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THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022


1. embarrass (v) embarrassment (n)
embarrassed (adj) embarrassing (adj) embarrassingly (adv)
2. experience (v)/(n) ≠ inexperience (n)
experienced (adj) ≠ inexperienced (adj)
3. idol (n) idolize (v) idolization (n)
4. decide (v) + to V / ON sth
make/reach a decision ≈ make up one’s mind
decisive (adj): mang tính quyết định / quyết đoán ≠ indecisive (adj): thiếu quyết đoán
decisiveness (n): sự quyết đoán ≠ indecisiveness (n): sự thiếu quyết đoán
5. glance (v)/(n) + AT sb/sth
steal a glance AT sth/sb (a secret look at sb/sth)
take/have a glance AT sb/sth (a quick look at sb/sth)
6. sneaky (adj)
7. be busy + Ving
8. notice (v)/(n) noticeable (adj) noticeably (adv)
9. wad (n)
10. banknote (n) ≈ note (n) ≈ bill (n) Ex: a wad of dollar notes
11. thief (n) theft (n)
12. make a fuss ABOUT/OVER sth
13. reply (v)/(n) + TO sth/sb
14. imagine (v) + Ving imagination (n) imaginative (adj) ≠ unimaginative (adj)
imaginary (adj) imaginable (adj) ≠ unimaginable (adj)
15. shy (adj) shyness (n)
16. complain (v) TO sb ABOUT sth complaint (n)
make a complaint
17. imitate (v) imitation (n) imitator (n) imitative (adj)
18. at once ≈ immediately

THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

1. affect (v) effect (n) ON sb/sth effective (adj) ≠ ineffective (adj)
2. serious (adj) seriously (adv) seriousness (n)
3. fail (v) an exam ≠ pass an exam failure (n) ≠ success (n)
4. make sb/sth/yourself + Adj Ex: The news made him very happy.
make sb/sth DO sth Ex: Nothing will make me change my mind.
5. appreciate (v) appreciation (n) appreciative (adj) OF sth
Ex: The company was very appreciative of my efforts.
6. attitude (n) TO/ TOWARDS sb/sth
Ex: These societies have changed their attitudes towards women.
7. jumble (v) jumble (n) OF sth
8. come up (to sb) (phrasal verb): to move towards somebody, in order to talk to them.
Ex: He came up to me and asked me the way to the station.

1. memorable (adj)= unforgettable (adj) memory (n) memorize (v)
2. terrified (adj) OF sb/sth/doing sth: very frightened OF, scared OF
Ex: I’m terrified of spiders.
3. burn down (phrasal verb): be destroyed by fire.
Ex: The house burned down in 1895.
4. forget (v) forgetful (adj) = absent-minded (adj) forgetfully (adv)
forgettable (adj) # unforgettable (adj)
5. gas stove (n)
6. surround (v) sth/sb Ex: Tall trees surround the lake.
be surrounded WITH/ BY sth Ex: The lake is surrounded with/by tall trees.
7. escape (v)/ (n) escaped (adj) escapee (n)
make good your escape (idiom): (formal) to manage to escape completely
Ex: He made good his escape from a crowd of journalists by jumping over a barrier.
8. rescue (v) sb/sth FROM sb/sth rescue (n) rescuer (n)

THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

Ex: You rescued me from an embarrassing situation.

9. realise/ realize (v): understand or become aware of
Ex: I didn’t realize (that) you were so unhappy.
10. appreciate (v) appreciation (n) appreciative (adj) appreciable (adj)

1. personal (adj): your own; not belonging to or connected with anyone else.
Ex: This novel was written from personal experience.
2. penfriend (n) = pen pal (n): a person that you make friends with by writing letters or emails, often
somebody you have never met.
3. involve (v) involved (adj)
be involved in sth Ex: How many vehicles were involved in the crash?


