2022 Maintenance Pillar Handbook (150-200)

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Deep Clean and Tag

Deep cleaning is different from conventional
cleaning in that deep cleaning involves removing
covers and guarding from the machine and
cleaning parts of the machine that you would not
normally get access to. In the deep cleaning and
tagging phase, the machine is made safe and the
Autonomous Operations team identified earlier
deep cleans the machine, finding and tagging

For deep cleaning and tagging, downtime of about 4 to 6 hours is required. As the machine is deep
cleaned by the team, the machine is inspected and defects identified. The technician/artisan in the team
plays an important role in coaching the operator and team leader as to what is a defect. Defects such as
missing bolts, loose mechanisms, leaks, damaged electrical cables, collapsed bearings, dirty areas,
unsafe parts of the machine etc. are tagged as a defect.

The tag is a visual indicator of a defect. It helps make sure that a defect no matter how small is clearly
visible. When tagging, it is important that the tag is placed on the machine in such a way that it does not
interfere with the normal operation of the machine. The tag can be placed close to where the defect is
and not necessarily on the defect if doing this will interfere with the working of the machine.

Figure 20: Example of a tag on a machine

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Figure 20 is an example of a defect identification tag that can be used for Autonomous Operations
tagging. It is important that the Autonomous Operations tag is different from the 5S red tag. The 5S red
tag is used to identify items that should not be in an area. An Autonomous Operations tag is used to
identify defects on a machine.

Figure 21: Example of a tag

At the end of the initial or first deep clean and tag, a large number of tags would have been identified.
The next step will explain how these tags will be dealt with. However of critical importance is that the
deep clean and tag step is not done once only. It is repeated weekly so that the entire process area and
machine is deep cleaned and any defects that were missed the first time are picked up on the next
successive deep cleaning. Repeating the deep cleaning and tagging activity every week for two to three
months will also ensure that all team leaders and operators from all shifts get involved in the
Autonomous Operations process. Eventually, after several weeks of cleaning and tagging, no more new
tags will be found despite the machine been deep cleaned. This indicates that all defects have been

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Analyze and Solve Tags

When a deep clean and tag activity is
performed, a number of defects would have
been tagged. These defects will be of two
broad types:
• Those defects that affect equipment
performance and reliability e.g.
collapsed bearing
• Those defects that affect the operator
i.e. areas that get dirty (dirty tags),
areas that are unsafe (dangerous tags) and areas that are difficult for the operator to perform his
job (difficult tags)

All the tags raised during the deep clean and tag activity will need to be reviewed by the team and a
decision made as to how they need to be fixed. For example, if a part is loose because it is missing a
bolt, then the action is simply to replace the missing bolt and fasten the loose part in position. This action
is captured on the tag list as per the example in Figure 22.

However just fixing the defect identified by the tag is not good enough; the root cause of the defect
needs to be fixed. The team therefore needs to analyze each defect using a simple 5 why analysis in an
attempt to establish what the root cause of the defect it. It may not be possible to find the root cause of
some of the tags, but for others the root cause can be found. Once the root cause is found, an action
needs to be put in place to resolve the root cause. Therefore for every tag there will be two actions; one
to deal with tag (e.g. missing bolt) and one to deal with the root cause of the tag (e.g. create a torque
specification for the bolt). The action for the root cause is also captured on the tag list as per Figure 22.

Figure 22: Example of a tag list

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Dirty, dangerous, and difficult tags deserve special mention, as they are issues that directly affect the
operator. By addressing these tags, the life of the operator will be made easier and safer. Therefore,
specific care must be taken that the dirty, dangerous and difficult tags are highlighted and that the
resolution to these tags is decided in collaboration with the operator:
• Dirty – the first prize is to eliminate the source of contamination. If an area does not get dirty,
then it does not need to be cleaned. If a source of contamination cannot be eliminated then it
must be contained. In other words rather than having the contamination spreading across the
entire machine, it can be collected in a container and easily disposed of. Finally if source of
contamination cannot be contained then cleaning is required; however consideration should be
given to making cleaning easier such as providing a special tool to assist with the cleaning. All
these options will need to be discussed and a solution defined for each tag related to dirty.
• Difficult – tags related to difficult are those situations where tasks are difficult to execute. For
example when a machine is shutdown, the air supply needs to be turned off. However, the air
supply is 2 meters in the air requiring that the operator has to find a ladder, climb onto it, turn the
valve of and then put the ladder back in its place. It would be much easier if the valve were
moved to a position where the operator can reach it without a ladder. Difficult tags are discussed
within the team and various solutions are implemented to reduce difficult tasks. Visual controls
can really help with difficult tasks. For example if a part of the machine needs to be inspected by
removing some guarding, this can be made easier by making the guard transparent and adding
green and red indicators.
• Dangerous – tags related to dangerous are eliminated or controlled. For example, a nip point
when identified is then properly guarded.

As per Figure 23, dirty, dangerous and difficult tags will have their own individual tag list on the
Autonomous Operations activity board.

Figure 23: Dirty, dangerous and difficult tags have their own dedicated tag lists

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Figure 24: Example of a tripping hazard being eliminated

As various solutions to the root causes of tags are defined, a record of them needs to be kept. These
solutions are documented on an improvement record an example of which is shown in Figure 25.

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Figure 25: Example of an improvement record

One of the tools used to deal with sources of contamination (i.e. dirty tags) is the contamination map.
Figure 26 shows an example of a contamination map. To create a contamination map, the locations of
the various dirty tags are plotted on a drawing of the process area/machine. The contamination map
helps visualize where the dirty areas are and in fact will then point to a generic problem area i.e. the
area where lots of dirty tags exist. Solutions to these sources of contamination can then be developed.

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Figure 26: Example of a contamination map

By the end of the Analyze and Solve step, there will be:
• A list of dirty tags with their root causes identified. There will be actions to address the dirty tag
and its root cause. A contamination map will help visualize the dirty parts of the machine.
• A list of difficult tags with their root causes identified. There will be actions to address the difficult
tags and its root cause.
• A list of dangerous tags and their root causes identified. There will be actions to address the dirty
tag and its root cause
• A list of all other machine tags with their root causes identified. There will be actions to address
these tags and their root causes.

The Autonomous Operations activity board should be updated with all the relevant tables and charts and
should look like Figure 27.

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Figure 27: Autonomous Operations activity board updated during the analyze and solve step

The work to analyze the tags, root causes and deciding on actions to resolve them is done during the 4
to 6 hour period that the line has stopped for Autonomous Operations activities. Some of this time is
spent for deep cleaning and some of this time on analyzing and categorizing the tags.

Fix Tags and Root Causes

The previous step categorized tags into dirty,
dangerous, difficult and other machine
related tags. Root causes were identified for
these tags and solutions were defined for the
tags and their root causes.
In this step, the solutions to the tags and the
root causes are implemented. The various
actions to address the tag and its root cause
can become quite extensive. There may be
hundreds of tags per process area each with
two actions (one to fix the tag and one to fix
the root cause) resulting in thousands of actions. Managing of these tag lists is important, as they will
soon become overwhelming if not managed correctly. More importantly, failure to address tags and root
causes will cause people to lose interest and belief in the process.

In order to manage the tag lists the following will need to be done:
• The tag lists on each activity board associated with an Autonomous Operations program must be
kept up to date by the team. This list is reviewed weekly during the Autonomous Operations

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activity and any completed actions are recorded. Additionally new tags and actions are added to
the tag list.
• Machine related tags must be raised as a work order in the Computerized Maintenance
Management System (CMMS) and dealt with through this system. Each tag has a unique
reference number and this reference number is captured in the CMMS system so that progress
can be tracked.

