D2 - Lesson 14

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I. Read the questions and circle the best answer.

1. What is this boy not good at?

a. throw the javelin b. run c. swim

2. The girl can’t ___________ higher than her friends.

a. swim b. jump
c. run

3. What was she doing yesterday morning?

a. She was reading a book. b. She cleans the car every c. She is reading a magazine.

4. What was Tom doing yesterday?

a. He calls a friend. b. He was cleaning his room c. He likes watching TV.

5. The Cheetah is the ___________ animal in the world.

a. Largest b. Fastest c. Bravest

II. Complete and circle the right letter.

1. What was Brad doing yesterday afternoon?

a. He was talking on the phone with Martin.
b. He was studying with Martin.

2. What did Martha do on vacation?

a. She went camping.
b. She went on a safari.
3. What happened to Ned?
a. He fell off his bike.
b. He broke his leg.
4. What were Kelly and Jane doing at the time of the fire?
a. They were playing a game.
b. They were cleaning a car.

5. What was she doing yesterday?

a. She was surfing at the beach.
b. She was surfing the internet.

III. Use the comparative form of the adjectives and add than.

1. I think that art exhibitions are _______________ amusement parks. (boring)

2. Salad is _______________ for you ____________ chocolate. (good)
3. A parrot is __________________ a canary. (noisy)
4. This project is __________________ the last one. (bad)
5. Which country is _________________ Spain or France? (popular)

IV. Read the sentences and use one word from the box to complete them.

1. Our parrot talks ____________ and our neighbors can hear.  noisily
2. Rabbits hear very ____________ because of their big ears.  easily
 Well
3. Drive _______________ here – the road is wet.
 Slowly
4. It’s raining outside so walk _________________.  carefully
5. Kangaroos _______________carry their young in their pouch.

V. Read the sentences and circle the right answer.

1. My sister __________ eight years old.

a. Is b. Has c. Am d. Have

2. I __________ a twin brother. My brother’s name is Marco.

a. Are b. ‘s c. Have d. Has

3. A: ___________ water in the bottle?

B: Sorry, there isn’t any.

a. There is any b. Are there c. There isn’t any d. Is there any

4. ________ any biscuits?

a. Are there b. There aren’t c. There are some d. Is there any

5. A: ________ your sister ______ science?
B: Yes, she does. It’s one of her favorite subjects.

a. Does – likes b. Does - like c. Do – likes d. Do -like

6. What time ___________ up?

a. Do you get b. Does you get c. You get d. You do get

7. People in Peru _________ work at 8 a.m.

a. Start usually b. Usually starts c. Usually start d. Starts usually

8. On Christmas, I _________ time with my family.

a. Always spend b. Spends always c. Always spends d. Spend always

9. My sister ________ her phone. She checks all her messages in her laptop.

a. Rarely check b. Rarely checks c. Checks rarely d. Check rarely

10.My husband and I __________ on Saturdays.

a. Never work b. Works never c. Never works d. Work never

VI. Read and match the sentences.

1. I was cleaning _______ a. And we couldn’t see anything.

2. I fell off my bike _______ b. And hurt my back yesterday.
3. Mike was surfing _______ c. My room at 5:00 in the afternoon.
4. Last weekend, Mary sprained ________ d. The net at half past eight last night.
5. Last night there was a blackout ________ e. Her ankle and now she can’t walk.

VII. Circle the best answer.

1. I think that firefighters are our real __________ because they protect us.

a. Teachers b. Heroes c. Artists d. Neighbors

2. Yesterday there was a ___________ and I couldn’t see anything.

a. Rain b. Snow c. Blackout d. Sprain

3. My friend and I were talking on the __________. It has an excellent view of the city.

a. Balcony b. Garage c. Basement d. Bathroom

4. Children like to _________. They love pictures and funny stories.

a. Do homework b. Talk on the phone c. Read comic books. d. Send emails.

5. My mother likes to take care of the garden. She always ________ at night.

a. Reads a book b. Waters the plants c. Cleans the bedroom d. Talks on the phone.

6. Underwater explorers _______ a treasure in Madagascar belonging to Scottish pirate.

a. Discovered b. Hid c. Cleaned d. Bought

7. Manu ________ is one of the areas with greatest biodiversity on the planet.

a. Safari b. Desert c. Mall d. National Park

8. The white shark is considered one of the most ________ predatory sharks in the world.

a. Adorable b. Dangerous c. Beautiful d. Noise

9. Jane loves cats. Why don’t you give her a _________ for her birthday?

a. Puppy b. Chick c. Kitten d. Tiger

10. To play baseball you have to learn how to ________ a ball with the bat.

a. Hurt b. Slip c. Break d. Hit

VIII. Choose the best word for the definitions.

1. ____________: It comes from trees. We use it to make tables, chairs, doors. A. city
2. ____________: vital gas for respiration. B. safari
C. wood
3. ____________: a big place with many buildings, stores and people. D. bamboo
4. ____________: a panda’s favorite food. E. countryside
F. surf the
5. ____________: a very tall building. internet
6. ____________: an area for parking motor vehicles. G. national park
H. oxygen
7. ____________: outside towns and cities. Rural areas. I. skyscraper
8. ____________: a trip by tourists in Africa. An exciting and adventurous tour. J. garage

9. ____________: visit many different pages on internet.

10. ____________: an important natural area protected by the government to protect wildlife.

IX. Look at the pictures and write the correct names.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

X. Read the story and answer.

My worst vacation experience was when I was a student and I went on a train trip around Europe
with a college friend. First, we went to Paris. On our first day there, we were standing in the
subway station when someone took my wallet. We didn´t have much cash after that, so we had
to save money. We couldn’t afford to eat in restaurants, so we ate bread, cheese, and tomatoes
every day. We couldn’t’ afford hotels either, so we slept on the trains or in the train stations. One
night we were sleeping in a park when a police officer shouted at us. We couldn’t understand him,
and I was really frightened. It was not fun. We visited a lot of beautiful places, but on our last
vacation day I just wanted to go home, have a nice hot shower, and sleep in my bed! When we
got to the airport, however, our plane was ten hours late. So, on our last night in Europe, we slept
in the airport. Well, at least I can say it was a “budget trip.”
Joe Fisher

A. Choose the best title for the story. Circle the best option.

a) A bad vacation experience b) My best summer vacation c) People who live in Europe

B. Answer the questions.

1. Who traveled by train? …………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Where did they go? ……………………………………………..………………………………………………

3. What city did they visit first? …………………………………………………………………………………

4. What did they eat? ………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. Did they spend a lot of money during the trip? .………………………………………………………

C. Read the following sentences and write T for true or F for false. Correct the false
sentences to make them true.

1. Joe and his friend spent a lot of money in Europe. …………


2. Once they were sleeping in a park when a police officer shouted at them. …………


3. They enjoyed delicious food every day during the trip. …………


4. Joe slept in a nice hotel his last night in Europe. …………


D. Match the underlined words or phrases with their meanings in the text.

1. cash ( ) a. not spend

2. save ( ) b. didn’t have enough money
3. couldn’t afford ( ) c. afraid
4. budget ( ) d. cheap
5. frightened ( ) e. money in coins or bills

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