- Present simple indicating past time

Exercise 1 (textbook/ p.30)

Use the correct present tense forms of the verbs in brackets in the story below. The first one has been
done for you as an example.
The story is about a girl called Little Red Riding Hood who (0. live) lives with her mother. Little
Red Riding Hood’s grandmother (1. invite)_________________her to her cottage, so one fine day she
(2. set)___________off to visit her. The little girl (3. get)____________ready,(4. wave)___________
goodbye to her mother and (5. promise)__________to be careful. On her arm she (6. carry)_________ a
basket which (7. contain)__________ a cake her mother (8. bake)_________specially. It (9. be)______
a lovely spring morning, the sun (10. shine)____________and the birds (11. sing)____________feeling
happy that the winter (12. be)_____________over.

THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

Exercise 2 (textbook/ p.30)

Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the past simple or past progressive.
1. He____________his arm when he______________football. (break, play)
2. Julia_____________her first novel when she______________19 years old. (write, be)
3. I_____________on the computer when the fire______________out. (work, break)
4. When it_____________to rain, they______________through the forest. (start, walk)
5. He____________us about his marriage when we ____________afternoon tea. (tell, have)
6. Sorry, I____________to you. I______________ about something else. (not listen, think)
7. I_______________ you last night, but you______________. What_______________you?
(phone, not answer, do)
8. Mary________________her glasses at the time, so she_____________what kind of car the man
______________. (not wear, not notice, drive)

Exercise 3 (textbook/ p.31) Put the verbs in each sentence into the past simple or the past perfect.
1. They (eat) ____________ everything by the time I (arrive) ______________at the party.
2. When I (find) _____________ my purse, someone (take) _____________ the money out of it.
3. By the time I (get) _____________ into town, the shops (close) _____________.
4. When they (get) _____________ to the station, the train (leave) _____________.
5. By the time you (get) _____________ her letter, she (arrive) _____________ in Paris.
6. The police (pay) ___________ no attention to Clare’s complaint because she (phone) _________
them so many times before.
7. I (go) _____________ to the post office to ask about my package, but they (say) _____________
that it (not arrive) _____________ yet.
8. When I (look) _____________ at the new dress for half an hour, I (ask) _____________ how
much it (cost) _____________.

THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022


I. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.
1 out that her ancestors had come from Scotland, not Ireland.
Erin just found_______
2 up working for the company because she felt that the employees were not
Helen gave _______
treated fairly.
3 in
What made you more interested ________ learning English?
4 to
He always complained ________ his mother about his work.
5 You shouldn’t stay at home on your own so much. You need to get out
___ and make new friends.
6 at her notes again before entering the examination room.
She quickly glanced ____
7 In
________my experience, very few people really understand the problem.
8 to
She showed her new toy ________her friends.
9 in
You should have more confidence ________ your own abilities.
10 on
My parents gave me a bicycle ________ my birthday
II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 embarrassing situation when I finished meal in a restaurant and found out I left
I was in an______________
my wallet at home (embarrass)
2 experiences in life? (experience)
Could you tell me some of your personal ______________
3 excited
When hearing the news, the children were so _____________ that they couldn’t sit still for a
moment. (excite)
4 personally think that we should do something immediately to change the situation that
I _____________
we are in. (person)
5 seriously
She was ______________ ill, so she didn’t go to school yesterday. (serious)
6 confidence in what the papers say. (confident)
Don’t put too much ____________
7 sneak of him! He searched everything in my room without my permission. (sneak)
That was _______
8 Do you participate in any extracurricularactivities
_______ at school? (act)
III. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the verbs given.
1. He (see) __________ was walking down the street yesterday.
her while he (walk) _____________
had been
2. I thought they (wait) ____________ for us for half an hour.
THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022
3. Last night, when I (come) ___________ had already
there, they (already/go) __________ to the party.
was talking on the phone, the children (start) ___________
4. While she (talk) ____________ started fighting and
(break) ____________ a window.
5. When I (be) ____________ went
a boy, I often (go) _____________ fishing with my father.
6. When I (leave) _____________ my office last night, it (still/rain)was still rainingvery hard.
has just been cleaned
7. The room is tidy now. It (just/ clean)_______________ .
8. The last time we (see) ______________ was wearing a great suit.
him in public, he (wear) ____________
IV. Fill in each blank with one suitable word from the box.

personally memory imagination experienced

memorial sneaky embarrassment idols

1. The task needs the skills of a suitablyexperienced engineer.

2. She smiled to hide her slight embarrassment.
3. I personally prefer Pizza to hamburgers.
4. The romantic evening cruise will be a memorable experience.
5. I haven't got a picture of this so you'll just have to use your imagination .
6. Teenagers often have their idols who they admire very much.

V. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings.

1. How long has Jim learnt French?
did Jim start learning French?
When ____________________________________________________________
2. She started playing football 5 years ago.
has played football for 5 years
She _____________________________________________________________
3. It has been a month since she visited me.
hasn't visited me for a month
She _____________________________________________________________
4. I finished the book in only two days.
me only 2 days to finish the book
It took ___________________________________________________________
5. He did military service. Then he went to university.
had done military service, he went to university
After he ____________________________________________________________

THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

6. The last time I went on holiday was last summer.

haven't gone on holiday
I ________________________________________ last summer
7. Your hand luggage is so big. You can't bring it onto the plane.
Your hand luggage is
____________________________ big to bring it onto the plane for you to carry onto the
too _________________________________
8. This English test was too difficult for the students to do. plane
This English test wasn't easy
_________________________________enough for the students to do
VI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each of the following sentences.
1 Before he turned 14, Mozart ________ a few lesser pieces for the piano.
A. has composed B. had composed C. was composed D. would composed
2 Where________? Which hairdresser did you go to?
A. did you cut your hair B. have you cut your hair
C. did you have cut your hair D. did you have your hair cut
3 He looked forward to ________ a letter from his close friend.
A. be receiving B. have received C. receiving D. receive
4 The children were ___________ about opening their presents.
A. interested B. fond C. keen D. excited
5 Andrew __________ the test before so he __________ it very easy.
A. did/ had found B. had done/ found C. was doing/ found D. did/ was founding
6 You _________ your new hat when I _________ you yesterday.
A. were wearing/ had met B. wore/ had met
C. wore/ was meeting D. were wearing/ met
7 As I ___________ the glass, it suddenly _________ into two pieces.
A. cut/ broke B. was cutting/ broke C. cut/ was breaking D. was cutting/ had broken
8 A burglar __________ into the house while we ________ television. break in = break into sth =
A. broke/ were watching B. broke/ watched Break out >< break down
C. had broken/ watched D. broke/ had watched
9 As soon as I _________ home, I ____________ a phone call.
A. got/ received B. was getting/ was receiving
C. got/ had received D. had got/ had received
THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

10 They _____________small cups of coffee after they________ dinner.

A. had drunk/ finished B. drank/ finished
C. were drinking/ finished D. drank/ had finished

I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest
1 A. grade b. great c. sneaky d. embrace
2 A. imagine b. glance c. geography d. religion

II. Choose the words whose main stress syllable is different from the rest.
3 A. embarrassing B. appreciate C. experience D. memorable
4 A. extremely B. excited C. personal D. imagine
5 A. birthday B. reply C. schoolbag D. money

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

6 There was a sneaky look on his face, but I didn’t think much about it.
(Find the word with the CLOSEST meaning)
A. unfriendly B. dishonest C. good D. stupid
7 My little girl is always too shy to ask anyone for help. (Find the word with the CLOSEST meaning)
A. modest B. honest C. pleasant D. timid
8 The trip to Dalat was truly a memorable experience. (Find the word with the OPPOSITE meaning)
A. interesting B. expensive C. forgettable D. useful
9 Should you see Peter, tell him to come here at once. (Find the word with the OPPOSITE meaning)
A. immediately B. later C. right away D. quickly
10 You need to be more ___________ if you want to become a novelist.
A. imagine B. imagination C. imaginative D. imaginatively
11 Up to now, they have not made a ___________ whether they will go or not.
A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decidedly
12 The private questions __________ women in public place.
THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