For clarity, the steps of Deep Cleaning and Tagging, Analyze and Solve Tags and Fix Tags and Root
Causes all take place at the same time. Time allocated to Autonomous Operations activities each week
needs to be sufficient such that all three steps can be performed. Typically, 6 hours per week needs to
be allocated to Autonomous Operations activities, 4 hours for deep cleaning and tagging and another 2
hours for reviewing tags and implementing solutions to the tags and root causes. Note that the amount
of time spent on deep cleaning and tagging will decrease over time as the initial dirty and grime is
removed and the machine condition is improved. Thus, several weeks into the Autonomous Operations
implementation program, less time can be spent on deep cleaning and tagging and more time on
analyzing and fixing tags. This time can be slotted into the maintenance stop of the process area but
care must be taken that the routine maintenance activities of the process area/machine are not
compromised. Fixing of tags does not only have to take place during the Autonomous Operations stop.
They can be fixed anytime an opportunity presents itself.

At this stage of the Autonomous Operations program, the operator has little technical skill and the bulk
of the technical tasks will fall to the technicians/artisans to execute. Where possible however, such
actions that are within the capability of the operator should be allocated to the operator. Things like
updating the activity board, updating operating procedures, applying visual control etc. can be allocated
to the operator to close of the tag action list.

In order to track the closure of tags and their root causes the following KPI’s must be measured and
displayed on the activity board.
• Number of tags raised and closed
• Number of root causes solved
• Number of dirty, dangerous and difficult improvement made
• Number of One Point Lessons or Standard Operating Procedures created or modified
• Number of maintenance schedules created or updated (mandatory)
• Progress towards achieving the goal e.g. LEF graph
Other KPI’s can be plotted, but the above is mandatory. As the fix tag and root causes step is executed,
the activity board is continuously updated.

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Figure 28: Autonomous Operations activity board updated during the fix tag and root causes step

After two to three months of deep cleaning, tagging, analyzing tags and fixing tags and root causes, a
number of things would have happened:
• The operator and technicians/artisans would have learnt the importance of cleaning and that
cleaning is inspection
• The operator having worked closely with the technician/artisan would have developed a better
understanding of how his machine works and what a defect is
• The operator and technician/artisan having worked closely together would have developed a
better relationship
• Dirty, dangerous and difficult areas would have been eliminated or addressed. As a result of this
the operators work will be much safer and easier.
• Other machine defects (such as worn parts) will be eliminated and overall the machine condition
will be ‘as new’. The performance of the machine from a reliability, waste and quality point of
view will improve.
• The root causes of many of the problems would be eliminated and systems such as
technician/artisan maintenance schedules, operating procedures and one point lessons will be in
place to systemize the solution

However, to fully sustain the improvements that have been realized through Autonomous Operations, it
is key that the operator starts to take responsibility for the certain basic maintenance tasks. In the next
step of establishing the Foundations, this will be done.

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Define Cleaning, Lubrication and Inspection Standards

After two to three months of deep cleaning,
tagging, resolving tags and root causes, basic
conditions would have been established.
However, to fully sustain basic conditions, the
operator needs to take responsibility for the
certain basic maintenance tasks i.e. regular
cleaning, basic inspections and simple
lubrication. Cleaning, lubrication and inspection
standards are created in this step of
Autonomous Operations.
• Cleaning standards – these define shift,
daily and weekly cleaning that must be done by the operator
• Inspection standards – these define shift, daily and weekly inspections that must be done by the
operator. Checking that the safety switches on the machine are working, is a good example of an
operator inspection standard.
• Lubrication standards – these are simple lubrication tasks such as greasing or oiling. Not all
lubrication tasks are given to the operator, only simple tasks that need to be done daily or

Training for Lubrication

During the Foundations phase, only the most basic of lubrication tasks are done in the
lubrication standard:

• Checking oil levels but not topping up oil

• Applying grease using a grease gun to non-critical bearings
In order to perform the above tasks some simple training is required such that the
operator understands how to properly handle lubricants and how to grease correctly
using a great gun. This training will need to be given prior to the implementation of
lubrication standards.

It is key to note that cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards are created after all tags and their
root causes have been addressed. This will ensure that the dirty, dangerous and difficult areas have
been eliminated or managed and a minimal number of cleaning, inspection and lubrication tasks need to
be done. There is no point putting a cleaning standard in place if by solving a leaking valve, you can
eliminate the need for cleaning in the first place.

It is key to note that cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards are created after all tags and their
root causes have been addressed. This will ensure that the dirty, dangerous and difficult areas have
been eliminated or managed and a minimal number of cleaning, inspection and lubrication tasks need to
be done. There is no point putting a cleaning standard in place if by solving a leaking valve, you can

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eliminate the need for cleaning in the first place.

The team that was involved in the Autonomous Operations activity will develop the tentative cleaning,
inspection and lubrication maintenance schedules. Collaboration of the operators and
technicians/artisans is important in this process, to ensure ownership of the operator of the cleaning,
inspection and lubrication standards. In order to do this the team needs to do the following:
• The manufacturers operating and maintenance manual will need to be reviewed to see if there
are any cleaning, inspection or lubrication tasks that the operator could be doing
• A review is made of the contamination map to identify sources of contamination that were not
eliminated. This would direct where the cleaning schedules would start.
• A review is made of existing technician/artisan maintenance schedules to see if there are any
cleaning, inspection and lubrication tasks that the operator could do
• Finally the team brainstorms other cleaning, inspection and lubrication tasks that the operator
could do and that will add value

Based upon the above process a set of inspection, lubrication and cleaning standards can be defined. It
may take several weeks of trial and improvement before the final cleaning, inspection and lubrication
standard is developed.

Cleaning, inspection and lubrication schedules must be visual i.e. they are permanently on display near
the relevant process area/machine. This will ensure that the operator, team leader, technician and or
anyone else walking by the process area/machine will be completely aware of what the status is of the
machine. A cleaning, inspection and lubrication standard must consist of the following information:
• Task
• Standard that has to be attained
• Frequency of check
• Tools to be used
• Indication that task was done e.g. operator signature

Typically, the frequency of operator cleaning inspection and lubrication activities are less than a shift,
every shift, every day or every week. Cleaning, inspection or lubrication tasks that are less frequent such
as monthly or quarterly do not have to be visually displayed but can be planned through the planned
maintenance system.

The diagram below illustrates an example of an inspection standard. A similar design can be used for
cleaning and lubrication. As the team develops and refines these cleaning, inspection and lubrication
standards, they are displayed on the Autonomous Operations activity board as per Figure 29.

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Figure 29: Example of an inspection standard

The establishment of cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards provides an ideal opportunity to
utilize visual standards:
• If a gauge needs to be checked, then make sure it is marked in green and red to indicate the
correct operating zone
• If a lubricant level needs to be checked, then the level must be marked red and green
• If a chain or belt tension needs to be checked, then the guarding can be made transparent and
the position indicated by red and green markers
• If a guard needs to be removed, then the guard can be made transparent so that checks can be
done without removing guards
• Add manually activated lights to places that are dark so that a quick visual inspection can be
• If things need to be aligned, add a marker indicating the correct position
• Add color coded labels to lubrication points so that the type of lubricant that needs to be used is

It is expected that during the development of cleaning, lubrication and inspection standards, effort is
made to create a corresponding set of visual standards.

