[1]
5G Arquitetura Proposta[1]
5G Arquiteturas Propostas

(3GPP TR 36.932, 2013) “In this architecture, the macro cell

operates as an anchor base station, and is primarily
responsible for control and mobility, while the small cell
operates as a booster base station and is mainly responsible
for offloading data traffic”.
5G Arquiteturas Propostas
Cloud RAN

(China Mobile, 2010) “In scenarios where small cells can be

connected to macrocells with low-latency high-rate (“ideal”)
backhaul, the baseband signals from several hun-dred cells
can be received and processed at a centralized server
Tecnologias Propostas

(Boyd Bangerter, at IEEE Communications Magazine 2014)

“Several technologies expected to be key ingredients of 5G, ...
are available today. Many others will be developed and deployed
over the coming years.”
Tecnologias Propostas
Small Cell
Tecnologias Propostas
Small Cell

(Woon Hau Chin, at IEEE 2014) “By reducing the size of the
cell, area spectral efficiency is increased through higher
frequency reuse, while transmit power can be reduced such
that the power lost through propagation will be lower”
Tecnologias Propostas
Small Cell

(Woon Hau Chin, at IEEE 2014) “Additionally, coverage can be

improved by deploying small cells ... and offloading traffic from
macro cells when required”
Tecnologias Propostas
Small Cell

(Shanzhi Chen, at IEEE Communications Magazine 2014) “the

increase of small cell numbers in the future may far exceed
100 times the current number”
Tecnologias Propostas
Virtual Radio Access Network
O aumento das RAT(tecnologias de acesso a radio)



WiGig Mm-Wave.

Wearable devices RATs.

Outras RATs M2M.
Tecnologias Propostas
Virtual Radio Access Network

(Boyd Bangerter, at IEEE Communications Magazine 2014) “An

integrated virtual radio network will enable joint management
and simultaneous use of radio resources across different radio
technologies to significantly improve radio capacity, and
enhance coverage and wireless link reliability”.
Tecnologias Propostas

(Boyd Bangerter, at IEEE Communications Magazine 2014) “the

Internet of Things concept contemplates a world where
everything from alarm clocks to washing machines to automo-
biles is connected through mobile-based machine-to-machine
(M2M) communications”.
Tecnologias Propostas
Massive MIMO e 3D MIMO

(Boyd Bangerter, at IEEE Communications Magazine 2014)

“Advanced multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) techniques are
at the heart of achieving higher capacity for cellular systems.”
Tecnologias Propostas
Context Awareness

(Boyd Bangerter, at IEEE Communications Magazine 2014) “In

order to provide a high QoE for services, 5G systems will need
to be context-aware, utilizing context information in a real-time
manner based on network, devices, applications, and the user
and his/her environment”.
Tecnologias Propostas
Context Awareness

(Boyd Bangerter, at IEEE Communications Magazine 2014) “In the

5G Era, new ways to abstract and efficiently generate context
information are needed, as well as new ways to share context
information between the application, network, and devices”.
Tecnologias Propostas
Software Defined Celular Networks

(Woon Hau Chin, at IEEE 2014) “Recently, there are also growing
interests in both academia and industry to apply SDN to mobile
Tecnologias Propostas
Software Defined Celular Networks

(Woon Hau Chin, at IEEE 2014) “Wireless SDN is still at its

infancy. There are a number of outstanding issues to be resolved
before it can realize its full potential”
Tecnologias Propostas
Software Defined Celular Networks

(Woon Hau Chin, at IEEE 2014)“Therefore, we believe that

wireless or cellular SDN could be a possibility in future wireless
Tecnologias Propostas

Big Data.

Network Cooperation and Advanced Interference Mitigation.

Local Caching.

Relay Technologies.

Simultaneos Transmission and Reception.

CHINA – 2020 PROMOTION GROUP, Fev 2013.[11]

KOREA – 5G Forum, Maio 2013.[11]

JAPÃO – Association of Radio Industries and Businesses.[11]
(ARIB), Set 2013.