A. embarrass B. embarrassment C. embarrassing D. embarrasses

13 We all were in a state of _________ when we learned that we had passed the exam.
A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitement
14 We had an interesting journey. The hotel was free and all we had to pay __________ was the meals.
A. of B. for C. to D. back
15 John quit his job and said nothing __________ the reason why he left.
A. at B. in C. about D. for
16 “Would you mind helping me?” – “ _________.”
A. No, thanks B. Sure, no problem C. No, I wouldn’t D. Yes, I would
17 “I’m sorry I’ve lost your book!” – “ _________.”
A. Don’t worry B. I did, sorry C. Good idea D. Sorry
18 When I looked around, the baby __________.
A. is sleeping B. slept C. was sleeping D. had slept
19 The boy managed _________ from the burning car hopelessly.
A. get B. to get C. getting D. got
20 The boy told me he ________ his train ticket and he didn’t know how he could get home.
A. lost B. has lost C. was losing D. had lost
21 Is Julia allowed _________ her boyfriend’s phone call?
A. to receive B. to be received C. receiving D. being received
22 I thought I could get there first, but Jimmy __________ before me.
A. was arriving B. arrived C. had arrived D. has arrived
23 After dinner, Ken suggested __________ for a walk.
A. to go B. going C. go D. went
24 Most children enjoy _________to the circus.
A. to take B. to be taken C. taking D. being taken
25 Those employees are made ___________ overtime.
A. work B. working C. to work D. worked
26 I’m afraid of __________ at home alone in the evening.
A. to leave B. leaving C. to be left D. being left
THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

27 I ________ here for ten years before you came last week.
A. was working B. am working C. had been working D. have been working
28 “I will do it for you, Mary,” said Peter.
A. Peter advised Mary to do it. B. Peter advised Mary not to do it.
C. Peter promised to do it for Mary. D. Peter wanted Mary to do it.
29 The government sent money and food to the people ________ houses were destroyed by the storm
last week.
A. which B. when C. whom D. whose
30 ________ being very rich, she is often generous to the poor.
A. Although B. Because C. Because of D. Despite

IV.Read the following passage. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the passage.
I was on a touring holiday in France. It was a very hot day (31) __________ I stopped at a small
deserted beach. I hadn’t got my swimming costume with me, but it was early in the morning and there
(32) ________ people or houses in sight. So I (33) ________ all my clothes and swam out to sea. I am a
very (34) _________. I lay on my back, closed my eyes, and relaxed in the water. When I looked back at
the beach, a coach had arrived and there were thirty or forty people (35) _________ on the sand having a
picnic! What would you have done?
31 A. but B. and C. although D. because
32 A. was no B. were no C. were D. were not
33 A. took out B. took off C. put on D. put off
34 A. strongly swimmer B. strong swimming C. strong swimmer D. strongly swimming
35 A. sat B. were sitting C. to sit D. sitting

V. Read the passage below. Then choose one best answer (A), (B), (C) or (D) to each question.
Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital. I think it's important to see as much
of a country as you can, but it is difficult to travel around Nepal. The hospital let me have a few days’
holiday, so I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me.

THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

We started preparing for the trip at six in the morning, and left camp with two elephants carrying our
equipment. It was hot but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes. In the
jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We climbed onto
the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep
in the heat of the day.
Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet. We crept nearer and found
a dead deer, still bleeding. This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly I started to feel very frightened.
We heard the tiger a second before we saw it. It jumped out like a flash of lightning, five hundred kilos
plus and four meters long. I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal's throat. It
grabbed Kamal's leg between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away. One of our elephants ran at the
tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch. That night it
was impossible to sleep.
36 The writer went to Nepal __________.
A. for holiday B. for treatment C. for business D. on tour
37 When having a few days off, he decided to go into __________.
A. the remote villages B. the mountains C. the seaside D. the tropical forest
38 It’s difficult to find tigers in the afternoon because __________.
A. they usually sleep at this time of day
B. it’s so hot at this time
C. the elephants' back wasn't high enough to get view
D. tigers hardly hunt in the heat of the day
39 The writer started to feel frightened when __________.
A. he saw a tiger B. he saw the tiger's lunch
C. he scrept nearer D. he found a deer
40 Which of the followings is not true according to the passage?
A. Tigers are members of the cat family.
B. The writer was made to wear shoes and trousers to protect him from the heat of the day.
C. Kamal narrowly escaped being killed.
D. It was such a terrible experience that the writer couldn't sleep that night.

THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

VI.Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
41 I (A) was listening (B) to the radio last night (C) when the doorbell (D) rings.D. rang
42 (A) The manager went (B) fishing (C) after he (D) has finished his work. D. had finished
43 His teacher (A) encouraged him (B) taking part in the (C) international piano (D) competition. B. to take
44 A. rarely
Jane has (A) not rarely missed (B) a party (C) since she (D) was 15 years old.
45 (A) To grow well, a tree (B) must be (C) well-suited to the area where (D) is it planted. D. it is

VII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it.
46. They travelled to India and then flew to Japan.
to India, they flew to Japan
After travelling ______________________________________________________________
47. How long have you been learning English?
did you started learning English ?
When ______________________________________________________________________
48. He started working for this company when he was 25.
working for this company since he was 25
He has been _________________________________________________________________
49. My father doesn’t smoke any more.
to smoke
My father used _______________________________________________________________
50. Robert and Catherine have been married for four years.
since Robert and Catherine married got married
It’s four years ________________________________________________________________

Đầu câu
1/ Ving: - Subject (singular)
- Rút gọn clause mang nghĩa chủ động cùng S
Ex:After he had done his homework, he went out -> Having done his homework,...

2/ to V: - Purpose
- Subject (singular)

3/ Vbare: - Mệnh lệnh

4/ V3/ed (nhấn mạnh time: Having been V3/ed): - Rút gọn clause mang nghĩa bị động cùng S
Ex: The house was built in 1990, so it's in a bad condition now. -> Built in 1990, the house is
in ...
THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

childish (adj): trẻ trâu BÀI TẬP DÙNG KÈM SGK

childlike (adj): trẻ con (positive)
childless (adj): no children PRACTICE TEST 3
I. Verb tense/ form.

1. will call
Once I arrive in Thailand, I _________________ you at once, okay? (call)
2. will have been
We _____________________ married for ten years by next August. (be)
3. I hope that she will have repaid the money she owes me by the end of the month. (repay)
4. had been
The dog was still by the front door when I got home. It was as if it (sit) ___________there all day.
5. wash
After you (wash)___________the windows, can you vacuum the sitting room, please?
6. had received
She showed him the letter she (receive)_______________from her brother.
7. had been
The police said that there (be) _____________a lot of thefts in the area recently.
8. standing in a long line waiting for my turn to buy the ticket.
I can’t stand (stand) __________
9. He (keep) kept looking at her, wondering where he (see) had seen her before.
10. Val Dusek (be) has been skeptical about the book ever since it (publish) was published
II. Word form
1. Jack didn’t know much about the project but he discussed it ___________ (enthusiasm)
2. sympathy
My friend often shows her ___________whenever I have trouble. (sympathetic)
3. embarrassed whenever her friends ask her to sing. (embarrass)
Helen always gets _____________
4. childhood
Despite having a difficult ________________, Mary is happy. (child)
5. She is not determined and often changes her ideas. What a/ an ___ girl she is! (change)
6. The sponsors paid for the villa’s maintenance
____________ expenses. (maintain)
7. instructions on the box are written in English.
Most (instruct) ____________
8. variety
There’s a _____________ of plants and animals in this park. (vary)
He ran up to me and ________ told me the news. (breath)
10. entrance exam tomorrow (enter).
We will take the ________
III. Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged.