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Figure 30: In this example, the stainless steel guarding at the bottom of the machine was replaced with a clear
material so that inspecting under the machine was made easier

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Figure 31: Example of the use of visual standards to highlight lubrication points and levels

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Figure 32: Color-coding of lubricants to make identification easier

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Figure 33: Examples of a visual lubrication standard

As the cleaning, lubrication and inspection standards are developed, the Autonomous Operations
activity board is updated with the latest standard.

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Figure 34: Autonomous Operations activity board updated with cleaning, lubrication and inspection standards

Sustain and Signoff

Once cleaning, lubrication and inspection
standards are defined and implemented, the
Foundations phase is complete in that process
area/machine. A critical check of the success of
the Foundations phase is that the following must
be visible:
• Equipment performance from a quality,
waste and reliability point of view must
have improved and sustained at ‘as new’
• The equipment must look ‘as new’ in that defects should be minimal
• Tagging should be a way of life and any defect is tagged by the operator
• Cleaning, inspection and lubrication tasks that can be eliminated have been eliminated or
• Cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards should be actively used and updated by the

Team leaders, departmental managers and maintenance managers as part of their MCRS, will need to
check that the above is in place for every process area/machine that has completed the Foundations
phase of Autonomous Operations.

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If the above conditions are sustained for several weeks, a Foundations phase audit can be performed
and the process area/machine signed off. The audit can be done by the site maintenance manager or
the plant manager. The sign off can be used as an opportunity to recognize the team for a job well done.

Once the process area/machine has been signed off, then the Autonomous Operations activity board
can be discontinued:
• The cleaning, lubrication and inspection standards can be made into a visual standalone board
as per the example in Figure 35. These need to be positioned close the to process
area/machine so that the operator is clear on the cleaning, inspection and lubrication tasks that
must be done
• A place needs to be found where blank tags can be stored. Similarly, a place needs to be found
where completed tags can be placed so that they can be collected and reviewed.
• Some of the KPI’s can be incorporated into the KPI’s for the process area/machine and tracked
and displayed the record of all the improvements made to the machine or systems (such as
maintenance schedules) should be filed for record keeping.
• The tag lists should be completely implemented and can be filed for record keeping
• The contamination map can be discarded as either all sources of contamination have been
eliminated or a cleaning standard exists.

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Figure 35: Example of a cleaning and inspection standard

Select Next Focus Area

After Foundations phase have been sustained
in the process area/machine that had been
selected a new process area/machine can be
selected to implement Autonomous Operations
in. The entire process a described in Figure 36
can start again.
After the Foundations phase has been
implemented and sustained in the entire plant,
then the next phase of Autonomous Operations
(Manage to Sustain) can be implemented. It
may take 2 to 3 years for the Foundations phase to be completely implemented throughout the plant.
However, during this time, the performance of the plant will improve substantially.

Figure 36: Steps for the implementation of the Foundation phase

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Summary of Process Steps and Outcomes

Figure 37 summarizes the key implementation steps of the Foundations phase and the corresponding
outcomes that will be achieved as each step is implemented. These outcomes are defined in the
Autonomous Operations GOP.

Figure 37: Link between Foundation phase steps and requirements

4.9.3 How to Implement the Manage to Sustain phase

In the Foundations phase of Autonomous Operations, defects and their root causes were identified and
resolved. Cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards were put in place in order to sustain equipment
condition. During this process, the operator would have gained an appreciation of why cleaning his
equipment is important for its good operation. He would have developed more ownership of equipment

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by performing basic cleaning, lubrication and inspection tasks. His work would have been made easier
because sources of contamination would have been eliminated, difficult tasks made easier and
dangerous conditions rectified.

Despite doing all of the above however, the operator’s knowledge of equipment and machines is still
quite limited and his ability to detect equipment deterioration and failure is limited by this. The aim of the
Clean and Inspect phase of Autonomous Operations is to resolve this by further developing the
operator’s technical skills.

Figure 38 shows the specific outcomes of Manage to Sustain phase as contained in the Autonomous
Operations GOP. Figure 39 illustrates the steps that need to be followed to implement the Manage to
Sustain phase.

Manage to Sustain

Strategy The Basic The focus Individual

Autonomous cleaning and areas for the teams are
Operations tagging, next phase of capable of
implementation inspection Autonomous executing
plan has been and Operations the full set
expanded and lubrication (including of ATM
updated to (ATM Levels minor repairs) levels 1 to
include ATM 1-5) is fully are selected 8.
skills levels 6 entrenched in based upon
through 8. all areas. an analysis of
losses and

Clean and Standards of One point "As-new"

Restore equipment lessons have (restored to
cleanliness been inherent
have been developed reliability and
sustained after and are used deep cleaned)
the deep clean in the conditions for
for all workplace. all equipment
equipment. have been
and are being

Inspection Operator Operators The

inspection regularly inspections by
schedules inspect their maintenance
have been equipment personnel
extended to according to include some
include inspection over-
potential schedules. inspections to
failures and ensure that
the early the operator
detection of inspections
problems. are performed

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Manage to Sustain

Technical Operators Operators Operators Point of use Operators Identified

Tasks perform perform perform tools are perform operators
lubrication measurement identified controlled. equipment perform
tasks and reporting equipment setups, technical
according to tasks setups, changeovers tasks
ATM Levels 2. according to changeovers and according to
ATM Levels and adjustments ATM levels
5. adjustments according to 7-8.
according to ATM Level
Work 6.

Improvements Improvements Improvements Improvements A process is

have been have been have been in place to
implemented implemented implemented review
to make to make to make Work
lubrication cleaning inspection Instructions.
easier and easier and easier and
more effective. more more
effective. effective.

Visual Standards A lubrication Autonomous

Standards have been visual Operations
established management development
and system has is monitored
implemented been by the team
for equipment implemented. through self-
visual controls. evaluation.

Learning and The Operators Maintenance Operators The Identified

Development Competency have been personnel are competency operators
Framework is assessed as have the competent framework is have
expanded to competent to required on the expanded to undergone
include defined operate and coaching functioning include additional
equipment maintain the skills to coach and failure defined training and
inspection, equipment in operators modes of minor are
lubrication and two process effectively in machine maintenance competent
reaction plans areas Autonomous components tasks on to enable
(ATM Levels 2, according to Operations equipment them to
3 and 4) for Work tasks. (ATM Levels perform
operators. Instructions (a 6-8). minor
2 x 2 skills maintenance
matrix is in tasks (ATM
place). Levels 6-8).

Figure 38: Requirements of the Manage to Sustain phase of Autonomous Operations

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Figure 39: Steps to be followed when implementing the Manage to Sustain Phase

Site Preparation
Commencement of the Manage to Sustain phase marks the next significant Autonomous Operations
event. The site will need to adequately prepare for this:
• Developing operator technical skills is a cornerstone of this phase of Autonomous Operations.
This can be done in-house or outsourced but the site must have a clear plan as to how this will
be done.
• Training the operators on technical skills will require about 80 hours or 10 days of training.
Operators will need to be released from the workplace. There needs to exist a plan as to how
operators released for training will be relieved on their shifts.
• Funding of the training and the relief labor needs to be identified and budgeted.
• The management routines required to oversee the implementation of Autonomous Operations on
the site needs to be established. Typically, this would be the site Autonomous Operations pillar
group, the departmental task forces and the site steering committee.
• An overall plan the implementation of the Manage to Sustain phase across the site needs to be

Once the above has been clarified by management, communication to the site can be done.