FP8 HORIZON 2020: 5GPPP, 2014.[11]

AMERICA – National Science Foundation (NSF) Future Internet
Architetures (FIA): NDN, MobilityFirst, Nebula, XIA, ChoiceNet
Viajando na Maionese
DBS – Drone Base Station
Viajando na Maionese

Conjunto de DBS autonômicos.

Funcionamento id|entico a uma esquadra policial e os
veiculos policiais de patrulha.
Viajando na Maionese

Mobilidade autonômica das Base Station.

Utilização eficiente das Base Station.

Cobertura mais eficiente de praticamente qualquer área.

Redução do OPEX.

Melhoria significativa do desempenho das redes móveis.

Abertura para um novo mundo de aplicações.

Adição de varias funcionalidades aos drones, Ex:
sensoriamento diverso, vigilância, etc...
Viajando na Maionese

Segurança dos drones no ar.

Regulamentação da faixa de voo dos drones e outras

Energia para alimentar os drones.



Tecnologia autonômica.

No principio as redes movéis celular e a internet eram coisas

Desde o 4G as redes movéis celular foram totalmente
integradas a internet.

Então falar de redes movéis celular do futuro, é falar de uma
parte da internet do futuro.

A era do 5G já comessou.
[1] Boyd Bangerter, Shilpa Talwar, Reza Arefi, and Ken Stewart, Intel
“Networks and Devices for the 5G Era,” IEEE Commnucations
Magazine, Fevereiro de 2014.
[2] Woon Hau Chin, Zhong Fan, and Russel Haines “Emerging
Technologies and Research Challengs for 5G Wireless Networks,”
IEEE, Abril de 2014.
[3] Shanzhi Chen and Jian Zhao “The Requeriments, Chalenges and
Technologies for 5G of Terrestrial Mobile Telecommunication,” EEE
Commnucations Magazine, Maio de 2014.
[4] Federico Boccardi, Robert W. Heath Jr, Angel Lozano, Thomas L.
Marzetta, Petar Popovski “Five Disruptive Technology Directions for
5G”, IEEE Commnucations Magazine, Fevereiro de 2014.
[5] 3GPP TR 36.932: “Scenarios and Requirements for Small Cell
Enhancements for E-UTRA and E-UTRAN,” v. 0.2.0, Maio de 2013.
[6] China Mobile, “C-RAN Road Towards Green Radio Access
Network,” C-RAN Int’l. Wksp., Beijing, Apr. 2010.
[7] T. Nakamura et al., “Trends in Small Cell Enhancements in LTE
Advanced,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 51, no. 2,Fevereiro de 2013, pp.
[8] … and Luciano Mendes “Non-Orthogonal, Asynchronous
Waveforms for Future Mobile Applications”, 5GNOW, IEEE Commun.
Mag. Fevereiro de 2014.
[9] Zongjie Wang*, Shuju Fan*, Yun Rui., “CDMA-FMT: A Novel Multiple
Access Scheme for 5G Wireless Communications.”, 19th DSP
Internacional Conference, IEEE 2014.
[10] Yuya Saito, “Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA)for Future
Radio Access.”, IEEE June 2013.
[11] 2014_4GA Summary of Global 5G Initiatives_ FINAL, Junho 2014.
Miguel Sílvio André Francisco
Facebook: Miguel Arcanjo

Obrigado Pela Atenção

5G Requesitos
Maior Eficiencia Espectral[10]
5G Requesitos
Menor Consumo de Energia

“it is possible to reduce power down to orders in magnitude by

offloading majority data to local small cells, let-ting inactive
cells sleep.”[3].
5G Requesitos
Melhor Cobertura

Grande número de celulas pequenas.

5G Requisitos
Menor Custo, Mais Flexibilidade

(Boyd Bangerter, at IEEE Communications Magazine 2014) “In

particular, 5G sys-tems will be able to create multiple virtual
core networks tailored to the specialized require-ments of
particular applications”.

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