1. Joseph doesn’t want to move to the country because he doesn’t know anyone there.
would move to the country if ________________________________
Joseph __________________________ he knew someone there .
2. It was raining heavily outside so the football match was cancelled.

THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022
it not been raining heavily outside, the football match wouldn't have been
Had ______________________________________________________________ . cancelled
3. Mary turned out to be my roommate. We met her at the party last Saturday.
Mary, who we met at the party last Saturday, turned out to be my roommate.
4. I think you should take better care of the children.
were you, I would take better care of the children
If I _______________________________________________________________ .
5. Someone broke into the bank near our school last night.
near our school was broken into by someone last night
The bank __________________________________________________________ .
6. “Don’t tell the police or I’ll hurt your son” the man said to her.

not to tell the police or he would hurt her son

The man told her ___________________________________________________ .
7. We found some books in the library. They are really useful.
which we found in the library are really useful
The books _________________________________________________________ .
8. The man who answered the phone told me that you had gone out.
answered the phone and told me that you had gone out
The man __________________________________________________________ .
9. Mary didn't wear the raincoat, so she got a cold.
had worn the raincoat, she wouldn't have gotten a cold
If Mary ______________________________________________________________.
IV. Read the passage below. Then choose one best answer (A), (B), (C) or (D) to each question.
The grasshopper is an insect found in all but the most frigid parts of the world. There are two main
types of grasshoppers: long-horned grasshoppers and short-horned grasshoppers. The insects are
distinguished by the length of their antennae, or feelers, which can be called horns as well. Short-horned
grasshoppers are also known as locusts.
Most grasshoppers start laying eggs in the late summer and early fall. The eggs hatch the following
spring. Unlike most insects, newborn grasshoppers resemble adults, except for the absence of wings. In
the second month of life, a young grasshopper sheds its shell and grows a new one several times. This
process, called molting, is the transition from youth to adulthood.
Grasshoppers spend their time in fields and meadows eating the leaves of plants and trees. Some
varieties are particular about what they eat, but most will consume anything they can find. At times they
may destroy whole crops of grain, especially as swarms of locusts. In the western United States,
grasshoppers destroy several million dollars worth of crops every year, despite efforts by farmers to
control them with chemicals.
1. What is the main subject of this passage?
A. Insects of the world B. Characteristics of grasshoppers
THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

C. Cold-weather insects D. The horns of the grasshopper

2. According to the passage, grasshoppers do not survive well _____________.
A. unless the temperature is quite frigid B. if the two types share the same habitat
C. without the use of antennae D. in extremely cold areas
3. According to the passage, how can grasshoppers be distinguished?
A. By the length of their feelers B. By the number of horns
C. By the shape of their wings D. By the size of their bodies
4. It can be inferred from the passage that grasshopper eggs _____________.
đồng bộ
A. are uniform in size B. are laid in early spring
C. require several months to hatch D. have very soft shells
5. It can be inferred from the passage that the newborn of most insects ______________.
A. vary in appearance from adults B. have wings at birth
C. die during the molting process D. are born in the early fall

hospital / school / university / church / prison : right

purpose no THE PRACTICE TEST 4
I. Verb tense/ form.
have made
1. will make
I’m afraid we (make) ________________ our plan for this weekend, so we won’t be free.
2. had already eaten at home.
I didn’t eat anything at the party because I (already, eat) _________________
3. had been raining
The garden was flooded because it (rain) ______________________ all night.
are going to
4. will break
Careful! You (break) ______________________ something with that ball! Go outside.
5. calling
There’s no answer at the office. Let’s try (call) ______________ Roger’s mobile.
6. to crash
I didn’t mean (crash) ______________ the car, you know.
7. being to be a waste of time.
Learning Latin is considered (be) ________________
8. He only just escaped (send) being
______ to prison. Next time, the judge won’t be so forgiving.
9. I suggest that Frank (read) read
_____ the directions carefully before assembling the bicycle.
10. being taken
I remember (take) __________________ to the zoo when I was a child.