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Select Process Area/Machine and Team

The selection of the process area/machine to implement inspection and lubrication is performed using a
Structured Analysis of Downtime as described earlier.

Deliver Technical Training

The aim is to provide the operator with an understanding of how machine components work and fail so
that the operator is better able to clean, inspect and lubricate his machine. Further the operator will get
hand tool skills so that hand tools can be used and simple maintenance tasks can be performed (e.g.
remove a cover from a machine). Training will be required on the following:
• Fasteners – different types, how they work, common modes of failure, how to apply and remove
them (2 days)
• Keys and locking devices – different types, how they work, common modes of failure (1/2 day)
• Couplings – different types, how they work, common modes of failure (1/2 day)
• Bearings – different types, how they work, common modes of failure (1/2 day)
• Lubrication – lubricant identification, care and handling, use of grease gun and oil cans (1/2 day)
• Drives (shafts, chain, belt and gear) - different types, how they work, common modes of failure (1
• Pumps – different types, how they work, common modes of failure (1/2 day)
• Hydraulics – hydraulic components, how they work, common modes of failure (1/2 day)
• Pneumatics – pneumatic components, how they work, common modes of failure (1/2 day)
• Electric motors - different types, how they work, common modes of failure (1/2 day)
• Cables and conductors - different types, how they work, common modes of failure (1/2 day)
• Instrumentation (pressure, flow, level, temperature and position) - different types, how they work,
common modes of failure (2 days)
• Technical functioning of the operators’ machine e.g. how does a bottle washer work (1 to 2 days)

It is estimated that all the above training will take 100 hours or 12 days to deliver.

The training will be directed toward the operators and team leaders who work in the selected process
area. The above technical training will need to be structured as follows:
• The training is formally delivered in a classroom/workshop type setting.
• The operator needs to receive a workbook or file containing all the information he was trained on.
This will allow him to review the contents if required.
• There needs to be physical examples of the various machine components for the operator to
feel, hold and work with.
• For complex machines such as pumps and motors, there needs to be cut-out models showing
the internal workings of the machine
• There needs to be failed or failing components so that the operator can see what failure looks
• There needs to be simple hydraulic and pneumatic circuits so that the operator can understand

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how these basic circuits work

• The operator will be required to use hand tools to remove and replace simple components e.g.
cover of a machine. The training must provide the operator with skills to use hand tools such as
screw drivers, wrenches (spanners) etc.

The technical skills training can be delivered in-house or outsourced to a suitable technical training
institution. If done inhouse, then a technician/artisan with flair and interest in people development can be
used to deliver this training. The various machine components used to train operators can be sourced
from obsolete or failed equipment in the plant thereby keeping costs to a minimum.

Repeat Key Basic Conditions Steps

Once the operator has received technical skills training, their understanding of how their equipment
works is much better and their ability to identify defects is enhanced. Given this better knowledge, the
key steps of Basic Conditions are repeated i.e. deep cleaning, tagging, solving tags and root causes,
fixing tags, eliminating dirty, dangerous & difficult and finally enhancing existing cleaning, inspection &
lubrication standards.

With a more thorough knowledge of machine components, the operator will find additional defects on the
machine that were initially missed because the operator did not understand that they were defects.
These defects and their root causes are eliminated once again separating out the dirty, dangerous and
difficult tags for particular attention. Finally, the cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards developed
in the Foundations phase are reviewed and given the operators deeper machine understanding, the
operator can create the final set of cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards for the process

As with the Foundations phase, time will need to be allocated for cleaning, tagging and elimination of
defects. However, given that basic conditions have already been established, the entire Clean and
Inspect phase should take 6 to 8 weeks per process areas/machine as opposed to the 12 to 16 weeks it
would have taken in the Foundations phase.

Train Operator on Changeovers and Basic Maintenance Tasks

The technical training provided to the operator would have covered how to use hand tools. With this
base knowledge, the operator then needs to be specifically trained on the following tasks:
• How to perform size changeovers
• How to perform simple maintenance tasks such as remove and replace simple components e.g.
removing covers, adjusting a machine setting

The changeover and maintenance tasks need to be formally documented in a standard operating
procedure or work instruction. The operator is trained on this and coached by the artisan responsible for
this process area/machine.

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Train Operator on Second Process Area

Once the Basic Condition steps have been completed, the operator has a thorough understanding of his
machine and has well developed cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards. However, up to this
point, the operator is only competent on one process area/machine. In this step of the Manage to
Sustain phase, the operator is trained on a second process area/machine. This training in the second
process area will consist of:
• How does the machine work
• Start-up, operate and shutdown the process areas/machines
• Perform any quality at source checks
• How to record machine performance on log sheets and report faults and errors using tags and
work requests/job cards
• Perform cleaning as per the machines cleaning schedule
• Perform lubrication as per the machine lubrication schedules
• Perform inspections as per the machines inspection schedule
• Execute the reaction plans of the process area/machine
• Trained on all operator one point lessons for the process area/machine
• Trained on how to changeover this machine
• Trained on how to perform simple maintenance tasks

Once this is done, the operator must be given a chance to operate the second process area until he/she
is completely competent in this area.

Sustain and Sign Off

At this stage of the Manage to Sustain phase, the operators have been trained on how machine
components work, the process area/machine has gone through a second round of cleaning, tagging,
solving tags and defects and a final more comprehensive set of cleaning, inspection and lubrication
standards have been established. Additionally the operator has been trained on how to operate and
maintain a second process area and machine. The following should be visible in the process
• Equipment performance from a quality, waste and reliability point of view must be excellent and
sustained at this level
• The equipment must look ‘as new’ and there should be no defects that have not been tagged.
The defects identified should be few in number and minor.
• Tagging should be a way of life and any defect is tagged by the operator
• Cleaning, inspection and lubrication tasks that can be eliminated have been eliminated or
• Cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards should be actively used and updated by the
operator. Visual techniques such colors are used to highlight activates that have been completed
versus those that were not done.
• The cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards are made visual using techniques such as
color-coding of inspection points, marked gauges etc.

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• Operators perform changeovers

• Operators perform basic maintenance tasks using hand tools

Team leaders, departmental managers and maintenance managers as part of their MCRS, will need to
check that the above is in place for every process area/machine that has completed the Manage to
Sustain phase of Autonomous Operations.

If the above conditions are sustained for several weeks, a Manage to Sustain phase audit can be
performed and the process area/machine signed off. The audit can be done by the site maintenance
manager or the plant manager. The sign off can be used as an opportunity to recognize the team for a
job well done.

Once the process area/machine has been signed off, then the Autonomous Operations activity board
can be discontinued:
• The cleaning, lubrication and inspection standards can be made into a visual standalone board
as per the example in Figure 35. These need to be positioned close the to process
area/machine so that the operator is clear on the cleaning, inspection and lubrication tasks that
must be done
• Some of the KPI’s can be incorporated into the KPI’s for the process area/machine and tracked
and displayed
• The record of all the improvements made to the machine or systems (such as maintenance
schedules) should be filed for record keeping.
• The tag lists should be completely implemented and can be filed for record keeping
• The contamination map can be discarded as either all sources of contamination have been
eliminated or a cleaning standard exists.

Summary of Process Steps and Outcomes

Figure 40 summarizes the key implementation steps of the Manage to Sustain phase and the
corresponding outcomes that will be achieved as each step is implemented. These outcomes are
defined in the Autonomous Operations GOP.

