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Name : Micheal Berdinanth M
Reg No : 3122 22 5001 071
Class and Sec : CSE B
Practical 1: Introduction to Google Colab

In the first lab exercise you are tasked with creating an interactive ipython notebook using Google

You can utilize the tutorial provided in the resource folder, and perform the following tasks.



1. Create an ipynb file in Google colab for your team

2. You should demonstrate your ability to use the code cell and text cells in the submission.
3. In the text cell, kindly write your name, register name, and title of the practical exercise
4. In the code cell, you are expected to import a public python library, perform a simple
mathematical operation, and print the results
5. Comment the codes as necessary

P.S. Do not use the Gemini AI to generate the code or the texts

Task 1 : Running the Given ipynb notebook

Task 2 : Creating your own ipython notebook

Mathematical Operation : To compute the cube of an inputted number


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