II. Word form

1. As we got closer to the Amazonian village, the (inhabit) ________ came out to meet us.
THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

2. unwritten rule on tabloid newspapers that the truth always takes the
There’s an (write) _____________
second place to a good story.
3. journalism
Are you thinking of a career in (journal) _________________?
4. politicians
Why can’t (politics) ________________ ever just say “yes” or “no” when they are asked if they
agree with something?
5. I was hoping this book would help me with my history project but in fact it wasn’t very (inform)
6. obedient
In the past, children were expected to be very (obey) __________________.
7. unwilling
Jenny seemed (will) _________________ to talk about her argument with Nancy but I eventually
got the facts.
8. arguing
Terry is really (argue) _____________ and is always looking for fights with other people.
9. impolite
Hasn’t anyone ever told you that it’s very (polite) _______________ to interrupt when other people
are talking?
10. unaware of the harmful effects of their diet.
Most people seem to be (aware) ___________
III. Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged. oblivious (adj) to sth = unaware
1. If you see Peter, tell him to be here at 8.00.
(adj) of sth
you see Peter, tell him to be here at 8.00
2. We put up a notice about the trip on the notice board yesterday.
about the trip was put up on the notice board yesterday
A notice____________________________________________________________
3. I lent you a book. It was written by a friend of mine. She lives in France.

lent you was written by a friend of mine who lives in France

The book I________________________________________________________ ___
4. The postman realized I was on holiday. You had sent me a parcel. The postman left it next door.
who realized I was on holiday left the parcel which you had sent me next door
The postman _______________________________________________________
5. I thought this journey would last longer than it did.

last as long as I expected

This journey didn’t ___________________________________________________
6. If you run a lot, you will get fitter.
you run, the fitter you will get
The more __________________________________________________________
7. Without Jack’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table.
Jack had helped, I wouldn't have been able to move the table
Unless ____________________________________________________________

THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

8. Nobody thinks learning English is easy.

is hard to learn English
Everyone thinks it __________________________________________________ ___
9. It seems that no one predicted the correct answer.
to have predicted the correct answer
No one seems ______________________________________________________
10. He may be intelligent, but he should be modest.
intelligent he maybe
he maybe intelligent, he should be modest

Whatever = No matter what +N However = No matter how + adj/adv

IV. Read the passage below. Then choose one best answer (A), (B), (C) or (D) to each question.
Man discovered fire many thousands of years ago. The first time he saw fire was probably when a
tree was struck by lightning. He soon learned how to make fire for himself, however. Man probably
made his first fires by rubbing two sticks together.
Fire was very important to man. He needed fire to keep himself warm at night. He used to cook his
food. He used fire to frighten away enemies and wild animals. In some parts of the world he used fire to
signal messages. Red Indians, for example, used fire to make smoke signals. In some other countries
people lit fires to warn their friends of danger.
Fire is also used to give light. Before the invention of the oil lamp, man used burning sticks as
torches, and before man discovered gas and electricity, he hung small fires in wire baskets from post to
light the streets.
One man used fire to tell the time. He invented a candle clock. He made a candle that took exactly
twelve hours to burn. Then he marked this candle in twelve equal parts. He lit the candle and could tell
the time by counting the number of parts left of the burning candle. But the candle clock did not always
work well. If there was a wind blowing on the candle, the flame burned too quickly.
1. Man probably first made fire_________________.
A. from a tree struck by lightning B. by rubbing two sticks together
C. from wire baskets hung on posts D. from a candle
2. Man probably first used fire_________________.
A. to tell the time B. to send signals
C. to light the streets D. to keep warm at night
3. Fire was used by Red Indians_______________.
A. to make gas and electricity B. to burn down the streets
THPT Mạc Đĩnh Chi - Đề cương tiếng Anh lớp 11 – HK1, năm học 2021 – 2022

C. to frighten away enemies D. to send messages

4. The first street lights were__________________.
A. large bonfire B. candles
C. burning trees D. small fires in hanging baskets
5. The candle clock burned for________________.
A. one hour B. 12 hours
C. a day D. 12 days


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