Process Steps Manage to Sustain Requirements Achieved

The Autonomous Operations implementation plan has been expanded and

updated to include ATM skills levels 6 through 8.

Basic cleaning and tagging, inspection and lubrication (ATM Levels 1-5) is fully
entrenched in all areas.
Site preparation
The Competency Framework is expanded to include defined equipment
inspection, lubrication and reaction plans (ATM Levels 2, 3 and 4) for operators.

Maintenance personnel have the required coaching skills to coach operators

effectively in Autonomous Operations tasks.

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Process Steps Manage to Sustain Requirements Achieved

The focus areas for the next phase of Autonomous Operations (including minor
Select process
repairs) are selected based upon an analysis of losses and equipment

Operators perform identified equipment setups, changeovers and adjustments

Operator Technical Training
according to Work Instructions.

Standards of equipment cleanliness have been sustained after the deep clean
for all equipment.

One-point lessons have been developed and are used in the workplace.

"As-new" (restored to inherent reliability and deep cleaned) conditions for all
equipment have been established and are being maintained.

Operator inspection schedules have been extended to include potential failures

and the early detection of problems.

Operators regularly inspect their equipment according to inspection schedules.

The inspections by maintenance personnel include some over-inspections to

ensure that the operator inspections are performed correctly.
Repeat key basic condition
steps Operators perform lubrication tasks according to ATM Levels 2.
Improvements have been implemented to make lubrication easier and more

Improvements have been implemented to make cleaning easier and more


Improvements have been implemented to make inspection easier and more

A process is in place to review Work Instructions.
Accountability for improvement has been established with teams having
dedicated focused areas of responsibilities (FAR).

Standards have been established and implemented for equipment visual


A lubrication visual management system has been implemented.

Individual teams are capable of executing the full set of ATM levels 1 to 8.
Operators perform equipment setups, changeovers and adjustments according
to ATM Level 6.
Train operator on
Identified operators perform technical tasks according to ATM levels 7-8.
changeovers and basic
The competency framework is expanded to include defined minor maintenance
tasks on equipment (ATM Levels 6-8).

Identified operators have undergone additional training and are competent to

enable them to perform minor maintenance tasks (ATM Levels 6-8).

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Process Steps Manage to Sustain Requirements Achieved

Operators perform measurement and reporting tasks according to ATM Levels
Point of use tools is controlled.
Train operator on second
process area Operators have been assessed as competent to operate and maintain the
equipment in two process areas according to Work Instructions (a 2 x 2 skills
matrix is in place).

Autonomous Operations development is monitored by the team through self-

Sustain and signoff

Figure 40: Mapping of implementation steps and manage to sustain requirements

4.9.4 How to Implement the Manage to Improve Phase

The main aim of phase 3 of Autonomous Operations is to develop the process understanding of the
operator so that the production process is tightly controlled resulting in zero waste and zero defects. In
addition, operator’s transition from basic maintenance inspections to advanced maintenance techniques
such as condition-based maintenance. The overall process is outlined below.

Figure 41: Process for implementation of Phase 3

Site Preparation
The site needs to be prepared for this phase of autonomous operations. Clear communication needs to
take place with the site so that everyone understands what is trying to be achieved in this phase. Any
concerns that may be raised needs to be dealt with.

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Select Process Area and Team

Previously, the focus machine has been selected using a structured analysis of downtime. However, if
Phase 2 has been implemented well, reliability should be very high, and it will be meaningless to select
the focus machine by looking at downtime. The focus machine needs to be selected by looking at waste
produced by the machine e.g. can losses, bottle breaks, oxygen out of spec, beer loss.

Once the machine or process area has been selected, then the team can be selected. The team
consists of the people who work in that area. It is important that a process expert such as a process
engineer is included in the team. The process expert will coach the operator on the process.

Train the Operator on the Process

The operator is trained on general process engineering principles such as heat and mass transfer,
thermodynamics, fluid mechanics etc. Further the operator is trained on process control systems and
process equipment work (e.g. heat exchangers, control valves etc.).

The operator is then trained on how their equipment’s specific process e.g. bottle washing, lautering or
CO2 liquefaction. The theoretical training that was provided earlier to the operator will allow the operator
to better understand their equipment’s process.

Process Analysis
In this step, the equipment or process area is analyzed to understand how product quality and waste is
related to process inputs and machine condition. For example consider the jetter process on the filler.
This process is analyzed by the operator to understand process inputs (in this case jetter water
temperature and jetter water pressure) and machine conditions (in this case jetter nozzle diameter)
impact on product quality (in this case TPO) and waste (in this case filler beer loss).

The operator will map out the entire machine or process area in order to understand how the various
machine processes and conditions affect product quality and waste. Additionally the process input limits
and machine condition limits are defined. For example, what is the required temperature range for jetter

Define Process Control Points

Once the process and machine condition maps are developed and understood by the operator, the
operator will then need to define the process and machine control points. For example what must be
controlled in order to ensure jetter water temperature or what must be controlled to ensure jetter nozzle

As a result of this analysis the operator will define for the process:
• Machine conditions that have to be sustained via maintenance (cleaning, inspection or

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• Control points of the process that must be managed to ensure the process runs perfectly. This is
done through inspection standards and/or by using process control charts.

Manage Equipment Conditions and Process Control Points

The process and machine conditions critical to maintaining product quality and waste were defined in
the previous step in terms of improved cleaning, lubrication, inspection standards and process control
charts. In this step, both the enhanced cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards and the process
control charts are implemented by the operator. The implementation of this is monitored to check that
the process and equipment is properly controlled and that waste and quality defects are largely

Implement Enhanced Maintenance Techniques

The next step aims to transition some of the operator cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards to a
condition-based approach. For example, a cleaning standard may require that a plate heat exchanger is
opened and cleaning once per year. This can be changed to a condition based standard where data is
gathered on the fouling of the heat exchanger and pressure drop across the heat exchanger. In this way
a complex cleaning and inspection cleaning task can converted into a simple condition monitoring task
where the pressure drop across the heat exchanger is monitored.

Other more traditional condition monitoring tasks such as simple oil sampling, vibration and
thermography can be transferred to the operator.

Once this is complete, a new focus machine can be selected and the entire process repeated.

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4.10 Maintenance Program Development

The purpose of maintenance plan development is to provide a structured methodology for the creation of
preventative and predictive maintenance routines. There are many different approaches to do this and
this policy aims to harmonize the various approaches into one logical process.

Maintenance program development calls for the use of several techniques (FMECA, RCM etc.) for the
development of preventive and predictive maintenance programs. Each site is expected to implement
these techniques as per the maintenance handbook.

The job matrix for maintenance supervisors, engineers and managers needs to reflect the key skills in
this area:
• Using OEM manuals to develop basic preventive and predictive maintenance schedules
• Using the outcomes of problem solving and cleaning & tagging to continuously improve
preventive and predictive maintenance schedules
• Using Abridged RCM to develop preventative and predictive maintenance schedules for B
criticality equipment
• Using FMECA and RCM to develop preventative and predictive schedules for A criticality

Each site is expected to develop structured check sheets for FMECA and RCM analysis. These need to
be aligned with the standards defined in the maintenance handbook.

A comprehensive description is provided in the “Detailed Implementation Guide’ sub-section on how to
implement FMECA and RCM. This approach has been linked to criticality analysis thereby providing an
integrated method for developing strong preventive and predictive maintenance programs.

It is the responsibility of the site Technical Services Manager to ensure that Maintenance Program
Development is implemented on a site including compliance to the requirements of the maintenance
handbook, documenting the analysis using appropriate check-sheets and ensuring that employees are
skilled in the procedure.

It is the responsibility of planners and maintenance supervisors to ensure that Maintenance Program
Development is carried out.

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Technical Services Technical Services

Task Training Manager
Manager Supervisor

Create Maintenance
Program Development A CI R
(FMECA/RCM) skills
Link to maintenance
Develop FMECA check
Link to department
training plan

R = Responsible
A = Accountable
C = Consulted
I = Informed
Note: Changes in plant organizational structure may change RACI.

Detailed Implementation Guide

The development of preventive and predictive maintenance schedules is one of the cornerstones of a
maintenance system. If done correctly, an efficient and effective maintenance program is created. If
done poorly however, significant resources can be tied up performing maintenance activities that have
limited benefit.

The logic of developing a preventative maintenance program is outlined in Figure 42 below:

• Our initial aim is to perform all the maintenance that the OEM manufacturer recommends. These
recommendations (preventive or predictive) are captured into the CMMS system.
• Despite performing the OEM recommended maintenance schedules, failures will still occur.
Problem solving will indicate which category of the 6M these problems fall is into. Those that are
machine related will often (but not always) require an improvement to the existing predictive or
preventative maintenance schedule. Additionally, as cleaning and tagging is performed, those
tags with a machine root cause will also result in improvements to the maintenance schedule.
Routine reviews of maintenance schedules may result in improvements to the maintenance
schedule. In this way through problem solving, tagging and routine reviews, preventive and
predictive maintenance schedules are continuously improved.
• As the autonomous operations program is implemented, cleaning, inspection and lubrication
standards for the operator are developed.

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• Once equipment reaches 90 % LEF (98 % availability for a process area), forced deterioration
has been mostly eliminated and time effort can be spent developing more sophisticated
maintenance programs. For B criticality equipment the Abridged RCM process is required. This
process is less onerous than the FMECA + RCM process.
• For A criticality equipment operating above 90 % LEF (98 % availability for a process area) the
FMECA + RCM process is required.
• The zone may have best practice maintenance programs for common equipment. These
maintenance programs must be adopted by plants as they represent a more comprehensive
view of maintenance tasks.

Below 85 % LEF, forced deterioration is the major driver of equipment failure and the central effort of the
maintenance program is to eliminate forced deterioration.

Figure 42: Maintenance program development logic

OEM Recommendations
OEM recommendations are the starting point of all maintenance programs. The OEM has particular
knowledge about the technology installed and will have specific requirements defined in the
maintenance and operating manuals.

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All plants need to ensure that the requirements of the OEM are captured into preventive and/or
predictive program.

Continuous Improvement
While OEMs can provide a basic maintenance program, their recommendations form at best a basic
maintenance program. Problems you will encounter with OEM recommended maintenance include:
• Frequency of the maintenance tasks are incorrect
• Maintenance tasks are missing
• Maintenance tasks have no specification e.g. check belt for wear
• Maintenance tasks are generic e.g. check machine for damage

It is important that basic OEM maintenance programs are improved. This is done in three ways:
• Improvements from equipment failure problem solving
• Improvements from tag root cause analysis
• Improvements from routine schedule reviews

When equipment fails, it will meet a problem trigger as defined in the problem-solving section of the
maintenance handbook. Problem solving will then be performed to identify the root cause. In general,
there are six categories of root causes (known as the 6M’s); man, material, method, machine,
environment and measurement. If the root cause falls into the machine category, then a preventive or
predictive maintenance task can in most cases deal with these kinds of problems. Thus, when
equipment fails, and a machine root cause is found, existing maintenance programs can be improved by
including appropriate tasks to counter the machine root cause. For example if a cam fails because
natural wear and tear, then a preventative maintenance task can be put in place to measure the cam
wear and to replace the cam before failure.

It is critically important to note that preventative maintenance tasks should not be created for non-
machine root causes i.e. man, material, method, environment and measurement. These types of root
causes can be dealt with in other ways. For example, if a machine fails because the operator did not do
a changeover correctly, it does not make sense to put a preventative maintenance task to inspect for the
failure. Rather train the operator to perform the changeover correctly.

For example, if a machine fails because the operator did not do a changeover correctly, it does not
make sense to put a preventative maintenance task to inspect for the failure. Rather train the operator to
perform the changeover correctly.

Maintenance programs can be further continuously improved through the root causes of tags. As
cleaning and tagging is done in the plant, various tags are analyzed to define their root causes. As with
equipment failure, if the root causes are machine related, then preventative or predictive maintenance

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tasks can be created to manage this. Once again if the root cause is not machine related, then the
preventive maintenance program must not be used to manage those problems.

Finally, maintenance programs can be improved through a regular review routine. This routine is
performed by the machine owner/expert and maintenance planner who review the maintenance

Maintenance program reviews should be in the MCRS of the machine owner/expert and the planner. All
equipment in the plant should be reviewed at least once in a 3 year cycle. The following items should be
reviewed as part of the process:
• The PM or PdM is allocated to the correct resource
• The estimated time on the PM or PdM is correct. The planner can review actual times taken for a
task and compare then to the estimated time and improve the estimated time.
• Check that the frequency of the maintenance schedule is correct. Initially when a schedule is
created there is no solid indicator of a frequency so often this may turn out to be a guess. As the
maintenance schedules are executed, defects or even failures may occur. We are typically
looking for 1 defect from 3 inspections. This rule of thumb will allow the planner to review how
many defects arrive from a particular schedule and adjust its frequency to achieve a 1 in 3 ratio.
• Confirm that all tasks on a PM or PdM have similar failure rates i.e. items that can fail weekly
should not be mixed with items that can fail montly
• Confirm that ALL OEM required maintenance tasks are on the PM or PdM schedule. If not, there
must be a good reliability related reason for this.
• Check if there are tasks in the PM or PdM schedule which are trying to solve non-machine
related problems. These should be eliminated, and the non-machine related root cause solved
using other methods.
• Check that all maintenance tasks have a specification. Often maintenance inspections have no
specification leaving it up to the opinion of the person doing the inspection tasks. All tasks need
to have a specification so that it is clear if an item is within specification or not. For example a
task that says “Check that v belts are not loose” is completely open to interpretation. This
maintenance task should have a specification e.g. “Check that v belts have a tension of 4.8
Newtons following the method described in the work instruction M78904”.
• Assess if there are missing tasks. Look at historical failures and if the root cause of these failures
are machine (but not random), then there should be a PM or PdM task.
• Assess if there are tasks that should not be there. Sometimes there are tasks in a maintenance
program that should not be there. It could be that the task is outdated as the machine has been
upgraded or that the task is superfluous as it is trying to deal with a non-machine related failure
mode (such as operator error)
• Assess if there are duplicated tasks either within the same maintenance program or in another
maintenance program with a different frequency. Eliminate one of the duplicate tasks.
• If the zone has standardized zone PM’s for particular machines, ensure that the plant’s PM
aligns with the zone standardized PM.

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The above items are contained in a template (Figure 43) which can be used to manage and document
the review process. Through a process of problem solving, tag root cause analysis and routine reviews,
a basic OEM maintenance program can be continuously improved into a strong well-developed

PM Review

Reviewers Name Date of Review

Machine SME Name

Other Participants

A. Details of Existing PM
PM Name

Trade/Craft (Mechanical, Electrical, Automation)


B. Overall PM Review
Y/N Corrective Action
1. Is this PM attached to the correct functional location level?
2. Are the safety instructions on the PM approriate for the tasks being performed?
3. Has the schedule been allocated to the correct person or group?
4. Is the estimated time correct for the PM?
5. Is the frequency of the PM correct?
6. Are all the OEM requirements for this machine, trade and frequency been included?
7. If a zone PM standard for this equipment exists, does this PM contain all the zone defined

C. Existing Task Review

Is this task Is the task practical If this is an inspection

addressing a and feasible at Does this task have Is the frequency of Is this task task, can it be replaced by
machine root cause addressing the a specification or this task duplicated in other a scheduled lubrication,
Existing Task failure mode? failure mode? SWI? appropriate? PM's? restoration or discard task. Corrective Action

D. PM Integration
Y/N Corrective Action
1. Review the root cause analysis of historic failures. Are there any machine related root
causes that this PM does not currently address?
2. Are there any similar equipment in the plant that needs to be updated with the changes
made to this specific PM
3. Are there any PM tasks in similar equipment in the plant that needs to be added to this
4. Are inspection tasks mixed with scheduled lubrication, discard or restoration tasks?
5. If the PM covers multiple equipment, does the route make sense?

Reviewers Name Date

Reviewers Signature

Approvers Name Date

Approvers Signature

Figure 43: Template for review/optimisation of preventive routines

Autonomous Operations Standards

As the organization progresses autonomous operations cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards
(CIL) for the operator will be established. These CIL standards form part of the overall maintenance
program for the equipment.

There are specific guidelines in the autonomous operations section of the maintenance handbook
around how the CIL standards will need to be developed.


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The FMECA & RCM process is used for critical A equipment when LEF is greater than 90 % (availability
of a process area greater than 98 %). It is a very detailed and precise process that requires significant
time and effort. For this reason, implementation of the full FMECA & RCM process is limited to critical A
equipment. Additionally, only when forced deterioration is eliminated (i.e. LEF > 90 %) is it appropriate to
implement a more sophisticated maintenance program.

FMECA is an acronym for Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis. In essence, an FMECA process
• Breaking a machine into its component parts
• Assessing how each part can fail i.e. the failure modes
• Understanding what the impact is of each failure mode on the overall machine i.e. the failure
• Determining the significance of each failure effect i.e. a criticality assessment based upon the
probability of occurrence and severity of the consequence
The criticality of a failure can be assessed using the probability/consequence diagram in Figure 44 as a

Figure 44: Probability and consequence matrix for criticality assessment

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RCM analysis at this point complements the FMECA approach in that for each failure mode, RCM will
provide a decision tree that will allow you to select the most appropriate maintenance task to manage
that failure mode. Figure 45 illustrates the RCM decision tree.

The RCM decision tree is separated into two broad parts i.e. Level 1 and Level 2. Figure 46 illustrates
the decision tree with Level 1 elements circled. Level 1 of the decision tree aims to classify failures into
the following categories:
• Evident
o Safety/Environment
o Production
o Non-production
• Hidden
o Safety/Environment
o Not safety/environment

Evident failures are those failures that can be detected by the operator as he performs his normal duties.
Hidden failures are those failures that cannot be detected by the operator in his normal duties. Evident
and hidden failures are sub-classified into:
• Safety/Environment – those failures that affect safety or the environment.
• Production failures - those failures that affect production i.e. the ability to produce in specification
• Non – production – those failures that do not affect production directly i.e. in specification product
can still be produced
• Non-safety – failures that do not have an impact on safety or the environment

The reason for this classification is that depending on the impact of failure, a different scheduled
maintenance approach will be taken.

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Figure 45: RCM decision tree

Level 2 of the decision tree focuses on specific scheduled maintenance activities that need to be

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Figure 46: Level 2 elements of the RCM decision tree

There are 6 possible activities that are covered by Level 2:

• Lubrication and cleaning – determine if lubrication and cleaning prevent or mitigate this failure
from happening
• Operator inspection/functional check – determine if an operator inspection or test detect the
degradation (wear)
• Technician inspection/functional check – determine if inspection or test by a technician/artisan
detect the degradation (wear)
• Restoration – determine if a restoration of the component will eliminate failure
• Discard – determine if replacement of the component will eliminate failure
• Redesign – determine if redesign will eliminate failure

In using the Level 2 decision logic, the user is required to evaluate the technical feasibility and financial
impact of each possible scheduled maintenance activity so that they best schedule maintenance activity
is chosen.

Figure 46 illustrates the Level 2 decision tree for an evident production effect failure. To perform the
RCM analysis the decision tree is followed. The first question is whether lubrication or cleaning tasks will
be effective in delaying or eliminating the failure. To answer this question, you will need to determine two

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• From a technical point is there evidence that cleaning or lubrication will delay or eliminate failure.
If there is no evidence or strong indicator that this will be the case, then cleaning or lubrication is
not technically feasible.
• From a financial point of view, if the task is technically feasible, then the cost of the task must be
established. For a cleaning or lubrication task, that cost will be the cost of the labor, the standing
time of the machine, the cost of the cleaning materials etc. Obtaining costs will allow you to then
evaluate multiple technically feasible tasks against each other to select which one will be the
most cost effective.

Once the cleaning/lubrication question has been answered, the next task, which is operator crew
monitoring, must be evaluated from a technical feasibility and cost point of view. In fact, every
maintenance task on the evident production effect decision tree must be evaluated from a technical and
cost point of view. At the end, you will have a list of maintenance tasks that are technically feasible and
the costs of each of these feasible tasks. The most cost effective technically feasible task is then

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Figure 47: Decision tree for a production effect failure

Given the above description of the FMECA and RCM processes they can be applied in the following way
to develop a maintenance package.

Step 1 – Partition the Machine

The selected machine is broken down into its component parts. The partitioning can be done using the
template below.

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Figure 48: Template for partitioning equipment

Step 2 - Perform a FMECA analysis

The lowest level partition components have their failure modes, effects and criticality analyzed. The
FMECA analysis can be done on the template in Figure 49. Once the criticality of each failure mode is
assessed, a decision needs to be made as to whether the item will be maintained (hence a RCM
analysis is done) or the item will not be maintained (no RCM analysis). Usually items that will not be
maintained are those items with a very low probability of occurring and a low severity if they do occur.

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Figure 49: FMECA template

Step 3 – Apply the RCM Decision Tree

For those failure modes where a decision was taken to perform maintenance, the RCM analysis is
performed. Each failure mode is assessed against the RCM decision tree. All technically feasible
maintenance tasks are selected and the cost of performing these maintenance tasks is evaluated. The
lowest cost technically feasible task is then selected as the best maintenance task to prevent the failure.
The results of this analysis are captured in the template in Figure 50.

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Figure 50: Template for capturing RCM results

Abridged RCM
The RCM methodology offers a powerful way of developing planned maintenance schedules. However,
due to their complexity RCM cannot be used for every piece of equipment in the plant. The guidance is
that it is used only for critical A equipment. For critical B equipment a shortened form of RCM is used
called Abridged RCM.

The abridged RCM process steps are defined in Figure 51.

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Figure 51: Abridged RCM process

Eliminate Forced Deterioration

The maintenance journey of a plant begins by eliminating forced deterioration. This creates a basis for a
sustainable and effective planned maintenance system. Therefore, until forced deterioration has been
eliminated as per the Eliminate Forced Deterioration Guidelines, there is no point considering the
implementation of the Abridged RCM process.

Select Machine Root Cause Failures

Unlike the tools used to eliminate forced deterioration (problem solving, technician clean and tag,
Autonomous Operations) a loss and waste is not used to select the key machines to start the
implementation of Abridged RCM. If forced deterioration was correctly eliminated, individual machine
reliability should be relatively high. Rather criticality analysis should be used as the basis to select
process areas/machines for the implementation of Abridged RCM, starting with the most critical
machines in a department.

Once the critical process area/machine has been selected, then an analysis must be performed to
identify the machine root cause failures of the selected process area/machine over the past 6 to 12
months. It is important to note that this is not all failures but rather those failures where the root cause is
machine. As noted earlier only machine root causes can be effectively dealt with by a scheduled
maintenance system. It is expected that you should have no more than 20 to 30 such machine root
cause failures per process area/machine over a period of six months to a year.

Apply the RCM Decision Tree

For every machine root cause identified in the previous step, the RCM decision logic needs to be

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applied. Figure 53 illustrates a template that can be used to capture the results of the decision tree

Define the Maintenance Task

Once the RCM decision logic has been completed, there should be a clear identification for every
machine root cause, the best-scheduled maintenance approach from a technical and cost point of view.
This scheduled maintenance approach (e.g. a discard task) however still needs to be converted into a
scheduled maintenance task. In order to do this the task must be properly defined as per Figure 52.

Task Description Machine

Task Task Frequency Task duration Who
and specification State

Figure 52: Excerpt of template for capturing details of the task

Operator Inspection or Artisan Inspection or

Lubrication or Cleaning Functional Check Functional Check Restoration Task Discard Task Run to Failure Redesign
Is it If yes, what Is it If yes, what Is it If yes, what Is it If yes, what Is it If yes, what Is it If yes, what Is it If yes, what
Failure applicable? will it cost per applicable? will it cost per applicable? will it cost per applicable? will it cost per applicable? will it cost per applicable? will it cost per applicable? will it cost per
Process Area Failure Description Machine Root Cause Description Category (Y/N) annum? (Y/N) annum? (Y/N) annum? (Y/N) annum? (Y/N) annum? (Y/N) annum? (Y/N) annum?

Figure 53: Example of a template to capture the RCM decision tree analysis

Operator Inspection or Artisan Inspection or

Lubrication or Cleaning Functional Check Functional Check Restoration Task Discard Task Run to Failure Redesign Most effective option Second most effective option (if required) Third most effective option (if required)
Is it If yes, what Is it If yes, what Is it If yes, what Is it If yes, what Is it If yes, what Is it If yes, what Is it If yes, what Task
Failure applicable? will it cost per applicable? will it cost per applicable? will it cost per applicable? will it cost per applicable? will it cost per applicable? will it cost per applicable? will it cost per Task Description incl Task Task Machine Task Task Machine Task Description incl Frequen Task Machine
Process Area Failure Description Machine Root Cause Description Category (Y/N) annum? (Y/N) annum? (Y/N) annum? (Y/N) annum? (Y/N) annum? (Y/N) annum? (Y/N) annum? Task specification Frequency Duration Who State Task Task Description incl specification Frequency Duration Who State Task specification cy Duration Who State

Figure 54: Example of the complete RCM template including creating of the maintenance tasks and allocation of

It is important that when a maintenance task is created, it has a clear specification. For example, if a
task is created to check for wear, then there must be a specification for how much wear is acceptable or
not. It is not good enough to create a task with requires a specification but does not have one. Some

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tasks such as discard will not require a specification but tasks such as operator inspection or technician
inspection must have a specification included.

Task frequency is the next critical area that needs to be defined. Failure history (Mean Time between
Failures) on the component should give you an idea of the frequency of the scheduled maintenance
task. For example, if a component fails every year then a scheduled task just shorter than a year will
prevent the failure. It is important that the MTBF history if used to determine task frequencies covers
only the period of natural deterioration, not forced deterioration.

As part of the maintenance schedule review cycle, the sub work orders arising out of a scheduled
maintenance task will be assessed. Typically, the sub work order % needs to be 30 %, so if the
frequency of a task is incorrect, it will be identified by a low or high sub work order %.

Task duration also needs to be defined. This is informs the planner determine how much time it will take
a resource to complete the task and is especially important when developing the entire maintenance
plan/schedule for the week.

Define Resource Requirements

For every maintenance task, a resource needs to be allocated. Resources could be the operator, shift
technicians, day shift technicians or even external resources such as OEM’s.

Update Schedule
With the completion of the previous step, the maintenance tasks to prevent machine root cause failure
should be thoroughly defined. The planned maintenance schedules for the machine can then be
updated with the new tasks.

However, when this is done, there will be some older tasks on the planned maintenance schedule that
are already being executed. It is worthwhile reviewing these tasks to ensure that:
• Are the existing tasks designed to address machine root causes or are they addressing other
root causes such as man. If they do not address machine root causes then they should be
removed. Other actions may be necessary to manage non-machine root causes
• Do all the existing tasks have a specification (if the task requires it)? If not, then the tasks need to
be modified to include a specification.
• Are the existing tasks the most economic and technically effective to prevent the failure?
Considering the logic of the RCM decision tree are there alternative maintenance tasks that are
perhaps better than the existing maintenance task.
• Is the frequency of the existing tasks correct? A useful check of this is the measure the sub work
order % for the maintenance task. If less than 30 % then the task frequency is too high; while if
more than 30 % then the task frequency is not high enough
• Confirm that the correct resources are allocated to existing tasks
• Review the planned time against actual time and confirm if the planned time for the existing tasks

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are correct

Once the new tasks have been built into the schedule and existing tasks reviewed the entire process is
complete, and the next critical machine can be selected for the process to be repeated.

4.11 Problem Solving

While problem solving and root cause analysis is done widely across the business in different functions,
for maintenance, problem solving is a critical and core capability. The Management pillar provides
overall requirements around problem solving. This section of the maintenance handbook provides
specific guidelines on how to perform problem solving and root cause analysis within the maintenance

The term problem solving is used widely and has different meanings for different people. For VPO,
problem solving is a systematic way of defining, analyzing and solving a problem so that the root cause
of the problem is managed. The finding and managing of root causes is the key point.

Often in everyday language, people will refer to the fact that they are problem solving but the reality is
that they are merely trying to find and solve the symptom of the problem rather than the root cause. For
example, a technician may spend several minutes ‘problem solving’ a conveyor which does not run
properly. He may discover that the drive sprocket was worn, replace the drive sprocket and then say that
he has solved the problem. Within the AB InBev definition of problem solving, the technician has merely
found the symptom of the problem and not the root cause.

Root Causes and Symptoms

Symptoms are the apparent cause of a problem while root causes are the ultimate cause of a problem.

Consider the example of a worn sprocket that results in a conveyor not running. The worn sprocket is a
symptom and not the ultimate cause of the problem. Let’s assume for this example that the reason the
sprocket is worn, is that the lubrication system of the conveyor was setup incorrectly because the person
who needed to set this up, did not completely understand how to do this.

By replacing the work sprocket, the problem is only temporarily fixed. The person who is responsible for
setting up the chain lubrication system will still not know how to do this and you will find that the worn
sprocket will come back in several months’ time. Even if you put a preventative maintenance plan in
place to pick up the worn sprocket and prevent the failure, you are spending needless resources trying
to manage a problem that can be easily eradicated. By finding and solving the root cause of the problem
(in this example training the person who does not know how to set up conveyor lubrication systems) the
problem is permanently eliminated.

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